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Festivals! Scotland's Music

the Scottish music festival supplement from MUSIC NEWS Scotland

Cape Breton’s finest fiddlers Dawn & Margie Beaton play this month's Blas (pictured)

festival - read all about it on page 5

INSIDE :: Blas :: SEALL Festival of Small Halls :: Carrying Stream :: Celtic Connections :: The Gathering :: 365: Stories and Music :: Edinburgh's Hogmanay :: The Spree .... PLUS our festival listings section!

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Blas + Festival of Small Halls combine concerts Two prominent Gàidhealtachd festivals have joined forces for 2019 to bring the best in Scottish traditional music to venues on the Isle of Skye. The 2019 Blas Festival has teamed up with the SEALL Festival of Small Halls to deliver two concerts in Kyleakin and Edinbane, each featuring world-class performances by the royalty of Scottish music. This year’s SEALL Festival of Small Halls takes place between 22 and 30 November and features eight musicians who will lead a series of From left :: Blas Festival organisers Calum Alex MacMillan, Eilidh MacKenzie and Arthur concerts, cèilidhs, sessions, school and public Cormack; SEALL creative director Marie Lewis and founder Duncan MacInnes workshops in small rural venues with an emphasis on community, culture and said: “SEALL has a reputation for being one of the cake and we are delighted to be celebration. the most active and best organised promoters in collaborating with Arthur and the team. Blas has The Small Halls Festival kicks-off in Kyleakin on the Highlands and has been involved with the garnered an enviable reputation for bringing the 22 November when Duncan Chisholm, Donald Blas Festival since its inception, working with us music, songs, language and culture of the Shaw, Innes Watson, Su-a Lee, Jarlath in promoting events in Sleat and other parts of Highlands to Scotland’s northern communities Henderson, Rachel Newton, Hamish Napier and Skye over the past 15 years. With this year’s and the Small Halls Festival shares a similar Megan Henderson take to the stage for a lively Blas dates coinciding with the Festival of Small ethos by being very much community focused concert and cèilidh which heralds the start of Halls, which shares so much of our ethos and with an emphasis on celebrating our music and nine days of big music in small halls across the values, it’s a natural partnership. We are culture in the traditional way around Scotland’s Isles of Skye and Raasay. looking forward to some great events.” national day.” On 28 November, Errogie fiddle player Adam SEALL’s creative director Marie Lewis * Read more on Blas and SEALL Sutherland comes as a special guest to Donald added: “This is a very exciting time for SEALL Festival of Small Halls on p5 + 6 Shaw, Su-a Lee, Hamish Napier and Lauren as the Kyleakin event not only marks the launch MacColl who will be playing a lively concert in of our second Small Halls Festival but will also Edinbane Hall. be our 2000th event since SEALL started back in Blas Festival organiser Arthur Cormack

1994. Our partnership with Blas is the icing on

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15th annual Blas Festival launches programme of Highland musical events

This year’s Gaelic music festival will culminate on St Andrew’s night Highlands :: 22-30 November ::

BUY YOUR TICKETS @ The programme for this year’s Blas Festival has been launched and it reveals an outstanding line-up of musicians from Scotland and further afield for this year’s Gaelic music festival which will take place this month in venues throughout the Highlands. Blas, which means ‘taste’ or ‘sample’, is organised by Fèisean nan Gàidheal in partnership with The Highland Council and will take place from 22-30 November, culminating in a variety of events across the Highlands to celebrate St Andrew’s Night. It aims to celebrate Gaelic culture and the thriving Scottish traditional music scene over 8 days of concerts, cèilidhs and workshops in venues across the Highlands and Islands.


Fast becoming a Blas tradition, three birthdays will be celebrated in true Highland style this year with an impressive array of special musical guests. Gaelic singer, John ‘Seonaidh Beag’ Macmillan will celebrate his 80th birthday alongside Donaidh Macleod who turns 90 this year. Celebrating with the Lewis men, at An Lanntair in Stornoway, will be Gaelic singers Kathleen Macinnes and Iain Mackay, Allan Henderson, members of the Lewis Pipe Band and other special Acts at this year’s Blas, which takes place at venues from Aviemore to Barra include the Gary Innes Band, guests. Also celebrating a special 80th birthday will be Barra’s Chrissie Macdonald, or Chrissie Denny as she Tideline’s Robert Robertson and Ross Wilson, Iain is commonly known, who will be joined by Mary Ann Macfarlane and Ingrid Henderson, an outstanding Kennedy, Allan Macdonald, Alasdair Whyte, Còisir piping night at Inverness Town House and neo-trad trio Project Smok. As always there will also be special Ghàidhlig Bharraigh and The Cèilidh King, Fergie Macdonald, at Barra’s Northbay Hall. performances from an overseas act. Two of Cape Breton’s finest fiddlers and step-dancers, sisters Having recently showcased their work in Canada at Dawn & Margie Beaton, will be entertaining audiences the Celtic Colours Festival, Fuaran will take to the in Gairloch, Resolis, Ullapool and Roybridge, alongside stage to showcase the fruits of their recent work. Gaelic singing trio, Sian, and singer Kathleen Fuaran, a heritage initiative established by Fèisean MacInnes. nan Gàidheal to encourage a new generation of Gaelic In a programme which really does offer something for every member of the family, as well as the 20+ main concerts and cèilidh, there will also be daytime cèilidhs, a series of song lectures and a special schools programme which will see some of the musicians visit locals schools for performances and workshops.

2005. This year’s programme is no exception and with its outstanding cèilidhs, and concerts will celebrate and promote Highland culture to audiences coming from far and wide. We are delighted to be able to put on Blas Festival this year, once again, to showcase and celebrate our homegrown talent.” Shona MacLennan, Ceannard, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, said “Bòrd na Gàidhlig is delighted that Fèisean nan Gàidheal has been successful in ensuring that the much-valued Blas festival is running again this year. The high quality and range of events in the progamme promote a very positive message about the Gaelic language and culture. We know that the arts are a key driver in attracting people to learn Gaelic and in strengthening its use and Blas, along with other festivals, add significantly to Scotland’s culture and its attractiveness as a country.”

