I, Lover | SSAA | Marybeth Kurnat | MusicSpoke_perusal

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Marybeth Kurnat

I, Lover

I shallnever have any fear oflove Not of its depth or uttermost height Its exquisiLe pain,or its terrible delighL I shallnever have any fear of love.

I shallnever hesitale Lo go down Into the fastness ofits abyss or shrink from iLs cruelty, nor iLs awfulkiss I shallnever have any fear of love.

Nevershall I dread love'sstrenglh Nor any pain it maygive Throughall of the yearsLhat I maylive I shallnever have anyfearof love.

I shallnever draw back from love Through fear of its fasL pain But makejoy in it and count it a.gain I shallnever have any fear of love.

I shall nevertremblenor flinch Fromlove'smoulding Louch, I have lovedLoo terribly and too much Ever Lo have any fear of love.

Composer's Notes

Elsa Gidlow (1898-1986) was one of the first openly gayjournalists and poets inNorthAmerica..Throughout 1he 20th cenLury, she published several collections of LGBTQ prose andpoeLry. Her ranch in Muir\Voods, CA,was a. safe haven for arLisls, feminists and LGBTQ people from 1954 unlil her death. In a period of lime when LGBTQ people were either largely ignored or aggressively persecuted,Gidlow'spersistence and sLrong sense of identity lhroughout her longlife broughL visibility,safety andhumanity for her community.

I wrote this setting ofI,LoverLo submiL toTrue Concord's StephenPaulusEmerging Composer's CompetiLion. It was programmed in a concert cycle feaLuring poeLryandmusic by under-represented voices. Gidlow's words seem Lo serve as both a meditation and a. baLLle cry. Pa.iredwith lush and Lense harmonies,moments ofdeclaraLionandslillness,and intensedynamicchanges,one canexperienceall of the beauliful andpainfulstages of being in love.

aboutthe composer

Marybeth Kurnat (1987) is a rising voice in choral music in Lhe Chicago area. Her authenlic composiLional style, especially her harmonic language, is heavily influenced by her musical fou.ndalion as a.jazz saxophonist Her work,"I, Lover;" was the 2021-22\\Tinner of the Stephen Paulus Emerging Composer's Compelition. She was a 2023 Composilion Fellow for 1he PREMIEREIProjectFestival.

Marybeth holds a. B.M. in Music Educa.Lion from Northern Illinois University, and serves as a music educator in DeKalb, IL. She maintains an aclive performance schedule as a soloist and choralsinger with several Chicago-area choirs. www.marybeLh-kurnat..com

©2021-2024 emm bee ka_y music This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.


poetry by Elsa Gidlow
Marybeth Kurnat (ASCAP}

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