The Glacier 2-8-13

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Soccer misses goal of Spain

Honors Program names long time Cyclone as head

By Phil A. Bianco News Editor

The MVCC soccer team was set to take a trip to Spain “before the 2013 season” according to a June 2011 press release from the college. The team did not go in the end because they did not have enough time to prepare according to Athletic Director, Bill Finn. [Marketing ] By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor Moraine Valley’s men’s soccer team cancelled their trip to Spain. In light of a narrow timeline, the Cyclones failed to procure proper documentation to travel abroad. In addition to failing to obtain passports for the trip to Spain, some students were un-

able to fully commit to selling raffle tickets, which would defer the costs of the trip. “We were unable to give the athletes the green light to start fundraising until late August to early September,” said Athletic Director, Bill Finn. “We didn’t have it set up in time for us to get the ball rolling early enough.” According to Finn, the group

hosting the competition failed to provide the Cyclones with an affordable place of lodging and dragged their feet on providing the athletic department with the information needed to ensure a successful and safe trip aboard. “We were absolutely crushed that we were unable to fly out to Spain,” said Finn. “I know that these trips are life-chang-

ing, we’ve had five successful trips and I’ve seen firsthand the impact these trips have on the student.” In total the MVCC Athletic Department raised $5,709 for fiscal year 2012, according to a member of the Athletic Department. An additional $10,000 was issued from the MVCC Foundation to support SOCCER | page 3

Who’s who in the race for trustee By Phil A. Bianco News Editor

13 Candidates in all are seeking to join Moraine’s Board of Trustees. Only 4 will succeed come Election Day on April 9. [Mike Frederiksen]

Moraine Valley’s Board of Trustees is key. They make many of the important decisions that determine the present and future of the college. The election for 4 seats on Moraine Valley’s Board of Trustees will take place on April 9. Any registered voter living within Moraine Valley’s district can vote at their local polling station. Refer to to see if you are in district. The current board members up for reelection are Chairman Joseph P. Murphy, Sandra S. Wagner, and the newest Board member, Andrea A. Ramirez-

Justin. Murphy and Wagner are both running for 6-year terms while Ramirez-Justin is seeking a 2-year seat. 7 candidates in all are pursuing a 6-year period on the Board. Only 3 will be elected to the Board. The candidates are listed in the order that they will appear on the ballot come April: John Brosnan Donahue, Orland Park; Sandra S. Wagner, Palos Hills; John Schiera, Palos Park; Ricardo A. Fernandez, Orland Park; Joseph P. Murphy, Blue Island; Eileen M. O’Sullivan; and Gary D. Lewis, Bridgeview. For the 2-year seat, 3 candidates have thrown their hats into the ring. Their names are ELECTION | page 7

The Moraine Valley Honors Program currently has approximately 170 members, a fraction of the number of eligible students. Alicea Toso hopes to see that number grow. Toso was hired as the new Manager of the Honors Program and Curriculum Learning Communities on Jan. 22. Toso, a Moraine Valley graduate with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, has worked at the college for ten years: 4 in the library and 6 as an admissions recruiter. The new manager has high hopes for her recently created position. “I want to see an increase in enrollment of 20%,” HONORS | page 3

Graduates in training By Josh C. Johnson Staff Writer The end is near for students that plan on graduating this spring. On Tuesday, Jan. 29 Academic Advising hosted the “R U Ready to Graduate Fair” in the S and U buildings. Students had the opportunity to meet with academic advisors to get their classes and credits organized for graduation. Students were able to finish and turn in graduation petitions, which are required to graduate from Moraine. A fee is charged when petitioning to graduate. The petition forms are available from the TRANSFER | page 3

IN THIS ISSUE ENTERTAINMENT Second City presents improv comedy with “Laughing Matters.” SOCIAL PAGE 7

SPORTS Men’s Basketball lengthens win streak to seven. PAGE 12

FEATURES Important information for student veterans. SOCIAL PAGE 1


THE GLACIER FEBRUARY 8, 2013 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 11 ABOUT THE GLACIER  The Glacier is published biweekly during the fall and spring semesters by the students of Moraine Valley Community College. SUBMISSION POLICY All submissions should be typed and letters to the editor must include the author’s name, phone number and email address. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted.