Councillor Alister Mackinnon, Chair of the Gaelic Strategy and Implementation Group and Chair of Corporate Resources, Highland Council, said: speakers and singers to actively engage in the This year will also feature two special partnerships. “The Highland Council has supported the Blas Festival research and collection of Gaelic songs in their local Blas and Smalls Halls Festival will present shows in since its inception 14 years ago. The Blas programme Kyleakin and Edinbane featuring a world-class line up area, will perform alongside tradition bearer, singer is educational and entertaining especially as we and piper, Rona Lightfoot, and Gaelic singer Margaret of musicians including Capercaillie’s Donald Shaw, celebrate the Year of Indigenous Languages, and Stewart, who both supported the young singers with fiddler Duncan Chisholm, Grantown-on-Spey multiincludes events from Kyleakin to Lochinver and instrumentalist and composer Hamish Napier and BBC their research. Gairloch to Strathy on the North Coast". Young Folk Award winner, uilleann piper Jarlath Arthur Cormack, Fèisean nan Gàidheal Chief Henderson. The Highland capital will host a show by Executive, said: “Blas Festival has become an electronic celtic fusion super group, Niteworks, at important event in the calendar for communities Ironworks - a partnership between 432 and Blas. across the Highlands and Islands since its inception in

Tha an 15mh Fèis bhliadhnail Blas a’ nochdadh prògram de thachartasan ciùil Gàidhealach Tha prògram Fèis bhliadhnail Blas ga fhoillseachadh is e a’ nochdadh taghadh farsaing de luchd-ciùil à Alba is thall thairis airson fèis chiùil Ghàidhlig na bliadhna-sa a bhios a’ gabhail aite an ath-mhìos ann an tallachan air feadh na Gàidhealtachd. Tha Blas ga chur air dòigh le Fèisean nan Gàidheal ann an co-bhoinn le Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd agus bidh i a’ gabhail àite eadar 22-30 Samhain, a’ tighinn gu crìch le caochladh thachartasan air feadh na Gàidhealtachd airson oidhche na Fèill Anndrais a chomharrachadh. Tha i an dùil cultar na Gàidhlig agus saoghal beothail ceòl dualchasach Albannach a chomharrachadh ann an 8 làithean de chonsairtean, de chèilidhean is de sheiseanan-obrach ann an àiteachan air feadh a’ chinn a tuath is nan eilean. Ann am prògram sa bheil ann an da-rìreadh rudeigin do shean is òg, a bharrachd air na prìomh chonsairtean is cèilidhean, bidh cuideachd cèilidhean ann tron latha, sreath òraidean air òrain agus prògram sònraichte do sgoiltean far an tadhail cuid den luchdciùil air sgoiltean ionadail a chluich is a dhèanamh sheiseanan-obrach. Am measg na bhios aig Blas na bliadhna-sa, a bhios a’ gabhail àite bhon Agaidh Mhòr gu Barraigh, bidh an còmhlan aig Gary Innes,

Raibeart MacDhonnchaidh is Ros MacUilleim bho Thidelines, Iain MacPhàrlain is Ingrid NicEanraig, oidhche air leth de phìobaireachd ann an Taigh a’ Bhaile ann an Inbhir Nis agus an triùir nuadh-dhualchasach, Project Smok. Mar as àbhaist bidh cluicheadairean air leth againn bho thall thairis. Bidh brod nam fìdhlearan is nan dannsairean à Ceap Breatann, na peathraichean Dawn is Margie Pheutan, air beulaibh luchd-coimhead ann an Geàrrloch, an Ruigh Solais, an Ulabul agus san Drochaid Ruaidh, ri taobh an triuir sheinneadairean Sian agus a’ bhanasheinneadair Caitlìn NicAonghais. Am-bliadhna chìthear dà cho-thachartas air leth. Cuiridh Blas agus Fèis nan Tallachan Beaga consairtean air ann an Caol Àcainn agus san Aodann Bhàn le sar-thaghadh de luchd-ciùil, nam measg Dòmhnall Seathach bho Chapercaillie, am fìdhlear Donnchadh Siosal, am fear ioma-ionnstramaideach a bhios a dèanamh cèol ùr, Hamish Napier à Baile nan Granndach agus fear-glèidhidh Duais BBC Young Folk, am pìobaire uilleann, Iarlath MacEanraig. Ann an Inbhir Nis gabhaidh an sàr-chòmhlan eileagtronaigeach Ceilteach, Niteworks, a chluinntinn san Ironworks, rud a tha na chom-pàirteachas eadar 432 agus Fèis Blas.

bliadhna. Còmhla ris na Leòdhasaich san Lanntair ann an Steòrnabhagh bidh na seinneadairean, Caitlìn NicAonghais agus Iain MacAoidh, Ailean MacEanraig, buill de Chòmhlan Phìobairean Leòdhais agus aoighean sònraichte eile. Cuideachd a’ comharrachadh ceithir fichead bliadhna bidh Criosaidh Dhòmhnallach à Barraigh, no Criosaidh Deanaidh mar as fheàrr as aithne dhi, agus na cuideachd bidh Màiri Anna NicUalraig, Ailean Dòmhnallach, Alasdair MacIlleBhàin, Còisir Ghàidhlig Bharraigh agus Rìgh nan Cèilidhean, Feargaidh Dòmhnallach, ann an Talla a’ Bhagh a Tuath ann am Barraigh.

A’ cur an cèill an cuid saothrach ann an Canada an-dràsta, nochdaidh Fuaran air an àrd-ùrlar airson toradh na h-obrach a rinn iad o chionn ghoirid a shealltainn. ‘S e a tha ann am Fuaran ach iomairt dualchais stèidhichte le Fèisean nan Gàidheal airson ginealach ùr de sheinneadairean òga Gàidhealach a bhrosnachadh a bhith a’ rannsachadh is a’ cruinneachadh òrain Ghàidhlig sa cheàrnaidh aca fhèin, agus seinnidh iad còmhla ris a’ bhanasheinneadair is a’ bhana-phìobaire, Rona Lightfoot, agus a’ bhana-sheinneadair, Mairead Stiùbhart, a chuidich le chèile na Ann an cleachdadh a tha gu math stèidhichte seinneadairean òga le an cuid rannsachaidh. Thuirt Ceannard Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Art ann am Blas a-nis, thèid trì co-làithean Cormaig: “Tha Fèis Blas air a dhol na breith a chomharrachadh air an t-seann dòigh Ghàidhealaich am-bliadhna le taghadh thachartas cudromach ann am mìosachan choimhearsnachdan air feadh na sgoinneil de shar-aoighean ciùil. Bidh Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean bho chuireadh Seonaidh Beag MacMhaoilein a’ air chois i ann an 2005. Tha prògram na comharrachadh ceithir fichead bliadhna ri bliadhna-sa mar an ceudna agus le a cuid taobh Dhonaidh MhicLeòid a bhios 90 am-

