For Mom
Soprano Alto
quietconfidence Precious Precious Lord, takemy Lord, takemy S A T B Pno. 6 hand, leadme hand, leadme 6 on,letme on,letme stand.Iam stand.Iam tired, am tired, am non cresc. non cresc. weak,amlone,takemy weak,amlone,takemy hand,leadme hand,leadme
Tenor Bass Piano
This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
S A T B Pno. 12 home. Throughthe home. Throughthe 12 stormandthroughthe stormandthroughthe slight cresc. nightleadme nightleadme subito ontothe ontothe light.Whenmy light.Whenmy strengthisalmost strengthisalmost slight cresc. S A T B Pno. 18 gone takemy gone takemy 18 subito hand,leadme hand,leadme on. on. Whenmy Whenmy waygrows waygrows drear,precious drear,precious 2 TakeMyHand This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
S A T B Pno. 24 Lordlinger Lordlinger 24 take time near.Whenmy
light is light is almostgone,takemy almostgone,takemy hand,leadme hand,leadme Hearmy Hearmy home.Hearmy home.Hearmy -- S A T B Pno. 30 cry,hearmy cry,hearmy cry,Ohearmy cry,Ohearmy 30 call,holdmy call,holdmy call,holdmy call,holdmy handlestI handlestI handlestI handlestI fall. WhenI'm fall. WhenI'm fall. WhenI'm fall. WhenI'm lost,alla lost,alla lostandalla lostandalla lone,precious lone,precious lone,precious lone,precious ----3 TakeMyHand This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
S A T B Pno. 36 Lord,leadme
Lord,leadme 36 home!Leadme home!Leadme home!Leadme home!Leadme home, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, leadme leadme leadme leadme S A T B Pno. 42 home, home, home, home, 42 home! home! home! home! 4 TakeMyHand This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
S A T B Pno. 49 49 Whenthe darknessap pears andthe nightdraws - S A T B Pno. 55 near, andthe 55 day is slight cresc. pastandgone,takemy hand,leadme on. Atthe Atthe intensify riverI riverI 5 TakeMyHand This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
S A T B Pno. 61 standguidemy standguidemy 61 feet,holdmy feet,holdmy hand.Takemy hand.Takemy Otakemy Otakemy hand,Oprecious hand,Oprecious
hand,leadme hand,leadme hand,leadme hand,leadleadme me - S A T B Pno. 67 home!Leadme home!Leadme home!Leadme home!Leadme 67 home, home, home, home, home, home, home, home, leadme leadme leadme leadme home, home, home, home, 3 6 TakeMyHand This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
S A T B Pno. 73 73 home, home, hom, home, home, leadme leadme leadme leadme home. home. home. home. S A T B Pno. 79 79 Precious Lord, Precious Precious Precious -7 TakeMyHand This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.
S A T B Pno. 85 leadme Lord, Lord, Lord, 85 home. leadme leadme leadme Takemy home home home hand, Takemy Takemy Takemy leadme hand, hand, hand, home. leadme leadme leadme S A T B Pno. 91 home. home. home. 91 ritardando ritardando Leadme Leadme Leadme Leadme deliberately home. home. home. home. molto rit. molto rit. 8 TakeMyHand This score is not licensed for performance. Please visit MusicSpoke.com to purchase performance copies.