Vol. 28 No. 2
Major SA Muslim charities fail to disclose information in the public interest MAHMOOD SANGLAY
TWO major South African Muslim charities raised R120 million from donors in 2012. Collectively, South African Muslim charities probably raise several hundred million rand per year from donors. While the impact on the lives of designated beneficiaries is expected to be significant, donors may raise several questions about the charities they support. How confident can they be that the charities are living up to
their claims? Is there adequate compliance with legal and fiscal requirements? Is there a need for greater accountability and transparency in the conduct of their leaders and subordinate structures? Are they using their resources optimally, and how do they deal with conflicts of interest? These questions are typical of probes into the work of charities anywhere in the world. Muslim charities in South Africa are no exception. Such probes may
involve questions about their values, principles and responsibilities. One can also probe their leadership practices in respect of sustainability and risk management. More detailed searches and disclosures involve the identities of funders, how much they have donated and how funding income has been spent. No such enquiry on the major South African Muslim charities is known to have been conducted. An enquiry of this nature works best with the co-operation of the
charities involved and their willingness to disclose information that is in the public interest. Muslim Views took a small step in this direction by asking six major charities in South Africa to respond to a quick survey, and testing their willingness to cooperate. The survey contained twelve questions related, inter alia, to their founding documents, registration, financial statements, tax compliance, gross income, expenditure, beneficiaries and sources of funding.
They were asked to do this in the public interest since the money they receive is public money. However, this was not just a test of their willingness to cooperate. The survey itself did have a clear objective, which was to undertake a comparative analysis of the data of all the charities surveyed and to present an overview of their impact on charity in South Africa. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
Passing of a courageous radio icon SHAFIQ MORTON
IN the early hours of Saturday, February 1, community icon Munadia Karaan passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. She was 47. Former news editor, webmaster, presenter and programme manager at Voice of the Cape, Munadia was a larger-than-life personality. She was always much more than the sum of the parts. Her bubbly personality – enhanced by her consummate skills in English and Afrikaans – made her a popular, well-rounded and versatile presenter. VOC station manager, Moegsin Khan, told the media, ‘Munadia was cut out for radio.’ Munadia joined Voice of the Cape in Ramadaan 1995, and was a member of the first news team to broadcast from the Waterfront. A product of the Strand and the youngest of three children, she studied journalism at Cape Penin-
sula University of Technology (CPUT) and did her internship at the SABC. After a stint in the corporate world at Sanlam and doing freelance work at VOC, Munadia came on board as news editor in 2000. Her work ethic, not only as a journalist but as a financial consultant and community activist, was superhuman. Munadia worked long hours and set high
standards, expecting others to follow. Her work was her passion, and her passion was her work. This was strongly evident in the news department where journalists on her watch would be confronted if they didn’t pass muster with her. She did not tolerate mediocrity. At the same time, she passed on many diverse skills to those who worked with her. Working in the Islamic milieu, Munadia was a trail-blazer. She had to meet all the challenges of being a woman in a typically patriarchal environment resentful of a female being in charge. But being optimistically assertive and a determined go-getter, she won the battles one by one. Her baby, though, was the VOC website, a project which she started. Vocfm.co.za emerged to garner millions of page views around the globe every month, reflecting a combination of indepth articles, blogs, podcasts and hard news stories. She
worked on the website until her passing. But it was as a tenacious investigator that she garnered respect in media circles, tackling issues where many feared to tread, such as homosexuality, abortion, music and marital violence. She broke the ground many presenters take for granted today. She particularly enjoyed investigating the Hajj, and her work on Muslim marriages won her the Vodacom Journalist of the Year Award in 2009. When Munadia fell ill, her courage as a journalist – and a human being – shone through. Always honest, empathetic and uncompromising, she decided to face up to her cancer and write about it. An intensely private person in spite of her public persona, Munadia really opened up on her blog, giving solace, hope and succour to thousands. ‘Disease is a great equaliser,’ she wrote, saying that she wouldn’t wish chemo on
her worst enemy. Giving up was simply not an option; as long as Allah gave her air to breathe, she would carry on. And carry on she did, right up until the end. Although wheelchair bound, she performed an umrah with her family in December. But when her phone fell silent towards the end of January, we realised that Munadia had lost her strength and was finally slipping away. After drifting into unconsciousness for a few days, she opened her eyes early Saturday, recited her kalimah shahadah, and quietly passed on to her Lord. To say that we will miss her enthusiasm, her drive and her infectious laughter is an understatement. We will miss her, and Cape Town will miss her. May Allah Almighty grant Munadia Karaan peace, rest and Jannatul-Firdous, ameen.