9000 West College Parkway Palos Hills, IL 60465-0937 U Building Room U207 Phone: (708) 608-4177 Fax: (708) 974-0790 Twitter: @mvccglacier

By submitting content to The Glacier, the sender acknowledges that they represent and warrant all rights to the content. They agree to indemnify and hold harmless Moraine Valley Community College, The Glacier, hosts, affiliates, officers, readers or employees from any liability, damage or cost. The sender agrees to also hold this true for any claim or demand by a third party due to or arising out of the content they submit. The sender agrees to give The Glacier unlimited license in perpetuity to the content and the information therein. The Glacier reserves the right to edit content as deemed necessary. EDITORIAL POLICY  The opinions expressed in the Glacier do not reflect the views of the faculty, staff or administration of Moraine Valley Community College. Views expressed by non-staff do not reflect the views of The Glacier. All content decisions for The Glacier are under the authority of student editors. Material is not submitted to college admin-

SPRING STAFF Faculty Adviser Ted Powers Editor in Chief Connor Reynolds Managing Editor Anne Parker Graphics Editor Emalee Kay Photo Editor Mike Frederiksen Online Editor Dawn Klingensmith News Editor Phil A. Bianco

Views Editor Billy Barker Sports Editor Sean McDermott Entertainment Editor Fallon Sweeney Features Editor Kevin M. Coyne Distribution Manager Robert P. Boyer Graphic Assistant Michael Hartmann Online Assistant Lucy Welsh

Contributing Staff Tiffany Coleman Andrew Duarte Frank Gogola Abbas Haleema Ruba Ibrahim Josh Johnson Bryan McCauley Nada Omer Erica Sinnott Jim Thompson Maria Villafana Special Contributors Bill Droel - Campus Minister Taylor Geraghty- Student Trustee

Unity with a side dish of soul By Nada Omer Staff Writer

The beginning of February marks the start of African American History Month across the nation. Each year Moraine Valley Community College celebrates the rich history and contributions of African American culture with special programs, which are sponsored by the Celebrating Diversity Task Group and Multicultural Student Affairs. The kickoff to this month’s observances began on Feb. 6 and went from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the U building, where students met in the cafete-

ria to join hands. Every year a theme is carried out and this year’s theme was unity through great leaders. Director of Multicultural Affairs, Adrienne Stewart spearheaded today’s event entitled: Hands Across the Campus in Unity and Taste of Soul. Students joined hands in the cafeteria in a show of solidarity amongst their peers, right before making their way to enjoy a lunch of jambalaya and gumbo. In addition to a free meal those participating mingled with fellow students and received a full calendar of events planned for the month. A PowerPoint played in the background showcasing significant events

STUDENT TRUSTEE CORNER | TAYLOR GERAGHTY Hello everyone and welcome to the spring semester here at Moraine Valley. I am very ready for the cold weather to subside and give way to spring, my favorite season. What are your plans for spring break? If you are anything like me, you haven’t even begun your planning. Do you sometimes look at certain things in your life and wonder how it would be if they were different? Stop wondering, and get to work because all things are possible with just a little consistent action. The hardest part is starting, but you’d be surprised at what you are capable of once you motivate yourself to begin changing your life. Sometimes the phrase “life changing” can sound a little intimidating. It’s like a daunting task that doesn’t come with a roadmap or a compass. But that is the beauty of it. We all have different lives than one another and no one knows us better than we know ourselves. Maybe you want to change your study habits or your money management. Whatever the case may be, my map will

not be the same as yours just as your map will not be the same as the next person’s. Last year, I challenged myself to take a look at what I do on a daily basis, and make small changes until I was satisfied with my life. I started with water. Little by little I began to drink more and today, that is all I drink. Then I moved to foods, several small changes and one year later, I am a vegetarian. I never thought I would see the day. I still have a lot of changes to make outside of my diet, but I am making them all in small doses. Patience is key. Don’t be afraid to draw inspiration and motivation from others. In fact, I find that the best way for to encourage yourself is to encourage others. If you alter your way of thinking and shift your mentality from “I am going to change my life” to “I am making small changes in my life,” you will look back at yourself a year from now and be astonished at how many improvements you have made. As always, my email is geraghtyt7@ and my number is (708) 608-4165, so do not hesitate to contact me for anything.

