“WirSingenDirImmanuel,”PaulGerhardt,1653 translationbyCatherineWinkworth,alt. fromLyraGermanica:TheChristianYear,1855
all Thy saintsThee, Lord, wesing;Praise,hon or, - thanks,to Thee we bring. E'er p
all Thy saintsThee, Lord, wesing;Praise,hon or, - thanks,to Thee we bring. E'er p
all Thysaints, Thee,Lord, wesing;Praise,hon or, - thanks, to Thee we bring. E'er p
all Thysaints, Thee,Lord, wesing;Praise,hon or, - thanks, to Thee we bring. E'er
pect ed - Guest,Hast come at last to make us blest!
pect ed - Guest,Hast come at last to make us blest! Now
pect ed - Guest,Hast come at last to make us blest! Now f
pect ed - Guest,Hast
seek to serve Thee ev er - more.-