4/29/23 University Symphony Orchestra

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Saturday I April 29, 2023 I 7:30 pm

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

University Symphony Orchestra and Conservatory Concerto Competition Winners

Lincoln High School Strings, Shane Kalbach, director

Braydon Ross, horn

Ealaph Tabbaa, bassoon

Brylan Finley, mezzo-soprano

Nicolas Waldvogel, conductor

132nd Performance I 2022–23 Academic Year I Conservatory of Music I University of the Pacific
University Symphony Orchestra

Mad Tea Party, from Alice in Wonderland (2007) Horn Concerto, op. 91 (1951)

III. Moderato—Allegro vivace Braydon Ross, horn

Bassoon Concerto, K. 186e (K. 191) (1774)

I. Allegro

Ealaph Tabbaa, bassoon

Non so più cosa son cosa faccio, from Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492 (1786)

Les filles de Cadix (1874) Brylan Finley, mezzo-soprano


Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, op. 55, “Eroica” (1803)

Allegro con brio

Marcia funebre: Adagio assai

Scherzo: Allegro vivace

Finale: Allegro molto

Unsuk Chin (b. 1961) Reinhold Glière (1875–1956)

Wolfgang Amadè Mozart (1756–1791)

Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791)

Léo Delibes (1836–1891)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)

PROGRAM I APRIL 29, 2023 I 7:30 PM

Mozart: Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio


Non so più cosa son, cosa faccio, Or di foco, ora sono di ghiaccio ogni donna cangiar di colore, ogni donna mi fa palpitar. Solo ai nomi d’amor, di diletto, mi si turba, mi s’altera il petto e a parlare mi sforza d’amore un desio ch’io non posso spiegar. Non so più cosa son, ecc.

Parlo d’amor vegliando, parlo d’amor sognando, all’acqua, all’ombre, ai monti, ai fiori, all’erbe, ai fonti, all’eco, all’aria, ai venti, che il suon de’ vani accenti portano via con sé. Parlo d’amor vegliano, ecc.

E se non ho chi m’oda. Parlo d’amor con me.

Delibes: Les filles de Cadix

Nous venions de voir le taureau, Trois garçon, trois fillettes, Sur la pelouse il faisait beau

Et nous dansions un boléro

Au son des castagnettes:

«Dites-moi, voisin, Si j’ai bonne mine, Et si ma basquine

Va bien, ce matin.

Vous me trouvez la taille fine? . . .

Ah! ah!

Les filles de Cadix aiment assez cela.»


I no longer know what I am, what I do, now I’m on fire, now on ice every woman changes my temperature, every woman makes my heart flutter. The mere mention of love, of delight, disturbs me, changes my heartbeat and speaking of love, forces on me a desire I cannot explain!

I no longer no what I am, etc.

I speak of love while awake, I speak of love while sleeping, to rivers, to shadows, to mountains, to flowers, to grass, to fountains, to echoes, to air, to winds, until the sound of my useless words they carry away.

I speak of love while awake, etc.

And if I don’t have someone to hear me, I speak of love to myself.

The Girls of Cadiz

We had just seen the bullfight, three boys, three girls, on the green it was a beautiful day and we were dancing a bolero to the sound of the castanets.

“Tell me, neighbor, if I look pleasing, and if my skirt looks good this morning. Do you think my waist is slim? . . . Ah! Ah!

The girls of Cadiz quite like that.”

I no longer know what I am, what I do

Et nous dansions un boléro Un soir, c’était dimanche.

Vers nous s’en vint un hidalgo

Cousu d’or, la plume au chapeau, Et le poing sur la hanche:

«Si tu veux de moi, Brune au doux sourire, Tu n’as qu’à le dire, Cet or est à toi.

—Passez votre chemin, beau sire . . .

Ah! Ah!

Les filles de Cadix n’entendent pas cela.»

Alfred de Musset

And we were dancing a bolero, one evening, it was Sunday. A hidalgo came toward us, dressed in gold, a feather in his hat, and his fist on his hip:

“If you fancy me, brunette with a sweet smile, you have only to say so, this gold is yours. —Go on your way, fair sir . . . Ah! Ah!

The girls of Cadiz don’t understand that!


Braydon Ross is a horn performance and music education double major, studying with Sadie Glass. He is a Horn Fellow with Orchestra Next in Eugene, Oregon, and has performed with the Stockton Symphony, Sacramento Philharmonic and Opera, Merced Symphony, Opera Modesto, and Zion Chamber Orchestra. Braydon won the high and low horn orchestral audition competitions at the 2023 Northwest Horn Symposium and was second-prize winner at the 2022 International Women’s Brass Conference band audition competition. He is also the proud teacher of a small horn studio. This fall Braydon will enter the Master of Music program in horn performance at the Yale School of Music.

Bassoonist Ealaph Tabbaa is a multifaceted performer, composer and conductor with a deep love for classical and contemporary music alike. Majoring in both music performance and composition, he hopes to make a career out of both. Hailing from Carmel, California, Ealaph began his pursuit of music playing the violin in grade school, but was both intrigued and perplexed by the bassoon. Joining the ranks of his middle school band, he quickly fell in love with the instrument. He now studies bassoon performance with Nicolasa Kuster and composition with Eric Wood at the University of the Pacific.

