GISLE KVERNDOKK: Upon This Handful of Earth (Libretto)

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Gisle Kverndokk

Upon This Handful of Earth An Opera

by Aksel-Otto Bull and Gisle Kverndokk Inspired by The Holy Bible, the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and eyewitnesses.

LIBRETTO Commissioned by The New York Opera Society for St. Ignatius of Loyola Church, New York City Supported by The Norwegian Composers Fund, The Lyric Writers Fund and Arts Council Norway/The Audio and Visual Fund, Norway


N.M.O. 14377

Cast of Characters: The Priest – baritone The Young Woman – soprano The Young Man – tenor The Businessman – bass baritone The Wife – mezzo-soprano The Child – boy soprano Children’s Chorus Chorus Eyewitnesses – spoken by the soloists or the chorus members Orchestra: 4 clarinets 2 horns percussion piano organ strings The texts of the Eyewitnesses are quotations from the following: Bjørn Vassnes and Steinar Schjetne; Klassekampen Bumblebee Conservation Trust. Jonathan Watts, Suzanne Goldenberg and John Vidal; The Guardian Carol French; Ryan Grenoble; Huffington Post Noah Wilson-Rich, NY Times Svetlana Aleksijevitsj; “A Prayer for Chernobyl”

Verket inneholder tekstutdrag fra La messe sur le monde av Pierre Teilhard de Chardin La messe sur le monde by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (excerpts) © Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1965 2

PART 1: THE OFFERING PROLOGUE (Sunrise. Orchestral prelude.) CHILDREN’S CHORUS Upon this handful of earth our lives depend. Nurture it and it will grow our food, our fuel and our shelter, and it will surround us with beauty. Abuse it and the earth will collapse and die, taking humanity with it. PART 1 - SCENE 1 (A young woman and a young man, in a hospital. THE YOUNG WOMAN lets out a loud, horrific scream.) THE YOUNG WOMAN My child! My child! My child… is dead… She will never live. THE YOUNG MAN Our child! Our child! Our child… is dead… She will never live. The doctor said; he tried to save her life -. THE YOUNG WOMAN: My child! My child! My child… is dead… She will never live. THE YOUNG MAN He tried to save her life. He couldn´t save her life. 3

(He embraces her. She suddenly frees herself from his embrace, and tries to run out. He stops her.) THE YOUNG MAN No! Don’t! We are not allowed to go outside! THE YOUNG WOMAN I need air! THE YOUNG MAN Not out there! THE YOUNG WOMAN Leave me alone! (She falls down to the floor, gasping for air, nearly out of breath.) EYEWITNESS 1 (spoken) Yesterday the minister of oil gave the industry everything they had asked for, when he opened up for 54 new exploration blocks north of the Arctic Circle… Most of them in an area where the sea ice helps to create unique and fragile eco systems. PART 1 - SCENE 2 THE PRIEST (In an open field, on a sunny, beautiful morning.) Since once again, Lord I have neither bread, nor wine, nor altar, I, your priest, will make the whole earth my altar and on it will offer you all the labours and sufferings of the world. I will place on my paten, O Lord, the harvest of this coming day. I will pour in my chalice the nectar which is to be pressed out from the fruits of the earth, this coming day. 4

This bread, our toil, is of itself, but an immense fragmentation; this wine, our pain, is no more, than a draught that dissolves. Yet in the very depths of this formless mass you have implanted a desire which makes us cry out: ‘Lord, make us one.’ CHORUS (Repeatedly and polyphonic.) ‘Lord, make us one.’ ‘Lord, make us one.’ ‘Lord, make us one.’ ‘Lord, make us one.’ THE PRIEST Because I know myself to be less a child of heaven than a son of earth; I will this coming day climb up to the mountain, bearing with me the hopes and the miseries of my mother; and there beneath the rising sun I will call down the Fire. (He sees a bumblebee. It lands on his hand. He looks at it for a moment, smiles, then sends it out into the air. He looks fondly after it. Does it fly up to the child, who is in an upper level?)