chonsairtean is cèilidhean comharraichidh agus brosnaichidh cultar Gàidhealach do luchd-èisteachd fad is farsaing. Tha sinn air ar doìgh glan gur urrainn dhuinn Fèis Blas a chur air a-rithist am bliadhna, aon uair eile, airson an tàlant a dh’fhàs an seo fhèin a shealltainn is a chomharrachadh.” Chuir Shona NicIllFhinnein, bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig ris: “Tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig toilichte gun deach aig Fèisean nan Gàidheal air dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an Fhèis luachmhor a tha ann am Blas a’ dol a-rithist am bliadhna-sa. Tha inbhe àrd is farsaingeachd tachartasan a’ phrògraim a’ sgaoileadh deagh theachdaireachd mu chànain is cultar na Gàidhlig. Tha fhios againn gu bheil an ealain na prìomh-adhbhar air daoine a tharraing a bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig is gu bheil i a’ neartachadh bruidhinn na cànain agus gu bheil Blas agus fèisean eile a’ cur gu mòr ri cultar na h-Alba agus a’ tarraing dhaoine thuice." Thuirt an Comhairliche Alasdair MacFhionghain, Cathraiche Buidheann Roinnleachd agus Cur an Gnìomh na Gàidhlig agus Cathraiche an Stòrais Chorparra aig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd: “Tha Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd air taic a chumail ri Fèis Blas bho thòisich i 14 bliadhna air ais. ‘S e goireas foghlaim a tha ann am prògram Blas agus tha i na fearas-cuideachd gu h-àraidh is sinn a’ comharrachadh Bliadhna nan Cànan Dùthchasach. Tha i a’ toirt a-steach thachartasan bho Chaol Àcainn gu Loch nan Inbhir agus Geàrrloch gu Srathaidh ann an Dùthaich MhicAoidh.”

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The 2019 SEALL Festival of Small Halls kicks off on 22 November for nine days with a triple celebration Isle of Skye :: 22-30 November :: BUY YOUR TICKETS @ The first concert of the Isle of Skye’s popular 'Festival of Small Halls' winter festival takes place in Kyleakin Hall and will not only herald the start of nine days of world-class Scottish traditional music in small halls around the Isles of Skye and Raasay, but will also mark SEALL’s 2000th event since its inception 28 years ago. The third reason to celebrate is this very special concert and cèilidh dance, which features the combined talent of eight of Scotland’s best trad musicians, is part of the 2019 Blas Festival. SEALL’s Creative Director Marie Lewis said: “We are so excited to be working with Blas this year. Blas is such a fantastic, well-established festival which shares our ethos of highlighting culture and community and we are delighted to be part of the 2019 programme of events. “Our launch night in Kyleakin is going to be very special. The concert marks SEALL’s 2000th event since it all started back in 1991. Almost all of our eight festival musicians will play together on the stage and we have some amazing talented young local musicians to open the evening. The great chefs of Eòlach Food of Glenelg are putting on an optional but very special two-course festival dinner at 6.30pm, which will be available to 60 diners. The music begins at 8pm.”

A Small Halls concert last year in Minginish Marie said: “November is almost upon us and we are very excited about this year’s festival. The hall committees have been fantastic and once again have got straight into the spirit of the event by organising festival meals and raffles to make their night extra special. “We are so grateful to all of our funders and sponsors whose support and generosity have allowed us to bring the SEALL Festival of Small Halls to Skye and Raasay for another year and given us a great excuse to celebrate our communities and unique culture together.”

Kyle, Kyleakin, MacDiarmid, NCETM Plockton, Staffin and Struan. The festival has received support through Creative Scotland, Scotland’s Winter Festivals, the Sligachan Hotel, Culture and Business Fund Scotland, the Blas Festival, the Highland Council, Edinbane Community Company, the Old Inn Carbost and Cuillin FM (media sponsors).

The festival is designed to bring Skye and Raasay’s communities together for a special winter evening and give people cause to celebrate their traditional music and culture in This year, the Sligachan Hotel base plays host to their own village halls with some of the best trad the festival talks. World-renowned BBC musicians in the world. broadcaster Matthew Bannister will present a Marie added: “We are really looking forward to talk and film on his award-winning podcast Folk seeing everyone and hearing the musicians play on Foot on Sunday 24 November. On Thursday together inside one of our beautiful small halls. and Friday, 28 and 29 November, celebrated Early indications are showing this year is going Errogie fiddle player Adam Sutherland, who to be even more successful than our inaugural comes as a special guest to this year’s festival, festival in 2018, when some venues sold out will interview some of the Small Halls’ musicians weeks before the event. for his popular podcast Interesting People. “We have already sold over 25 per cent of our As part of SEALL’s commitment to open access tickets and we haven’t even begun the main to all events, the festival supports young people publicity campaign yet. We are expecting full in a number of ways by exposing them to high houses across the Islands this year and invite quality performance art through ticket incentives everyone to come along and enjoy big music in and performance opportunities. Young local For 2019, the popular Small Halls Big Cèilidh will their small hall, but book their tickets early.” rising stars of the Scottish traditional music be one of the events taking place across the scene will have the opportunity to learn from the world as part of the global Fair Saturday cultural masters and, over the course of the festival, movement and will raise funds for Ross-shire musicians will be leading free school music Women’s Aid. workshops for pupils in Broadford, Carbost, Dunvegan, Edinbane, Elgol, Kilmuir, Knockbreck, Trad giants Duncan Chisholm, Donald Shaw, Jarlath Henderson, Innes Watson, Su-a Lee, Lauren MacColl, Hamish Napier, Rachel Newton and Megan Henderson will be based at the Sligachan Hotel throughout the festival, which takes place between 22 and 30 November, and will lead concerts, cèilidhs, sessions and workshops inside small halls in Braes, Breakish, Edinbane, Elgol, Glendale, Kilbeg, Kilmuir, Kyleakin, Minginish, Portree, Raasay and Waternish. Most of the participating halls are turning their event into a special celebration with pre-concert meals, bars and raffles. The festival ends on St Andrew’s Day (30 November) with a spectacular celebratory concert and cèilidh for all at the iconic Sligachan Hotel, the festival’s main business sponsor, in honour of Scotland’s National Day.

