I Will Listen
for ssa choir and piano

As golden autumn days give way to colder winter nights, or as the seasons of our lives turn from one chapter to the next, we can be faced with difficult challenges. Change is hard. But when we seek it out instead of hiding from it, it can transform us for the better. I Will Listen is a song about being present in the moment, grounding oneself in the sounds of nature, and paying attention to how the world speaks to us. Practicing patience and mindfulness can help us navigate our changing lives.
Matt Carlson (b. 1991) is an engaging and energetic conductor, teacher, composer, and vocalist. As a conductor, he fosters a collaborative environment with singers to create meaningful and thoughtful choral artistry. He draws on his vast experience teaching in public schools, community choirs, and collegiate ensembles to compose works that are both musically enriching and accessible to singers of all ability levels. His music has been commissioned by school, community, and collegiate choirs, programmed for choral festivals across the nation, and is published by Santa Barbara, Walton, and Alfred.
©2024 Matt Carlson. All rights reserved.
I hear thecoldwind blow asit ra-cesdownthe peak.
I hear thecoldwind blow asit ra-cesdownthe peak.
I feel thefro-zen snow asitmelts u-ponmy cheek
Whendark-nessstarts togrow, Iwill al-ways try to hide before - I
lis p -ten* *close immediately to "n"
Lis mp -tentothetreesastheybendandcreak,
lis mp tentothesound oftheforest - asleep, - lis p -ten*
more will be here in the spring.
-tentothebirds andthesongtheysingAndmore
will be here in the spring.
Listen - tomyfootsteps - in thesnow, Listen - tothepath I choosetogo
Listen - tomyfootsteps - in thesnow, Listen - tothepath I choosetogo
I know the rea son -
I feel theri sing - tide, andI knowtherea-son why.
I feel theri sing - tide, andI knowtherea-son why.
ofchoosing - hide, Ichoosetoseek. So mp whenmy Slower
I seeanewsunrise wheninstead molto rit. - ofchoosing - hide, Ichoosetoseek. So mp whenmy
I seeanewsunrise wheninstead molto rit.
ofchoosing - hide, Ichoosetoseek. So mp whenmy molto rit. p Slower