PART 1 - SCENE 3 THE CHILD Upon this handful of earth our lives depend. Abuse it and the earth will collapse and die. PART 1 - SCENE 4 (A businessman and his wife, in their living room. He talks on his cell phone.) THE BUSINESSMAN We have built for eighty mill, well maybe more than that, there will be loss, of course it will, we have no choice. And I -. THE WIFE My dear -. THE BUSINESSMAN Do not disturb! Oh, where was I? We have built for eighty mill, well, maybe more than that, there will be loss, of course it will, we have no choice, and I will stress; we cannot wait, we have to go in front and take the risk! This will pay off, of that I’m sure, the profit will be huge! And I -. 6

THE WIFE My dear -. THE BUSINESSMAN Do not disturb! I’m busy now! The risk is there, of course, but think what we can gain! We will create a huge amount of work, there will be wealth and growth! THE WIFE But what about the air? What about that terrible smell? THE BUSINESSMAN (To his wife) My dear! Trust me! We cannot stop the future. And there’s no turning back. (Back into his phone, walking away.) We will create a huge amount of work, there will be wealth and growth! (He laughs. The wife is left alone.) THE WIFE But what about the air? What about that terrible smell? EYEWITNESS 2 (spoken) “It’s everywhere. The wind blows the oil on our vegetable crops, our food tastes of oil, our children are sick and we get skin rashes. Life here has stopped,” said a fisherman reduced to collecting wood. 7

PART 2: FIRE OVER THE EARTH PART 2 - SCENE 1 THE PRIEST (In the open field.) In the beginning was Power, intelligent, loving, energizing. In the beginning there were not coldness and darkness: there was the Fire. CHORUS The Light, existing before all else, eliminates our darkness. THE PRIEST Blazing Spirit, Fire, come down and breathe a soul into the fragile film of matter with which the world is to be freshly clothed, this coming day. CHORUS The Light, existing before all else, eliminates our darkness. THE PRIEST Over every living thing which is to spring up, to grow, to flower, to ripen during this coming day say again the words: Here is my Body.


CHORUS (Repeatedly and polyphonic.) Here is my Body. Here is my Body. Here is my Body. THE PRIEST And over every death-force which waits in readiness to corrode, to wither, to cut down, speak again your commanding words: Here is my Blood. CHORUS (Repeatedly and polyphonic.) Here is my Blood… Here is my Blood… Here is my Blood…   EYEWITNESS 3 (spoken) I didn’t see the whole explosion. Only the flames. Everything were lit up. It was an enormous flame. Ashes. Ashes everywhere. And a terrible heat. PART 2 - SCENE 2 (The young woman and the young man are alone in separate lights.) THE YOUNG WOMAN She was my blood. She was my body. Now my soul is lost. THE YOUNG MAN In the beginning there was a fire. A beaming light. THE YOUNG WOMAN I didn’t know what it was. It was blinding. 9

THE YOUNG MAN Then came the smell. It smelled like metal. THE YOUNG WOMAN I couldn’t breath. THE YOUNG MAN We should have gone away. THE YOUNG WOMAN Yes, we should have gone away. THE YOUNG MAN There was a fire. There was a light. A beaming light. THE YOUNG WOMAN She was my blood. She was my body. Now my soul is lost. Now her soul is gone. THE YOUNG MAN In the beginning there was the Fire. Darkness has eliminated the light. Coldness has surrounded this coming day.   THE YOUNG WOMAN How can I face this coming day? How can I face the future? Will I ever have a child?

THE YOUNG MAN Darkness has eliminated the light. Coldness has surrounded this coming day. How can I face the future?

Will I ever have a child of my own? (They meet.) 10

THE YOUNG MAN It is morning. We should go home. The smog isn’t so heavy now. I have even bought you some fresh water. THE YOUNG WOMAN Will we ever have a child of our own? (They exit.) EYEWITNESS 4 (spoken) The streets were cleaned with a white powder. I became worried: How could I get out to the countryside to buy fresh milk? Nobody talked about radiation… Only the military wore protecting masks. People were carrying bread and sweets from the shops. In the bakeries there were cream pastry on the counters. Life was like before. Except that the streets were cleaned with a white powder… PART 2 - SCENE 3 CHORUS In the beginning there were not coldness and darkness: there was the Fire. CHILDREN’S CHORUS The Light, existing before all else, eliminates our darkness. THE CHILD + CHORUS + CHILDREN’S CHORUS Blazing Spirit, Fire, come down and breathe a soul into the fragile film of matter with which the world is to be freshly clothed, this coming day.