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Carrying Stream Festival continues to celebrate the life and work of Hamish Henderson

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Edinburgh :: 8-10 November :: BUY YOUR TICKETS @

Edinburgh Folk Club is running its annual Carrying Stream Festival (CSF) over the weekend Friday 8 to Sunday 10 November. This festival was created shortly after Hamish Henderson died in 2002 in order to celebrate his life and work. John Barrow of the Edinburgh Folk Club said: “This year would have been Hamish’s 100th birthday so we’ve gathered ourselves up and made a special effort to augment previous years’ festivals by creating what we think is an appropriate weekend’s events.” The festival opens on Friday 8 November 2019 with a concert in St Bride’s Centre, Orwell Terrace at 8pm The performers are songwriter Rab Noakes, the popular 4-piece folk group Malinky and the Sangstream Choir. Rab Noakes :: On Saturday 9 November at midday in the Scottish Storytelling Centre there is the annual lecture which this year will be particularly interesting as Janet Henderson, one of Hamish’s daughters, will deliver it. It’s a free event but tickets are required which are On Sunday 10 November there’s a singing session at available from the Scottish Storytelling Centre. 2pm in the Canon’s Gait pub (all welcome). And finally at 8pm in the basement bar of the Ukrainian After the lecture from 2pm to 4pm, there’s a songwriting workshop led by tutor Findlay Napier who Community Centre there is then a singing ceilidh hosted/chaired by Professor Margaret Bennett the created and runs the annual Glasgow Songwriting Festival. There is a charge for this and only 15 tickets Gaelic singer and a former colleague of Hamish Henderson. Many will remember Prof. Bennett’s late are available also from the Scottish Storytelling son Martyn, also a very talented young musician. Centre. On the evening of Saturday 9 November at 8pm in the Ukrainian Community Centre in Royal Terrace, the new home of Edinburgh Folk Club, there’s a concert featuring Findlay Napier, and Beth Malcolm who won the Edinburgh FC’s annual songwriting competition in summer 2019 and the local young, talented musician and songwriter, Lewis McLaughlin.

Malinky ::

The ticketed events are all listed in EFC’s on-line box office, and on EFC’s Facebook 'Events' section - links below.

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Celtic Connections Announces 'Coastal Connections' Festival Glasgow :: 18 January :: BUY YOUR TICKETS @

Celtic Connections will celebrate Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters with a full day of special events all anchored to the maritime traditions that have shaped the country’s history. Coastal Connections, a one-off festival within a festival, will take place in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on January 18, offering singleticket access to a packed programme of ocean-themed music, talks, film, storytelling, exhibitions and workshops. Funded through EventScotland’s International Programme supporting Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters 2020, Coastal Connections will present musicians from more than 20 islands, coasts and peninsulas including Tiree-based Skerryvore, Oban-founded Capercaillie, Hebridean super-group Daimh, North Uist-born Julie Fowlis, Gnoss from Shetland, Orkney roots group Fara, Fiddler Gillian Frame from Arran, and Ceol Nan Eilean from Benbecula. Cape Breton neighbours Anita MacDonald & Ben Miller appear, along with projects by Feis Rois, Lochaber-based Ingrid Henderson and award-winning duo Mairearad & Anna from The Black Isle/Wester Ross. In keeping with the festival’s strong commitment to roots music from and inspired by the edge of the Atlantic, the event will celebrate the unique heritage and diverse culture of the coasts and waters of Scotland. Given the rich seam of folklore that runs along our shorelines, myths, legends and storytelling will be a recurring theme of Coastal Connections and one of the highlights will be the first ever appearance of Vision Mechanics’ latest huge outdoor spectacular with support from EventScotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters and Creative Scotland.* The waters around Scotland and the shore-to-shore journeys made by residents and visitors will be celebrated with a musical contribution from Ferry Tales, a forthcoming production from the National Theatre of Scotland, with the support of Caledonian MacBrayne and their ferries. Scotland’s seas can be treacherous, of course, and Coastal Connections will also present Launch!: an immersive performance combining footage from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution’s film archive with live music. Skerryvore playing at Mod Ghlaschu 2019 The event, created by award-winning film curator Shona Thomson and :: sound artist/beatboxer Jason Singh, will draw inspiration from the footage, sounds and stories they discovered within the archive of this 200-year-old organisation. It will also feature a guest performance by singer-songwriter Jenny Sturgeon of acclaimed alt-folk band, Salt House. Connections creative producer Donald Shaw said: “Landscape and culture are very closely linked and since Celtic communities have often Announcing the Year of Coasts and Waters event, Celtic been island or shore-based, there’s a strong maritime element to many Celtic songs and legends. Scotland’s Year of Coasts And Waters is a great opportunity to explore that rich heritage through music and drama, and we are delighted to be presenting Coastal Connections as a festival within a festival that already celebrates the very best of Celtic culture.” Councillor David McDonald, depute leader of Glasgow City Council and chair of Glasgow Life, said: “Coastal Connections adds a new and exciting element to a festival that is already a highlight of Scotland’s cultural year. I’m particularly pleased that Songs Of The Clyde will feature alongside music from the furthest reaches of Scotland’s Highlands and Islands on a packed programme that looks set to be among the UK’s hottest tickets of 2020.” Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland's Director of Events, said: "Coastal Connections will be one of the early events to herald the arrival of Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters 2020 and we are delighted to be supporting it. Scotland is the perfect stage for events and this gathering of musicians and performers will bring Scotland’s maritime traditions to the fore, immersing audiences in the culture of our coasts and waters while celebrating the treasured natural assets that are enjoyed yearround by visitors and local communities.” Robbie Drummond, managing director of CalMac Ferries, said: “Celtic Connections helps brighten up Januarys in Glasgow so what better way to kick off the Year of Coasts and Waters than with an island festival in the city.” Gnoss :: photo by Dougie Coulter

