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During the Covid-19 crisis we are combining our three titles into one MNS MUSIC NEWS Scotland :: MNS FESTIVALS! :: MNS GIGguide

Covid 'Hardship Fund' for Freelancers - page 3 Government Music Streaming Inquiry - p8 :: BBC Introducing Returns To Scotland - p10

Virtual 'Off The Record' Pioneering youth music conference Off The Record is going virtual for a two-day event which will cover essential topics for 16-25 year olds considering a career as a musician or in the industry. Organised by a young team of creatives in the same age range as the target audience, it will take place on 4-5 December and includes interactive workshops, panels, Q&As, networking sessions and an opportunity to submit music for feedback. These will be delivered by young professionals already working in music and in an exciting first, Off The Record is on the hunt for talented creatives aged 16-25 to design a varied range of digital content including podcasts, ‘how to’ PDF guides, animated YouTube shorts, music features and playlisting. Supported by the Scottish Government’s Youth Music Initiative (YMI), which is administered by Creative Scotland, Off The Record was originally planned as a large event with smaller outreach sessions around the country. However, organisers Wide Events CIC, decided to move the event online following the success of their digital version of awardwinning Wide Days convention. “Off The Record is an incredible opportunity for anyone aged 16-25 looking to build a career in music as well as those working in related areas including media and design,” says the event’s coordinator, Kitt Carr. “Since 2013 the events have led to attendees getting work and numerous acts being featured in national media, playlisted on Radio Scotland and booked for gigs.”

She adds that the conference content and guides will be adapted to respond to challenges posed by the pandemic, with sessions on collaborating remotely, top tips on streaming shows and generating income, complementing favourites such as releasing music, promotion, staying healthy and photography. Including a session on BBC Introducing in Scotland with new show hosts Shereen Cutkelvin and Phoebe I-H. Carr is also keen to hear from organisations, companies and youth groups interested in partnering on the event. “Since 2013 we have hosted 16 Off The Record events in a dozen towns and cities in Scotland and have always worked with local partners. This is an opportunity to collaborate with organisations anywhere in the country and bring together young people who often have difficulty accessing events and connecting with their peers in other locations.” Christine Halsall, Creative Scotland's Youth Music Initiative (YMI) officer, has welcomed the adapted version of the event: "It's great that Wide Events is able to host the popular Off The Record conference online during this challenging year,” she says. "As well as providing a fantastic platform to share work through the Podcast and Playlist Series, it offers vital opportunities to access the latest information, help and advice, and engage with industry professionals to help navigate the music industry at this time of great change." Off The Record will run on 4-5 December from 12noon to 6pm. Tickets are £5, which includes access to all online content during the event. Discounted or free tickets will be made available to those who otherwise would not be able to attend, a bursary application form is also available at

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Hardship Fund for Creative Freelancers

Delivery Partners confirmed for £5million Hardship Fund for Creative Freelancers Fund Guidance to be published: Thursday 22 October Applications invited from: 12noon, Monday 26 October

Crafts Council & Craft Scotland, Help Musicians, Society of Authors and Visual Arts Scotland have been confirmed as partners to assist Creative Scotland in the delivery of the Scottish Government’s £5million Hardship Fund for Creative Freelancers. Subject to confirmation, BECTU will also be partnering with Creative Scotland on the delivery living from live performance, we are delighted to Screen element of these Hardship Funds opened of this funding. see Creative Scotland providing this much for applications on Tuesday 22 September and needed funding for the community of Scottish closed on Friday 2 October. Assessments are The specific sector expertise of these partners musicians. The team at Help Musicians are taking place and decisions being communicated will help ensure the hardship funds reach as pleased to play a supporting role by to applicants. many freelancers across different creative administering this funding, ensuring that sectors as possible, working with Creative £3.5million Independent Cinemas Recovery and musicians experiencing financial hardship are Scotland who will deliver the funds to creative Resilience Fund, which opened for applications freelancers who work in the sectors not covered given a real financial boost as quickly as on Monday 14 September with a deadline of possible.” by the partner organisations Monday 5 October. 27 applications have been Society of Authors Chief Executive, Nicola received totalling £3.55million. Assessments are Eligibility criteria for the fund will be published Solomon said: "This funding will be invaluable taking place and decisions will be announced w/c on Thursday 22 October followed by the fund to the many Scottish writers, illustrators and 26 October. opening for application at 12noon, Monday 26 translators who have fallen between the gaps in October. £3.5million additional funds for Creative financial support during the health crisis. The Scotland’s Open Fund which is open for Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: grants we will now be able to distribute through “Culture is vitally important to all of our lives in the Authors’ Contingency Fund will enable some applications to individuals and organisations now. The application threshold has recently Scotland. This is an extremely worrying time for authors to keep working in spite of financial been increased from £50K to £100K. many people involved in culture and creative losses, others to stay afloat while dealing with industries, particularly creative freelancers and £3million Youth Arts funding package comprises their own ill health, others to fulfil caring practitioners whose work is integral not only to of at least £1.2million through the Access to responsibilities – and others simply to keep a the economy, but to the wellbeing of individuals roof over their heads. We are grateful for the Youth Arts Fund which will be open to and communities. applications until Thursday 12 November; the opportunity to make a difference for Scottish £700,000 Small Grants Scheme which launched authors.” “Many continue to face uncertain futures while on Thursday 24 September and will be open to much of their sectors remain unable to operate, Sarah Calmus, President of Visual Arts applications until Monday 2 November; £50,000 and it is important that we can offer financial Scotland said: "Visual Arts Scotland are proud assigned to the Time to Shine Nurturing Talent support while we continue to navigate our way to be partnering with Creative Scotland to help Fund, and an additional £1,050,000 allocated to through the pandemic. deliver these new funds which follow on from our support a number of targeted national and local own Emergency Art Workers Support Fund. In “This fund will provide emergency support to area youth music and wider youth arts this unprecedented period, Visual Arts Scotland creative freelancers in Scotland who are organisations. These organisations will be invited are dedicated to helping the creative community experiencing hardship as a result of the to apply for the Youth Arts Targeted Fund by and are committed to stand in solidarity through pandemic. Working closely with partners in Tuesday 13 October. distributing funds to Visual Artists who are most industry to deliver this fund will help Creative £1.5million for the Culture Collective programme in need of support at this time." Scotland ensure support reaches people as (part of the £5million Sustaining Creative quickly as possible.” The Hardship Fund for Creative Freelancers is Practice Fund, referred to in the Scottish Iain Munro, CEO at Creative Scotland said: one of a series of Scottish Government Government’s Programme for Government), emergency funds for creativity and culture being “There is no end in sight to the COVID-19 supporting organisations employing freelance pandemic and the significant impact it is having administered through Creative Scotland. artists to work in and with communities across on Scotland’s creative sector. With welcome These funds have been put in place to help Scotland. More details to be announced in the financial support from the Scottish Government, mitigate the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on coming weeks. this Hardship Fund offers much needed support the creative and cultural sector. There are five Previously announced funds from the Scottish for creative freelancers who have been new emergency funds which were announced by particularly hard hit by the inability to work due the First Minister on Friday 28 August and which Government are: to necessary restrictions. Creative Scotland is are being delivered through Creative Scotland as £12.5million Performing Arts Venue Relief Fund working hard with our partners to ensure this which has reached 79 venues across Scotland. follows: support reaches those in need as quickly as Recipients were published on Thursday 24 £15million Culture Organisation and Venues possible.” September and full information on awards made Recovery Fund which opened for applications on is available in this news release. Crafts Council’s Executive Director, Rosy Thursday 17 September with a deadline of £2.2million Grassroots Music Venues Greenlees OBE said: “We are delighted to Thursday 24 September. 348 applications have Stabilisation Fund which has reached 72 venues partner with Craft Scotland to deliver much been received totalling over £22million. across Scotland. Recipients were published on needed financial support to craft freelancers in Application assessments are now taking place Tuesday 22 September and full information on Scotland. We know that craft professionals from and decisions will be communicated early awards made is available in this news release. curators, and educators to individual makers and November. Updates on all emergency funds are being businesses are struggling. Creative Scotland’s £5million Hardship Fund for Creative published regularly on the Creative Scotland investment will offer a lifeline to ensure the Freelancers, for which an open call for partner website and publicised through media and social Scottish craft sector remains a thriving and organisations to help us distribute this fund was media communications. creative force.” launched on Friday 11 September, with a Help Musicians’ Chief Executive, James deadline of Friday 25 September. 18 Ainscough said: “With no end in sight to the Expressions of Interest were received with five restrictions that prevent musicians earning a organisations now selected. The £700,000

