3 USING TWITTER FOR MARKETING PURPOSES Okay so you should be all set now to use Twitter in the way you REALLY want to use it. There are thousands of people who are already well aware of how responsive this site can be, and also how much it can help you to build up a steady stream of traffic to your desired website or business. In this section we are going to cover the most important points when it comes to marketing on Twitter. There is a right way and a wrong way to do this, and if you go at it in a heavy promotional way, you aren’t going to get the results you want. I have come across users in the past who have clearly set up lots of separate Twitter accounts and have just one thing to promote. And strangely enough, they never hang around long enough to learn how to do it properly. So let’s see what you need to do to make sure you get it right first time.
THE FIRST RULE OF MARKETING This is the one that confuses a lot of people. That’s because it is a contradiction in terms. You see, the first rule of marketing is not to do it all the time! Now I know what you might be thinking. You wanted to start using Twitter because you heard about other people who were doing the same thing. And they were getting more sales, more visitors to their websites, more contacts… the whole caboodle. Now how on earth are you going to get all that if you aren’t going to do any marketing? That is where the distinction is. You ARE going to do some marketing… but you aren’t going to do it all the time. A good way of understanding how this works is to think about how you like to use the site yourself. Do you like to go on Twitter to read nothing but marketing messages from other people? Of course you don’t. You like to go on the site to find likeminded people that are worth following. You want to get some benefits from being on there, and you aren’t going to get those benefits if the only people you follow are people who are constantly promoting their
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