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Cal Poly Provost Welcomes New Students




The College of Liberal Arts is committed to giving all students access to Learn by Doing high-impact experiences outside the traditional classroom. The Access, Community, and Equity (ACE) program awards stipends of $1,000 for first-generation and low-income students to allow them to participate in undergraduate research, global learning and internships, opening up new possibilities. “I applied for an ACE stipend to visit [another CSU] after I was accepted into its ethnic studies graduate program. With my mother only being a high school graduate and my father having dropped out in elementary school in India, graduate school was unheard of in my family. However, my visit gave me the opportunity to start creating connections in San Francisco, to ensure that once I did move, I had a support network to call on.” — ACE stipend recipient “Through the ACE program, I found an amazing, helpful and inspiring on-campus mentor, Dr. Teramoto Pedrotti. She’s introduced me to various advisors on and off campus who continue to guide me on my path towards graduation.” — ACE stipend recipient

If you would like to learn more, the ACE application can be found on our website, or you can email Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, Associate Dean for Diversity and Curriculum, with any questions. You don’t have to take our word for it! Listen to the advice of a previous ACE stipend recipient. “To other first generation students who may be considering to apply, APPLY! Don’t let that imposter syndrome stop you from accessing resources allocated for your success. Your/our success is a communal effort! So apply and ask for that support you need and allow the people who want to contribute to your flourishing to support you! Remember, when we flourish, we open—and destroy— the doors for so many behind us to follow and reach even higher!”

Through the ACE program, I found an amazing and helpful mentor.



Out of Cal Poly’s six colleges, one that continues to stand out is the Orfalea College of Business (OCOB). It ranks among the top ten business schools in the nation for a return on investment. According to their website, they prepare “career-ready business leaders through hands-on discovery and dedicated mentorship.” Their curriculum is “infused with cutting edge technology trends,” and is additionally “supplemented by cultural and social service experience.” They give their students the experience and knowledge necessary to thrive not only in California, but in our global economy at large. OCOB prides itself on having graduates who are “innovative problem solvers, prepared to excel in a variety of business roles and catalyze positive change, wherever they are.” Within the Orfalea College of Business, there are three majors students can choose from: economics, business administration and industrial technology and packaging. Some of these majors have more specific concentrations and all of them have related minors. For those interested in business administration, they can concentrate in accounting and law, consumer packaging, entrepreneurship, financial management, information systems, management and human resources, marketing, quantitative analysis or real estate finance. Students interested in industrial technology and packaging can concentrate in industrial technology or packaging. If a student is pursuing economics or business administration, they can take on a related minor in accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, industrial technology, integrated marketing and communications, packaging or sales. If they are pursuing industrial technology, they can take on a related minor in industrial technology or packaging. Additionally, industrial technology and packaging majors have access to all of the following labs to gain that “learn by doing experience:” graphic design, materials testing, packaging design, packaging dynamics, polymers processing, power systems, process improvement, product fabrication and rapid prototyping. Graduate degrees are also available to pursue after their undergraduate education, with master degrees available for business analytics, packaging value chain, quantitative economics or taxation.

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The Student Success Team and dean of the College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) look forward to welcoming our new students to the CAED Community and Mustang Family at our College Connections Day at 1 p.m. on Friday, September 17. As one of the key events during the Week of Welcome (WOW) this presentation kicks off with a warm welcome in Spanos Theater. To help you build your success, you’ll learn more about the five majors of the built environment that make this college unique nationally.

This will be an opportunity to hear more about our fall quarter, an overview of the majors and minors in the CAED, the facilities that support our Learn by Doing approach and an introduction to student support including resources at the CAED Advising Center. The center’s director will share important tips and invite freshmen and transfer students to visit the center this fall and its website for more help on navigating first-year block scheduling, minor programs offered and transfer student resources. Contacts and more about the Advising Center are available on the bottom of this page. Directly following the welcome presentation, students will meet in their department for a more in-depth overview of their majors. We will share more details with you about Connections Day as the date approaches! For more about financial aid, scholarship applications, study abroad programs, clubs, jobs, internships and advising, visit the “Current Students” tab on the CAED home page at www.caed.calpoly.edu, our department sites, Cal Poly Career Services, and Cal Poly Scholarships. The CAED is dedicated to positioning our students for success in our programs and their promising futures!

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