Muve Mag May 2014 issue

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I’ve always associated summer as a time for positive new beginnings. From discovering new hangouts in town to meeting new people touring our city. There seems to be this ambiance of hope. That each day will bring about effervescent desires to seek out the gears to ignite positive change. That each day not taken for granted will lead to limitless possibilities. It reminds me that yearning for the days of yore, when tomorrow can be so much more is a pointless endeavor. So here’s to MUVING forward to brighter days, stronger bonds and even better weather. In this issue of Muve Mag we chat it up with Bryan Peace of Crystal Vision, discover the details of Nicole Moan’s corset design, recap Oklahoma City’s Fashion Week, gear up for a Summer that Sizzles with Yvonne, give it our all at getting Fit In Five with Bri, and learn how to Navigate our lives Natively with Brian Frejo. As always, Read. Enjoy. Share. Andre LaMont, Editor

MUVEMAG.COM EDITOR: ANDRE LAMONT PRODUCTION MANAGER: POLO CONWAY STAFF WRITER: BRI HARPER YVONNE MIDKIFF EDNA TOMAL DETAIL IN DESIGN PHOTOGRAPHER: ROB FERGUSON & JACQUES BRANCH MODELS: NICOLE MOAN KIMBERLY EPPERLY HEIDI SEIBERT HAIR & MAKE UP: SARAH HAUN OF STARLITE SALON WARDROBE: THE CLOSET COLLECTION & NICOLE MOAN CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: DOUG SCHWARZ WILLIAM RAINES JOSE PAULO AARON GILLILAND MARKETING PHOTOS: ROB FERGUSON, JACQUES BRANCH, DOUG SCHWARZ & JUSTIN VOIGHT Muve Magazine is published by Muve Media. All material copyright (c). All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Muve Mag. While every effort is made to ensure the information in this magazine is correct, changes can occur which affect the accuracy of copy, for which Muve Media LLC holds no responsibility. The opinions of the contributers do not necessarily bear a relation to those of Muve Mag or its staff and we disclaim liability for those impressions.



















hear you releasing new tunes soon.


house sound of the late 2000 to what’s going on now. Most of the tracks that we have coming out that are in that

We have a few releasing the summer.

vain. We plan to release them on

I would say they sound like a gothic

Soundcloud and Beatport. We try to

dance, infused with undertones of

give away as much tracks as we can.

Justice. It’s more like blending the Blog

But we also put them in stores.


The Living Room is a new addition to

the Base Cave. Evan doesn’t really play

Robotic. How did that come about?

dubstep or bass music for that matter. Changing the name was a must. We

Well, last summer, Evan C DJ’ed on

put our heads together and came up

the do the patio, all summer long.

with The Living Room.

However, we kept getting complaints because the music was a bit too loud.

After the remodel that James did, that

Even with the slightest volume those

room was perfect for a lounge area. I

complaints still rolled in. The patio is

think we all like deep house, but Chad

a very open area so the sound just

and Evan REALLY like deep house. I

travels. So we moved Evan C inside. At

feel as though deep house is making

the time we were calling the side room

a huge comeback. It’s stuff that kids


don’t really ever get to hear around

some its authenticity?

here. We plan to highlight it at a few of our upcoming events.

Yes and No. I think it would be awesome if promotional efforts like EDC would

There was quite a bit of deep house and

book emerging artist besides the

tech house played around peak hour

normal festival headliners.

last night. Of course it was extremely

though you can go to any festival

dance friendly. But it went off. I think

and see Steve Aoki, Steve Angello,

everyone is ready for a change in

or Tiesto. I think that smaller events,

pace of dance music.

like Robotic, are the driving force in

I feel as

dance culture. I say this because we Do you think that over time it has lost

have brought a litany of artist that


are making new sounds, pushing the

themed decor alongside blood. We

envelope and continually releasing

also had a 3D Themed party. We

creative and authentic tunes. I think

rented more tv’s and added more

that’s what it is about. Moving forward

graphics so that it appeared as though

and celebrating differences. We’ve

they were jumping off the screen if you

also had some big artist at Robotic

had the 3D glasses on. People loved

that are excelling and experimenting

it. We enjoy doing those because the

with the sounds. Like, Caked Up, Crizzly

people attending our events like them

or Prototype.

as much as we do.