that helped to shape the great lengths that Black America has taken to get to the status they have progressed to as equal citizens in society today. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I have a Dream” speech and his assassination, the appointment of the first Black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall and Alex Haley’s “Roots” craze were just a few examples highlighted in the presentation. More programs will be taking place in the U Building and the library throughout the month. There will be a movie day, a jazz performance with a discussion on its origins as well as pre-

sentations with topics ranging from the 2009 Presidential Inauguration, to the influence of Hip-Hop music, as well as the accomplishments of African American leaders past and present and the role they have in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. All events are free and open to all students to participate. For more information Multicultural Student Affairs can be contacted at (708) 9745475. Nada Omer can be contacted at omern3@



were 14 colleges and universities in TRANSFER | from front page admissions office or on Moraine Val- total. During the course of the day 53 ley’s website. Students must petition students applied for university admisfor graduation by the appropriate sion, 45 were accepted at the event. According to Tanya D. Jackson, dedeadlines. Graduation auditors were present to partmental assistant for the Academic help students with their petitions. Of Advising and Counseling and Career Development, the participants “We have several in the fair, 24 of these events were eligible for every year. The graduation and purpose of the 16 petitions event is to make were receieved students aware by the Cahsiers of what their Office. An army transfer options of 4-year uniare, provide adversities was on vising support, hand to assist degree audits students with the transfer 14 colleges and universities attended the “R U and graduation information. Ready 2 Graduate Fair” [Mike Frederiksen] process for their It also brings specific instituawareness of the graduation petition tions. Several schools were able to give deadline which was February 1, 2013.” on the spot transfer decisions. Although the school does many Some of the colleges present were Chicago State University, DePaul Uni- transfer events, this is the first “R U versity, DeVry University, Eastern Illi- Ready to Graduate Fair” held at Monois University, Governors State Uni- raine Valley. There were approximateversity, Loyola University- Chicago, ly 100 students who attended this National Louis University, Northeast- event. ern Illinois University, Saint Xavier University, Trinity Christian College, Josh C. Johnson can be contacted at johnand University of St. Francis. There

HONORS | from front page said Toso, “I think its really important that we get the word out about the Honors Program. Many students are eligible, but not many know that the program even exists.” Don’t be surprised if you soon hear from Toso because she recently sent letters to all students who are qualified to join the Honors Program. “If we can just get a small percentage of the eligible students to join, that would be tremendous progress.” A long-term goal of Toso’s is to increase the number of classes offered by the Honors Program and to build learning communities—which are semi-related classes that a group of students take together. The program is offering 7 courses for the spring 2013 semester including African American literature, cultural geography, western humanities II continuities and others. “Eventually we are looking to add more classes to the schedule to accommodate students with different interests.” Students must be accepted into the program before they can join. Ryan Nagel—currently the Assistant Dean of Career Programs—was the head of the Honors Program when he worked for the Developmental Education Department at Moraine Valley; however, unlike Toso, Nagel’s position was not specifically devoted to the Honors Program. Responsibility for the program shifted to the Liberal Arts Department before Toso’s position was created. Toso talked about the purpose of her new position. “We’ve had an Honors Program on campus for sometime and it’s always been very small. The administration wants to develop the program and they knew it would take a full-time staff member to do it.” In addition to classes, the Honors Program has an active student club called S.H.A.R.P or Student Honors Academic and Recreational Programming, which is headed by faculty facilitators Josh Fulton (associate professor of history) and Jeremy Shermak (assistant professor of communications). “I work very closely with Jeremy and Josh and they do a great job,” said Toso, “They recently organized a campus visit to the University of Illinois and they have another trip to DePaul University in April. Joining SHARP is a great way for students to get involved with the Honors program and to truly engage.” For more information on the Honors Program, visit honorsprogram. You can also call Toso at (708) 608-4191 or email her at Toso will move into her new office in U208 starting on March 1.

