KJELL MØRK KARLSEN: Three Gregorian Evening Hymns, opus 207, Op. 207

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Copyright © 2023 by Norsk Musikforlag AS., Oslo.

3 Gregorian Evening hymns

O Christ, who art the Light and Day

Christe qui lux et dies

Ancient Hymns

The English Hymnal

To Thee before the close of the day

Te lucis ante terminum

Attributed to Ambrose of Milan (340-397)

Translated by J.M. Neale (1813-1866)

O Trinity of Blessed Light

O lux beata Trinitas

Attributed to Ambrose

Translated by J.M. Neal

Duration 10 minutes

Tone in memoriam
& 2
& 3
V 4
& 5
& 6
& S 7

To Thee before the close of the day

& 9
& S 10
& 11
& 12

O Trinity of Blessed Light

& œb 14
& j 15
& 16
& œb 17
& j 18 E a s t e r 2 0 2 1

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