ICOM Slovenia news

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ISSUE 01 november 2017


INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums



Celebration of International Museum day A glance into the IMD 2017 happenings in Slovenia International participation and cooperation Promotion of ICOM Principles





ICOM Slovenia has a new presidency since May 2017. The President of ICOM Slovenia became dr. Kaja Širok, director of the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia and research associate at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Department of Sociology.

New ICOM Slovenia Presidency for 2017-2020: President: Kaja Širok Vice-president: Alenka Černelič Krošelj Executive Committee members: Aleksandra Berberih Slana, Estera Cerar, Blaž Vurnik Members of the Supervisory Board: Nataša Kolar, Jože Rataj, Jana Šubic Prislan Members of the ethics commission: Andreja Breznik, Marjeta Mikuž, Sabina Povšič, Verena Vidrih Perko Members of the Commission for the allocation of financial resources for participation in international conferences: Tanja Roženbergar, Petra Stipančič, Elizabeta Petruša Štrukelj ICOM NEWS | november 2017



Ph ot o: T. Sk


Dear members, I present to you the latest issue of ICOM News Slovenia. At the 2016 ICOM General Assembly in Milan, we were presented with ICOM’s new visual image for the organization’s 70th anniversary, which was also a great opportunity to reaffirm the organization’s efforts to strengthen bonds between members and to continue making its work ever more visible to the general public. With the new visual image of ICOM News Slovenia we have sought to join these efforts, but we did not stop there, as the newspaper now also boasts new content. In 2016, Slovenian museums took an active part in international projects and helped in carrying out the work and raising the prestige of international ICOM committees. On a national level, ICOM Slovenia has been actively involved in the development and study of the importance of cultural heritage, and its prolific members have been sharing this knowledge on an international level. In 2017, we voted for a new National Board, which has since been striving to successfully continue the work and recognisability efforts of its predecessors. We have actively supported the work of our members and kept sharing knowledge from the international level nationally and vice versa, sharing the ICOM NEWS | november 2017

knowledge and practices of our museums to the international scene by means of international meetings. The high quality of the work performed by the National Board is apparent from their year-round activities, the promotion of IMD, the exhibition of national museums on that subject, the international conference, the involvement in ICOM SEE activities and the project RE-ORG, with which we helped share experiences between museum workers and create added value in collaboration and networking. Our wish is that our active efforts would draw more and new members and that we could continue working on the level of quality and devotion that ICOM Slovenia represents. Special thanks are due to Dr Tanja Roženbergar, the director of ICOM Slovenia between 2011 and 2017 as well as the previous members of the presidency. I would like to thank you all for the trust that you have shown us and I wish you all many successful collaborations, networking and fruitful work in this coming year of European Cultural Heritage, 2018.

Kaja Širok, PhD



INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY 2017 The joint exhibition of National Museums of Slovenia has been organised to mark International ICOM Museum Day (18 May 2017). This year’s leading theme Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums highlights how the acceptance of a contested history is the first step in envisioning a shared future under the banner of reconciliation. It therefore provides an opportunity to show how museums display and depict traumatic memories to encourage visitors to think beyond their own individual experiences. The exhibition emphasised the significance and power of cooperation, uncovering the cultural treasures kept by museums, bringing to life the museum quarter, helping to shape the public cultural space and it emphasizes the role of museums as agents of changes in society and promoters of multicultural dialogue.


INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums




Exhibition coordination: National Museum of Contemporary History (Kaja Širok, Urška Purg). Exhibition design: Matija Kovač, zgradbazamisli.

 ICOM NEWS | november 2017


I M D : N AT I O N A L M U S E U M S ' E X H I B I T I O N


Leta 1942 je bilo na tem stolu po zaslišanju ustreljeno mlado dekle. In 1942, a young woman was shot on this very chair, after being interrogated.

Stol, muzejski predmet pridobljen leta 1956. Chair, a museum object, acquired by the museum in 1956. Izdelan v neznani mizarski delavnici v 30. letih 20. stoletja. Produced in an unknown woodworking workshop in the 30’s. Material: les Material: wood Inv. Št. 568 Inv. Nr. 568

Gledate na ta stol zdaj drugače?

Do you now look at this chair in a different manner?

Stol, hrani Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije

Chair, kept by National Museum of Contemporary History foto/photo: Sašo Kovačič

National Museum of Contemporary History

Ali lahko ponovno naselimo daljne kraje, aktiviramo prezrta območja, obudimo starodavne navade in osmislimo osnovna sožitja skozi svoje sodobne urbane navade?

Can we re-occupy distant places, activate neglected territories, re-enact ancient relations and re-imagine basic coexistences through our contemporary urban habits?

Daleč, tako blizu. 25. bienale oblikovanja, Ljubljana, Slovenija 25. 5.–29. 10. 2017

Faraway, So Close. 25th Biennial of Design, Slovenska kinoteka Slovenian Cinematheque Ljubljana, Slovenia

Fotografija iz filma / photo from a film

Opre Roma – Pamet v roke, ko boš v drugo ustvarjal svet Opre Roma režija / directed by Filip Robar Dorin, 1983 fotografija / photo: arhiv Slovenske kinoteke/ Slovenian Cinematheque archive © Slovenska kinoteka

Miklošičeva 28, Ljubljana, www.kinoteka.si

foto/photo: Delfino Sisto Legnani, grafično oblikovanje/graphic design: Grupa Ee

MAO, Museum of Architecture and Design

Slovenian Cinematheque

Fotografija iz filma / photo from a film

Po isti poti se ne vračaj Don’t Come Back by the Same Way režija / directed by Jože Babič, 1965 fotografija / photo: Ljubo Struna © Slovenska kinoteka

Jože Babič, avtor, ki se je v svojih filmih ukvarjal z občutljivimi temami, je leta 1965 posnel že za tedanjo publiko neprijetno realističen film o življenju sezonskih delavcev iz drugih republik tedanje Jugoslavije, ki se v Sloveniji srečajo s ksenofobijo, zaničevanjem in nerazumevanjem. Ob stoletnici rojstva Jožeta Babiča smo se Slovenska kinoteka z Muzejem slovenskih filmskih igralcev in številni partnerji filmskemu režiserju poklonili z retrospektivo in potujočo razstavo, jeseni pa bo izšel tudi zbornik.