PART 2 - SCENE 4 (The businessman is talking on the phone, in his living room.) THE BUSINESSMAN I couldn’t care less! No, that’s just false rumours! I’m building something here. Something great! What? What did you say? No, the smog is lighter now. We shouldn’t worry much about that. No, I checked the air quality index. Of course! So let them stay indoors for a few hours! I’m not complaining! Why should they? But we have better technology now. I know what I’m doing. The risk is there, of course, but think what we can gain! If not, the world wouldn’t go forward. The world is different now. And much more exciting! (He puts down the phone.) (To himself.) The world is different now. And much more exciting! THE WIFE (Enters.) I’m not feeling well. I can’t go with you tonight. 12

THE BUSINESSMAN Not again! The second time this week! THE WIFE I know. I’m sorry, but -. THE BUSINESSMAN Don’t! I’ll manage! I’ll go alone. THE WIFE I’m sorry dear -. THE BUSINESSMAN Well, never mind. I’ll manage without you. Good night! (He kisses her very quickly on her cheek, and goes out.) THE WIFE (Alone.) The second time this week. He’ll manage without me. “Good night!” (Pause.) In the beginning… In the beginning there was… Nothing. But now… It is too much… Too much for me Too much for him… Too much for us. 13

I cannot breath! I cannot breath in here! This pain! This unbearable pain! THE PRIEST (THE WIFE takes in what THE PRIEST sings. It’s as if she hears him.) Blazing spirit, Fire, come down and breathe a soul into this fragile film of matter with which the world is to be freshly clothed this coming day. THE WIFE The second time this week. He’ll manage without me. “Good night”. EYEWITNESS 5 (spoken) Radionuclides which were hurled around our earth, will live for fifty, a hundred, two hundred thousand years. And even longer… In a human life perspective they are eternal.


PART 3: FIRE IN THE EARTH PART 3 – SCENE 1 CHORUS Above all, trust in the slow work of God. Your ideas mature gradually — let them grow, let them shape themselves, without undue haste. Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be. PART 3 - SCENE 2 THE YOUNG WOMAN (Alone) My blood is a poisonous river My body a barren land. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” I killed her! I killed her! She saved me, Her little body protected me. She was sacrificed for me, for my life. I killed her! I killed my little girl! My blood is a poisonous river My body a barren land. There is no future for me. THE WIFE (Alone. Holds a letter from her doctor.) There is no future for me.


Mother Earth is just a barren land, a wasteland… The spring rain is dwelling over an empty field, nothing grows, nothing, Mother Earth is just a barren land… THE WIFE + THE YOUNG WOMAN There is no future for us. THE WIFE + CHORUS + CHILDREN’S CHORUS Upon this handful of earth our lives depend. Nurture it and it will grow our food, our fuel and our shelter, and it will surround us with beauty. Abuse it and the earth will collapse and die CHILDREN’S CHORUS Taking humanity with it. EYEWITNESS 6 (spoken) “You must not forget that what you see in front of you is not your husband any more, but a radio active object with a very high contamination level.” PART 3 - SCENE 3 (THE WIFE is very ill. She cannot hide it from her husband anymore. In their living room.) THE BUSINESSMAN (Holding the letter from the doctor.) I don’t trust that doctor. You should have a second opinion. Always ask for a second opinion! I will call my friend in the health -. THE WIFE No! My dear, for once, listen to me! It’s gone too far… I don’t have much time left. 16

THE BUSINESSMAN I don’t trust that doctor. THE WIFE But trust me. I know. I don’t have much time left -. THE BUSINESSMAN I have the money. I will get you into a clinic -. THE WIFE You think you can buy everything! You are the cause of this! You and your money have made me sick! You have made us all sick. CHILDREN’S CHORUS Upon this handful of earth our lives depend. (THE BUSINESSMAN suddenly hits an insect, with the palm of his hand.) THE WIFE What was that? THE BUSINESSMAN Ah! It was only an insect! It got away. THE WIFE (Sees the insect) It is a bumblebee! You tried to kill a bumblebee? THE BUSINESSMAN I hate insects! THE WIFE We need the bumblebees. We cannot live without them! 17

