BERNARD EMMELKAMP: March No. 3 from Vennesla

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Nr. 1267

Copyright © 2021 by Lyche Musikkforlag AS. Materialet er vernet etter åndsverkloven. Uten uttrykkelig samtykke er eksemplarfremstilling, som utskrift og annen kopiering, bare tillatt når det er hjemlet i lov (kopiering til privat bruk, sitat o.l.) eller avtale med Kopinor ( Satsbilde i denne utgivelse er også beskyttet i henhold til markedsføringsloven. Utnyttelse i strid med lov eller avtale kan medføre erstatningsog straffeansvar. LY 1267 ISMN 979-0-66103-189-5 Grafisk produksjon/trykk: Norsk Musikforlag A/S. Cover photo: Copyright © Jon Østby

Foreword to Organ Marches - “Marches 1-5 from Vennesla (Norway)” and Band arrangements - “Marches 1-3 from Vennesla (Norway)” In the “Corona Winter” of 2020/2021, I composed 5 marches for organ. I also decided to arrange a version for band of Organ March no. 1 which was tested by Vennesla School Band. Jan Stefan Bengtsson, of Lyche musikkforlag(publisher) and Norsk musikkforlag(publisher) was positive to publishing these. We consequently decided that I should additionally make band arrangements of the organ marches nos. 2 and 3. March no. 2 was tested by the Vennesla Wind Band and no. 3 by the pensioners’ band in Vennesla. Because the marches were composed in Vennesla and tested by the bands in Vennesla, it fell naturally to call the marches “Marches from Vennesla (Norway)”. These ensembles, both wind bands and brass bands, but are also especially useful for smaller ensembles, which may have incomplete instrumentation. Since many local bands have such as these. My special thanks go to conductor Geir Bårdsen (Vennesla School Band), conductor Thomas Hansen (Vennesla Wind Band) and the pensioners’ band in Vennesla. Many thanks also to Jon Østby who has provided all the photos for these marches (the front pages and the photos of the composer). Vennesla (Norway)” is Grade 2, “March no. 2 from Vennesla (Norway)” is Grade 3 and “March no. 3 from Vennesla (Norway)” is Grade1 (for juniors/aspirants).

Copyright musikk © Lyche Musikkforlag AS.

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