SOCCER | from front page the soccer team. “Once we decided not to go to Spain we went through our list of donors and issued checks to individuals and businesses that sponsored the trip,” said Finn. On June 11, 2012 the Moraine Valley news website released the following statement, “Before the 2013 season, the Cyclones will take a trip to Valencia, Spain during spring break for international competition and a volunteer project.” According to the Moraine Valley website the 2012 spring break was March 10-18. Therefore, the Cyclones had exactly 10-months to prepare for the trip and commit to both fundraising and getting their personal documentation together. In light of the group in Spain failing to provide the Cyclones with adequate information, two-months were lost and the coaches were busy with next season’s teams. “This is part of the learning experience and student development,” said Vice President of Student Development, Dr. Normah Salleh-Barone. “Some students because of their fulltime schedule, which includes practices, competitions, and attending class, did not have enough time.” In 2009, the men and women’s volleyball teams were able to complete the steps needed to compete in Milan, Italy. Although the timeline for the volleyball teams is unknown, it is clearly possible for a Moraine team to compete internationally. “We wanted to make sure all of the T’s were crossed and the I’s were dotted before we committed to flying to Spain,” said Finn. “After it became too late we decided to plan to play internationally within the next couple years.” Although the team will not compete in Spain this year, members of the Athletics Depatment said the team is planning to work towards getting everything in order and taking the trip at another point. “I am proud of the soccer team for not giving up and establishing a different timeline,” said Salleh-Barone. At the end of the day, the athletics department and administration claim that time constraints caused the soccer team to cancel their trip to Spain. Notwithstanding the fact that the soccer team was delayed two months, the team still had over eight months and $15,709 to complete their trip to Spain. Members of the soccer team were required to fundraise, which they did; nonetheless, those funds were refunded to the donors. Clearly, the soccer team was given the green light to fundraise and the trip was still a go even after the unforeseen complications, which supposedly prevented the team from playing internationally.

Phil A. Bianco can be contacted at news@

Kevin M. Coyne can be contacted at



Fall 2012 Part-Time Scholastic List Channahon Christopher Rouskey Chicago Juan C Agron Brian Allen Tamara R Anderson Jose M Arriaga Salah Awad Denise Banda Jevon Bates Christine Bennett Alexandre Bernard Michael Bocconcelli Rogelio Borjas Naomi Brown Michael Campbell Julio C Campos Mondeyl Canty Steven Carey Robert Carroll Kahilia Carter Jerry Carter Coretta J Colyer Erendira Contreras Alojzy K Dabrowski Scott Demar Irvinder Dhillon Darryl Dixon Daniel Dodovich Marzena B Dorula Benny W Eng Joseph E Fabian Alexis Feliciano Nicholas Fiorentino Sean Fitzpatrick Juan G Flores Kimberly C Flowers-Watson Anthony J Franklin Michael Franzo Rikki Frazier Charles E Gaines Noemi Gaud Juan A Gonzalez Porfirio Govea Patrice Greenwood Shavonne Greer Luis A Guadarrama Justin Hadad Chante P Hall Benjamin Haro Jacqueline Harris Tiffany M Harris Vivian L Harvanek Darryl J Hawkins Steven Hines Andre L Holland Gregory J Holstrom Joanne Hosty Brian J Hughes Sevin Hughey Shutoka Jefferson Jonetta Jefferson Alta R Johnson Jennifer Johnson Erica J Jones Michael Katsantones Michael Kozel Christopher A Ladysz Joseph G Larkin Thomas P Leahy

To be eligible in the Part-Time Student Scholastic Achievement List students must meet a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 with at least 24 credit hours earned and at least a 3.5 grade point average for the semester that the distinction is received. Qualified students must attempt less than 12 credit hours and earn three to eight credit hours for the semester that the distinction is recieved.

Addison Mario Rajewski Alsip Miguel A Aguirre Elizabeth M Baburek Debra S BarryL Jermaine Batemon Reka Bodoni Elaine M Canchola Jennifer Duran Caesar Gaytan Mika Hampson Douglas J Hoogland Tamara M Hook Halim M Ikiz Armando A Jacobo Angelia M Johns Don J King Ashley Linstra Michelle A Losos Alejandra Martinez James T McGreal John McKenna Cameron A Miller Joseph Nykoluk Jenna Osinski Christine Rutkowski Leann M Sala Andrew S Servita Maureen M Sodin Dave Walker Donna M Wolfe Jane M Ziebart Arlington Heights Anthony V Vose Barrington Umberto R Ingargiola Bedford Park Michael J Muhr Bellwood Victor V Carter Bensenville Francisco J Rosales Berwyn Adan Aguirre Blue Island David Alexander Jennifer Castillo Gerald O Dagenais Alexia M Esparza Orlando Esparza Sarah Ferrin-Murphy Crystal A Hall Jessica A Hibbler Michael F Hynes Tikita P Kernan David J Koch Carla McLaurin Esther R Morfoot Donald C Rose Amanda J Tanis Gabriela Torres Veronica I Vargas William Webb Shelly C Zook