Museum of Slovenian Film Actors

ICOM NEWS | november 2017

In 1965, Jože Babič, a filmmaker that dealt with sensitive topics in many of his films, made a film about the life of seasonal workers from the other republics of former Yugoslavia, who in Slovenia encountered xenophobia, disdain and a lack of understanding, which the audience at the time already found uncomfortably realistic. Upon the hundredth anniversary of Jože Babič’s birth, the Slovenian Cinematheque, the Museum of Slovenian Film Actors and numerous other partners paid homage to the film director with a film retrospective and a travelling exhibition, while a collection of papers will be published in autumn.

Režiser Filip Robar Dorin se je v zgodovino slovenskega filma zapisal kot avtor, ki uspešno združuje dokumentarne in igrane forme, predvsem pa v ospredje postavlja perečo družbeno problematiko, življenja obstrancev, migrantskih delavcev in otrok. V filmu Opre Roma – Pamet v roke, ko boš v drugo ustvarjal svet se je posvetil Romom. V Slovenski kinoteki smo ob izzidu knjige Dialogi s Filipom (Nerina T. Kocjančič in Filip Robar Dorin) pripravili restrospektivo filmov in priložnostno razstavo.

Filip Robar Dorin went down in the history of Slovenian cinema as a filmmaker that successfully combined documentary and fiction forms, foregrounding especially the pressing social issues, the lives of outsiders, migrant workers and children. In his Opre Roma, he focused on the Roma. Upon the publication of Dialogi s Filipom (Dialogues with Filip, Nerina T. Kocjančič and Filip Robar Dorin), the Slovenian Cinematheque prepared a retrospective of his films and an exhibition.

I M D : N AT I O N A L M U S E U M S ' E X H I B I T I O N



Učilnica s podobami krščanskega križa, podobo Stalina in Tita, 1945

Karakteristika učitelja (moralno politična in strokovna) iz leta 1960

Classroom with a Christian cross and pictures of Stalin and Tito, 1945

Teacher evaluation (moral and professional) from 1960

Preloka ob Kolpi. SŠM, fototeka/photo library.

Osnovna šola Kamnik / Kamnik Primary School. V/in: Temna stran meseca, Ljubljana 1998, str. 667.

Posamezne zamolčane zgodbe so se dogajale tudi v šolstvu. Še leta 1945 je bila v učilnici hkrati podoba Tita, Stalina in krščanski križ, po vojni pa je lahko poučeval le učiteljski kader s primerno karakteristiko.

Individual untold stories also happened in education. In 1945, classrooms displayed pictures of Tito and Stalin, as well as the Christian cross, while after the war only teachers with suitable characteristics were allowed to teach.

Slovene School Museum

Fortunat Bergant: Ptičar Je postava čokate in zgrbljene drže s presunljivim izrazom res samo zgovorna prispodoba posebneža z mestnega obrobja, ali pa nam njegovo opozorilo na ptico v kletki namiguje na kaj posebnega, kar ne znamo nedvoumno razbrati …

The Fowler Is this just a telling image of a stout and hunchbacked local character from the outskirts of the city or could his pointing a finger on the caged bird allude to something special? For now, we cannot say for sure …

Sliki Prestar in Ptičar, ki ju je naslikal baročni mojster čopiča Fortunat Bergant (1721–1769), sodita med najpomembnejša dela slovenskega baroka. Ob koncu druge svetovne vojne sta bili pogrešani in znani le po črno beli reprodukciji iz leta 1938. Po naključju sta bili obe, sicer varno spravljeni a pozabljeni sliki, najdeni v lanskem letu. Odkupila jih je Narodna galerija, kjer bosta po restavratorskem posegu vključeni v stalno zbirko.

Anonimno delo, Marija Tolažnica žalostnih,

Fortunat Bergant (1721–1769), Marija Tolažnica žalostnih,

Anonymous, St. Mary the Consoler,

oil on canvass, 18th century, Cat. No. K 13.

olje na platno, 18. stol., evid. št. K 203.

oil on canvass, 18th century, Cat. No. K 203.

olje na platno, 18. stol., evid. št. K 13.

St. Mary the Consoler,

Sliki sta baročni kopiji prve slovenske variante Marije Tolažnice žalostnih, ki so jo častili pri ljubljanskih kapucinih. Slika z evid. št. K 203 naj bi bila edina na Slovenskem, kjer ima Marija odkrito dojko, na drugih je namreč preslikana.

Pictures Man with a Pretzel and The Fowler by the outstanding painter Fortunat Bergant (1721–1769) belong to the masterpieces of Slovenian Baroque. They went missing at the end of the World War Two and were only known to us from a black-and-white photography from 1938. The pictures were safely stored but forgotten until found by chance last year. National Gallery of Slovenia acquired them and they will become part of the Permanent Collection after conservation-restoration treatment.

Both paintings are Baroque copies of the first Slovene version of St. Mary the Consoler who was worshipped by the Ljubljana Capuchin Order. The painting registered under Cat. No. K 203 is the only known painting in Slovenia in which Mary reveals a naked breast; on all other paintings her breast is covered up.

foto/photo: p. Branko Petauer

Slovene Museum of Christianity

National Gallery of Slovenia


Plakat za gledališko predstavo Resničnost, nastalo po romanu Lojzeta Kovačiča, v priredbi in režiji Ljubiše Ristića, Slovensko mladinsko gledališče, 1984/85, premiera 23. april 1985.


A poster for the production Resničnost, by the author Lojze Kovačič, adaptation and direction by Ljubiša Ristić, Mladinsko Theatre, 1984/85, premiere 23 April 1985. Oblikovanje / Design: Matjaž Vipotnik. Arhiv / archive: SLOGI

National Theatre Museum of Slovenia

ICOM NEWS | november 2017

»Slikovno-besedna diskurzna, a preroška plakatna mojstrovina Resnićnost, na kateri slovenski pojem, ideologiziran z »mehkim ć«, nosi težo tanka (!),« kot je plakat Matjaža Vipotnika opisal Stane Bernik, leta 1985 napoveduje travmatično prihodnost in danes sežema njeno udejanjenje.