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WHAT'S The 10 albums in The Say Award


from the latest releases to reach us .... Some albums are like fleeting thoughts, written and recorded in a blink of the eye. Others are nurtured over time, allowed to develop and blossom and this is the case for the fourth album from Glasgow's Doghouse Roses

Shortlist To Be Celebrated With


The Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) Award is delighted to announce that this year’s Shortlist will be featured in 'Tim Burgess’ Twitter Listening Parties' from 26-28 October ahead of the winner announcement ceremony on 29 October, live at


In a special one off series to celebrate the 10 outstanding Scottish albums making up the Shortlist, Tim Burgess has teamed up with The SAY Award to bring music fans together to discover their new favourite Scottish album each evening, prior to the winner announcement on Thursday 29 October. Tim’s Listening Parties have become a cultural phenomenon, developed into an almost-nightly event and will celebrate their 500th Listening Party on 25 October.


Their new album signals a significant progression in the band’s style, sound, vision and drive to showcase a passion for serious and original songwriting. With tracks inspired by men’s mental health and suicide in Scotland An eclectic, modern-soul-funk, 8 piece band from Glasgow, headed by Tom McGuire. The funky collective of “killer animals from hell”, consists of a colourful, hilarious bunch of wonderfully talented, animated young men

The concept, created by Tim Burgess, came to life on Twitter during lockdown, attracting thousands of music lovers across the country as Tim explored some of the most iconic albums from artists like Oasis, KT Tunstall, Joy Division, Anna Meredith, Hot Chip, CHVRCHES, Laura Marling, Michael Kiwanuka, Wolf Alice and more. Listeners stream or play the chosen album at the allocated start time, and fans will have the opportunity to explore all 10 albums on this year’s Shortlist with Tim and the relevant artist as they tweet along; sharing memories or insights into making the album. Listeners are invited to ask questions and share their thoughts on each of the chosen albums using the hashtag #TimsTwitterListeningParty. The highly anticipated Shortlist includes a recordbreaking EIGHT debut albums, the most to ever feature on a SAY Award Shortlist.

Timings for The SAY Award #TimsTwitterListeningParty special are:


Monday 26 October :: 7pm Callum Easter ‘Here Or Nowhere’ 9pm Erland Cooper ‘Sule Skerry’ 10pm Blanck Mass ‘Animated Violence Mild’ Tuesday 27 October :: 6pm Bossy Love ‘Me + U’ 7pm Declan Welsh & The Decadent West ‘Cheaply Bought, Expensively Sold’ 9pm Comfort ‘Not Passing’ 10pm SHHE ‘SHHE’

A stunning self-penned debut album, Amy has been gathering and writing songs over the last eight years. Her debut release is a lesson in flawless vocal dexterity and heartfelt song writing with a side of sass, funk and class

THINK YOUR NEW RELEASE IS GOOD ENOUGH TO APPEAR HERE? To be considered for our 'What's Hot' spot send your new album/ep/single to: MNS Top 4, MUSIC NEWS Scotland Romar House, Birgham, Berwickshire. TD12 4NF

Thursday 29 October, with this year’s ceremony pivoting to become an online event, broadcast as a YouTube Premiere. One artist and their album will be crowned the Scottish Album of the Year, in turn collecting one of the most lucrative prize funds in the UK: £20,000. Developed and produced by the Scottish Music Industry Association (SMIA), the 2020 campaign will be delivered in partnership with Creative Scotland, City of Edinburgh Council, YouTube Music, 54EP, Sweetdram, Culture & Business Fund Scotland via Arts & Business Scotland, PPL, Summerhall, Ticketmaster and new charity partner Music Declares Emergency. Previous winners of The SAY Award include Auntie Flo ‘Radio Highlife’ (2019), Young Fathers ‘Cocoa Sugar’ (2018), Sacred Paws ‘Strike A Match’ (2017), Anna Meredith ‘Varmints’ (2016), Kathryn Joseph ‘Bones You Have Thrown Me And Blood I’ve Spilled’ (2015), Young Fathers ‘Tape Two’ (2014), RM Hubbert ‘Thirteen Lost & Found’ (2013) and the inaugural winner Bill Wells and Aidan Moffat ‘Everything’s Getting Older’ (2012). To keep up with The SAY Award 2020 journey, make sure you follow the award on Twitter @SAYaward, Instagram @sayaward and Facebook @SAYaward

