The meaning of Aqeeqah and its ruling Q. What is the meaning of the Aqeeqah of the new born? And is it obligatory or Sunnah? A. The Aqeeqah of the newborn is the sacrificial animal that is sacrificed seeking the pleasure of Allaah The Most Honourable and Majestic and thanking Him for the blessing of a child on the seventh day after its birth. The scholars have differed as to whether it is Sunnah or obligatory. Most of the scholars have stated that it is Sunnah Muakadah1, Imaam Ahmed says; “…he borrows money and performs the Aqeeqah.” That is to say the one who has no money borrows it to cover the cost of the Aqeeqah and Allaah will replace it for him because he is reviving a Sunnah. As for his saying, may Allaah have mercy upon him: “…he borrows…” what is meant is: borrowing is for the one who expects that he can settle this debt in the future. As for the one who has no hope of this, then it is not befitting that he borrow to perform the Aqeeqah. So this is evidence from Imaam Ahmed indicating that it is Sunnah Muakadah, and it is so. A person should sacrifice two animals for a male and one for a female on the seventh day. He should eat, give gifts and donate from it and there is no harm in that, nor is there any harm in inviting his relatives and neighbours to partake of it as a cooked meal. Sheikh Ibn Uthaimeen [Fataawa Islaamiyyah: 2/324]
Sunnah Muakadah: A strong Sunnah, the one who performs it deserves reward and the one who leaves it does not incur punishment but is blameworthy.