THE BUSINESSMAN (Kills the bumblebee.) Too late! (Pause) THE WIFE It is too late, my dear, it is too late for me, it is too late for us. CHORUS Above all, trust in the slow work of God. Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be. EYEWITNESS 7 (spoken) My water changed in March. It now turns white, with a green moss settling on top of sand. Then the water becomes gelatin like. My daughter became sick in October that year, with a fever, weight loss, and severe pains in her abdomen. At the hospital they found her liver, spleen and her right ovary were extremely enlarged. PART 3 - SCENE 4 THE PRIEST (In an open field.) It is done. I know that once again the Fire has penetrated the earth. Without earthquake, or thunderclap: the flame has lit up the whole world from within. You have come down, my Lord, into this day which is now beginning. Therefore, my Lord, that no poison may harm me this day, no death destroy me. I beg you: Give me faith. 18

PART 3 - SCENE 5 THE YOUNG MAN (Alone) Therefore, my Lord, I beg you: Give me faith. Give me faith to believe that we have a future. Give me faith to believe that when the time is right, we’ll have a child. A child that will give us hope. Dear God; there is a fire within me. There is a fire in the earth. A fire evrywhere. Evrything is bursting into flames. The world is burning! Burning! Burning! We have destroyed the earth! We have destroyed all things holy! THE YOUNG MANN + CHORUS (from psalm 10) Why, o Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? THE CHILD (from psalm 23) Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil for you are with me.


PART 4: COMMUNION PART 4 - SCENE 1 (THE BUSINESSMAN and his WIFE are in a hospital.) THE WIFE Don´t blame yourself. THE BUSINESSMAN Yes, I do blame myself. I was blind, I did not see you. I thought what I did was good for the both of us, but I realize now that I was only thinking of myself. THE WIFE Don´t blame yourself. THE BUSINESSMAN I was always looking straight ahead, I never looked around. (He breaks down in tears:) Can you ever forgive me? EYEWITNESS 8 (spoken) “It has been a terrible year. The last rainy season was drier than the dry season.” PART 4 - SCENE 2 THE PRIEST So, my God, I prostrate myself before your presence in the universe: it is you I desire, it is you I await.


PART 4 - SCENE 3 (THE YOUNG WOMAN walks slowly, paralyzed, towards the audience. She stops, she hesitates, then takes one more step, it looks like she´s balancing on something. Then, suddenly, THE CHILD appears behind her. It is as if she feels his energy, as if they are drawn towards each other. THE CHILD stretches out his hand towards her. She grabs his hand, and he carefully pulls her back.) THE CHILD (Spoken:) You are safe now. You are safe with me. (Sing:) You don’t want to live anymore? (Pause.) THE YOUNG WOMAN I have nothing to live for. (THE CHILD takes her hand again.) THE YOUNG WOMAN My child is dead. (Pause.) THE CHILD You know what? I just saw a bumble bee, It was very dizzy, quite funny actually, I think it was searching for a flower. THE YOUNG WOMAN A bumblebee? We haven’t seen them for a long time!


THE CHILD Yes, it was a miracle I followed it, and then; suddenly, there it was! A dandylion! The bumblebee touched it, started to drink its nectar. Come with me! I’ll show you! Don’t be afraid! (They walk away together.) CHILDREN’S CHORUS (from psalm 23) Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil for you are with me. PART 4 - SCENE 4 THE PRIEST I shall stretch out my hand towards the fiery bread which you set before me. This bread contains the source and the secret of that destiny you have chosen for me. EYEWITNESS 9 (spoken) “Fly ash is blowing from the trucks on the way in and on the way out,” she said, adding that her garden has since stopped growing. Now, she says, what little food grows in the garden is covered in so much toxic dust “you wouldn’t want to eat it anyway.”


PART 4 - SCENE 5 (THE YOUNG WOMAN and THE CHILD. They are looking at a flower, and in it, a bumblebee.) THE CHILD Do you see the sting on her tail? It uses it to protect itself from danger. But now, the biggest danger is us. We are exterminating them. And with them; life on earth. Do you know that bumblebees have smelly feet? THE YOUNG WOMAN (laughs) No? THE CHILD Yes, they do and it’s quite useful! After feeding they leave a scent on the flower which helps other bumblebees to avoid wasting energy landing – the flower contains very little nectar or pollen. They fly from flower to flower they pollinate them, and then, the fruits, the vegetables can grow. Think of a life without vegetables and fruits! An apple a day keeps the doctor away! THE YOUNG WOMAN (laughs) I like the bumblebees. THE CHILD We have to save them! Come! (THE CHILD takes the YOUNG WOMAN’S hand. They walk away together.)