Wednesday 28 October :: 6pm NOVA ‘RE-UP’ 7pm The Ninth Wave ‘Infancy’ 10pm Cloth ‘Cloth’ Following each party, the Twitter conversations will be archived at For 2020’s SAY Award, a record-breaking 362 eligible album submissions were narrowed down to the 20strong Longlist by 100 impartial nominators; representing a variety of genres including jazz, classical, hip-hop, pop, trad folk, rock, electronic, indie and many more. The Longlist has now been whittled down to a Shortlist of just 10 albums; 9 chosen by the Judging Panel and 1 as the winner of the public vote. The winner of The SAY Award will be announced on

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SCOTTISH MUSIC CENTRE ......... Member Profile :: Michael Bonaventure "The Scottish Music Centre's task is to champion the wealth of talent that abounds in Scotland's musical community"

Recent works are “Spellshaper” (2019) created in collaboration with James Fulkerson for trombone & electronics, “101” (2019) for electronics, percussion & organ, “Morphology” (2017 – 18) for organ & electronics, “The Ones Who Rest” (2017) for 10 handbells, “Seven Days” (2011 – 16) for saxophones & piano, an ongoing and openended series of “Preludes, Interludes & Postludes” (2016 -) for organ, “Castellations” (2015) for carillon, “Droma” (2014) for organ & electronics, “Green Odyssey” & “Black Odyssey” (2013) for piano, and “Darenth” (2011) for organ, all published by Firehead Editions of London (

Edinburgh born Michael Bonaventure is a composer, organist and collaborator in new and experimental music projects.

His music has been played in Canada, USA, UK, New Zealand, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium & The Netherlands at venues & festivals including the Canterbury Festival, North York Moors Chamber Music Festival, Hexham Abbey Festival, Orgel-Mixturen in Cologne, STEIM and Orgelpark (Amsterdam), Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, Westminster Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Coventry Cathedral, York Minster and at JAM concerts in London, as well as on BBC Radio 3, Concertzender (Netherlands), Radio Onda Rossa (Italy) and Resonance Extra FM.

(and continue to be) written for him by composers including Avril Anderson, Laurence Crane, Lyell Cresswell, Hans Christian Dethleffsen, Adrian Foster, Frederick Frahm, Ludo Geloen, Robert Van Heumen, Robin Holloway, René Baptist Huysmans, Gabriel Jackson, Geoffrey King, Jean-Pierre Leguay, Eddie McGuire, James MacMillan, Ian McQueen, Stuart MacRae, Roderik De Man, Huw Morgan, Paul Patterson, Glyn Perrin, Bart Spaan, ChaoMing Tung, Luiz Henrique Yudo and many others. He has concertized in churches, cathedrals, universities and at festivals throughout the UK, in Europe & USA, broadcasting on BBC Radio 3 & Radio Scotland, premiering over 120 new works & arrangements for organ, and releasing 7 solo CDs to date: these include four volumes of ‘Contemporary British Organ Music’ on the sfz label surveying works by Laurence Crane, Gabriel Jackson, Paul Patterson, Martyn Harry, Avril Anderson and many others, and the later organ cycles of Olivier Messiaen for Delphian Records, including a universally acclaimed rendition of the massive ‘Livre du Saint Sacrement’, released in 2008.

Together with composers and organists Huw Morgan and Lauren Redhead he founded the collective Automatronic (www.automatronic. in 2013 to promote new music for organ and electronics; their first CD ‘Automatronic – New Music For Organ + Now based in Edinburgh & Amsterdam Michael's extended cyclic works predominate in Electronics’ was released in 2015. The group has performed widely around the UK and in his output, which includes a huge body of Germany, Belgium & The Netherlands and electronic and electro-acoustic pieces as well has so far commissioned and premiered over as instrumental and organ music. 50 new works. In the Netherlands, In recent times he has become associated with Bonaventure is a member of another group, the so-called “dark ambient” brand of Muizmanz, along with composers Luiz electronica, and a CD album of his work in this Henrique Yudo and René Baptist Huysmans. field,”In Tenebris Ratione Organi”, was Muizmanz presents annual concerts in the released in 2019 by Eighth Tower Records. An historic Grote Kerk at Oosthuizen, just earlier album of his music entitled “Works outside Amsterdam, mixing ancient with new 2008- 2017” was released on the Unexplained music under the banner ‘The Sonority Sounds Group label in 2017. Cabinet’. Bonaventure’s sonic universe derives its inspiration from mysticism and ritual, natural and imaginary worlds, astronomical and supernatural phenomena; much of his work is rooted in minimalism and improvisation.

As an organ soloist (with and without electronics) Bonaventure is also a seasoned interpreter of new music, with innumerable composer collaborations since the early 1980s. A huge number of works have been

New album Across The Blood, featuring Michael Bonaventure & Loo(p)cy, is out exclusively on Bandcamp @ "The Scottish Music Centre's task is to champion the wealth of talent that abounds in Scotland's musical community" : : The Scottish Music Centre currently supports in excess of 100 composer, group/small business and corporate members. Offering a wealth of advantages, initiatives include the bi-monthly Composers' Digest and Exposed Melodies podcast series, regular networking events and notification of valuable opportunities, extensive publicity and increased correspondence with national companies, chamber ensembles, soloists and festivals.

Scottish Music Centre’s City Halls office is currently closed due to Covid-19 and our staff and project teams are working from home. We have made changes to some of our services: please go to the individual page(s) on our website for more info. For general enquiries please contact us on

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the mns collection ….

Musicians' Union and The Ivors Academy welcome Government inquiry into music streaming

The Musicians’ Union (MU) and The Ivors Academy have warmly welcomed today’s announcement of a Government inquiry into streaming in the music industry and, in particular, the economic impact music streaming is having on artists and the sustainability of the wider music industry. This announcement follows a joint campaign by the organisations to Fix Streaming and a petition calling for a Government review which secured 17,000 signatures.

current crisis has highlighted that the royalties generated by streaming are far too low and the market is failing the vast majority of our members. We hope this inquiry will show that a more equitable model is possible and that streaming royalties can and should play a significant role in sustaining the careers of creators and artists.” Graham Davies, Chief Executive of the Ivors Academy, said: “On behalf of all music creators we are delighted that Government will investigate the streaming market so it can work for all parts of the music industry. Most creators cannot make a living from streaming, it simply does not pay enough and millions of pounds each year is not properly allocated due to poor data. Following our campaigning with the Musicians’ Union, performers and creators to Fix Streaming this is an opportunity to create a transparent, fair and equitable approach.” The inquiry, expected to be held in November, will be calling on testimony from industry experts, artists and record labels as well as the streaming platforms. The Committee will also consider whether the government should be taking action to protect the industry from piracy in the wake of steps taken by the EU on copyright and intellectual property rights.

