By Zanaida Stewart Robles
“Umoja” is the first principle of Kwanzaa meaning unity. This setting is designed to incorporate improvisation and can be performed in any combination of voices and/or instruments. Percussion instruments such as the kalimba, atoke bells, or djembe drum can be added in a rhythmic yet improvisatory manner to create a richer texture. The rhythm should dissipate as the aleatoric section begins.
Kwanzaa principles are valuable to remember year-round, which makes Kwanzaa music viable for performances at concerts, festivals, sacred services, conferences, casual gatherings and special occasions throughout the year.

Dr. Zanaida Stewart Robles is a fierce advocate for diversity and inclusion in music education and performance. Authentic interpersonal connection and relationship-building are core principles of her teaching and performance methods. Born, raised, and educated in Southern California, she is in demand as a vocalist, conductor, clinician and adjudicator for competitions, festivals, and conferences related to choral and solo vocal music. She serves on the national board of the National Association of Negro Musicians and is chair of the board of directors of Tonality, a non-profit organization that promotes peace, unity, and social justice through choral music performance in Los Angeles. She holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the USC Thornton School of Music, a Master of Music degree from CSU Northridge, a Bachelor of Music degree from CSU Long Beach, and she is a graduate of the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.
Zanaida Robles
*Aleatoric section; tempo ad lib
*Each individual singer starts and ends on their own, singing the whole melody in parenthesis at their own slow pace.
K jichag lia i he econd p inciple of K an aa, meaning elf-de e mina ion. Call-and- e pon e elemen , canonic ph a e , igh ha monie , and a d i ing djembe accompanimen make hi mode a el challenging p- empo ne bo h celeb a o and empo e ing.
K an aa p inciple a e al able o emembe ea - o nd, hich make K an aa m ic iable fo pe fo mance a conce , fe i al , ac ed e ice , confe ence , ca al ga he ing , and pecial occa ion h o gho he ea .

Dr. Zanaida S e ar Robles i a fie ce ad oca e fo di e i and incl ion in m ic ed ca ion and pe fo mance. A hen ic in e pe onal connec ion and ela ion hip-b ilding a e co e p inciple of he eaching and pe fo mance me hod . Bo n, ai ed, and ed ca ed in So he n Califo nia, he i in demand a a ocali , cond c o , clinician and adj dica o fo compe i ion , fe i al , and confe ence ela ed o cho al and olo ocal m ic. She e e on he na ional boa d of he Na ional
A ocia ion of Neg o M ician and i chai of he boa d of di ec o of Tonali , a non-p ofi o gani a ion ha p omo e peace, ni , and ocial j ice h o gh cho al m ic pe fo mance in Lo Angele . She hold a Doc o of M ical A deg ee f om he USC Tho n on School of M ic, a Ma e of M ic deg ee f om CSU No h idge, a Bachelo of M ic deg ee f om CSU Long Beach, and he i a g ad a e of he Lo Angele Co n High School fo he A .