Where do you get your inspiration for

We are in our 8th year now. It’s crazy

your events?

to see how many die hard Robotics fans have come and gone and it’s

We tend to focus on the time of year

the same crew doing it. We are very

and blend events. We recently had a

fortune that it has gone this long and

Zombie Shipwreck Beach Party. We

it’s still going strong.

decked out the whole venue in beach





My father was a sculpture when I was

your first choice for your artisctic

young kid. But as I got older he moved


on to different avenues of expression. So you could say that it may have

My parents are painters. My dad’s

influenced me a bit. Honestly, though

paintings resemble the like of Picasso

I did not want to be an artist growing

and my mother’s paintings exhibit

up. I went to school for marketing,

more of an impressionistic approach.

automotive & engineering. I also

love cooking and baking, I love it. For

inviting that even people that didn’t

Katie Wicks’ baby shower I sculpted

eat cake desired a slice.

her stomach and made a cake that resembled a Star Trek the Next

Over time the desire to do art grew

Generation outfit. The cake was so

exponentially. So I took a few art

classes. At that time I knew I wanted

came shortly after I started sculpting.

to be an artist. My husband at the time


loved to create massive sculptures such

tile. A 1,000 square feet of it in under

as light fixtures. I began sculpting with

two weeks! I worked the project and

him and creating tile. My first job offer

finished it in record time. She loved my




artistic approach to the tile. Later on that year it was featured at the Cox Convention Garden Show. Tell us about your first corset. I was going to Biting the Apple one year and said to myself I need an outfit. I didn’t favor any of the corsets or outfits that I found. I decided to make my own. I made the corset three days before the

event. I enjoyed making them but they were entirely too uncomfortable. So I spent an immense amount of time engineering something that would make them easier to wear, adjustable even. I’ve corsets with 4 and 8 pieces so that they are more flexible. The amount pieces that are used for the corsets depend upon a persons size and shape. What inspires the themes for your corsets? Well, it could be a mood that I’m in, super heroes, steampunk, mermaids or even weddings. Or even nature. I’m not sure if you’ve ever grabbed a willow branch. But they are kind of like spider webs that hang off of one another. If you branch theme together it does this theatrical shimmer. Top that with glitter and a few LED’s, now that’s a corset! How do you keep an essence of yourself in all of your work? I think a may have a bit of a dark side. No matter if the inspiration was a princess, the final product usually has a darker look. I can’t really explain how I do, I can only say it’s like going to someone else’s house. You can smell the way their house smells but you become accustom to the way yours does. I guess you could say that I’m very detail orientated. I always want my work to be as close to the real thing as possible.


I always listen to everyone’s full critique of my work. I believe that’s how you grow. You have to understand how your work is viewed through other peoples eyes. Because ultimately perfecting your craft is about growth, learning, awareness of your and owning your creative approach. You also design male corsets? Yes. Guy corsets are very interesting to craft. I usually design male corsets with a futuristic or superhero theme. I have a few male corsets that will be featured at a fashion show in Austin on May 10th. I also love doing large projects as well. On the east side of my house I’m installing LED light fixtures with coral. It’s going to look as if coral is coming off of my house and shooting light upon the roof. Ultimately my goal is to do more projects of that nature.

What advice would you like to share to aspiring artists? I think that you have to take in to account what you want to achieve. I don’t believe creating limits for yourself is productive. Those only corner you and box you in. Maybe have an open and fresh perspective on your passion. I think authenticity is important. Creating a backbone and personal representation of yourself is evident in all of your work. I believe in the idea of always putting out your best work. If it’s your best but months later, you aren’t a fan of it, that only means that you are growing. I also feel that supporting others in your industry is very important. Not only are you creating an excellent network of like minded individuals but you are investing in someone that shares the same passion as you. They want to express themselves and their passion through their work. Why not support that? Why not build the people up around you? I believe that building and learning together is the catalyst for growth.





On April 12th, Muve Mag had the op-

socialize and view the breathtaking sunset

portunity to attend Oklahoma City Fash-

followed by the city night lights, which was

ion Week’s Red Carpet Fashion show on

absolutely amazing.

the 50th floor of Devon Tower. For those of you who didn’t know, the fashion scene

Due to the limited capacity at this venue,

in Oklahoma City has really hit the ground

general admission tickets were $75 per per-

running. This was definitely made aware to

son and with that, most of these folks were

all who attended, or should I say, to those

left standing around the room without a

who were lucky enough to score a ticket to high fashion six inch heels, ouch.

the event!