DCMS Committee Chair Julian Knight MP said: “While streaming is a growing and The campaign by the Ivors Academy and MU important part of the music industry contributing billions to global wealth, its has run alongside the grassroots artist-led success cannot come at the expense of #BrokenRecord campaign led by musician talented and lesser-known artists. We’re and songwriter Tom Gray. asking whether the business models used by With streaming currently accounting for more major streaming platforms are fair to the than half of the global music industry’s writers and performers who provide the revenue, the inquiry by the Digital, Culture, material. Longer-term we’re looking at Media and Sport Committee (DCMS) Select whether the economics of streaming could in Committee will look at the business models future limit the range of artists and music operated by streaming platforms. Music that we’re all able to enjoy today.” streaming in the UK brings in more than £1 The DCMS Committee is inviting billion in revenue with 114 billion music streams in the last year, however the returns written submissions to be to artists are unacceptably low, and can be submitted by Friday 16 as little as 15% of the income generated.

November - DCMS Committee,

Naomi Pohl, MU Deputy General House of Commons, London, Secretary, said: “It is extremely welcome SW1A 0AA that the DCMS Select Committee has announced an inquiry into the economics of Email: music streaming at a time when musicians are making very little money from live performance due to Covid-19. The Musicians' Union and the Ivors Academy have been calling for a Government review because the

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'BBC Introducing' returns to Radio Scotland with new presenter line-up of X Factor performer Shereen Cutkelvin + ex 'Dance Anthems' show presenter Phoebe Inglis-Holmes Singer and platinum recording artist Shereen Cutkelvin and DJ and broadcaster Phoebe Inglis-Holmes make their debut as the voices of BBC Introducing in Scotland - a brand new music show for Friday nights on BBC Radio Scotland. Part of the BBC Music Introducing brand, the new show, broadcasting now every Friday evening between show is the stuff dreams are made of. I can’t wait to 8-10pm, will showcase the under-the-radar and show the audience how much amazing music is unsigned music being made in Scotland today and coming out of our country - I've been lucky enough to feature live music sessions from Scottish artists. DJ across the globe, but there's truly something about The show marks 23 year old Shereen’s first foray in to the energy of fresh Scottish musicians that gets my live broadcasting. Commenting on her new gig she blood pumping, and we are so excited to be working said: “I am beyond excited for this new chapter in with others in the Scottish music scene and playing my musical career. Many will know me from my band our part to help make that happen.” Neon Jungle and my experience on the X Factor in Gareth Hydes, commissioning editor BBC 2017 but this is the first time I will be on the other side of the mic and I am totally up for the challenge. I Scotland added: “BBC Radio Scotland has a proud am passionate about shining a light on the artists that reputation for supporting and bringing through shape Scotland’s musical landscape. It is an absolute Scottish acts and giving them their first break in terms privilege to have a role in bringing this talent to many of performance and airplay and we will continue to do this with the new show. BBC Introducing in Scotland more ears and to be part of a radio station that is all about celebrating and backing the talent that exists in adds to an already strong music offer on the station which is lead by presenters that have an impressive Scotland.” depth of knowledge of their area of specialism. It’s Phoebe Inglis-Holmes was herself discovered by BBC great to be adding two new fresh voices to our Scotland in 2013 aged just 19 when her presenting presenting line-up with Shereen and Phoebe.” skills on a student radio station at University BBC Introducing in Scotland will bring audiences a impressed producers. She went on to present Dance selection of fresh new music being made in Scotland Anthems for BBC Radio Scotland and has built impressive radio broadcasting credentials working for today. The first show sees the return of live music to BBC Radio Scotland with a session from Scottish a variety of radio stations including Capital FM. Album of the Year nominated rapper Nova Scotia The Commenting on the new gig Phoebe added: Truth. ‘Anyone who knows me knows that I've been BBC Music Introducing supports unsigned, dedicated to making great radio for years and love unearthing new music and talent, so to land this new undiscovered and under the radar musicians across

the UK. With over 500,000 tracks uploaded to the BBC Music Introducing website and over 200,000 artists registered, BBC Music Introducing provides a network dedicated to supporting the best emerging talent from across the UK and a platform to propel them onto the national stage through Radio 1, 1Xtra, Radio 2, Radio 3, 6 Music and the Asian Network. BBC Music Introducing also gives up-and-coming artists broadcast opportunities on BBC radio, television and online alongside the chance to perform at major festivals and showcases. Big name artists including Slaves, Florence + The Machine, George Ezra, Catfish and The Bottlemen, Pale Waves, Sam Fender and Lewis Capaldi all received BBC Music Introducing support at the start of their careers. Since its launch in 2007, BBC Music Introducing has brought thousands of acts to hundreds of different stages, including Glastonbury, Big Weekend, Latitude, Creamfields, Reading and Leeds, as well as international showcases like SXSW in Texas, Eurosonic in the Netherlands and Winter Jazz Festival in New York.

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Scottish Jazz Awards 2020 Winners Unveiled The winners of the 8th Scottish Jazz Awards were unveiled on Sunday 18 October, at a virtual ceremony hosted by Suzanne Bonnar and Luca Manning.

“Congratulations to all the winners - and to the fantastic line-up of nominees. It’s clear that not only does Scotland’s jazz scene continue to be at the top of its game, but it looks certain that there’s still so much more to come.” Clare Hewitt, Music Officer at Creative Scotland

Stand-out artists from Scotland’s vibrant jazz scene were honoured in seven categories, with more than 2,500 public votes cast online to decide which artists scooped prestigious awards including Best Instrumentalist and Rising Star. The Services To Scottish Jazz Award and Lifetime Achievement Award were selected by a panel of industry specialists, including press and promoters from across the UK. Revered music writer, jazz critic and agent Rob Adams was awarded the Services To Scottish Jazz Award and this year’s recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award was Ken Mathieson. Ken ran the very first Glasgow International Jazz Festival in 1987, before devoting himself to playing and arranging for Fat Sam’s Band, Picante and his award-winning Classic Jazz Orchestra. Ken joins an esteemed hall of fame which includes Fionna Duncan, Carol Kidd and last year’s winner Martin Taylor. Glasgow based nu-jazz collective corto.alto, who released new music every three weeks from their hub at 435, scooped two awards – Best Band and Best Album – for their collection of releases.

Jazz Awards co-host Luca Manning

Liam from corto.alto with 'Best Album' sponsored by Birnam CD and 'Best Band' sponsored by Love Supreme Jazz Festival

Acclaimed pianist Fergus McCreadie picked up the Best Instrumentalist Award after securing a record deal this summer, while Paisley's Kitti was crowned Best Vocalist after recently releasing her debut EP.

sponsored by Ticketmaster Rob Adams

The Rising Star Award was given to young trombonist and singer Anoushka Nanguy who has already performed with the SNJO and is making waves on the Scottish jazz scene.

