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Follow Through Is The Key To Successful Discipline

The truth is, that sometimes we feel it is much simpler just letting your child get away with something than fighting a battle you are anyway going to lose. They just make you give up by pleading, screaming, begging and crying that you just don't have the heart or patience any more to go through with your point. However, you must not lose your will or your strength at such times. Its at these times that disciplinary action is necessary so that your child learns acceptable and positive behavior. Bad behavior should not be made negotiable and there shouldn't be any scope for exceptions in terms of punishment for misbehavior and bad deeds.

Hopefully, before the occurrence of any misdeeds, you would have discussed and explained to your child the consequences of inappropriate behavior and misdeeds. They should understand clearly what action will be taken for bad behavior. Be clear, concise and consistent in explaining these so that when it comes to implementation, you can follow through easily. Children tend to test the limits and boundaries that are set for them and it is easy to let them bend the rule when your patience wanes. But you must be firm and fair and without loosing your ground explain that this was the consequence discussed and so it shall be. But do not forget to discuss the issue with the child and work out a better solution if the question of one arises. But you need to constantly consider your child's age and maturity and accordingly work out disciplinary action. Sometimes as a child grows, so should the way we approach them.


It is necessary that your spouse as well any other caregiver, are in agreement with you and follow through with the same consistency and clarity when it comes to punishments. If you decide to make some changes in this area, make sure that all the other adults involved are informed so that the follow through always remains clear and consistent.

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