Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra): The Messenger of Allah (sa) said: “I am the closest of people to the son of Mary. The Prophets are brothers from different mothers, and there is no Prophet between him and I.” [Sahih Muslim, Book 30, # 5834] ِ َأ اَب ه اُرْي ار اة قاا ال ا َِس ْع ُت ار ُسو ال ه ُ اَّلل صىل هللا عليه وسمل ي ا ُق : ول َأَنا َأ ْو اَل النه ِاس َِب ْب ِن ام ْر ا اَي ا َألنْ ِب ايا ُء َأ ْو اال ُد عا هال ٍت اولايْ اس بايْ ِِن اوبايْنا ُه ن ِ ياب