Intermittent Flow of Blood Question: I am a 42year old lady and sometimes during my monthly period, I menstruate for 4 days, then stop for 3 days. On the 7th day, it returns in a lighter manner, and then it changes to a brownish colour till the 12th day. I had suffered from abnronal bleeding, but it has been cured alhamdulillah. I sought the advice of a medical doctor – among the righteous and upright doctors – concerning my situation and he advised me to purify myself after the 7 th day and to perform Salaat and Fast. Naturally, I carried out what he advised me, for 2 years. However, some ladies advised me to wait for 8 days. I want you to guide me to the right thing (to do). Answer: All the days you mentioned – the four and the {six}1 – are days of Haidh, thus you should stop praying and fasting within them, and it is not permissible for your husband to have intercourse with you in those days. You should take a bath and pray after the four days, then your husband may have intercourse with you within the period of cleanliness between the 4th and {7th} days. Similarly, you are allowed to fast those (three) days (in between). If that were in Ramadhaan, then it is compulsory for you to fast them, and after purification (after the 12th day), you should perform Ghusl, pray and fast like any other period of purity. This is because the monthly period may increase or decrease and its days may be continuous or interrupted. (Shaikh Ibn Baaz)
What is contained in the parenthesis ({ }) in this fatwa are from the context of the question, whereas in the original, ‘eight’ is mentioned in both places, which is out of context, and Allaah knows best. (Translator)