Jill Rodger, Director of Glasgow Jazz Festival and Producer of the Scottish Jazz Awards, said: “Thank you to everyone who joined us for the first virtual Scottish Jazz Awards ceremony and to everyone who cast their vote to select this year’s winners. The categories were hard fought so a big congratulations to everyone who was nominated.

The live-streamed awards included video messages from previous winners Martin Taylor, Tommy Smith from the SNJO, Georgia Cecile, Fergus McCreadie and Marianne McGregor, and exclusive performances from Fergus McCreadie and Laura MacDonald. Winners of the 8th Scottish Jazz Awards :: Rising Star Award sponsored by Musicians’ Union Anoushka Nanguy Best Vocalist Award sponsored by Whighams Jazz Club Kitti Best Instrumentalist Award sponsored by ESP Music Rentals Fergus McCreadie Best Band Award sponsored by Love Supreme Jazz Festival corto.alto Best Album Award sponsored by Birnam CD corto.alto - Live From 435 Vols 1, 2 & 3 Services To Scottish Jazz Award

Lifetime Achievement Award in association with Help Musicians Scotland Ken Mathieson

“The Awards have given us a chance to look back on what has been an incredible year for Scottish jazz, despite the challenges thrown our way, and to recognise some of the most talented and revered musicians in Scotland. Well done to everyone who was honoured, I hope everyone took the chance to raise a toast to the wealth of talent in the industry.” The Scottish Jazz Awards are produced as an independent event by the organisers of Glasgow Jazz Festival and supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland.

You can watch the awards back on the Glasgow Jazz Festival My Player channel @

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Katherine Aly :: single - 'Butterflies' Released :: 23 October @

Katherine Aly's sparkling new single Butterflies out this Friday 23 October :: Despite being a relative newcomer, Katherine Aly is beginning to create a genuine buzz.

and featured in Vogue Italia!


Katherine Aly has performed at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Hidden Door, Tenement Trail, Kelburn Garden Party and legendary venues like The Dublin Castle (London) and King Tuts

BBC Introducing :: “Live, Katherine is simply divine (January 2020)” Scotland On Sunday :: “Katherine Aly is a unique talent....combining beautiful melodies, unusual phrasing and multipart harmonies, she creates dreamy landscapes with a confident alt-pop sound...we predict a bright future..” Tenement TV :: “..influences such as London Grammar, Lana Del Rey, Florence and the Machine and Bjork, Aly continues to explore the realms of alt-pop with confidence and a great deal of promise.”

From the neoclassical The Skin I’m Made Of to Sunny Days (premiered on the dark-pop Misty Me and electronica gem God Breed. Her latest single Butterflies is released on FRI 23 October 2020 listen HERE. Airplay courtesy of BBC Introducing, Amazing Radio as well as stations in the USA, Canada, France and as far afield as Australia. She’s been championed by The Skinny, Tenement TV, Scotland on Sunday

Zoe Graham :: ep - 'Gradual Move' Released :: Out Now @ most major digital / streaming platforms

Speaking to both memories of the past and hopes for the future, Glasgow-based songwriter Zoe Graham is set to announce her arrival as one of the UK’s most exciting new artists with her forthcoming EP Gradual Move.

marks one of these emotions and tells a story of how changes in my life have affected me, and how I have now accepted them as part of the overall story.”

keep precious even as we march onwards.

It’s also a clarion call to taking a deep Still only 22 years old, the musician has breath and developed a knack for refining those universal remembering that joy emotions into electronic pop that wears its heavy still exists in anxious heart on its sleeve. Lyrically, much of the EP – moments, often including its poignant title track – deals with how waiting just around much of our histories we can hold on to without the corner."Sleep Talking" deals with Graham’s succumbing to nostalgia entirely. experience of falling out of love with an exgirlfriend, worried that her propensity to talk in Most of all, Gradual Move reflects on the her sleep could betray those guilty feelings. The moments that have shaped her journey up to song showcases her knack for elegant, synthnow, encompassing both emotional and physical driven melodies that recall some of her favourite artefacts. From the first track, the titular artists - notably Christine + the Queens and St. "Gradual Move", it’s a powerful approach: “Shed Vincent at their emotional best. a tear for the wood cut down I keep a slice” speaks of how she managed to save two shards Latest single "Know By Now" features another Charting a narrative journey through various skyscraping pop chorus with an emotional formative experiences, every song on the record of wood from the old porch as a reminder of what’s left behind from a former life. From the underbelly, a synth-driven song that would marks a step on the path to overcoming those shard she kept on the mantelpiece to a bundle of instantly find itself at home in any 80s comingchallenges. “Life changes, blame / guilt, dog hair saved from the childhood pet, the of-age film. It’s a paean to love and regret: honesty / truth and eventually acceptance and record is a reminder to cherish the things we “What I’ve put you through is a misery,” Graham reassurance,” Graham explains. “Each track sings, though the melody speaks of nothing but hope. By the time the EP draws to a close with "Fault Lines", a resolution of sorts has been achieved: the world has regained shape after fearing a break-up would tear it apart. “Didn’t I tell you it would be just fine?” she sings, over a frenetic drum beat and weaving bassline, adrenaline and anxiety still coursing as the narrator reassures herself that the sky isn’t falling after all. This is Zoe Graham’s story, played out against the ashes of old times, and she tells it across the record’s four songs with grace and charm. After years spent exploring different directions, Gradual Move EP showcases an artist ready to take a huge leap forward. Zoe Graham

:: photo by Julian Bailey

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Steve Hamilton :: album - 'Between The Lines' Released :: Out Now @

Top keyboardist reveals what lies Between the Lines :: Scottish pianist and keyboards player Steve Hamilton has used the enforced inactivity of lockdown to record his first solo album, Between the Lines, with friends including guitar virtuoso, Martin Taylor MBE dropping by to guest on selected tracks.

technology. The ballad Ealasaid, dedicated to Martin Taylor’s wife, Elizabeth, was created spontaneously by Hamilton and Taylor. For the powerful, atmospheric In a Flash of Light, Hamilton invited Davie Dunsmuir to add electric guitar to his keyboard and rhythm track, and Paul Booth’s tenor saxophone brought out the yearning quality of From the Embers.