A prophetic poster masterpiece of Matjaž Vipotnik Resnićnost with a foreign, Serbo-Croat, letter “ć“ in the Slovenian word, anticipates back in 1985 a traumatic future and today articulates its actual materialisation.


Za vse je najbolje, če je orožje v muzeju The best place for keeping weapons is in a musuem

Orožje na stalni razstavi, Narodni muzej Slovenije – Metelkova, Maistrova 1, Ljubljana

Weapons in the permanent exhibition, National museum of Slovenia – Metelkova, Maistrova 1, Ljubljana foto/photo: Tomaž Lauko

National Museum of Slovenia

Neznani spomin na Afriko

Unknown memory of Africa

Škatla z bomboni? Ne. V škatli je okoli 200 negativov in 700 fotografij, ki jih je posnel Stanko Grom v Tanzaniji sredi 20. stoletja. Gradivo je del večje neraziskane fotografske zbirke, ki je bila pred kratkim odkrita na Vrhniki v Sloveniji.

A box of sweets? No. The box contains around 200 negatives and 700 photographs taken by Stanko Grom in Tanzania in the mid-twentieth century. The material is part of a larger unresearched photographic collection recently discovered in the town of Vrhnika in Slovenia.

Cadillac Series 62 Sedan V Tehniškem muzeju Slovenije hranimo v zbirki Titovih protokolarnih vozil sedemnajst vozil, ki so bila nekoč del državnega premoženja Jugoslavije. Nekatera od njih je uporabljal predsednik Tito.

foto/photo: Jure Rus, SEM

In the collection of Tito’s diplomatic vehicles, the Technical Museum of Slovenia keeps seventeen examples, which used to comprise part of former Yugoslavia’s public property. Some of them were used by President Tito. foto/photo: Dragan Arrigler

Slovene Ethnographic Museum

Technical Museum of Slovenia

Slovenian Museum of Natural History

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GOOD IMD 2017 PRACTICE FROM THE SLOVENE MUSEUMS: The National Liberation Museum Maribor – Museum for Peace


ave you ever thought that museum objects, heritage of the 20th century wars, could be anything than museum objects? This museum turned them into a proof – a proof of what happens when you exercise disregard and contempt for human rights. The latest refugee and migration crisis throughout Europe has shown that Museums should and could have an important role in »the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want« (Universal Declaration of Human Rights). A new program Museum for Peace was born and thousands of pupils and students have come to this museum to participate in it. It was also awarded an ICOM Slovenia award in 2016 and in 2018 it will be held under patronage of the European Commission representation in Slovenia.


War and Peace, Fear and Happiness Ljubljana, Slovenia 30 September — 3 October Pre-Conference Tour 28 to 29 September

The relevance of culture and in particular of cultural assets as catalysts for the formation of open, tolerant and cohesive societies has been also reinforced by a growing attention of the public opinion for preservation issues seen as a necessity to develop a better quality of life and an improvement of transnational cooperation.

In the year of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018, ICOMAM will focus on the current historical memory of the wars of the 20th century.

Our topics will focus on: War and Peace, Fear and Happiness The wars waged with them and abandoned in their environments for future generations. The interpretation of heritage is considered dissonant when different groups attribute different stories to a certain object or landscape. «Dissonant heritage» is the heritage «that hurts» or that recall past events not easy to be reconciled with visitors’ values and everyday experience.

ICOM NEWS | november 2017

These objects are relevant evidence of certain periods, however, they are nowadays either neglected or cancelled or reinterpreted in misleading ways in which the political discourse is predominant with no insight into the aesthetic or cultural values (if any) and without a clear strategy to make of them a useful complex of historic resources for the understanding of difficult moments of European history. Organizer: ICOMAM and Forum of Slavic Culture Coorganizer in Slovenia: ICOM Slovenia, National Museum Slovenia, Slovenian Armed forces Military Museum, The Park of Military History in Pivka.




MUSEUMS AND CONTESTED HISTORIES. Between Memory and Oblivion Ljubljana, 5th and 6th October 2017 National Museum of Contemporary History, Slovenia


useums play a key role in the creation and representation of the shared cultural heritage of different communities. They have become social nodes that encourage peaceful relationships between people and the improvement of society, addressing traumatic histories through mediation and multiple points of view. The discovery of divisive histories and the ability to express what cannot be said are duties that museums must carry out as active co-shapers of society. They can help reach peaceful solutions to traumatic events from the past and foster an understanding of history that encompasses many points of view by sharing knowledge. ICOM Slovenia, the Slovene Museum Association, the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana (Department of Sociology) and the National Museum of Contemporary History organized an international conference aimed at answering questions about the understanding of hidden histories and the interpretation of cultural heritage today. We are interested in the ways in which collective memories that do not correspond to the dominant historical narratives interact (or do not interact) with the national narrative and how this is reflected in museum exhibitions. What stories are overlooked in museums? How is undesirable and neglected history structured in individual historical periods? What forms and what dismantles public consensus about which heritage should be preserved and in what cases does it become unwanted or even denounced? How does collective memory work and where does forgetting come into play? What limits the freedom of museums and what are the roles of NGOs? What creates consensus and who dictates the interpretation of the past – the professional sphere or politics? We invited professionals from the fields to examine the role of museums today. The conference was dedicated to the themes of the change and transformation of museums after the year 1989 (museums about the revolutions, the complex heritage of the wars ...), and to an overview of the newly forming trends and themes in museums and a multifaceted understanding of ICOM NEWS | november 2017

In 2017, Taja Vovk van Gaal was made an honorary member of the Slovene ICOM Committee, for her contribution to the development of the Slovene museology, her international work in the field of museology, and for her exceptional contribution to the installation of a permanent exhibition at the House of European History in Brussels.

“contested, difficult, forgotten” history in Europe today. All of this provided us with a better understanding of the role of museums as tools for creating peaceful communities and an overview of such implementations in different national environments.


