Lyrics: William Blake (1757-1827)
Ricercando ( = 69) rall.
Music: Giulio De Carlo (b. 1981)
This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
my I not couldnotsee,I Isought soul, Icouldsee,not soul see. mybut could God, I mysought soul, I could could sought I I soul, see,I mysoul see. myGod, but not soul, notcould not sought see, Imy I couldIsoul see. my Isee, my soul, not my see, not soul, could could not I but sought soul, butmysoul couldnotsee. I see, my couldnotsee, I soul,sought could I not Imy
This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
edl ud er,broth my e e ed edme,lud lud me, me. ed lud e me.ed lude me,lud ed e mybrother, me, er, edme, mybroth lud lud me,e me.ed edlude I lud me, er, edme, sought e brothmy lud broth er, er, sought me. I ed edlude e mybroth my a tempo lunghe esitando
, dolcissimo
, dolcissimo
, dolcissimo
, dolcissimo
This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
and all and Iand foundthree, found allthree. er I three,three,all found I all all all and brothI three, found three. three, er I foundfoundI all all three, andand all found three. and foundall found I all Iand er three, three,Ialland three, and andall found three, I three, all and I Iallfound found three, all er broth three.