Long-time friend Don Paterson, who is better known as one the UK’s leading poets, contributed his trademark filigree guitar picking The album’s release coincides with a period of to Look Up. Paterson’s evocative composition recuperation for Hamilton following surgery to Nijinsky, which first appeared during his time remove his right kidney after a tumour was with Celtic-jazz group Lammas in the 1990s, has found during a CT scan for another problem that always fascinated Hamilton and inspires a Berklee School of Music before amassing a CV has since been cleared up. searching improvisation here. Paterson was also that also includes work with jazz legends Ray the source of the arrangement of Robert Burns’ “I went into hospital on September 25th and had Charles, Freddie Hubbard and Pee Wee Ellis, Ae Fond Kiss which closes the album with a the kidney removed along with the tumour and Hamilton grew up in a musical family. His father, mood of poignancy. hopefully any traces of it from my body,” Steve Laurie was a professional guitarist and was says. “It seems we found it early enough to “I really enjoyed the process of making the always on hand to share advice and musical hope for a clear outcome moving forward.” album,” says Steve. “I didn’t set out with any discoveries. particular aim or sound in mind. Of course, I As the Covid-19 pandemic began to take its Between the Lines is dedicated to Laurie, who didn’t expect to be undergoing life-saving effect on live music, Hamilton had tours with his died in 2013, and features Martin Taylor MBE surgery once the recording was finished but I’m regular employer, drumming legend Billy and saxophonist Paul Booth, whose quartet beginning to do some exercise, like slow Cobham, as well as all his other bookings, Hamilton plays in. Guitarists Don Paterson and walking, and I’m looking forward to getting back cancelled. Having appeared on more than forty Davie Dunsmuir, Hamilton’s colleague from the into some kind of musical action again. I’m just recordings by luminaries including drummer Bill Billy Cobham Band, also made stellar so grateful to my NHS consultant and the whole Bruford’s Earthworks, saxophonists Peter King contributions. team who looked after me. They were all and Tommy Smith and guitarist Tony Remy, he amazing.” Most of the material was written, often on the felt this was an ideal opportunity to release an spot, by Hamilton alone or with his guests. album of his own. Opening track Awakening explores the textures A hugely experienced musician who studied at and tones available with the latest keyboard

Jack Badcock :: single - 'To Many Things' Released :: Out Now @ most major digital / streaming platforms

Dallahan’s frontman and founding member Jack Badcock will release his first solo piece of work later this month.

years between the two before moving to Scotland as a teenager in 2011, where he immersed himself in its traditional music scene.

The singer and guitarist’s debut single 'Too Many Things' was be available from Friday 23 October. His debut release sets the stakes high for a promising solo career with this skilfully melodic and lyrically rich single. A veteran performer, Jack has toured extensively across the world as frontman and founding member of his multi award-winning band Dallahan. His decision to embark on a solo career was in response to him feeling more and more compelled to write material in the singersongwriter style, rather than band-inspired compositions that had been his focus to date. With this self-penned work showcasing thoughtful lyrics and a musical maturity, Jack’s inimitable craft for song writing is palpable. Too Many Things cites inspiration from musicians on the Americana scene such as Sarah Jarosz and Darrell Scott, as well as singer-songwriters on the Scottish and Irish folk scene such as Kris Drever and David Keenan.

goes down and influences our behaviour in ways that are less than constructive, such as overindulging in alcohol. “The line within the song that reads “My best friend, my lover, my muse and my idol” is relating to the love in our life that keeps “that fella” at bay. The individuals who can see through the duality and love you for who you fundamentally are. The people that you can always rely on to see you through.”

Jack’s debut single showcases musical collaboration from John Lowrie on piano and snare drum and Siobhan Miller on backing vocals. In the closing section, a choir of some On his inspirations behind Too Many Things, recognised names on the traditional music scene can be heard lending their vocals, these include Jack said: “This song is an honest and I think Pablo Lafuente, Katie MacFarlane, John Lowrie, relatable reflection on the duality of one’s own personality. It’s observing that within us there is Jenny Floki, Sam Dunn, Lewis Somerville and Vera Linkkvist. a more dysfunctional version of ourselves, referred to in the song as “that fella”. This Jack was raised in Co. Kilkenny, Ireland and later conflicting entity sometimes shows itself when Yorkshire, England, splitting his first eighteen we’re unhappy, irritable or simply when the sun

Aged eighteen, while living in Edinburgh, Jack formed a partnership with multi-instrumentalist Ciaran Ryan, initially cutting their teeth playing traditional music on the Capital’s pub gig circuit, before going on to tour the UK, Germany and Denmark. The duo would go on to form Dallahan in 2013, which rapidly became one of Scotland's busiest international folk bands. To date they have recorded three albums with numerous tours in the UK, the USA, Canada and all over Europe. Jack has also performed and recorded with Rura, Siobhan Miller, Dougie MacLean and The Royal Scottish National Orchestra among many others. He was also a finalist in the BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician of the Year Award. ‘Too Many Things’ was recorded at Viewbank Studio by Pablo Lafuente, with additional recordings during lockdown taking place at Mango Mansion Studio by Jack himself. The single was mixed by Scott Wood at Oak Ridge Studios and mastered by Chris Waite at Gran’s House Studio. Too Many Things will be available to buy on Friday 23 October. It will be available on all usual streaming sites as well as being available to purchase at

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VULIN :: debut ep - 'Tethered To Sleep' Released :: Out Now @ most major digital / streaming platforms

A brooding and powerful return from Scottish artist VULIN with his debut EP Tethered to Sleep. The release follows a very successful debut single Distorted Silence which

was hailed as: “…an incredible and vast musical atmosphere which completely submerges the listener in its serene expertly crafted debut’ (Indie Top 39) and “…it leaves you utterly speechless with its intimacy and beauty…it’s completely spine-tingling” (MoggBlog). Tethered to Sleep was written by Craig MacLeod but includes featured musicians, Louis Abbott (Admiral Fallow), Siobhan Miller (Scots Singer of the Year – BBC Alba), Graeme Smillie (Arab Strap), Chris Marra (Danny Wilson) and Kevin Murray (Michael Marra), alongside contributions from former Dante members Euan McLaughlin, Stuart Hosking and Seán McLaughlin. This record was a culmination of musicians writing and recording remotely due to the lockdown but was then produced and mixed by MacLeod. To top off this stellar list of Scottish musicians the EP was mastered by Guy Davies (The Smiths, Mogwai, Frightened Rabbit, The Shins, Sigur Rós, etc). This impressive debut EP is a collection of poetic songs with hook filled lines, laid across clever sonic palettes from a wide stylistic spectrum, while delivered with a vulnerable yet commanding voice, that is heartwrenching, cathartic and ethereal. This stunning EP includes three diverse songs - Distorted Silence, Folded Hands and Patterns that Glitch – which showcase VULIN’s talent for songwriting and production. Tethered to Sleep will be released on 16thOctober 2020 through all major digital / streaming music retailers.