I N T E R N AT I O N A L PA R T I C I PAT I O N I N 2 0 1 7

ICR Annual Meeting

TOGETHER! Regional Museums Engaging with the “New Reality” 28 August to 1 September 2017, Helsinki, Hämeenlinna, Tampere, Finland by Metka Fujs C Museums serve as stewards of the cultural heritage of diverse communities. They are looking for answers on the integrity of museums which retain different “former identities”, superseded by “new realities”. Realities of political changes, how to maintain a professional independence, migrations and cultural changes in communities… On the conference we discussed changes museums made to adopt new practices or attract new partners and new audiences. How nowadays museums see or try to find out their new general role and mission in society was evident already from two keynote speeches. From Kimmo Levä’s speech “A Museum is a Service” about new professional practices at customer orientation and networking. He stressed out that if museums are not only part of cultural sector but are involved into different kinds of “businesses” then also the network of their funders and financers has to be changed. And from Jette Sandahl’s speech “Topographies of Fear, Hope and Anger” who opened the question of empathy of museums to people’s everyday lives, to position themselves as participatory platforms where disagreement, social conflicts and political movements can find articulation. Other presentations were disposed into following topics: Collections and collection policies, New Realities of Museum Work after Political Change and Exhibitions – Why are some issues presented and others neglected? During the conference we visited several museums and met some very good museum practices. In Slovenia museums are dealing with similar issues as museums around the world, in collecting and interpreting mainly how to “support love of the specificities of space, land and landscape without perpetuating and disseminating the exclusionary mechanism of nationalism”. Also some good Finish museum practices can be adopted in our policy as general and in our museums. The better inter-sectors collaboration can make museums and their already existing wide networking, more equal part of whole public system. The joint and good equipped collection centres for several museums on one location (storages, restoration, research and documentation) is one of very good and financial reasonable practices in Helsinki or Tampere. I myself very much liked the “Adopt the Monument” program of Vapriikki Museum Centre which enables volunteer groups such as organizations, asso-

ciations or schools to take part in maintenance of their local cultural heritage. The main point of my presentation Story of a Monument was a Victory Monument in Murska Sobota and the question what is at the heart of a public memory, and to whom the history belongs. “To whom belongs history?” is an eternally open question for all of us who scientifically or creatively observe social processes and try to interpret them – in science, education, literature, art and, of course, in museums. Each of us does so with the tools at his/her disposal. In our hands we have tremendous power. It is we who document real events and the public memory associated with it, and it is we who interpret them in accordance with our professional abilities and ethical standards. We know all too well, of course, that the reach of our interpretation heavily depends on the democratic nature of the environment in which we operate. In every policy, at the heart of every ideological system, in the essence of every nation state, in the memory of history’s victors and losers: the past is always manipulated; manipulated in order to influence the present and the public memory. The more democratic a society is, the less manipulation there is, and the more opportunities to preserve our collective memory, such as it emerge. Living in harmony with one’s own past, such as it is, living in harmony with one’s own memory and the memory of others, who came here and will continue coming here – that is the essence of democracy. In April 1945 the Slovenian partisans, together with the soldiers of the Red Army liberated the town of Murska Sobota. Over 500, mostly Soviet soldiers were killed in the fights. Only a few months later a mighty monument was erected in honour of the common struggle in the centre of the town. The unveiling was attended by the representatives of all winning WW2 allied armies. Historically this was followed by a series of political changes: the schism between the Yugoslav and Soviet Communist Party in 1948, demands for democratization of society in the 80’s, end of the socialism, disintegration of the Yugoslavia and the emergence of Slovenia in 1991. The monument has survived all upheavals, but events and stories that were woven and continue to weave around it, remain as part of the complex history of our town and country. These combine ideology, heroism, arrogance, tolerance, resistance, bizarreness, artistic inspirations, humour ... which we are documenting in the museum with immense enjoyment.

ICR Annual Meeting by Irena Žmuc C Nearly 40 people interested in the current topics in the regional museums heard interesting talks about the theme Together and discussed about important issues relevant to regional museums in many countries around the world fol-

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lowing the changes in the political systems. Secretary General of the Finnish Museums Association, Kimmo Levä’s new definition of a museum: “A museum is a service organization that helps its customers to fulfil their needs and responsibilities in preserving, studying, teaching, and exhibiting heritage and culture, as well as generating economic and social wealth.” caused a lot of discussion and different kind of opinions. With gathered information, observed and documented new trends, and discussions conducted through the various working groups, the ICR committee will advise the Executive Board and the Advisory Council on museological and epistemological problem areas in the existing museum definition. The recommendations regarding the potential gains as well as the complication in revising the definition, as a shared, international framework, to reflect and include conditions that are more current, potentials and priorities for museums will be made. During the meeting, we visited several interesting regional museums and sites: the World Heritage Site Suomenlinna in Helsinki; City Museum, Medieval Castle and Museum Militaria in Hämeenlinna; the Vapriikki Museum Centre and its several museums, the Finnish Labour Museum and the Lenin Museum in Tampere. At the meeting, I presented a paper New reality – new collection? with the help of my colleague Barbara Savenc. The world of museums is complicated. (Torill Thoemt, Guidelines to Improve Museum Quality and Standards) Do museum collections reflect great political, economic, and spiritual-cultural changes? As a rule, they should, if curators react well to essential changes. If André-Georges Haudricourt, a French botanist, linguist, ethnologist, and historian, is right, each object, when correctly selected, should evidence what is (or was) going on in society. The City Museum of Ljubljana is a complex museum covering different periods of Ljubljana’s history, spanning from prehistoric times until the present day. By presenting its collections and collection policy, we would like to demon-

strate how collections are formed by presenting the following three political watersheds: the new political union after the end of WW1 in 1918; the year 1945, which demarcates the end of WW2; and the year 1991, when Slovenia gained independence and became a sovereign country. The following should be taken into account in the analysis of each event: its significance, the amount of time that has elapsed since then, and the emotional involvement of the persons who prepared the relevant materials that have gradually entered and are still entering museum collections. Therefore, is comparison of the artefacts discussed in the paper possible?

