Student Recital: Torrez 2.20.19

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STUDENT RECITAL I JORGE A. TORREZ Wednesday I February 20, 2019 I 7:30 pm Conservatory Recital Hall

JORGE A. TORREZ countertenor Burr C. Phillips | piano Tanya Harris | soprano

78th Performance I 2018-2019 Academic Year I Conservatory of Music I University of the Pacific

CONCERT PROGRAM I FEBRUARY 20, 2019 I 7:30 PM Ombra mai fu from Serse

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)

Music for a While from Oedipus, Z. 583 Once I Was from A Horse with Wings Strike the Viol from Come Ye Sons of Art, Z. 323

Caro! Bella! from Giulio Cesare Tanya Harris, soprano

Henry Purcell (1659-1695) Ricky Ian Gordon (b. 1956) Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)

Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

Heidenröslein Die Mainacht, Op. 43, No. 2

Ouvre ton coeur

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Georges Bizet (1838-1875)

This recital is presented as a degree requirement towards the Bachelor of Music in Music Performance. Jorge A. Torrez is a Vocal Performance major at University of the Pacific currently working on his Bachelor of Music degree under the vocal guidance of Professor Burr C. Phillips and Dr. Lynelle Wiens. Jorge grew up in Salinas, CA. After high school, he attended Cabrillo College in Aptos, CA, where he sang and studied under Cheryl M. Anderson. While studying at Cabrillo College, Jorge was a teaching assistant for the Cabrillo Youth Chorus. He is a founding member of the student-led vocal ensemble, Il Dolce Suono Cabrillo, which he led in their premier performance at the American Choral Directors Association Western Division Conference in Santa Barbara, 2015. Some of Jorge’s scholarships and awards include: 1st place in Stockton Opera Guild’s Kathe Underwood Scholarship Competition; 2017 and the recipient of the R. L. Mounts Scholarship; 2017. Jorge is also an active collegiate member and the current Secretary of the music fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia - Beta Pi Chapter.

PROGRAM NOTES Ombra mai fu Libretto by Nicola Minato Frondi tenere e belle Del mio platano amato, Per voi risplenda il Fato Tuoni, Lampi, e Procelle Non v’oltraggino mai la cara pace, Ne giunga a profanarvi austro rapace. Ombra mai fu Di vegetabile Cara ed amaile Soave piu.

Tender and beautiful fronds Of my beloved plane tree, Let Fate smile upon you May thunder, lightning, and storms Never bother your dear peace, Nor may you by blowing winds be profaned. Never was made A plant More dear and loving Or gentle. [Translation by Robert Glaubitz]

Music for a While Text by John Dryden Music for a while Shall all your cares beguile. Wond’ring how your pains were eas’d And disdaining to be pleas’d Till Alecto free the dead From their eternal bands, Till the snakes drop from her head, And the whip from out her hands.

PROGRAM NOTES Once I Was Text by Ricky Ian Gordon Once I was, I was, I was There were ribbons in my hair There were leaves of streaming gold ev’rywhere. If a boy said, “Hello” I would hide trembling so, trembling so. Now I barely know what the meaning of “No” is. Now I am, I am, I am Past an audience I stare, What is gold is how the lights touch my hair. All the boys turn to men, All the leaves change again, change again. Still I answer “Yes”, Though I know what will happen. As these phases come and go Music tells me what I need to know. Strike the Viol Text by Nahum Tate Strike the viol, touch, touch, touch the Lute; Wake the Harp, inspire the Flute: Sing your Patronesse’s Praise. Sing, sing, sing in cheerful and harmonious Lays. Caro! Bella! Libretto by Nicola Francesco Haym CLEOPATRA Caro!



CAESAR My lovely!

CLEOPATRA e CESARE Più amabile beltà Mai non si troverà Del tuo bel volto. In me/te non splenderà Né amor né fedeltà Da te/me disciolto.