CHILDREN’S CHORUS The bumblebee, the bumblebee, the bumble, bumblebee. We live together on this earth, the bumblebee and me. She helps us make the food to grow. She is a gift from head to toe. We live together on this earth, the bumblebee and me. The bumblebee, the bumblebee and all her family. four hundred sisters and one mum - and that´s Her Majesty. They wake up in the summertime and they are gone by wintertime, except one little bumblebee - and that´s Her Majesty. The bumblebee, the bumblebee, the bumblebee and you. How do you greet a bumblebee, a bumblebee or two? You don´t disturb the bumblebee, just say “Hello!” and leave her be! That´s how you greet a bumblebee, a bumblebee or two! PART 4 - SCENE 6 THE PRIEST How could I refuse this chalice? There is a longing to be united with you, my Lord, beyond life, through death. Now that you have given me the bread, how could I refuse this chalice? Then my communion would be incomplete. PART 4 - SCENE 7 (THE CHILD and THE YOUNG WOMAN are in the young couple’s home. THE YOUNG MAN is there.) THE YOUNG MAN So you have no parents?


THE YOUNG WOMAN Now you have! He saved my life, I will save his. THE YOUNG MAN You can stay here with us, we’ll take care of you. We don’t have much, but we will give you our love and care, that’s the only thing we have left, here in this God forsaken place. THE CHILD Within us all there is a light, there is an energy, intelligence and love. God has not left you. Even in the darkest valley. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. (THE YOUNG WOMAN takes THE CHILD’S hand, then THE YOUNG MAN’S hand.) PART 4 - SCENE 8 (THE BUSINESSMAN and his WIFE in a hospital room. She is dying. She is praying.) THE WIFE “Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil for you are with me. Surely your goodness and love have followed me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of The Lord forever.” 25

Look! A bumblebee! Look at it! It’s just sitting there, so weak, so still… Find something sweet! That will bring it back to life. THE BUSINESSMAN I have something here. (He pours a few drops from a soda bottle into a saucer. And puts the bumblebee carefully into it.) Look! It wakes up! There! (The bumblebee flies away) It survived. (THE WIFE is dead.) Did you see it? It survived… (He realizes that she is dead. He falls down and takes her hands.) Forgive me, my dear! Forgive me. Dear God, forgive me! EYEWITNESS 10 (spoken) We are thankful to see the grass growing, and that everything is green again. We are thankful to the Thunders, for they are the powers that bring the rain. We are thankful for our mother, our Earth, whom we claim as mother because the Earth carries us and everything we need.


PART 4 - SCENE 9 THE PRIEST The man who is filled with an impassioned love for Jesus hidden in the forces which bring death to the earth, him the Earth will clasp in the immensity of her arms as her strength fails, and with her he will awaken in the bosom of God. CHORUS Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of The Lord forever.


PART 5: PRAYER PART 5 - SCENE 1 EYEWITNESS 11 (spoken) I lost everything in the pollution. Now nothing will change and poverty will only increase. We don’t want our children to suffer again like we did.” EYEWITNESS 12 (spoken) A fisherman said: “Is it because we are Nigerian and poor that they offer so little for the damage they have caused? This would be different in the US or London.” Another fisherman added: “Crude is the same in every country. Does the black man not also have red blood?” PART 5 - SCENE 2 THE PRIEST (Spoken:) The cosmos has spontaneously burst into flame. (Musical interlude: Suddenly there is a huge rumble, a rolling sound, which the music expresses. A nature catastrophe is happening. We see THE YOUNG MAN, THE YOUNG WOMAN and THE CHILD running to a shelter. THE CHILD is leading them. THE BUSINESSMAN is also seeking shelter. He wanders around, helpless. THE CHILD sees him, runs out, takes his hand and leads him to their shelter.) CHORUS (from Revelation 17) And a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth. THE WIFE (from above) + CHORUS (from Genesis 7) The flood continued forty days on the earth. The waters increased and rose high above the earth. 28