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Line Up Announced For The Gathering 2020 in Inverness Inverness :: 30 May :: BUY YOUR TICKETS @

The Gathering Festival is set to return to The Northern Meeting Park in Inverness for its second outing on Saturday 30 May 2020 with a line-up showcasing the very best traditional music, food & drink and crafts from the Highlands and across Scotland. The family friendly one day festival will feature a line-up including legendary Scottish trailblazers PEATBOG FAERIES who have created a glorious mixture of traditional sounds and dance-floor grooves that have been embraced worldwide. Peatbog Faeries :: Drawing upon a dazzling myriad of influences from jigs and reels through Dance Music, Jazz, African, and more, they will bring the sound of BLAZIN’ FIDDLES; TRAIL WEST who are leading ‘We are delighted to unveil the line-up for The Scotland fresh-faced and breathless to The the thriving scene of Gaels in the city of Gathering 2020. We were completely blown Gathering. Glasgow, RHYTHMNREEL a band who are away by the response to the first outing of The guaranteed to get any festival in full swing and Gathering last June and can’t wait to welcome Also joining the bill and making a very overdue final act for the moment THE CITY OF everyone back to Inverness next summer for return to Inverness are a Celtic rock band who INVERNESS YOUTH PIPES & DRUMS. round two! We have an incredible array of talent need no introduction, the one and only in the Highlands and Scotland, from musicians to WOLFSTONE. 2020 sees the band celebrate 30 A full range of Highlands & Islands and Scottish food & drink suppliers and crafters and it is years in the music business. What began as a craft food and drink suppliers will be announced wonderful to bring them all together and traditional dance band playing the village halls of in the coming months along with a programme celebrate the very best we have to offer.’ Dougie the Highlands evolved into a Folk Rock including meet the makers sessions, a full stage Brown - Promoter extravaganza, crossing musical, cultural and age 2 line up and a packed line-up of children’s boundaries. entertainment. But, rest assured as with the The inaugural Gathering Festival took place on In their 30 years on the road Wolfstone have taken their living, breathing, adrenalin induced version of the evolving folk tradition throughout the World, winning fans and headlining major festivals across Europe and the USA. Other acts appearing on the main stage include the world’s most famous bagpipe band THE RED HOT CHILLI PIPERS; a standout act from the 2019 festival TORRIDON make a very welcome return; one of the world’s most prolific fiddle groups and ‘The Led Zeppelin of the folk world’

2019 event there will no run of the mill generic products, with everything being of the highest quality and exclusively sourced from The Highlands and across Scotland.

Saturday 1st June 2019 and sold out over 6 weeks ahead of the event. The line-up featured The Vatersay Boys, Tidelines, Elephant Sessions, Ho-Ro amongst many others.

We will also be unveiling an expanded fringe programme of entertainment across numerous bars and venues in Inverness in the lead up to the main event at The Northern Meeting Park, with some very special and exciting events in the pipeline.

Tickets are available now from or in person from Eden Court, The Ironworks and Cafferys in Inverness.

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365: Stories + Music an epic cross-artform collaboration by Aidan O’Rourke and James Robertson comes to Celtic Connections for an exclusive performance Glasgow :: 2 February :: BUY YOUR TICKETS @

The UK’s premier celebration of folk, roots and world music, Celtic Connections, hosts a very special, one-off performance of 365: Stories and Music – an epic cross-artform collaboration by leading Scottish artists Aidan O’Rourke and James Robertson on 2 February. The beautiful new art installation - designed by Yann Seznec and built by Old School Fabrications - to house the collection of 365 stories and tunes for the public to enjoy will be located at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall foyer for the duration of the festival. It all started in 2013, when James Robertson – one of Scotland’s most prominent authors – set himself the challenge of writing a short story every day for a year. Each story was to be 365 words, no more, no less. It became an enchanting, roaming collection of fairytales and memories and provocations published in 2014 by Penguin as 365:Stories. That was only the beginning. In 2016, enchanted by the potent atmosphere of Robertson’s tiny prose pieces and intrigued by the notion of an inescapable daily creative ritual, Aidan O’Rourke – fiddler, composer, curator and one third of Lau – decided to write a tune every day in response. The result is a major new body of 365 tunes – a significant addition to the Scottish traditional music canon. Lighting up the stage of The Mackintosh Church on 2nd February for a very special concert, O’Rourke will play some of his sparse and emotive fiddle tunes, paired with kaleidoscopic harmonies from Mercury-nominated Kit Downes on harmonium and piano and guitarist Sorren Maclean. Joining them on stage for this bold and tender epic, James Robertson will read a selection of his stories along with special guests including Tam Dean Burn, Gerda Stevenson and Iona Zajac. INSTALLATION :: Robertson’s stories and O’Rourke’s music now form a touring installation designed by inventor Yann Seznec in collaboration with design team Old School Fabrications which will be at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall foyer for the duration of Celtic Connections. The installation is a piece of art in itself, beautifully crafted from wood and brass with no digital screens in sight encasing the spoken-word recordings of all 365 stories: Robertson reads many himself, and other storytellers provide rich and varied accents from artists, actors and young people around Scotland including; Gerda Stevenson, Cathy Macdonald, Matthew Zajac and Kate Molleson. The free-to-enjoy installation allows up to six people at a time to browse through all 365 stories and listen through headphones. Commissioned by the Edinburgh International Book Festival and supported by Creative

Scotland and PRSF, it launched in August 2019 before touring to Linlithgow Palace, Scottish International Storytelling Festival, Shetland Word Play Festival, Orkney Library and Huntingtower throughout the Autumn and Winter months. SUBSCRIBE TO 365 :: From January 2020, readers can receive a daily story and tune to be delivered to their email inbox. With no need to buy a CD or book, the 365 Stories and Music will arrive every day free of charge – a daily miniature piece of public art. A son might sign his mum up to receive a tune and short story every day via email. A tourist might fall in love with Scottish fiddle playing. Couples will nod in recognition to one of James’s wise tales; children will get the creeps from his ghost stories; budding composers might feel inspired to create their own 365-day challenge.

tune cycle started as an entirely personal writing exercise – to see what might happen if I imposed a daily writing ritual upon myself. I read James's stories; I felt a tangible connection. I loved how succinct and emotive he could be with his words. I appreciated the power of his understatement, of saying less in a world when everyone seems to be shouting more. I wondered whether there might be a musical parallel.

