4/12/23 Student Recital, Juliette Frediere

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Carl Pantle, piano

Brylan Finley, mezzo-soprano

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

7:30 pm

Recital Hall


Sul fil d’un soffio etesio, from Falstaff (1893)

Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1901)

Ich wollt ein Sträusslein binden, from Sechs Lieder, op. 68 , no. 2 (1918)

Richard Strauss (1864–1949)

Green, from Ariettes oubliées, L. 60:5 (1885–87)


Claude Debussy (1862–1918)

Deh, vieni, non tardar, from Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492 (1786)

Ach, ich fühl’s, from Die Zauberflöte, K. 620 (1791)

Wolfgang Amadè Mozart (1756–1791)

Viens, Mallika, les lianes en fleurs (Flower Duet) from Lakmé (1881–82)

Brylan Finley, mezzo-soprano

Léo Delibes (1836–1891)

This recital is presented as a requirement for the Bachelor of Music degree in vocal performance.

Juliette Frédière is a third-year vocal performance major. A young lyric coloratura soprano, she currently studies with Virginia Kelsey, coaches with Eric Dudley, and formerly studied with Burr C. Phillips and Daniel Bishop. Juliette hopes to continue working in musical theater and opera after pursuing a graduate degree, as it has already taken her to the hallowed stages of Carnegie Hall, Disney Concert Hall, and the Sydney Opera House.

PROGRAM I APRIL 12, 2023 I 7:30PM

Verdi: Sul fil d’un soffio etesio

NANNETTA (travestita da Regina delle Fate)

Sul fil d’un soffio etesio

Scorrete agili larve, Fra i rami un baglior cesio

D’alba lunare apparve.

Danzate! e il passo blando Misuri un blando suon, Le magiche accoppiando Carole alla canzon.


La selva dorme e sperde Incenso ed ombra; e par Nell’aer denso un verde Asilo in fondo al mar.]


Erriam sotto la luna

Scegliendo fior da fiore, Ogni corolla in core

Porta la sua fortuna.

Coi gigli e le viole

Scriviam de’ nomi arcani, Dalle fatate mani

Germoglino parole, Parole alluminate

Di puro argento e d’or, Carmi e malie. Le Fate

Hanno per cifre i fior. Arrigo Boito

Strauss: Ich wollt ein Sträusslein binden

Ich wollt ein Sträußlein binden, Da kam die dunkle Nacht, Kein Blümlein war zu finden, Sonst hätt’ ich dir's gebracht.

Da flossen von den Wangen

Mir Tränen in den Klee, Ein Blümlein aufgegangen

Ich nun im Garten seh.

NANNETTA (disguised as Queen of the Fairies)

On the edge of an Etesisn breath scurry agile larvae, among the branches a cesium glow from the lunar dawn has appeared. Dance! And the gentle step measures a gentle sound, the magic pairing dances with the song.


The forest sleeps and scatters incense and shadow; and it seems that the air is dense as a green refuge at the bottom of the sea.]


Let us wander beneath the moon, choosing flower by flower; each crown in its heart, brings its good fortune. With lilies and violets, let us write secret names; from fairy hands may words blossom, words illuminated by pure silver and gold, incantations and spells. The Fairies they have, for letters, flowers.

I meant to make you a posy, but dark night arrived, there was no little flower to be found, or I’d have brought it to you

Then down my cheeks flowed my tears into the clover, I saw a flower that had come up now in the garden.


Das wollte ich dir brechen Wohl in dem dunklen Klee, Da fing es an zu sprechen: “Ach, tue mir nicht weh!”

“Sei freundlich im Herzen, Betracht dein eigen Leid, Und lasse mich in Schmerzen Nicht sterben vor der Zeit!”

Und hätt’s nicht so gesprochen, Im Garten ganz allein, So hätt’ ich dir’s gebrochen, Nun aber darf’s nicht sein.

Mein Schatz ist ausgeblieben, Ich bin so ganz allein. Im Lieben wohnt Betrüben, Und kann nicht anders sein.

Clemens Brentano

Debussy: Green

Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches

Et puis voici mon cœur qui ne bat que pour vous.

Ne le déchirez pas avec vos deux mains blanches

Et qu’à vos yeux si beaux l’humble présent soit doux.

J’arrive tout couvert encore de rosée

Que le vent du matin vient glacer à mon front.

Souffrez que ma fatigue à vos pieds reposée

Rêve des chers instants qui la délasseront.

Sur votre jeune sein laissez rouler ma tête

Toute sonore encore de vos derniers baisers;

Laissez-la s’apaiser de la bonne tempête,

Et que je dorme un peu puisque vous reposez.

I wanted to pick it for you there in the dark clover, when it started to speak: “Ah, do not hurt me!”

“Be kind-hearted, consider you own suffering, and do not let me die in torment before my time!”

And had it not spoken thus, in the garden all alone, I’d have picked it for you, but now that cannot be.

My sweetheart has stayed away, I am so utterly alone. in love dwells sadness, and cannot be otherwise.


Here are fruits, flowers, leaves, and branches, and then here is my heart that beats just for you. Do not tear it with your two white hands and may the humble gift be sweet in your beautiful eyes. I arrive still covered with dew that the morning wind freezes to my brow.

Let my fatigue, finding rest at your feet, dream of dear moments that will soothe it.

On your young breast let me cradle my head Still rresonant with your last kisses; let it calm down frompeace love’s sweet tempest, and let me sleep a little since you are resting.