Electrifying twenty-two-year old mezzo-soprano and vocal instructor Brylan Finley is a passionate vocal performance major studying with Daniel Ebbers and Virginia Kelsey at the Pacific Conservatory of Music. Brylan considers music her escape from reality and a meditative way to enjoy each day to the fullest. This enthusiastic musician craves immersion in the world of professional operatic performance and challenges conventional age stereotypes. She made her professional solo operatic debut as Julia Bertram in Mansfield Park with Opera Modesto in 2020 and won first place in the Stockton Opera Guild’s eighteen- to twenty-five-year-old category.

Nicolas Waldvogel conducts the University Symphony Orchestra and teaches conducting and music history at the Conservatory. He has guest conducted the Orchestra de la Suisse Romande (Switzerland) and the State Philharmonic “Dinu Lipatti” (Romania). He was a conducting fellow at the Tanglewood Festival, where he studied with Gustav Meier, Seiji Ozawa, and John Nelson. He also assisted Horst Stein in a production of Wagner’s Der Ring der Nibelungen at the Deutsche Oper, in Berlin. Waldvogel has performed with Yo-Yo Ma,



with Anonymous 4, and with Alan Gilbert. His credits include a performance of Ives’s immense Fourth Symphony, Verdi’s La traviata, Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Richard Einhorn’s Voices of Light, Bruckner’s Ninth Symphony, and the complete symphonies by Jean Sibelius.

Pacific’s University Symphony Orchestra (USO) performs an inclusive range of contemporary and historically significant symphonic works, performs annually with Pacific’s Opera Theatre in fully staged productions, and partners frequently with Pacific Singers in choral-orchestral works. Pacific faculty, students, and guest artists perform with USO as concerto and aria soloists and as guest conductors. Pacific’s Conservatory faculty serve as coaches as USO prepares each concert cycle. Participation is open to all Pacific students by audition.


Brittany Trotter: Flutes

Kyle Bruckmann: Oboes

Patricia Shands: Clarinets

Nicolasa Kuster: Bassoons

Leonard Ott: Trumpets

Sadie Glass: Horns

Bruce Chrisp: Trombones

Jonathan Latta: Timpani and Percussion, Ensembles Program Director

Ann Miller: Violins

Igor Veligan: Violas

Vicky Wang: Cellos

Thomas Derthick: Basses

Violins I

Emma Northcutt, concertmaster

Ellie Aquino

Maya Balachandran

Lauren Huen

Jamie Lue

Mereth Niemoeller

Liam Shaughnessy

Marcella Stone-Fox

Violins II

Charlotte Han, principal

Wren Adams*

Emily Fujiwara*

Mia Gonzalez*

Jason Jiang*

Sarah Joo*

Shane Kalbach†

Casey Kendrick*

Noel Lagua*

Daniela Padilla*

Karol Rodriguez*

Joseph Sanchez*

Erick Sariles§

Christian Souza*

Matthew Tran*

Emma Young


Samantha Tse, principal

Gavin Downing

Cierra Evelyn

Justin Martinez*

Kylie Trenhaile

Abby Van De Water



Hasina Torres, principal

Jane Damon

Frances Florentino

LiLi Fujii*

Jordan Hendrickson

Daniel Hui

Theresa Jiang*

Bailey LaBrie

Ki’Monya Langston*

Helen Padilla*

Nicholas Trobaugh

Josiah Wiesner*


Joshua Gutierrez, principal

Logan Adams

Haydn Eaton*

Miguel Velarde


Phoenix Farris

Natalie Kowalski


Alice Chao

Apollo Parish Mitchell


Vanessa Lopez

Abigail Miller


Ella Hebrard

Justin Silva


Edgar Leyva

Jada Ramos

Reese Romero

Owen Sheridan

Skylar Warren


Kevin Hee

Yoshiki Shimokawa


Jayden Laumeister

Matthew Miramontes

Seth Neves


Amanda Cardwell‡


Jonathan Herbers


Robin Bisho

Leonard Cox

Matthew Kulm

Mallory Norman


Magdalene Myint

*Lincoln High School student

†Director of the Lincoln High School Orchestra

§Stagg High School student

‡Community member

Every gift to the Conservatory from an alum, parent, or friend makes an impact on our students. Our students rely on your generosity to enable them to experience a superior education.

Please contact the Assistant Dean for Development at 209.932.2978 to make a gift today. You may also send a check payable to University of the Pacific: Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific

Attn: Assistant Dean for Development

3601 Pacific Avenue

Stockton, CA 95211


Apr. 30 | 2:30 pm

Friends of Chamber Music

Marian Anderson String Quartet

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Apr. 30 | 7:30 pm

Faculty Recital

Daniel Ebbers, tenor

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

May 1 | 7:30 pm

Pacific Varied Ensembles

Recital III

Recital Hall

May 2 | 7:30 pm

Pacific Composers Concert

Faye Spanos Concert Hall


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