The older I get, the more quietly I seem to want to play, James warned me off setting myself such an absurdly epic task. He already knew the pitfalls. But I'm driven by a creative challenge– or maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment – and so for a year, these tunes became the punctuation and grammar of my everyday. I had to force myself out of my comfort zone because default settings sound pretty hackneyed after a week or two. And now the cycle has grown and This project has grown in ways James Robertson spiraled. It's been mind-expanding working with couldn’t have imagined when he began writing Kit and James, both of whom take me in his stories. It has become a vast, rich and directions I would never go without them”. multiform patchwork of fiction woven with stunning melody – an expansive catalogue of James Robertson said: “I love the way the public art whose multimedia format means it can 365 project has built new layers of creativity and be enjoyed in numerous ways. performance on my original collection of stories. It's been a total joy and privilege to work with Tickets for 365 featuring Aidan O'Rourke & these talented musicians, and I am still James Robertson at Celtic Connections are astonished that my words have provoked such a available now via rich range of responses in Aidan’s compositions. Sign up to 365 Stories and Music @ www.threeThen there is the installation, a thing of beauty in itself, and all the readers who have lifted the Celtic Connections executive producer Jade stories off the page, adding such a range of Hewat said: “We’re really looking forward to voices and moods. It’s been a huge collaborative welcoming the 365 Stories And Music art effort but also great fun, and I am just grateful installation as part of Celtic Connections 2020. to be part of it”. It’s exciting to be showcasing cross-artform in 365: Music + Stories created in partnership with this way and we believe the festival audiences Edinburgh International Book Festival, with will really embrace this piece of work as part of support from Creative Scotland, PRS for Music their Celtic Connections experience. Aidan and Foundation’s The Open Fund, the University of James’s concert in the beautiful setting of the Glasgow’s Scottish Literature department, BBC Mackintosh church on the final night of the Scotland, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, festival is also sure to be a wonderful night of Scottish Poetry Library, An Tobar, Reveal music and art.” Records and Penguin Books. Discussing the 365 project, Aidan O’Rourke said: “This project was never meant to be quite so... public! Nobody was necessarily going to hear any of it. That wasn't the point. My 365

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Edinburgh's Hogmanay Embraces Scottish Acts On New High Street Stage For 2019 Idlewild :: The Snuts :: Shooglenifty :: Keir Gibson :: The Ninth Wave :: PorkPie Edinburgh :: 31 December :: BUY YOUR TICKETS @

The new High Street stage by Edinburgh's Hogmanay features an all Scottish line up to celebrate Hogmanay!

Idlewild ::

After a special guest opener, Scottish indie rock heroes Idlewild, now cultural icons, play a set of greatest hits and new material before the high energy of The Snuts - with their great live performances and massive indie tunes, word about the West Lothian foursome is spreading like wildfire.

We’re also delighted to welcome The Ninth Wave, frontrunners of Glasgow’s indie/glam movement, with triumphant sets at Isle of Wight, Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, Jocktoberfest, HebCelt and King Tut’s New Year’s Revolution. After Marc Almond takes us After midnight get ready for the Edinburghbased six-piece Celtic fusion band Shooglenifty up to The Bells, Edinburgh’s good-time ska with sounds ranging from electronica to alt rock. godfathers PorkPie take the stage after midnight to keep the party going No Street Party would be complete of course The Johnnie Walker Stage plays host to without a brilliantly eclectic music line-up, featuring the best Scottish and UK talent to keep Hogmanay regular The Great Calverto, opening for Radio 1 DJ and presenter of Love Island: The the party going all night long! Morning After, Glasgow born Arielle Free The legendary Marc Almond headlines the followed by the return of the Mac Twins after Waverley Stage this year. The hugely popular last year’s triumphant set no one wanted to end, singer-songwriter will perform a selection of his taking us through The Bells and into 2020. greatest hits with his band. Be innovative :: World famous Street Party to Opening for Marc is a young singer-songwriter reanimate Princes Street through international from Fort William, Keir Gibson whose excellent artistic collaboration featuring Circus Alba debut single Eyes Wide is creating waves (Scotland), Compagnie Remue Ménage (France), already.

Close Act-Theatre (Netherlands), Dundu (Germany), Avant Garde Dance (UK) and Gandini Juggling (UK) Be at the heart of it :: Top music acts confirmed to rock the Street Party including; Marc Almond, Idlewild, The Snuts, Shooglenifty, Keir Gibson and Arielle Free Be entertained. Legendary children’s TV hosts Dick and Dom to amuse at Bairns Afore Be wowed :: Edinburgh’s Hogmanay headliner, superstar DJ Mark Ronson creates exclusive new soundtrack for iconic Midnight Moment fireworks Be a part of it :: Packed programme to set McEwan Hall alight early doors with new events; G’day 2020 with Kylie Auldist and Ronnie Scott’s Big Band in Concert Be out all night. Dance into the wee hours with the Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Official Afterparty with Judge Jules Be daring :: The world-famous Loony Dook once again sees the wacky and wonderful raising money for charities. Be refreshed :: McEwan Hall programme continues into New Year’s Day – with the return of the free First Footers Family Ceilidh and closing concert with national treasure Eddi Reader in association with Celtic Connections. Be inspired :: Co-commissioned with Edinburgh International Book Festival Message from the Skies returns with newly scripted letters projected across Edinburgh from acclaimed Scottish authors; Charlotte Runcie, Irvine Welsh, Kathleen Jamie, Kayus Bankole and Robin Robertson Be Green :: Edinburgh’s Hogmanay first of Edinburgh Festivals to invite audiences to carbon offset their journey in partnership with Forest Carbon.