Mozart: Deh, vieni non tardar

Recitativo accompagnato SUSANNA

Giunse alfin il momento che godrò senz’affanno in braccio all'idol mio. Timide cure, uscite dal mio petto, a turbar non venite il mio diletto! Oh, come par che all’amoroso foco l’amenità del loco, la terra e il ciel risponda, come la notte i furti miei seconda!


Deh, vieni, non tardar, oh gioia bella, vieni ove amore per goder t’'appella, finché non splende in ciel notturna face, finché l’aria è ancor bruna e il mondo tace.

Qui mormora il ruscel, qui scherza l’aura, che col dolce sussurro il cor ristaura, qui ridono i fioretti e l’erba è fresca, ai piaceri d’amor qui tutto adesca. Vieni, ben mio, tra queste piante ascose, ti vo’ la fronte incoronar di rose.

Lorenzo Da Ponte

Mozart: Ach, ich fühl’s


Ach, ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden, Ewig hin der Liebe Glück!

Nimmer kommt ihr Wonnestunde

Meinem Herzen mehr zurück!

Sieh’, Tamino, diese Tränen, Fließen, Trauter, dir allein!

Fühlst du nicht der Liebe Sehnen, So wird Ruh’ im Tode sein!

Emmanuel Schikaneder

Oh, come, do not delay

Accompanied recitative SUSANNA

At last the moment has come when I can rejoice without worry in my lover’s arms: Timid cares coming forth from my breast, do not come to disturb my delight. Oh, how it seems to the amorous fire, the congeniality of this place, that earth and heaven respond, as the night furthers my designs!


Oh, come, do not delay, oh beautiful joy, come where love calls thee to enjoy, until night’s torches do not shine in the sky, while the air is still dark and the world quiet.

Here murmurs the stream, here plays the breeze, which with sweet whispers restores the heart, here little flowers laugh and the grass is fresh; here everything entices love’s pleasures. Come, my dear, hidden among these bushes

I want to wreathe your brow with roses.


Ah, I feel it, it has disappeared, love’s happiness is fled forever! Nevermore will come the hour of bliss, return to my heart!

See, Tamino, these tears flowing, beloved, for you alone!

If you do not feel love’s yearning, so there will be peace in death!


Delibes: Flower Song

Duetto LAKMÉ

Viens, Mallika, les lianes en fleurs Jettent déjà leur ombre Sur le ruisseau sacré qui coule, Calme et sombre, Eveillé par le chant des oiseaux tapageurs!


Oh! maîtresse, C’est l’heure ou je te vois sourire, L’heure bénie où je puis lire Dans le coeur toujours fermé de Lakmé!


Dôme épais le jasmin


Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin

L.: À la rose s’assemble, M.: À la rose s’assemble,

L.: Rive en fleurs, frais matin, M.: Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,

L.: Nous appellent ensemble. M.: Viens, descendons ensemble.

L.: Ah! glissons en suivant

M.: Doucement glissons de son flot charmant

L.: Le courant fuyant;

M.: Suivons le courant fuyant;

L.: Dans l’onde frémissante,

M.: Dans l’onde frémissante,


Come, Mallika, the vines are in flower they already cast their shadow on the stream that flows, calmly and serenely, awakened by the song of noisy birds!


Oh! mistress, this is the time when I see you smile, the time when I can read inside the always-closed heart of Lakmé!


Thick dome of jasmine


Under the thick dome where the white jasmine

L.: Entwines with the rose, M.: Entwines with the rose,

L.: Flowering bank, fresh morning, M.: On the flowering bank, laughing in the morning,

L.: Call us together. M.: Come, let us descend together.

L.: Ah! Let us float along

M.: Gently let us float along on its charming flow

L.: The fleeing current;

M.: Let us follow the fleeing current;

L.: On the rippling waves, M.: On the rippling waves,


L.: D’une main nonchalante, M.: D’une main nonchalante,

L.: Gagnons le bord, M.: Viens, gagnons le bord

L.: Où l’oiseau chante, M.: Où la source dort

L.: L’oiseau, l’oiseau chante. M.: Et l’oiseau, l’oiseau chante.

L.: Dôme épais, blanc jasmin, M.: Sous le dôme épais, sous le blanc jasmin,

L.: Nous appellent ensemble! M.: Ah! descendons ensemble!

L.: Mais, je ne sais quelle crainte subite s’empare de moi. Quand mon père va seul à leur ville maudite, je tremble, je tremble d’effroi!

M.: Pour que le Dieu Ganeça le protège, jusqu’à l’étang où s’ébattent joyeux les cygnes aux ailes de neige, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.

L.: Oui, près des cygnes aux ailes de neige, Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.

L: Dôme épais le jasmin, etc.

M: Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin, etc.



L.: With a nonchalant hand, M.: With a nonchalant hand,

L.: Let us reach the shore, M.: Come, let us reach the shore

L.: Where the bird sings, M.: Where the spring sleeps

L.: The bird, the bird sings. M.: And the bird, the bird sings.

L.: Thick dome, white jasmine, M.: Under the thick dome, under the white jasmine,

L.: Call us together! M.: Ah! Let us descend together!

L.: But, I do not know what sudden fear seizes me. When my father goes alone to their cursed city, I tremble, I tremble with fright!

M.: So that the god Ganesha protects him, to the pond where joyfully frolic the swans with wings of snow, let us go to pick blue lotuses.

L.: Yes, near the swans with wings of snow, let us go to pick blue lotuses.

L.: Thick dome of jasmine, etc.

M.: Under the thick dome where the white jasmine, etc.




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