Joshua Porter, Senior Voice Recital, 4/19/22

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Joshua Porter Monica Adams, piano

Tuesday, April 19th, 2022 7:30pm Faye Spanos Concert Hall


CO N C ER T P ROGR A M , A P R IL 1 9 , 2 0 2 2 , 7 : 3 0 P M Donna Mie, Cosi fan tutte (1790) Fin ch’han dal vino, Don Giovanni (1787)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

L’heure Exquise (1890)

Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947)

O du mein holder Abendstern, Tannhäuser (1845)

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)

Intermission Blue Mountain Ballads, set of four songs (1946) 1. Heavnely Grass 2. Lonesome Man 3. Cabin 4. Sugar in the Cane Selections from Sei Romanze (1845) Stornello La Seduzione Brindisi featuring Monica Adams, piano

Paul Bowles (1910-1999)

Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)

T R A N S L AT ION S Donna Mie

My Women

Donne mie, la fate a tanti, Che, se il ver vi deggio dir, Se si lagnano gli amanti Li comincio a compatir.

Ladies, you treat so many thus That, if I must speak the truth, I begin to sympathise When your lovers complain.

Io vo’ bene al sesso vostro, Lo sapete, ognun lo sa: Ogni giorno ve lo mostro, Vi dò segno d’amistà;

I adore the sex, you know, Everyone knows it; Each day I show it And always take your part.

Ma quel farla a tanti e tanti M’avvilisce in verità.

But such treatment of so many Discourages me, in truth. A thousand times I’ve drawn my sword To defend your honour.

Mille volte il brando presi Per salvar il vostro onor, Mille volte vi difesi Colla bocca, e più col cor. Ma quel farla a tanti e tanti È un vizietto seccator. Siete vaghe, siete amabili, Più tesori il ciel vi diè, E le grazie vi circondano Dalla testa sin ai piè; Ma la fate a tanti e tanti, Che credibile non è. Che, se gridano gli amanti, Hanno certo un gran perché.

A thousand times I’ve championed you With my tongue and, still more, with my heart. But such treatment of so many Is pernicious and a bore. You’re attractive, you are charming, Heaven has given you treasures galore And graces envelop you From head to foot. But thus you treat so many, That it’s difficult to believe, And if your lovers complain They have good reason indeed.

T R A N S L AT ION S Finch’han dal vino

As long as they have wine

Finch’han dal vino Calda la testa Una gran festa Fa preparar. Se trovi in piazza Qualche ragazza, Teco ancor quella Cerca menar.

As long as the wine Warms up their head Have a great party Arranged. If you find some girl In the square Try to convince her to join.

Senza alcun ordine La danza sia; Chi il minuetto, Chi la follia, Chi l’alemanna Farai ballar. Ed io frattanto Dall’altro canto Con questa e quella Vo’ amoreggiar. Ah! la mia lista Doman mattina D’una decina Devi aumentar!

Let the dance Be wild: Have some dance The minuet, Some the follia Some the alemanna, Have some dance The minuet, Have some dance The alemanna. And meanwhile I, Somewhere else, Will be flirting With this and that one, Will be flirting. Ah, tomorrow morning You’ll have to increase My list by a dozen. If you find some girl In the square Try to convince her to join.

T R A N S L AT ION S L’heure Exquise

The Exquisite Hour

La lune blanche Luit dans les bois; De chaque branche Part une voix Sous la ramée…

The white moon Gleams in the woods; From every branch There comes a voice Beneath the boughs…

Ô bien aimée.

O my beloved.

L’étang reflète, Profond miroir, La silhouette Du saule noir Où le vent pleure…

The pool reflects, Deep mirror, The silhouette Of the black willow Where the wind is weeping…

Rêvons, c’est l’heure.

Let us dream, it is the hour.

Un vaste et tendre Apaisement Semble descendre Du firmament Que l’astre irise…

A vast and tender Consolation Seems to fall From the sky The moon illumines…

C’est l’heure exquise.

Exquisite hour.

O du mein holder Abendstern

O thou my bright evening star

Wie Todesahnung Dämmrung deckt die Lande, umhüllt das Tal mit schwärzlichem Gewande; der Seele, die nach jenen Höhn verlangt, vor ihrem Flug durch Nacht und Grausen bangt.

Dusk covers the land like a premonition of death, Wraps the valley in her dark mantle; The soul that longs for those heights Dreads to take its dark and awful flight.

Da scheinest du, o lieblichster der Sterne, dein sanftes Licht entsendest du der Ferne; die nächt’ge Dämmrung teilt dein lieber Strahl, und freundlich zeigst du den Weg aus dem Tal. O du, mein holder Abendstern, wohl grüsst’ich immer dich so gern: vom Herzen, das sie nie verriet, grüsse sie, wenn sie vorbei dir zieht, wenn sie entschwebt dem Tal der Erden, ein sel’ger Engel dort zu werden!

