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5 THE WIRELESS ADVERTISING FUTURE: NEW APPLIACTIONS WITH POSSIBILITIES As time goes on, we’re certain to see the mobile advertising market soar. So far, consumer response to mobile advertising has been very positive, giving more and more businesses reason to search for ways to increase business via the mobile revolution. The creation of content and applications for the mobile user is a growing and changing business. Today there are many applications that we can expect to expand over time to become great advertising venues. And, of course, even as we’re writing this book, developers are creating new applications that we don’t even know about. As an advertiser, it pays to keep abreast of the newest hot mobile applications. Following are some applications that we see as having great potential for advertisers in the future. These are the ones to watch.
WIRELESS CARRIERS While today’s mobile advertising centers around ads placed on websites that are accessed through the mobile browser or via text messaging, you can be certain that will change. It’s also certain that wireless carriers will have