ICOM CC conference

Linking Past and Future 4 to 8 September 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark by Jana Šubic Prislan C The conference was the 18th triennial conference of the largest ICOM’s international committee celebrating the 50th anniversary of its activity. The Directory board presented the Anniversary book which documents the development of the committee from its beginning in 1967 with 100 members to 2.800 members with 21 working groups in 2017. The joint program included the anniversary and two keynote lectures, a round table discussion and the general assembly for all, which was combined with working group sessions and poster presentations. One afternoon was dedicated to Technical visits (organized by our Danish colleague conservator-restorers) during which I opted for Roskilde Cathedral and Viking Ship Museum. After the intense daily schedule every evening we were invited to attend a reception (and official conference dinner) with cultural program and speeches and visited The Black Diamond, The City Hall, The National Gallery of Denmark, The National Museum, The Lapidarium of Kings. In conclusion the results of the elections for the new directory board and working group coordinators were announced. The location of the next triennial meeting in 2020 is Beijing. I was one of about 1200 participants, mostly conservators-restorers from around the world. The new approaches, observations, skills, research etc. were published in the Preprints which contain 157 papers and 94 posters. Within a year they will also be available on ICOM Preprints Online

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I N T E R N AT I O N A L PA R T I C I PAT I O N I N 2 0 1 7

Platform. I was actively involved and interested in the work of Ceramics and Glass WG (as once group coordinator and conference organizer in Slovenia) and Legal Issues in Conservation WG (connecting with E.C.C.O.), but most of all in the Preventive Conservation WG where I participated in the presentation of the RE-ORG methodology for reorganization of museum storages: Team up and regroup, Re-use and Re-vive! Lessons learned from Re-Org workshops around the world. The article was published under the same title, where I am one of 11 authors - namely the project of Goriški muzej on the reorganization of the textile storage of the historical department contributed to the development of the methodology. Our combined experience now includes 40 museums in 12 countries on all 5 continents – a wide range of situations and contexts which helped bring improvements to the original 2011 tool.

Catherine Antomarchi presenting the contributors to the article on RE-ORG within Preventive Conservation Working Group

The RE-ORG Methodology with which I have been involved since 2014 brings important positive changes to the storage of museum collections which are at risk worldwide according to several international surveys. It is a user friendly method how to reorganize storage within limited financial and human resources, to make collections accessible taking into account 10 quality criteria for a professional storage. The method examines institutional policies and procedures in relation to staff roles and collection storage management, examines risks to the collections that may be caused by the building, identifies space efficiency, evaluates current storage furniture and equipment and determines further needs. The process is divided into four phases: getting started – obtaining authorization, preparing the team, spaces, and tools; drawing-up a storage condition report by analysing all four components noted above; developing a proposal based on assessments and findings; implementing the storage reorganization project. The focus of the project is on preparato-

ry work and precise calculations - the practical part takes a minority of time. RE-ORG also includes a self-evaluation tool which provides an overview of the initial situation and a visual measure of progress at the end of the reorganization.

ICOM Germany and ICOM Nord International Conference

Difficult Issues

21 to 23 September 2017, Helsingborg, Sweden by Mojca Vomer Gojkovič C The conference addressed some demanding issues related to museums, such as heritage, dilemmas, stories, artefacts, and hosted almost 200 participants coming from almost 20 different countries, also from Malesia and Japan. Among the participants were the former ICOM president, Dr Hans Martin Hinz, and the current one, Suay Aksoy. The lectures presented at the conference raised questions about the importance of ethical dilemmas and the initiative to create an ICOM international committee for ethical questions. The committee would be the right place to address problematic issues and try to find solutions for certain events to happen in the future. The initiative for such a committee within the ICOM is extremely important for Slovenia as well. The congress programme concluded with a visit of a new museum and the Kronborg castle situated in the neighbouring town of Helsingor in Denmark. I took part in the conference with a lecture Overlooked archaeological collections at the Regional Museum Ptuj-Ormož. History of museum archaeology in Ptuj in north-eastern Slovenia has had many turning points. At the beginning, the expressed interest for archaeological evidence was mostly amateurish. However, along with the enthusiasm began to appear the awareness that these small items, that people would bring to the nearest museum – Joanneum in Graz, might be of importance for the history. Nevertheless, some findings were kept here, for Simon Povoden had a number of Roman monuments built in the Town’s Tower thus establishing the first open museum in the area. The establishment of the Museum Society in 1893, grouping the most respectable citizens of Ptuj, represented a turning point for archaeology as from then on the findings were placed in the local museum. One of the most significant achievements in the history of the museum is the protection of Mithraea I and III at the spot of their finding. Today, the museum keeps in its depots the largest collection of archaeological items in Slovenia known by visitors and scientists all over the world.

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First premises of the museum were in the former grammar school in present Prešernova Street; rather soon, the place became too crowded with numerous new findings. In 1928, the museum was moved to the former Dominican monastery and had remained there until 2011 when it had to leave; since then, the museum has been waiting for the longago promised new building. In the core of the town of Ptuj, close to the Povoden’s museum, is a Roman tombstone dedicated to the mayor of Poetovio, Marcus Valerius Verus. The carved reliefs display scenes after which the tombstone got its name – Orpheus Monument. Although these monuments are of national importance, they have been slowly decaying and their restoration is more than necessary. In the past years, the museum has managed to partially renovate both Mithraea, which are preserved in situ; however, new problems have emerged in terms of protection and working hours, as they can be visited only by prior appointment at the museum. In 2011, due to the political will of local authorities, the museum was forced to remove lapidaries despite their extreme importance for the Roman provincial history. The monuments and the collection of small archaeological items are now inaccessible to the public. To avoid complete withdrawal of archaeology from the public display, the museum organises temporary exhibitions mounted around specific topics and displaying related archaeological evidence in other museums in Slovenia and abroad.

ICOM Germany and ICOM Nord International conference by Branko Šuštar C The conference addressed the issues of ethics, difficult museum exhibits, sensitive and controversial stories, museums and changing communities, social responsibility of museums, the collection and presentation of hidden contemporariness, the discovery of dark narratives and the bridging of history with the present. One of the participants was also the current president Suay Aksoy, who actively participat-

ed in the conference with the introduction. She also led the panel What We Have Learned with the conclusions of individual sections.