Then you appear, O loveliest of stars, And shed your gentle light from afar; Your sweet glow cleaves the twilight gloom, And as a friend you show the way out of the valley. O you, my fair evening star, Gladly have I always greeted you: Greet her, from the depths of this heart, Which has never betrayed her, Greet her, when she passes, When she soars above this mortal vale To become a holy angel there!

T R A N S L AT ION S Brindisi


Mescetemi il vino! Tu solo, o bicchiero, Fra gaudi terreni non sei menzognero, Tu, vita de’ sensi, letizia del cor. Amai; m’infiammaro due sguardi fatali; Credei l’amicizia fanciulla senz’ali, Follia de’ prim’anni, fantasma illusor.

Mix me the wine! You alone, O glass, Among earthly glories you are not lying,

Mescetemi il vino, letizia del cor. L’amico, l’amante col tempo ne fugge, Ma tu non paventi chi tutto distrugge: L’età non t’offende, t’accresce virtù. Sfiorito l’aprile, cadute le rose, Tu sei che n’allegri le cure noiose: Sei tu che ne torni la gioia che fu. Mescetemi il vino, letizia del cor.

You, life of the senses, joy of the heart. I loved; two fatal glances inflamed me;

I thought friendship a girl without wings, Madness of the first years, illusory phantom. Mix me the wine, joy of the heart.

The friend, the lover flees in time, But you do not fear the one who destroys everything: Age does not offend you, it increases your virtue. April has bled, the roses have fallen, You are the one who cheers up its tedious cares: You are the one who brings back the joy that was.

Chi meglio risana del cor le ferite? Se te non ci desse la provvida vite, Sarebbe immortale l’umano dolor. Mescetemi il vino! Tu sol, o bicchiero, Mix me the wine, joy of the heart. Fra gaudi terreni non sei menzognero, Tu, vita de’ sensi, letizia del cor. Who better heals the heart’s wounds? If you did not give us the providential life, Human sorrow would be immortal. Pour me the wine! You alone, O glass, Among earthly glories you are not a liar, You, life of the senses, joy of the heart.

T R A N S L AT ION S Stornello Tu dici che non m’ami... anch’io non t’amo... Dici non vi vuoi ben, non te ne voglio. Dici ch’a un altro pesce hai teso l’amo. Anch’io in altro giardin la rosa coglio.

Stornello You say you don’t love me, so I don’t love you...

You say don’t want it, so I don’t want you.

You say another fish has stretched the line, So I will pluck a rose in another garden.

Anco di questo vo’che ci accordiamo:

Once again we are in agreement: You do as you like, I’ll do as I please.

Son libero di me, padrone è ognuno. Servo di tutti e non servo a nessuno.

I myself am free, everyone is my master.

Tu fai quel che ti pare, io quel che voglio.

Costanza nell’amor è una follia; Volubile io sono e me ne vanto. Non tremo più scontrandoti per via, Né, quando sei lontan mi struggo in pianto. Come usignuol che uscì di prigionia Tutta la notte e il dì folleggio e canto.

I am servant of all and servant of none.

La Seduzione


Era bella com’angiol del cielo, Innocente degl’anni sul fiore, Ed il palpito primo d’amore Un crudele nel cor le destò.

She was as beautiful as an angel from heaven, Innocent as the years on a flower, And the first throb of love A cruel one aroused in her heart.

Inesperta, fidente ne’ giuri, Sè commise all’amante sleale; Fu sedotta! e l’anello nuziale, Poveretta, ma indarno invocò.

Inexperienced, confident in her vows, She was committed to her disloyal lover; She was seduced, and the wedding ring, Poor thing, but in vain she invoked it.

All’infamia dannata, allo scherno, Nove lune gemé la tradita; Poi, consunta dal duolo la vita, Pregò venia al crudele e spirò. Ed il frutto del vil tradimento Nel sepolcro posogli d’appresso; Là non sorse una croce, un cipresso, Non un sasso il suo nome portò.

Constancy in love is a madness: I am fickle and proud of it. I won’t flutter anymore if we pass in the street, Nor, when you are far away, will I cry out in tears. Like a nightingale freed from captivity I’ll frolic and sing the whole night long.

Damned to infamy, to mockery, For nine moons moaned the betrayed; Then, her life consumed by grief, She pleaded in vain to the cruel one and died. And the fruit of the vile betrayal In the sepulchre placed after him; There rose not a cross, not a cypress, Not a stone bore his name.

J O S HUA P OR T ER This recital is presented as a degree requirement towards a Bachelors of Music in Vocal Performance.

Joshua Porter is a senior Music Performance major at the University of the Pacific. He is studying voice with Professor Daniel Ebbers, as well as the Chekhov acting technique with Professor James Haffner. After graduation, Joshua will be performing in Candide with Cabrillo Stage in Aptos, California, as well as starting his own virtual voice studio. Joshua plans to study voice performance and conducting at a graduate school.

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