Calum Jones :: single - 'Two Months' Released :: Out Now @ most major digital / streaming platforms

Calum Jones is an incredibly prolific young singer-songwriter from the picturesque Highland village of Oran. He sings, writes, produces and performs all of the instruments on his recordings and has enjoyed airplay on BBC Radio 2 thanks to Jo Whiley, and across the BBC.

instrumentalist) how many albums have you released so far? What’s your process for writing? “I currently have two full studio albums, an EP and a string of singles out on all the major platforms, My third (12track) studio album is due for pre-release on the 25 September and officially out on 27 November. I don’t really have a specific writing process or style and write tracks as and when they come to me based on how I’m feeling at the time. Sometimes I can be noodling on my guitar find a nice chord progression or riff and keep running it round until some lyrics start to come together. Other times it starts with some lyrics and I build the song around them or I can be letting off steam on the drums and find a groove I really like and start to develop a song from that. It depends, I think that’s why I write across multiple genres because it all comes down to my mood and what instrument I’m playing at the time.” Q: We’ve seen you play under your own name and with your TradProject (it seems festivals love booking TradProject too) - tell us briefly about that what is the Trad Project exactly? The Trad Project is a side project I put together a couple of years ago. I started my musical career as a drummer in traditional bands and have always loved the music, so I often found myself writing tunes that didn’t fit the singer-songwriter, rock, pop vibe I was performing solo and I didn’t want them going to waste. I’d always wanted to have a really high intensity trad/rock band to perform full on foot-stomping fun at festivals so started jamming with some friends and it seems to have gotten an amazing response.

He's been championed by The Scotsman, featured on scores of Spotify playlists (including the official Scotify) and played just about every festival going. Throughout 2020 he has been releasing one single per month and his latest 'Two Months' was released on 23 October and will be followed by his third album MirrorGlass on 27 November. Calum has supported and toured with fellow Highland acts Skerryvore and Elephant Sessions as well as the likes of Tony Christie. He has played almost every festival going and wrote his third album whilst still in his teens!! We asked Calum a few questions about his career to date.

Q: What’s next for you this year and into next? “Well with the new album coming out soon that’ll hopefully keep me busy for the rest of this year and then as soon as live shows start happening again I’m planning to gig and tour as much as possible, get back out there and see the #CJfamily in person. I’m also planning to get back in the recording studio and start working on next year’s album."

Q: Tell us what you’ve been up to this year? How has the pandemic affected you? All negative or some positive stuff too? “I’ve had a really intense release schedule this year dropping a new single every single month since January, in the lead up to the release of my third studio album MirrorGlass so that has kept me very busy. With gigs and live events being cancelled it has been a real challenge to stay motivated, but I’ve been spending the time trying to get to get better with my social media and grow the #CJfamily. I’ve also been learning how to create content like music and lyric videos myself which I’ve never done before. I planned to write as many songs as possible whilst I’ve been shut away from the world - but in all honesty I’ve found it incredibly difficult and I’ve only written one new track.” Q: We know most of your income is from your music and particularly playing live - how are you surviving the covid nightmare? “I’m a self-employed musician and all my income came from gigging in pubs and clubs so I’ve currently no money coming in at all since there is no live music scene. I’m just really lucky that I still live at home with my parents so don’t have many expenses like rent etc. I was also really lucky to have finished recording all the tracks for the MirrorGlass album before the pandemic hit so I’ve been able to keep putting music out every month as planned, but it’s been tough as I’ve no earnings to put into promotion, and

you can’t meet people to shoot photos or videos etc. I’ve been doing livestreams every Thursday night on social media to keep in touch with my fans and I’m looking into some funding options to try and keep my head in the game and keep making new material for next year too.” Q: You’re a really prolific young songwriter (and multi-

Career highlights so far and future ambitions / milestones? “I absolutely love playing to a live audience and I’ve played a lot of amazing gigs and festivals over the past few years so it’s really difficult to pin down one specific favourite but there are a few performances that stand. Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, Eden Festival, Stramash (in Edinburgh) & the Inverness Red Hot Highland Fling at new year in front of 12,000 people which was pretty insane. Having my music played on BBC Radio 2 was pretty awesome too, as is the continued support I get from radio stations across the world. But the best thing this year has been seeing my fanbase the #CJfamily grow and how they’ve responded to each new release and I really can’t wait to share the album with them and catch up with them all once we get out of lockdown.”

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your listen 'n' watch guide during lock-down :: a selection of music on scotland's tv + radio this week

Music on Scottish

Roddy Hart :: 11pm on BBC Radio revival with classic records and new Scotland. Roddy shines a spotlight on great releases. songwriting, both contemporary and classic. BBC Introducing in Scotland :: 8pm on WEDNESDAY 28 OCTOBER BBC Radio Scotland. The best unsigned, undiscovered and under-the-radar music The Afternoon Show :: 1.30pm on BBC Scotland has to offer. Singer and platinum Radio Scotland. What is happening in music, recording artist Shereen Cutkelvin and DJ arts and culture from across Scotland. and broadcaster Phoebe Inglis-Holmes are the voices of BBC Introducing in Scotland a music show for Friday nights on BBC Radio Get It On... With Bryan Burnett :: 6pm Scotland. Part of the BBC Music Introducing on BBC Radio Scotland. Bryan with essential brand, the show, broadcasting every Friday music chosen by listeners. evening between 8-10pm will showcase the under-the-radar and unsigned music being made in Scotland today and feature live The Quay Sessions :: 8pm on BBC Radio music sessions from Scottish artists. --------------------------------------Scotland. Roddy Hart is joined by the Queen of 2-Tone, PAULINE BLACK, plus The Fonn mo Bheatha :: 8pm on BBC ALBA. Music all day every day from Glasgow Selecter live archive. Music and chat programme presented by promoting Celtic and roots music of all Cathy Ann MacPhee with guest ALLAN genres - at 95FM or online @ Na Trads: An Tobar :: 10-10.30pm on MacDONALD. BBC ALBA. Musician Robert Robertson from --------------------------------------band Tidelines revisits music from the Trad Awards vaults and from past Trad Winners. Ashley Storrie :: 10pm on BBC Radio Scotland. New and classic Scottish music, Independent Alternative digital radio, Another chance to see music and songs from SIOBHAN MILLER, MALINKY, and soul rockabilly, pop and indie from around broadcasting live from the upstairs of LP THE PAUL MCKENNA BAND, amongst the world. Records in Glasgow, listen online @ others. --------------------------------------Seirm :: 11pm on BBC ALBA. Appearing in Celtic Connections Shorts :: 11.50pm on this final episode are JIGJAM, SMITH and MONDAY 26 OCTOBER BBC ALBA. YORKSTON/THORNE/KHAN McLENNAN, LAHIRA and MARI KALKUN. perform. The Afternoon Show :: 1.30pm on BBC Radio Scotland. What is happening in music, SATURDAY 31 OCTOBER arts and culture from across Scotland. THURSDAY 29 OCTOBER Take The Floor :: 7pm on BBC Radio The Afternoon Show :: 1.30pm on BBC Scotland. For the very best in traditional Get It On... With Bryan Burnett :: 6pm Radio Scotland. What is happening in music, music and song, join Gary Innes for Take on BBC Radio Scotland. Bryan with essential arts and culture from across Scotland. The Floor. music chosen by listeners.

