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Identifying And Tracking Animals Using Rd Tags
Identifying And Tracking Animals Using Rfid Tags
Animals move from one farm to another and their movement cannot be controlled or stored like any other product. The manual process of data entering about the number of animal enters and exit from the farm is me consuming resulng in more possibilies of errors. RFID Technology is largely used nowadays to track and record animal informaon, where direct line-ofsight is not praccal. RFID Tags aached to animals provide basic informaon about the animals. Omnia Technologies provides a full range of specialized tags for use in managing animals. Our innovave products meet all applicable standards and regulaons. Omnia RFID tags come in various different sizes and can be incorporated into ear tags. The tags can also be safely injected or embedded in a ceramic bolus and permanently placed into an animal's
stomach. These tags help opmize producvity and livestock producon. For tracking pigeons, small size glass tags are embedded in pigeon rings.
Our ICAR approved glass tags are designed for livestock idenficaon. Omnia glass tags come in various different sizes. The glass tags can be safely injected using a syringe and permanently placed into animal body. The units are enclosed in biocompable glass, making them harmless to animals inside the body. These tags help opmize producvity and livestock producon and also keep a record of an individual animal. These are most commonly used for animal idenficaon.
Our ICAR approved animal ear tags for cale and sheep are made with special TPU material and is over-moulded making it more robust and durable in outdoor environment. It can be reusable or temperproof depending on applicaon. It is available with different chips and memory sizes including FDX and HDX animal modes, and can be made in custom colours also. The male pin is aached with female tag using an applicator.