Yes, I would be one of these people and I was definitely limping the next day. On the

Greeted by Mercedes Benz cars at the en-

other hand, add another hundo to that

trance, fashionably dressed guests were

ticket price and your VIP admission was well

directed upstairs via an ear-popping el-

worth it as these folks were guaranteed a

evator ride to the top. Everyone quickly

seat, a VIP lounge area that included an

grabbed their cocktails and were left to

open bar, fancy foods, swag bags, and

FASHION VIP entrance to Kevin Durant’s restaurant for the after party. The fashion show itself was the finale event after a week of festivities and runway shows at various venues around the city.This event was split into two sessions, an afternoon show and evening show, each featuring six talented designers who showcased their latest designs with OKC’s top agency-represented models. I thoroughly enjoyed all the people watching and viewing all the designer’s fashions. In fact, the show was so mesmerizing, it wasn’t until the show’s finale that I took notice to the pain in my feet from standing the entire time! My favorite designer out of the evening six was Nine Muses, a women’s luxury label based in Dallas, Texas. They opened the the show with models sporting slicked back hair, dewey complexions, and bright lipstick while strutting down the runway in figure flattering dresses, slacks, and blouses with leather wrap belts, black lace accents, and dramatic capes! Being that this fashion show was the first of its kind in Oklahoma, the amount of work for the team behind it most likely equated to quite a few sleepless nights. I must say, hats off to all involved! Muve Mag is looking forward to the next Oklahoma Fashion Week and you should be too!





Summer is upon us

and swimsuits are now out on the

right now and I just ate a huge taco

racks and in the windows of our favor-

salad.” Well, the good news is that we

ite stores. Personally, the sight usually

are a few months out from having to

brings a mix of emotions. First, I men-

don those itty bitty yellow polka dot

tally pinch my midsection.

Then, I’ll

bikinis. We still have a little time to get

glance down at my arm and quiet-

to the gym and get it tight. If you are

ly mumble, “Dang, I’m so pasty!” I’ll

getting back into the gym for first time

spot a bikini off in the distance and

in months, nothing is more demotivat-

my thoughts, “Oh, that’s cute! Ugh, I

ing than putting on frumpy old gym

don’t even want to see myself in that

clothes and crusty runners. Feeling

FASHION good about how you look while your in the gym will only help you tackle those fitness goals. So pay attention, because these gym attire recommendations will kickstart your master plan to that bikini sporting bod.

TOPS Go fitted, but not too tight.

BOTTOMS It’s all about the spandex leggings and crops.

KICKS Go bold or go home. Don’t


forget the fancy athletic

Get ones that don’t fall out


and keep them in your gym bag.

A GOOD GYM BAG This doesn’t have to be huge.


In all seriousness, getting to the gym

tentially amazing Lake Day because

will start to make you feel better about

you feel uncomfortable in your bikini.

yourself. Building, tightening, and re-

You can be too self conscience about

leasing all those endorphins do a lot to

things that those around you could

boost our moods!

care less about.

I repeat, nobody

cares! So here’s a tip for when that This brings me to my second point for

pool day comes up: Embrace who

the upcoming bikini wearin’ days, and

you are at that moment in time, you

that is... Self Confidence.

As a for-

can’t change it right then and there,

mer model, I’ve learned a lot of really

accept it, love it, and most important-

tough lessons throughout my career in

ly, own it. Pull them shoulder’s back

regards to body image. One of which

girl! Hell, the best thing you can do to

is that you, yes you, are your own worst

give that cute bikini justice is BE CON-

critic. You alone can sabotage a po-





day to day lives are jammed packed with task that never end. Penciling in an appointment with yourself to get your work out on, can be challenging.


Achieving a fitter and healthier you

or the fit life is new to you, this workout

takes a large amount of dedication,

is designed to fit any schedule. Cycle

determination and a bit of time

through this workout each week to

management. So I created an exercise

experience optimum results such as

program just for this purpose. It’s a no-

steady weight loss and toner muscles.

nonsense five day excursion into fitness

Reach, attain and become the new

bliss. Whether you desire sustainability

you in just four easy breezy weeks!


MONDAY Legs, Glutes, Abs 25 Squats Starting from a standing position, slowly lower towards to floor bending your knees in a sitting position until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Raise upward slowly and repeat. 20 Alternating Lunges with dumbbells 25 Deadlifts From a standing position, hold a dumbbell in each hand hanging in front of you. Keeping your legs straight and shoulder-width apart, lower from your waist until your hands are reaching the floor. You will feel this in your hamstrings and glutes. Raise slowly and repeat. 50 Ab Crunches 30 Ab Bicycles Forward/30 Reversed While laying on your back, raise your legs in the air and rotate them as if you were riding a bicycle. Keep your arms next to you and flat on the ground. Then reverse legs in the opposite direction. Cardio: 25 Minutes high-intensity cardio. Choose from either stairmill, elliptical, or sprinting/jogging.

