1 minute read
Make It Pretty
by muthosh
overuse this formatting as it can look like you are shouting to the reader.
Break up paragraphs – In real word writing, you don't change paragraphs until the topic changes. This is not appropriate to online writing where the eye tends to tire from reading the screen much more easily. Instead, break up paragraphs into short chunks. Some online marketers will even go as far as to insert a new paragraph every three to fine lines of text.
Add subheadings – Even if you break up the paragraphs, that doesn't make it easy enough for people skimming it to know what each one is about. So, add subheadings that quickly give the skimmer a synopsis of what's in those paragraphs, that way they can choose to read it or not.
Add bullets and lists – Bullets and lists help to break up text and provide a quick encapsulation of relevant points. Always include subheadings in them so that the skimmer can pick the bullets of interest to them.
As you can see, you can even combine these elements to give them more emphasis, as in the list above. We not only created a bulleted list, but we added subheadings, and bolded the subheadings to give them special emphasis. What comes out is a list that is easily skimmed and then evaluated for the most important topics to the reader.