The children of yoru suckling father...

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The children of your suckling father from his second wife are your brothers Q. I suckled from a woman, then her husband married a second wife and she had children, so are they my brothers? A. If you suckled five times or more from your suckling mother and her husband induced her milk, due to her bearing his children, then they are your brothers from your suckling mother and father. As for his children from his second wife, then they are your brothers from your father in suckling. One feeding is that the child latches onto the breast and suckles milk until it reaches his insides then he leaves it for any reason, then he returns and suckles the breast until it reaches his insides then he leaves suckling, then he returns and so forth until he completes five or more feedings. It is irrelevant whether this occurs during one sitting or two, or along the course of a day or across the span of several, with the condition that the child is younger than two years old, due to the saying of the Prophet (saw): “There is no suckling that forbids marriage except for the suckling of one younger than two.” Also his (saw) saying to Sahlah Bint Suhayl: “Suckle Saalim five feedings and you will be forbidden to him in marriage.” Furthermore, due to that affirmed in Saheeh Muslim and the Jaam’e of Tirmidthee upon the authority of ‘Aaisha (ra) that she said: “There was from that revealed of the Qur’aan: (Ten accounted feedings make forbidden). Then it was abrogated to five accounted feedings. So the Prophet (saw) passed away whilst the matter is upon this.” This is the wording of the narration of Tirmidthee. May Allaah give us all the ability to do what pleases Him. Sheikh Ibn Baaz [Fataawa Islaamiyyah: 3/323]

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