Within the panel Unfolding dark Narratives, I held a presentation Museums and presentation of education, wars and the socialist period as problematic memories - experiences in Slovenia. I have presented some of the issues of difficult heritage in Slovenia and pointed out examples of how such issues are solved by our museums. The paper presents dilemmas in ten different museums (national, regional, and specialized museums) in Slovenia regarding the exhibition presentation of the issue of education, World War I and World War II, and the socialist period. The origins of the oldest Slovenian museums belong to the time of the Habsburg Monarchy, while the activities of modern museums were marked by the Yugoslav state and especially after 1945, the socialist political system. Besides this, due to proximity and greater openness of borders – in addition to the Slavic connections in museums in Slovenia – professional encouragements with our neighbours (Italy, Austria), as well as the wider international cooperation occurs. And the question for the future remains: What unpleasant or overlooked topics should museums face in the future?

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Difficult questions, which museums are facing are very different and far from the political ones. The Faroe Islands have a bloody tradition of hunting whales. The Norwegian presentation of the medical museum with the topic at home with the mentally ill is also not political, it is however difficult. The policy was present both, on issues of access to financial benefits for minority museums in the US, and on the cultural identity of Russian-speaking people in Baltic states. The themes of Holocaust, borders and immigrants were also not forgotten. The two presentations – of political dilemmas, in how museums are handling the national history in Poland; and the contribution Are we still friends? dealing with the material heritage of the German military presence in Lapland (Finland) during the World War II were exceptional. The presentation of problems of the Laponian Museum (Sámi Museum Siida, Finland) was a very emotional analysis of the life of Laplanders in four countries. Among the shocking topics were also: the questioning of memory and oblivion through the pictures of deceased, difficult issues involving women (Difficult issues around gender), and the very active social and therapeutic role of the museum (Women’s Museum in Denmark, Aarhus). A valuable consideration was also given by the proposal to create a new ICOM Committee on Ethical Issues, designed by German, Danish and Norwegian colleagues: An open forum for reflections about ethics – a new ICOM International Committee on ethical issues?

ICOM MPR conference

Museums and the City: Marketing and Beyond 1 to 5 October, Amsterdam, Netherlands by Urša Vodopivec C The conference invitation expanded the theme: »Today, professional communication for museums is based on unique content (telling the story of the museum’s collection and activities), on perfect formats (focused on target groups) and a social framing (being embedded into the cities, towns and regions). Therefore, marketing for museums requires much more than creating ads and writing press releases. Building strong relationships and partnerships with the community is critical to a strong and relevant museum brand. Modern museum practitioners must focus their efforts within the community, expand beyond analog channels to connect digitally online and with the media, all while leveraging the cause or causes most important to them.« The conference programme was divided

into four subthemes: Museums and the Community; Museums and Digital Transformation; Museums and the Media; Museums and their Cause(s). Within the Museums and Digital Transformation subtheme, I gave a talk Enriching Communication Forms by Computer Vision and Intelligent Robotics in which I presented our project Computer Vision and Intelligent Robotics for Advanced Forms of Communication. The Technical Museum of Slovenia recognizes a significant communicational potential in the new technologies of the digital age. Last year, the museum became part of a project in the national drive for A Creative Approach to Practical Knowledge. The purpose was to enable students to obtain hands-on practical experience by solving concrete challenges through industry, university and public sector collaboration. The goal of our project was to explore the application of computer vision and intelligent robotics. We were looking for novel forms of digital communication with visitors in order to enrich their experience. The project team was composed of students and mentors from the Faculty of Computer and Information Science with the leader of the project, a student and a men-

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tor from the Faculty of Economics, a mentor from the private sector software design company Infinum, whereas my role was a mentor from the public sector. Over five months, the students worked on developing advanced digital systems to offer a simplified communication with exhibition visitors: (I) interactive multi-touch surface, (II) robot interacting with visitors, (III) mobile-phone application for object recognition and (IV) mobile-phonebased augmented reality application. Our museum played a duel role. The primary role was consulting the students regarding their requirements specific to the museum environment. The second was providing the materials and a test-bed for the developed applications. We discussed many topics of interest for Slovenian museums. For example, the use of influencers in museums; which target groups should be addressed on our internet channels; how to deepen our relationship with the media; which topics should be presented in museums; how should curators be presented to the public; how digital media is influencing the presentation of museum work and what are the public expectations of museums. Examples were given of low cost projects that have attracted significant media coverage and public interest. Presentations involved good practice that actively involved the audience in museum projects, and examples of the collaboration between museums and cities.

ICOM GLASS Committee – Annual conference

New Museums: Documenting and Reviving Glass-Making Traditions 16 to 20 October 2017, Sars Poteries, Nothern France and Belgium by Jože Rataj C The conference was first held in the MusVerre in Sars-Poteries, we visited the exhibition A Shared Passion, the Collection of Gigi and Marcel Burg and the MusVerre permanent collection between the presentations. Later on, we travelled to Trelon and visited De l’écomusée du verre, glass factory AGC Boussois and La Mémorie verriére in Boussois, the Musée du Verre Le Bois du Cazier in Charleroi, the Glazenhuis a Lommel and Cristal Discovery – Val Saint Lambert, and last but not least, we visited the Curtius Museum in Liege with the aim of seeing Collection verriére par Jean-Paul Philipart. In my presentation Glass Way - Glass in the Celje Region from the 18th Century to the Present, I explained that glassmaking has a venerable tradition in the Celje Region, as it

does across the whole of Central Europe. Tracing the story of glassmaking leads us through every period of history. Somewhat less known is glassmaking in the Middle Ages, but in the sixteenth century the production of glassware began at Žiče Charterhouse. Glass products in the Celje Region were above all made from green glass, although contemporary reports, extant glass vessels and other fragments of glass prove that the region’s glassworks also made milky white glass and multi-coloured glass. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they produced, in addition to standard glassware, more complex pieces that equalled contemporary design achievements in other European countries. In some areas, glassblowers limited themselves to simpler items for practical use and drinkware – all made from green glass – but in those glassworks that later expanded or grew into industrial operations, these simple products were embellished by more complex design techniques, for example adding glass to the surface of a product at the furnace, or the use of glass cutting, engraving and glass painting techniques. The glassworks of Styria had a relatively well-developed network for the sale of their products. In the mid-nineteenth