TV & RADIO over the next week ...

Celtic Music Radio

LP Radio

Vic Galloway :: 8pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Vic shares his most influential black artists across the decades.

Get It On... With Bryan Burnett :: 6pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Bryan with the best songs for Halloween.

Pipeline :: 9pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Gary West presents the definitive pipe music programme, featuring news and recordings from the piping world.

Travelling Folk :: 8pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Bruce MacGregor with the very ALT :: 9pm on BBC ALBA. Music show with best of folk and roots musicfrom around the IDLEWILD and SACRED PAWS. world. Billy Sloan :: 10pm on BBC Radio Natasha Raskin Sharp :: 10pm on BBC Scotland. Hot new releases plus rock and Julie Fowlis :: 10pm on BBC ALBA. Filmed Radio Scotland. For Black History Month, pop music from Scotland and around the during lockdown, Julie Fowlis presents a part 2 of a special programme celebrating world. new music series for our times. 'Black Women in Music'. One More TUNE :: 11.30-11.45pm on BBC TUESDAY 27 OCTOBER Na Trads: An Tobar :: 11.30pm on BBC SCOTLAND. One More Tune, a spin-off of ALBA. Musician Robert Robertson from band TUNE, BBC Scotland’s youth music brand, is The Afternoon Show :: 1.30pm on BBC Tidelines revisits music from the Trad a new 8-part multi-platform music Radio Scotland. What is happening in music, Awards vaults and from past Trad Winners. entertainment series presented by arts and culture from across Scotland. charismatic, unapologetically bold frontman of Motherwell band, The LaFontaines. FRIDAY 30 OCTOBER Having launched on BBC iPlayer it gets its Get It On... With Bryan Burnett :: 6pm first outing on the BBC Scotland channel on BBC Radio Scotland. Bryan with essential The Friday Afternoon Show :: 2pm on tonight. For the first episode of this new music chosen by listeners. BBC Radio Scotland. Weekend tunes and quickfire music chat show, Kerr is joined by what is happening in music, arts and culture leader of the new school generation’ from across Scotland with Nicola Meighan. YUNGBLUD who shares the songs and Another Country with Ricky Ross :: 8pm stories which have shaped his life and on BBC Radio Scotland. Ricky focuses on career. Declaring his love for Freddie Black History Month. Mercury; reminiscing about hearing Rage Grant Stott's Vinyl Collective :: 6pm on Against the Machine in his dad’s guitar shop BBC Radio Scotland. Celebrating the vinyl growing up and revealing the tunes that Iain Anderson :: 10pm on BBC Radio Scotland. End the day in the company of the songwriting masters of country, folk, blues and soul.

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your listen 'n' watch guide during lock-down :: a selection of music on scotland's tv + radio this week make him “want to get naked” and that “remind him of Glasgow”, One More Tune uncovers the soundtrack to YUNGBLUD’s extraordinary life in music so far. Along the way YUNGBLUD chats about the motivation behind his new music, explaining: “The first album was so angry because I was kind of writing it against people who misunderstood me and judged me and didn't get me my whole life. But how can I be angry now because I have a whole community of people that uplift me?” One More Tune is produced by MultiPlatform Productions for BBC Scotland. One More TUNE :: 11.45-12am on BBC SCOTLAND. LaFontaines frontman Kerr Okan is joined in this second episode by Scottish star Sharon Rooney, best known for My Mad Fat Diary, Dumbo, Zapped & much more. Kerr talks to aron about the songs and stories which have shaped her exciting TV and Film career. We learn that Dougie MacLean’s Caledonia makes her feel homesick and Gerry Cinnamon’s Belter reminds her of the favourite character she’s ever played. One More Tune is a multiplatform eight part series produced by MultiPlatform Productions for BBC Scotland. Celtic Connections Shorts :: 00.50am on BBC ALBA. Musical folk trio LAU perform one of their own tunes 'Far from Portland'. SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER

Take The Floor :: 5pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Gary Innes shares your messages and plays your Scottish Traditional music requests.

Get It On... With Bryan Burnett :: 6pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Bryan with essential music chosen by listeners.

Celtic Connections Shorts :: 6.10pm on BBC ALBA. Scottish based outfit DALLAHAN. Jazz Nights :: 7pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Seonaid Aitken with the best in jazz music from contemporary to classic.

Vic Galloway :: 8pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Featuring live sessions and new material from the best alternative artists. Iain Anderson :: 10pm on BBC Radio Scotland. End the day in the company of the songwriting masters of country, folk, blues and soul.

Rewind :: 7.15pm on BBC SCOTLAND. The Julie Fowlis :: 10pm on BBC ALBA. Filmed music and news from 1997. during lockdown, Julie Fowlis presents a new music series for our times. Classics Unwrapped :: 9pm on BBC Radio Scotland. Scottish sacred music from Paisley WEDNESDAY 4 NOVEMBER Abbey. Na Trads: An Tobar :: 10-10.30pm on BBC ALBA. Musician Robert Robertson ALT :: 10pm on BBC ALBA. Music show with revisits music from the Trad Awards vaults IDLEWILD and SACRED PAWS. and from past Trad Winners. Another chance to see music and songs from Phil Cunningham, Aly Bain & Violet Tulloch, Iain Anderson :: 11pm on BBC Radio Innes Watson and band, along with a host Scotland. End the day in the company of the of other musicians. songwriting masters of country, folk, blues and soul.

Celtic Connections Shorts :: 11.50pm on BBC ALBA. Musical folk trio LAU perform Mike Ritchie On Sunday: 4-6pm on Celtic one of their own tunes 'Far from Portland'. Music Radio 95FM + DAB. Handpicked tunes from established acts, new voices and anything that takes my fancy from the MONDAY 2 NOVEMBER wonderful worlds of americana, roots, folk, singer/songwriters without worrying about The Afternoon Show :: 1.30pm on BBC labels. Voted Best Radio Show in Radio Scotland. What is happening in music, americana-uk 2017 Readers' Poll. arts and culture from across Scotland.

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