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Chapter 1

more so than before, since Google is buying up so many companies and dominating the entire Internet when it comes to searches.

Like Yahoo, Google gives credence to its own sub-company links. Therefore, being friends with Google, by integrating its technology, is a win-win situation for everyone. Google Plus also boasts the following traffic generating features:


• Video chat (ideal for conferencing or hosting video Q and As);

• Easy integration with file storage, thanks to Google Drive;

• Sparks is a trending content option that lets you find inspiration or lets you monitor how people search for you or link to you searches;

• The Circles option lets you group your followers so that you can better target pitches and status updates. This may go a long way in helping you to effectively target certain groups for certain messages, and thus not upset the entire association of your followers with niche type postings; and

• The +1 feature is the Google equivalent of a like button, but it promises more search friendly options, as “popular sites” will inevitably be the ones with hundreds or thousands of +1 links.


A relatively new phenomenon in social networking is Pinterest, a website that exclusively uses pictures—art, photography and motivational imagery—in the creation of its social network. Pinterest is all about branding and it has to be as subtle as possible, since no blatant advertising is going to work. Instead, users concentrate on creating communities, inspiring responses and photo shares (or re-pins in its own terminology) and in finding mutual interests in relationships.

Most experts state that the secret to gaining traffic with Pinterest is to be yourself, to be real and true to you and your company’s values—and to let the pictures tell the stories. Pinterest doesn’t have much in the way of advanced interaction features, but it does

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