Vol. 28 No. 7
SHAWWAAL 1435 l JULY 2014
MV to host international Israeli historian MAHMOOD SANGLAY
ROFESSOR Ilan Pappe is a ‘new historian’ specialising in the history of Israel. He will be the guest of Muslim Views and the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement in South Africa from July 31 to August 7. His visit comprises a series of public engagements in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban. Pappe, an Israeli Jew, will be speaking on a range of topics related to the history of Israel, how it impacted on the indigenous Palestinian population, and how this history speaks to the current events of the day. Pappe is visiting South Africa for the first time and is expected to meet with several leading and high-ranking officials, including Ronnie Kasrils and possibly the Minister of Higher Education, Blade Nzimande and Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa. He is a strong supporter of the BDS movement and views it as ‘the most important campaign people who want to show solidar-
ity with the Palestinians can undertake’, and that can produce ‘tangible results’ for isolating Israel internationally. The idea of the speaking tour by Pappe was conceived well before the current Israeli military assault on Gaza. The tour by Pappe is therefore at a time of global condemnation of Israel for its indiscriminate attack on a confined population of 1,8 million Palestinians. The conditions in Gaza are described by Palestinians as ‘beyond that of a prison’ and more like ‘a concentration camp’ as Israel continued its campaign that took almost 300 Palestinian lives at the time of going to press. Pappe says that the present Israeli campaign is ‘another stage in a disorientated Israeli brutal policy’ driven mainly by the ‘logic of power and more power’. According to Pappe, Israel has ‘no idea’ how to deal with the Gaza Strip, which was created when Israel expelled Palestinians in 1948 into the ‘most densely populated geopolitical unit in the world’. The population of Gaza is
resisting strangulation, which is a natural human response to repression. ‘Muslim Views regards the visit of an important historian like Pappe as an opportunity to publicly address the myths and the truth around the establishment of the apartheid state of Israel,’ said Shabodien Roomanay, convenor of the tour. ‘We are confronted with one of the most crucial human rights issues of our time and it is the mission of our paper to reflect relevant pro-poor, social activist content,’ Roomanay added. While Muslim Views and the BDS movement are ensuring that the tour meets its objective of informing and educating the public about the history and current events in the Middle East, it is also an opportunity to boost support for the BDS strategy to isolate Israel. ‘This is also at a time of intensified awareness internationally of Israel’s latest violation of Palestinian rights. Pappe is expected to address audiences and social movements charged with outrage
and demanding action from the South African government,’ said Muhammed Desai, co-ordinator of the BDS movement in South Africa. However, the tour is not exclusively a forum for advocates of Palestinian human rights. Zionists and supporters of Israel are welcome to attend any of the public forums to debate and challenge the views of the speaker. At least one item, to be televised live by iTV, is designated to be a debate with a supporter of Israel. The organisers were engaging with the leaders of the Cape Jewish Board of Deputies in respect of a suitable speaker for the debate at the time of going to press. ‘I am touched by this honour to be hosted by people who stand for social and human justice,’ Pappe told Muslim Views. Details of the programme of Pappe’s visit appear on page 4.
Joining the massive global protests to express outrage at the military savagery by Zionist Israel, thousands of people marched on parliament in Cape Town on July 16. A memorandum demanding the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to South Africa was handed over. The march was organised by the Muslim Judicial Council and Al Quds Foundation. Photo ABDUL WAHAAB PATTERSON