The Snuts ::

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Record numbers attend The Spree festival events across Renfrewshire More than 12,000 festival-goers turned out for The Spree festival as figures show record attendances at this year’s events. The festival, which is now in its eighth year and is organised by Renfrewshire Council, took place over nine days from 11-19 October. Music and comedy fans were treated to sell-out shows from Hue and Cry, Glasvegas, The Snuts, Jerry Sadowitz and spectacular performances from Soul legend PP Arnold, Hayseed Dixie, Super Furry Animals frontman Gruff Rhys, Karine Polwart’s Scottish Songbook and two Friday comedy nights compered by Fred MacAulay and Scott Gibson. This year’s opening night also saw a fitting tribute to one of Paisley’s favourite musical sons - A Gerry Rafferty Songbook with Roddy Hart, Emma Pollock and Rab Noakes, who thrilled a sell-out crowd with a set spanning the musician’s rich career. Most of the shows at this year’s festival took place in the stunning Salon Perdu Spiegeltent in Paisley’s County Square - with a bigger tent than in previous years allowing for more people to enjoy the performances. There was lots of fun for families as the Wee Spree programme of kids activities took place during the school holidays and saw over 2,000 youngsters enjoy events from music and circus skills workshops to cinema and comedy. This year also saw the return of the popular Spree for All fringe programme, which was extended across Renfrewshire and saw 2,500

people attend events across Lochwinnoch, Johnstone, Kilbarchan, Renfrew and Paisley. Paisley also played host to an all-day festival within-a-festival on the opening Saturday with LNP Promotions’ ModStuff celebration in the Spiegeltent, which saw the spectacle of over 100 scooters ride off around the town from County Square. The Spree is a centrepiece in Renfrewshire Council’s annual major events calendar, which has made Paisley one of Scotland’s key cultural destinations in recent years. This year’s festival was programmed by Regular Music and sponsored by Tennent’s Lager. Louisa Mahon, Head of Marketing, Communications and Events at Renfrewshire Council, said: “This has been

another fantastic year for The Spree as we’ve seen record attendance figures and more fans coming out to enjoy their favourite acts and musicians at the festival. “The Spree has grown in recent years to become a popular fixture in Scotland’s festival calendar, attracting a wealth of local and international artists and bringing more and more visitors from across the country to see what Paisley has to offer. “The extended programme of amazing events across towns and villages in Renfrewshire will also boost our local economy and will go some way to benefiting local businesses.” Mark Mackie, Director of Regular Music, said: “We are proud to have been involved with Renfrewshire Council in programming this year’s The Spree festival in Paisley and are delighted that the concerts were so well attended and enjoyed by everyone that came along.” The festival also provided a boost to local traders with many festival-goers choosing to spend local and sample the great bars, restaurants and cafes in the area. Jacqueline McCaig, owner of The Old Swan Inn which hosted the Spree Festival Club of daily events during the festival, said: “We absolutely loved hosting the Spree Festival Club this year at The Old Swan - it was a fantastic week of live music. The pub was really busy with a great atmosphere and a great mix of customers old and new, who came to see what the Festival Club was all about and enjoy the variety of talent we had on show.” The Spree festival marked the start of Renfrewshire Council’s winter events programme, which continues next with the Christmas Lights Switch-On events, in Paisley (Saturday 16 November), Renfrew (Saturday 23 November) and Johnstone (Saturday 30 November). To find out more about each of these events, visit Hayseed Dixie ::

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NOVEMBER Carrying Stream Festival

:: Celebrating Hamish Henderson Edinburgh 8-10 November

SEALL Festival of Small Halls Isle of Skye 22-30 November

The Festival of Small Halls on the Isle of Skye brings music to ten remote village halls around the Island and Lochalsh. The SEALL Festival of Small Halls runs for eight days and includes concerts, cèilidhs and public and music workshops in halls and schools by some of the nation’s finest traditional musicians.

Edinburgh Folk Club is running its annual Carrying Stream Festival (CSF) over the weekend Friday 8 to Sunday 10 November. This festival was created shortly after Hamish Henderson died in 2002 in order to celebrate his life and work. John Barrow of the Edinburgh Folk Club said: “This year would have been Hamish’s 100th birthday so we’ve gathered ourselves up and made a special effort to augment previous Edinburgh’s Hogmanay years’ festivals by creating what we think is an appropriate weekend’s events.” Edinburgh

31 December


Inverness 15-16 November The second annual Monsterfest music event will be staged in Inverness with the help of new main sponsor Loch Ness Water. Monsterfest launched in 2018 with a mix of established, classic and new rock bands and is returning by popular demand as the only rock festival in this format in the north of Scotland.

Scots Fiddle Festival Edinburgh 15-17 November

See in the New Year at the world’s best street party as Edinburgh invites the world to share the love, embrace friends – old and new – and celebrate the New Year in the home of Hogmanay. Get 2020 ready now - take advantage of our Early Bird discount with tickets for £20.00 + £1.00 booking (limited availability). Edinburgh’s Hogmanay is the UK’s (if not the world’s) leading New Year Festival lasting 3 days in Scotland’s stunning capital city drawing an estimated 150,000 people from Scotland and around the world.

JANUARY 2020 Celtic Connections

One of Scotland's biggest traditional music festivals, promoting & sustaining traditional fiddle music since 1996. A weekend packed full of great music! Concerts, ceilidhs, recitals, workshops, talks, open stage, festival clubs, sessions, stalls, come and trys, seminars and lots more! The first concert of the Isle of Skye’s popular 'Festival of Small Halls' winter festival takes place in Kyleakin Hall and will not only herald the start of nine days of world-class Scottish traditional music in small halls around the Isles of Skye and Raasay, but will also mark SEALL’s 2000th event since its inception 28 years ago.

Blas Festival Highlands 22-30 November

Glasgow 16 January - 2 February

From Thursday 16 January to Sunday 2 February 2020, musicians from across the world will take part in over 300 events in venues throughout Glasgow for the UK's premier celebration of celtic music - Celtic Connections. The 18 days of entertainment will brighten up the dark, wet January nights with a mixture of concerts that include a host of one-off musical collaborations alongside talks, workshops, film screenings, theatre productions, ceilidhs, exhibitions, free events and late-night sessions. Renowned as a musical cure for the wintertime blues, Celtic Connections 2020 will be the 27th incarnation of a festival that began in 1994, when it offered 66 events at one venue. Since then it’s grown more adventurous, experimental and diverse each year and now offers thousands of events in locations across Glasgow.