And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered. (Music is gradually becoming calmer, and more lyrical; the characters are sitting still, waiting in uncertainty) EYEWITNESS 13 (spoken) Still people are dying. Suddenly. They are dying walking – they fall down when they are walking, or just fall asleep and never wake up. One was on his way to a nurse with flowers when his heart stopped. Another was at the bus stop… PART 5 - SCENE 3 QUINTET – “Be merciful to me” THE PRIEST (from Psalm 57) Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge. THE BUSINESSMAN In the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. THE YOUNG WOMAN I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.   THE YOUNG MAN He will send from heaven and save me; God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness! THE WIFE (from above) Be thankful when you see the grass growing everything will be green again. Be thankful to our mother, our Earth, because she carries us and everything we need.


THE PRIEST, THE BUSINESSMAN, THE YOUNG MAN, THE YOUNG WOMAN Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge. In the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. He will send from heaven and save me; God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness! THE WIFE (from above) Be thankful when you see the grass growing. Be thankful, be thankful… Because she carries us and everything we need. CHORUS (from Revelation 21) Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: CHILDREN’S CHORUS “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. And he will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”


PART 5 – SCENE 4 (THE CHILD, THE YOUNG WOMAN, THE YOUNG MAN and THE BUSINESSMAN are in a shelter. THE CHILD stands up, looks out.) THE CHILD I think it is safe to go out now. THE YOUNG WOMAN I’m scared. THE CHILD You’re safe with me. THE YOUNG WOMAN But where shall we go? Everything is destroyed. THE BUSINESSMAN I know of a place. I have a house in the countryside. We can go there. THE YOUNG WOMAN How can we thank you? THE YOUNG MAN I know you. You own the factory, don’t you? THE BUSINESSMAN Yes, I do. It is my fault that God has left this place. THE CHILD God never left us. Maybe you wanted to leave God. THE WIFE (from above) Be thankful when you see the grass growing everything will be green again. 31

THE BUSINESSMAN I will do everything I can to make our world a better place. THE CHILD Look! A bumblebee! THE YOUNG WOMAN That is a sign! A sign of life! Do you know that bumblebees have smelly feet? THE BUSINESSMAN What? (THE YOUNG WOMAN laughs and THE CHILD nods.) THE YOUNG WOMAN Well, they do and it’s quite useful! (THE CHILD and THE YOUNG WOMAN laugh.) THE YOUNG MAN (Aside.) And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you. THE BUSINESSMAN Come! We have lots of work to do. (THE YOUNG MAN takes the hand of THE YOUNG WOMAN and THE CHILD. They all leave together.) PART 5 – SCENE 5 EYEWITNESS 14 (spoken) People don’t want to hear about the terrible things that happened. They don’t want to hear about death… They want to hear about love. About how much we loved. How much we cared about each other. And we did. We care about each other. 32

THE PRIEST ‘Lord, lock me up in the deepest depths of your heart; and then, holding me there, purify me, set me on fire, sublimate me, till I become utterly what you would have me be, the utter annihilation of my ego.’ PART 5 – SCENE 6 (Sunset. Orchestral postlude.) CHORUS Aaa… CHILDREN’S CHORUS Upon this handful of earth our lives depend. EYEWITNESS 15 (spoken) The future of bees — all bees, not just bumblebees — remains obscure. CHILDREN’S CHORUS Nurture it and it will grow our food, our fuel and our shelter… EYEWITNESS 15 (spoken) But it isn’t just government policy that needs to change. CHILDREN’S CHORUS … and it will surround us with beauty. EYEWITNESS 15 (spoken) To make the natural world a better place, we all need to start doing things differently. THE PRIEST For me, my God, the very purpose of my being and all my love of life, all depend on the union between yourself and the universe.


It is in this dedication, Lord Jesus, I desire to live, in this I desire to die. THE CHILD (Psalm 23) The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. THE CHILD + CONTRALTOS and SOPRANOS He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. + rest of CHORUS He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. CHILDREN’S CHORUS + THE CHILD Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. CHILDREN’S CHORUS, CHORUS + SOLOISTS You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


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