What is the Ruling Concerning a Lady Who Took a Drug to Draw Her Period and Stopped Praying? Should She Repay it or Not? Answer: A lady who draws her menstruation closer does not have to reperform the Salaat, because Haidh is blood which whenever present, its ruling is applied. Similarly, if she took something to prevent Haidh and the blood does not come, then she should pray and fast; and she does not have to make up the fasting, because she is not menstruating (in this case). Thus, the ruling goes hand in hand with its cause. Allaah says: “And they ask you concerning menstrual blood, say it is an impurity.”1 So whenever this impurity is present, the ruling applies, and viceversa. (Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen)
Surah AlBaqarah: 222.