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century, even the glassworks in Loka by Žusm had its own representative office in Trieste, through which it sold its products – along with those of neighbouring glassworks located in the Levant, Naples, Milan (and the rest of Lombardy) and Sicily. Interestingly, glass was also exported overseas via Trieste. The rich glassmaking tradition of the region continues. Steklarna Hrastnik is continuing the work of the former forest glassworks below Lisca and in the area around Jurklošter. Steklarna Rogaška, established in 1927, concentrated on the production of crystal glass and has become famous throughout the world. Drinkware was also manufactured by the Glassmaking School in Rogaška Slatina, leading in 2002 to the creation of the Steklarska Nova company, although unfortunately the latter ceased trading in 2009. The glassworks in the Celje region, like others in Styria, also made mineral water bottles, glass tableware and kitchenware, drinkware, medicine bottles, servingware and chandeliers – examples of which still adorn numerous churches in the area. More valuable items were decorated using a range of cutting, grinding, engraving, and enamelling techniques. Glassware destined for domestic use was generally smooth, strictly functional, and aesthetically simple, although some of its forms are still worthy of admiration today. Part of these objects will be presented at the exhibition Glass in the Celje Region from the 18th Century to the Present in Celje Regional Museum.

ICOM NATHIST conference and board meeting

The Anthropocene Natural History Museums in the Age of Humanity 25 to 30 October 2017, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA by Breda Činč Juhant C The conference was hosted by Carnegie Museum of Natural History, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The conference theme was the Anthropocene, which gave us the opportunity to feature initiatives that explore the nexus between art and science, as well as to think deeply about global conservation of biodiversity landscapes. We shared news, information and practice related to the natural history museums in the age of humanity. There were interesting keynote presentations, panel discussions (such as The Future of Natural History Museums), plenary sessions, many actual sessions and workshops, poster session and last but not least social programme and excursions.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History - After Dark Event

Within the conference session Nature, Ecology, and Psychology, I delivered a lecture Our Visitors are Creatures of Emotion - How we Take the Opportunity to Change Them. I portrayed the SloveCarnegie Museum of Natural History - Powdermill Bird Banding nian Museum of Natural History, which is aware of the opportunity to inspire visitors. The facts themselves could not inspire them enough. When dealing with our visitors, we are dealing with creatures of emotions. So our exhibitions try to influence a visitor not only to learn new facts, but to affect his or her emotions and conduct. Instead of bare facts, we try to relate the information through a process (provoke - relate - reveal). Our last temporary exhibitions inspired and influenced our visitors in many ways. The titles were carefully selected: Our little great sea, The light caught in stone, Long live the evolution!, The mysterious death of young Leonora, Secrets of the forest, Living with crystals, etc. We try hard to get our objects closer to the public, so sometimes we give them their own names (like Leonora or Anka) or try to make a story. Provocative questions help us arouse the visitors’ interest. Visitors should feel the atmosphere, be concerned and be included in the exhibition. In our current exhibition we allow our visitors to immerse themselves into the depths of the sea with the movements of their bodies, create high and low tides and test themselves in the role of the saviour of the sea. We take the opportunity to change our visitors. As they are creatures of emotion, we try to disseminate facts using feelings and emotions. I took part in social programme of the conference, among them Opening Events with Totem Pole Blessing Ceremony, opening of the exhibition WE ARE NATURE, After Dark Party: Haunted Museum. I was very interested in Powdermill Nature

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Carnegie Museum of Natural History -3D Lecture

Carnegie Museum of Natural History - wulfenite -Slovenia

Reserve and Fallingwater Excursion. The field trip to Powdermill included time at the avian research centre – in which I was especially interested – which featured a demonstration of traditional bird banding and a visit to the GIS laboratory.

ZBORZBIRK. By this project, conceived and led by the Slovenian academic scholars namely Dr Mojca Ravnik (project concept) and Dr Špela Ledinek Lozej (project leader), from the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, the impact that has stimulated interest in this local heritage and made it accessible to the general public and experts was illustrated and promoted at the conference in Bologna. The conference revealed to be “important occasion for an overview and critical evaluation of either the conceptual and political dependent questions relating to the definition and status of typology of European museums as their practical application and evolution in the extremely changeable and largely unpredictable situations currently faced by European countries and regions, as well its nations, peoples and communities”, states Luis Raposo, the chair of the ICOM Europe.

ICOM EUROPE Annual Conference

The Role of Local and Regional Museums in the Building of a People’s Europe 13 to 14 November 2017, Bologna, Italy by Nina Zdravič Polič C ICOM Slovenia’s members have been playing an active role in the regional organization ICOM Europe for over fifteen years co-shaping its mission and programme. Since the elections of a new ICOM Europe board (at the ICOM general conference in Milan in July 2016), in which also ICOM Slovenia is presented, the ICOM Europe has realised several important projects. In 2017 I took an active part in the ICOM Europe conference held in November in Bologna, which this time focused on the role of local and regional museums in the building of people’s Europe. In my presentation entitled Heritage route of local collections in the cross-border region of Slovenia and Italy, I described how almost forgotten, unregistered but extremely interesting local ethnological collections of cultural heritage in the border area between the Alps and the Karst, (on both sides of the Slovenian-Italian border) have been protected, researched, documented and communicated by means of a collaborative bilateral research project entitled

UNESCO RECOMMENDATION ON THE PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS, THEIR DIVERSITY AND THEIR ROLE IN SOCIETY PUBLISHED IN SLOVENE ICOM Slovenia has organised the translation into Slovene language in March 2017 of the latest UNESCO Recommendation on the protection and promotion of museums and collections, their diversity and their role in society and presented it to the museums of Slovenia, Ministry of Culture of Slovenia and Slovenia National Commission for UNESCO. By this Slovenian translation of the Recommendation provided by ICOM Slovenia strengthen the recognition that museums operate in a rapidly changing world, that they need to be encouraged to respond to change and the role of ICOM Slovenia as a promoter of ICOM and UNESCO principles in its national environment. The Recommendation represents a decisive step towards the development of an innovative and open vision of the twenty-first century museums as well as a tool for all museum experts and planners to fully exploit the potential of museums.