TUESDAY Chest & Arms 20-25 Push-Ups Beginners use Bent-Knee version if needed. 20 Chest Presses How to do: Use 3-5lb Dumbbells for beginners, and work your way to higher weight. Begin by laying flat on your back with your palms facing each other and arms bent. Push the weight forward, rotating your arms until your palms are facing your toes. Repeat from the starting position. 20 Bicep Curls (Per Arm) - Begin with 5-10 lb weights. 25-30 Minutes of Cardio. Change it up today! Do something different than Monday’s Cardio. Ride your bike, or use a different cardio machine in the gym. Changing your cardio routines keeps your body guessing and your metabolism running.

WEDNESDAY Back & Shoulders 40 Jumping Jacks with Weights in Hand 20 Lateral Raises In a standing position, raise your arms to shoulder heighth, then lower them back down with palms facing each other. Use 8-10 lb weights. 30 Front Raises In a standing position, raise your right arm in front of you until it is shoulder heighth. Lower slowly while keeping your arm straight. Repeat with your left arm and alternate. Use 8-10lb weights. 20 Shoulder Presses Start by bending your arms to the side until your biceps are parallel to the floor. Then straighten your arms until the weights are directly above you, keeping your palms facing forward. Cardio: 25-30 minutes of high-intensity cardio.


THURSDAY Glutes, Legs, & Abs Day - Start with 25 squats & 20 jumping lunges. Stand in the lunge position and jump straight upward keeping your hands on your hips for balance, landing again in the lunge position with your opposite foot forward. Repeat 20 times. Now onto 25 pelvic lifts. Start by laying on the floor with your legs bent. Raise your hips as high as you can, while keeping your shoulders flat on the ground and your arms by your side. Slowly lower and repeat. And finally 50 ab crunches 30 Minutes High-Intensity Cardio.

FRIDAY It’s Difficult Areas Day - Decide what areas you need the most toning and focus on that area. Include 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio such as sprinting, stairmill, or elliptical.




FROM DJING, TO ACTING AND NOW INSPIRING YOUTH TO ACHIEVE GREATNESS. BRIAN FREJO HAS HAD QUITE THE JOURAugmented reality comes home NEY & HE HAS NAVIGATED IT NATIVELY. HERE’S HIS STORY. with Google Glasses. Think of it as When I started DJing Beastie Boys, LL your phone, with the expansive Cool J and Run DMC were huge. I knowledge of the internet right played a lot of that genre of music acabove your brow. Record live vidtually. I loved making mixes that were eo, take photos, shop like a Termiinfluenced by the break era. So it was nator by narrowing products down for popping and locking and such. to thier calorie content on site or just One of my huge influences was Elvis. interact with the net in new dynamic ways in real time. Available from Music has always been a major part Google. of my life. Especially the hip hop and

native american culture. I think it re-

ally formed my identity. Being Native American is who I am and my love for hip hop made everything in my life connect. Years later I wanted to mold the two. So a few friends an I came up with Native American hip hop. It took off over the years and our crew form and hosted the first Culture Shock Camp. At the time, it was the first event of it’s kind in Oklahoma City. It was an event that featured all Native Ameri-


can Hip Hop artists. At each event we opened up a Native prayer. It really set the ambiance of those events. While hosting those shows I wanted to tie another part of my life in with my heritage. I started acting. I went to a few auditions. I landed a few roles here and there. But eventually an amazing role dropped in my lap. I performed in Last of the Mohicans. After that movie several schools called me to share my story about how I became an actor. While sharing my story at one school one of the students asked me, “Well what did you do before that? Did you drink and party?” I retorted with. “Well, no I didn’t want to.” The kid came back with the same question. As a new speaker I wasn’t sure if I was answering his question in the best way. I then said, “I didn’t want that in my life, because it was in my family.” I think that was the kid was looking for. Maybe he

had something like that go on at his home and it’s the norm for him. At that very moment, I knew that I was lead to share my story to empower youth. I now travel around doing leadership training at schools. The training sessions are called Created 4 Greatness. I used the number 4 because it is very sacred in the Native American Heritage. Some of the criteria focuses on drugs, alcohol, suicide and meth use prevention. I also share a training session called the Power of Vision and Action. The training consist of two days of discussing vision, passion, personal discipline and then ultimately the reward. A good friend told me once that it’s not destination it’s the journey. At the time that was exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been on an amazing journey and the the reward has been sharing that journey with others.


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