1 minute read
Twitter’s Tips
by muthosh
life and career. Be sure to research the keywords and determine what your group name should be called in order to drive more traffic to you. Keyword research tools or even Facebook searching tools can be of help here.
• Facebook Places: See Chapter 6 under Local and Mobile Marketing.
• Facebook Events: Users can create events and gatherings and invite all of their friends to join them. Even if all the VIPs cannot RSVP, they can still comment on the event and offer moral support. Little events (whether a night out at dinner or a huge festival in town) sponsored by your company are a great way to get a dialogue going with others, or even to brand your name as an official sponsor of a "meet up" in person. For even better traffic generation, provide the details of your involvement at your official website.
Twitter’s Tips
Twitter is the abbreviated version of Facebook, and while its options are not as complex, many people find it simplicity very useful. One great thing about Twitter is that it allows you to develop more professional and casual relationships, not necessarily “friends” but followers. In fact, Twitter is far more often used as a means of advertising new pages of content, recruiting employees and clients, answering customer service concerns and other business concerns.
• The Real Time Search: This option allows you to search topics on what people are talking about and is a great to discern trendy new subjects and other market research. In fact, one of the latest rumors is that Google will buy Twitter, and incorporate an even more effective means of searching the entire web and matching keyword content. Twitter and other social networks are arguably more popular than email services, since users can check their messages from any location (including mobile devices), and thus are easier to contact.
• Interact with the Latest News: You have a choice of interacting with the latest news stories or commenting on the website’s most popular keyword searches.
You can click the Discover or the Connect tabs to explore your options. You can