The programme for this year’s Blas Festival has been launched and it reveals an outstanding line-up of musicians from Scotland and further afield for this year’s Gaelic music festival which will take place this month in venues throughout the Highlands. Blas, which means ‘taste’ or ‘sample’, is organised by Fèisean nan Gàidheal in partnership with The Highland Council and will take place from 22-30 November, culminating in a variety of events across the Highlands to celebrate St Andrew’s Night. It aims to celebrate Gaelic culture and the thriving Scottish traditional music scene over 8 days of concerts, cèilidhs and workshops in venues across the Highlands and Islands.

Big Burns Supper

Dumfries 24 January - 2 February

TradFest Edinburgh Edinburgh 1-11 May

Edinburgh Tradfest has a rich story. With its longer tap roots in the Edinburgh Folk Festival, it was launched by Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland (TRACS) in 2013 to provide a distinctive platform for folk arts in the capital city. Edinburgh is a hot house of talent, home grown and visiting, and Tradfest is an opportunity to see it all in play.

Orkney Folk Festival Orkney 21-24 May

One of Scotland’s longest-running folk festivals, celebrating its 38th outing in 2020, the Orkney Folk Festival is one of the most prolific events in the Scottish and UK folk calendars, and one of the highlights of Orkney’s diary of community events. An entirely voluntary run event, the festival annually attracts artists from all corners of the folk world - from leading international names to up and coming fresh faces - to Stromness, in Orkney’s West Mainland, for four days of concerts, ceilidhs, clubs, sessions, talks and craic. Artists and audiences are welcomed by and into Orkney’s own thriving folk scene, with Orcadian artists providing around two thirds of the festival programme. Line-up announced across December-March, with tickets on sale in April, around six weeks ahead of the event.

The Gathering Inverness 30 May

The Gathering Festival is set to return to The Northern Meeting Park in Inverness for its second outing on Saturday 30 May 2020 with a line-up showcasing the very best traditional music, food & drink and crafts from the Highlands and across Scotland. The family friendly one day festival will feature a line-up including legendary Scottish trailblazers PEATBOG FAERIES who have created a glorious mixture of traditional sounds and dance-floor grooves that have been embraced worldwide. Drawing upon a dazzling myriad of influences from jigs and reels through Dance Music, Jazz, African, and more, they will bring the sound of Scotland fresh-faced and breathless to The Gathering.

JUNE Killin Music Festival

Killin The 2020 festival will be our ninth edition and is 19-21 June going to be crammed full of top notch artists with big names, big hearts and the usual quirky madness you have come to expect.


Year 5 for Killin Music Festival promises to bring another exciting weekend to the heart of Scotland in June 2020. Lineup will be announced, and tickets will go on sale, towards the end of 2019.


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SCOTTISH MUSIC FESTIVALS to be included in our festival listings email details to:

JULY Stonehaven Folk Festival Stonehaven 9-12 July

The pretty North East coastal town of Stonehaven comes alive with a vibrant mix of traditional and contemporary “Folk” music and song ….. concerts, ceilidh, sessions, singarounds, workshops, the famous aqua ceilidh and world paper’n’comb championships!

at TRNSMT 2019 over three days of incredible live music and glorious sunshine as fans were treated to unforgettable sets from Main Stage heavyweights Stormzy, Catfish & the Bottlemen, George Ezra, Gerry Cinnamon, Lewis Capaldi, Emeli Sandé and more while over at the King Tut’s Stage Powered by Utilita Energy and the brand new Queen Tut’s Stage, fans had the opportunity to check out an exciting array of up and coming talent from all over Scotland and further afield.

SEPTEMBER Lindisfarne Festival

Lindisfarne, Northumberland 3-6 September

A range of tickets will be available via Crowdfunder, ranging from ‘Early Bird Ticket’ deals (with up to 25% off standard ticket prices), to festival merchandise and even an ‘Ultimate Festival Package’ for two. Renowned as HebCelt the ‘ultimate end-of-summer party’, the over Stornoway 18’s only festival presents a genre-hopping 15-18 July mishmash of must-see performances in one of Tiree Music Festival the UK's best-kept-secret festival location Tiree Four day festival set against the unique overlooking Holy Island. This year, the 3-day 10-12 July backdrop of the Hebrides. Organised by the HCF camping festival played host to over 200 acts Trust, this first festival was held in 1996 and across its 10 stages, with Ocean Colour Scene now regularly attracts attendances of 14,000 The festival offers a diverse programme with a closing the mainstage with a well- received mixture of genres including folk, pop and indie. over its four day run. Wild, but not a bit woolly, headline performance on the Saturday night. this festival has built up a fabulously loyal Artists across the years have included The Fratellis, Dougie MacLean, Sharon Shannon, The audience locally and from across the world, many of whom have Hebridean ties, many of Levellers, Capercaillie, Sandi Thom and Eddi whom just love coming here and joining in the Reader. With picture-perfect white sands and world-famous surf, a trip to Tiree Music Festival great party. is a real Island adventure, often described as one of the most stunning festival locations in the Ullapool Guitar Festival world. Details of TMF2020 will be announced Ullapool later in the year.


TRNSMT Festival Glasgow 10-12 July

150,000 music fans descended on Glasgow Green last weekend for the sold out TRNSMT Festival which well and truly lived up to its reputation as Scotland’s biggest and best music festival. Hot on the heels of another hugely successful weekend, festival organisers have confirmed dates for TRNSMT 2020 with the festival set to return to Glasgow Green between 10th - 12th July 2020. Over 70 acts performed


2-4 October

Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival

This is an amazing little festival which is literally rammed full of talented artists that have all been attracted up to the beautiful setting of Ullapool in the autumn - thanks to the energy Beauly, Inverness-shire and passion of organiser Richard Lindsay. A 30 July - 1 August fantastic value weekend ticket gains you entry into everything that is happening over the three Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival is an all ages days; all workshops, the late night Festival Club family event and the largest camping and in the Macphail Centre, the Trade Show with outdoor festival in Scotland. The organisers have something for all guitarists and of course all 5 urged those who have missed out on tickets not concerts. Weekend tickets are selling out fast so to fall for offers for ticket scammers and to only get in touch via the link below if you want one! buy tickets via Skiddle’s resale function when live or physical tickets via Twickets.

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