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RE-ORG methodology in the museum storage areas Cooperation of ICOM SEE, CCROM, ICOM Slovenia and ICOM Croatia BY JANA ŠUBIC PRISLAN


n November 2017 26 museum professionals from Croatia and Slovenia met in the Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb to implement the ICCROM/UNESCO RE-ORG methodology in the museum storage areas. In ten working days we reorganized the collections in 24 storage rooms under the expert guidance of Gael de Guichen, two assistants

where they came from. The project was organized and supported among others by ICOM SEE, ICCROM, ICOM Slovenia and ICOM Croatia. RE-ORG Croatia is part of the RE-ORG Program which started in 2012 and has been applied by over 82 museums in 26 countries. I had the opportunity to attend the seminar in Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade in 2014,

The RE-ORG project in the storage areas of the Ethnographic Museum dealt with around 7500 objects from 6 different collections dispatched in two main storage areas in the attic (humorously called by attendants respectively Heaven) and basement (Hell) of over 600 m2. After agreeing on a common objective, the participants, who were divided in four groups, identified three main steps: freeing the storage from non-collection, regrouping the objects of collections dispersed in various rooms on the two far-away floors and creating a localization system. Doing this, the storage would fulfil most of the 10 criteria for a professional storage, which are:

Photo: Estelle De Bruyn

1 C One qualified member of staff is in charge 2 C The storage rooms contain only collecti-

Attendants of RE-ORG workshop in Ethnographic Museum Zagreb

and four mentors, among which myself, with the help of curators in charge and exceptional support from the director, Goranka Horjan. Besides making the collections in storage more accessible the objective of the attendants was also to learn the methodology and apply it to collections in store in the museums

which was represented in Zagreb by Veljko Džikić. Over the years the methodology has been developed and improved and the intention for the future of the RE-ORG Program is to establish regional support groups which would promote and help to implement RE-ORG methodology in museums around the world. ICOM NEWS | november 2017

on objects 3 C Separate spaces are dedicated to support functions: office, workroom, storage of equipment and other materials 4 C No object is placed directly on the floor 5 C Every object has a designated location in storage and can be located within three minutes 6 C Every object can be accessed without moving more than two others 7 C Objects are arranged by category 8 C Key policies and procedures exist and are applied 9 C The building and storage rooms offer adequate protection for the collection 10 C Every object is free from active deterioration and is ready to be used for the museum’s activities



Photo: Jana Šubic Prislan

Collecting and Collections in Times of War or Political and Social Change

Photo: Boštjan Kolar

Opening ceremony with Veljko Džikić, Gael de Guichen, Alenka Černelič Krošelj (ICOM Slovenia), Darko Babić (ICOM Croatia), representative from City of Zagreb, Goranka Horjan, 7. 11. 2017.

Photo: Boštjan Kolar

Visit to Posavski muzej Brežice, 18. 11. 2017.

Photo: Boštjan Kolar

In the storage rooms of Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana, 18. 11. 2017.

Visit of conservation department in Posavski muzej Brežice, 18. 11. 2017.

To achieve this during the second phase each of the 4 teams worked in the part of the storage they were responsible for and first made a thorough study of the storerooms by identi-

fying the collections, counting the objects and measuring them, calculating the fullness of furniture and/or floor occupancy – they also collected the necessary information on the management and the building. This lead to a complete diagnosis of the situation, everything mapped and recorded. This was followed by phase three - the planning of the project. Using the maps and the worksheets each team proposed a detailed plan for the improvements to be made. First of all the collections had to be regrouped between the various places/rooms, then within. Then plans were made where new furniture could be placed and proposed the location of grouped objects on a new plan, which had to be accepted by the director and the curators in charge. This was followed by very detailed plan of each action. Finally the execution of the project took place in incredible four days. The teams finalized their work by establishing a new localization system and by drawing a draft for new rules and regulations for the storage department. In conclusion most of the attendants went on a bus trip to Slovenia. ICOM Slovenia organized for them a guided visit to the Posavski muzej Brežice, where they appreciated the hospitality of Alenka Černelič Krošelj and her team. But the greatest positive surprise was the visit of the storage of the Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana, which revealed the professional approach of the staff in charge of the organization and control over the storage, Ana Motnikar and Gregor Kos. The unanimous decision of all present was that their storage does not need a RE-ORG project. ICOM NEWS | november 2017

The proceeding from Celje COMCOL conference, Collecting and Collections in Times of War or Political and Social Change. Edited by Jože Hudales and Tanja Roženbergar in collaboration with Eva Fageborg, Leontine Meijer-Van mensch, Asa Stenstrom. Published by Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts. Book series Zupaničeva knjižnica, št. 44. Ljubljana 2017. The book was published with the support of International council of museums (ICOM) Slovenia, Ministry of Culture Republic of Slovenia. The proceeding from Celje COMCOL conference, which was in the end of 2014, are focused on the importance of mutual dependence within the triangle formed by ideology, the mission of museum collections and types of collections. The themes of changing collecting strategies and practices, and the formation of collections as the medium of specific ideologies are also of interest to Slovene museology. This is why the Celje conference represented an opportunity for international reflections on the transformation of Slovene museums.

ICOM NEWS SLOVENIA ISSUE 01 − november 2017

National Museums of Slovenia will prepare the traditional joint exhibition to mark the International Museum Day (18 May 2018), aligned with the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

Published by: ICOM Slovene National Committee, represented by dr. Kaja Širok; Edited by: Urška Purg; Photo front page: RE-ORG project (Photo: Jana Šubic Prislan), Museums and Contested Histories. Between Memory and Oblivion, conference (Photo: Sašo Kovačič, National Museum of Contemporary History), The joint exhibition National Museums of Slovenia, IMD 2017 (Photo: SLOGI archive), The Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Photo: Breda Činč Juhant); Design: Janja Gomezel. Printed by: Solos, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2017.


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