CLEOPATRA and CAESAR Beauty more worthy of love Will never be found Than your beautiful face. In me/you there will not shine Either love or constancy Separate from you/me.

PROGRAM NOTES Heidenröslein Text by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Sah ein Knab’ ein Röslein stehen, Röslein auf der Heiden, War so jung und morgenschön, Lief er schnell, es nah zu sehn, Sah’s mit vielen Freuden. Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot, Röslein auf der Heiden. Knabe sprach: Ich breche dich, Röslein auf der Heiden! Röslein sprach: Ich steche dich, Dass du ewig denkst an mich, Und ich will’s nicht leiden. Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot, Röslein auf der Heiden. Und der wilde Knabe brach ’S Röslein auf der Heiden; Röslein wehrte sich und stach, Half ihm doch kein Weh und Ach, Musst es eben leiden. Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot, Röslein auf der Heiden.

A boy saw a wild rose Growing in the heather; It was so young, and as lovely as the morning. He ran swiftly to look more closely, Looked on it with great joy. Wild rose, wild rose, wild rose red, Wild rose in the heather. Said the boy: I shall pluck you, Wild rose in the heather! Said the rose: I shall prick you So that you will always remember me. And I will not suffer it. Wild rose, wild rose, wild rose red, Wild rose in the heather. And the impetuous boy plucked The wild rose from the heather; The rose defended herself and pricked him, But her cries of pain were to no avail; She simply had to suffer. Wild rose, wild rose, wild rose red, Wild rose in the heather.

PROGRAM NOTES Die Mainacht Text by Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty Wann der silberne Mond Durch die Gesträuche blinkt, Und sein schlummerndes Licht Über den Rasen streut, Und die Nachtigall flötet, Wandl’ ich traurig von Busch zu Busch. Überhüllet vom Laub, girret ein Taubenpaar Sein Entzücken mir vor; Aber ich wende mich, Suche dunklere Schatten, Und die einsame Träne rinnt. Wann, o lächelndes Bild, Welches wie Morgenrot Durch die Seele mir strahlt, Find’ ich auf Erden dich? Und die einsame Träne Bebt mir heißer die Wang’ herab.

When the silvery moon Gleams through the bushes, And sheds its slumbering light On the grass, And the nightingale is fluting, I wander sadly from bush to bush. Covered by leaves, A pair of doves Coo to me their ecstasy; But I turn away, Seek darker shadows, And the lonely tear flows down. When, O smiling vision, That shines through my soul Like the red of dawn, Shall I find you here on earth? And the lonely tear Quivers more ardently down my cheek. [Translation by Richard Stokes]

PROGRAM NOTES Ouvre ton coeur Text by Louis Michel James Lacour Delâtre La marguerite a fermé sa corolle, L’ombre a fermé les yeux du jour. Belle, me tiendras-tu parole? Ouvre ton coeur à mon amour. Ouvre ton coeur, ô jeune ange, à ma flamme, Qu’un rêve charme ton sommeil Je veux reprendre mon âme, Comme une fleur s’ouvre au soleil!

The daisy has closed its petals, The shadow has closed its eyes for the day. Beauty, will you speak with me? Open your heart to my love. Open your heart, o young angel, to my flame So that a dream may enchant your sleep. I wish to reclaim my soul, As a flower turns to the sun! [Translation by Ahmed E. Ismail]

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UPCOMING CONSERVATORY EVENTS Feb. 26 I 7:30 pm feat. Conservatory students Honors Recital Recital Hall

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Feb. 27 I 7:30 pm feat. Conservatory students Pacific Jazz Ensemble Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Mar. 5 I 7:30 pm Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Feb. 28 I 7:30 pm Pacific Arts Woodwind Quintet Recital Recital Hall

Mar. 6 I 2:00 pm Master Class: Joseph Lescher, bass Recital Hall

Find out about our upcoming concerts, recitals, and master classes at

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