Bolingbrook James Benson Bridgeview Fahim Aref Rachida Bahassoune Laurel A Baker Betty J Casper Lorena A Contreras Laura Dorian Beth M Gillis Lori R Henderson Dana Hussein Jolanta Jachymczyk Angelika Jandura Jennifer Janners Jolanta M Kalemba Magdalena G Masternak Mohammed Z Memon Kelley E Murphy Jennifer S Peden Malissa W Potoczny Rebecca N Seyller Natalie Zoltek Buffalo Grove Mario Ledesma Burbank Mohamad Y Abdelhalim Alfred F Aubin Martin S Barnat Justyna Bizub Barbara Bryja Melissa Byrne Nellie Y Carrillo Angela T Cesario Victoria L Dornbos Christian Duarte Kelly Flores Dylan J Gow Ryan P Haley Nicholas Heiser Juan Herrara Agnieszka A Jaskiewicz Mariam H Khanani Anna K Konieczna Jennifer E Marek Lupita N Medina Julia A Michelsen Nicholas S Moran Daniel Murry Michelle Patino Gyte Ramonaite Kimberly Snyder Khadijh Tawil Anneke S Vandam Mariusz Wojcik Therese L Zitzka Calumet City Tansy Hardimon Eric V Hearn Britney Jackson Donyelle T Smith Dreena D Spann

Geoffrey Leak Kevin Lee Jaron Lee James J Maas Willie Mackmore Roberto Martinez Bernardo A Martinez James D Mayo Keith McCarter Adrian I McCoy James T McGrath Maribel McKennie Negron Johnnie L McKinney Daniel Murillo Mitchel Navarro Marie E Nechvatal Yesenia Nieves Miguel A Olavarria Ignacio Orejel Albert Ortega Sylvia L Parks Sunny Perales Jose L Perez John J Pietryla Michael J Pietryla Phillip Powell Harvey Pullings Enrique S Reyes Scott Rice Manuel Rivera Roberto Rivera Roberto C Rivera Robert E Rodriguez David A Rogers Ronald Ross Daniel J Rotto Timothy J Rozkuszka Yesenia Sanchez-Land Maria G Sanroman Peter Saro Eric Schaade Dawn M Schilling Martenia T Shyne Bernardo Silva Latasha Simmons Michael A Sims Natalie N Smith Frederick K Smith Sherita Somone Clay Joel Soto Yvonne Stott Denise SwimsNorwood Eddie Sykes Jovita S Tate Kevin Thibo Regino Torres Gerardo Tovar Mahi Tritsarolis Angelo Tsokolas Evelyn Urbina Robert Valadez Mildred L Valenzuela Richard D Vasquez Raul Vazquez Richard Velez Alejandro Virgen Kelly Waller Ronald Washington Nicholas White Gregory S Wiginton

Anthony J Wojno Lakesha M Wooden- Johnson Kevin M Wrobel Eyman Zabadneh, Jr John A Zago Michael Zaragoza Chicago Heights Michael A Neely Chicago Ridge Craig M Augustine Michelle M Blahusiak Jeremy Bohne John D Dougherty Brian P Gallacher Lanise L Glover Anna R Lonigro Cory Majdecki Ramonita Martinez Anna M Trybulec Shavone E Welch Cicero Eliud Duran Edwin Nelson Clarendon Hills Nancy E Woodard Country Club Hills Marshan Johnson John L Lewis Countryside John A Gosciejew Crestwood Desirea M Adams Amanda C Broers Mark M Flynn Dawn M Gillotte John M Kot Nicole J Lennon Jessica L Pinkston Ken Proctor Margaret A Simpson Kathleen E Webb Crete Alexander Muraski Cromwell Lina K Gardner Darien Julio M Rivera Daniel N Tamos Des Plaines Laura O Hernandez Robert Reimer Dixmoor Kimberly Timberlake Dolton Natasha Beasley Manuel Castillo Derrick Chatman Johnnie Ollie East Hazelcrest Matthew W Elsey Elmwood Park Kyle Allen John E Fitzgerald Adam S Flores Evanston Ralph Imbo Evergreen Park Mitchell A Adas Denise M Allen John R Allen Mary A Augustinas

Terri L Biggs Julia M Briante Kimberly CrawfordAlexander Michael C Curtin Karien Dean Debra L Eliszewski Patrick J Evoy Gabrielle Gardner Pamela J GardnerBrown Maria N Leal Mary E Lyons Michelle M Madonia Amanda C Malloy Heather M Malloy Kim C McCarthy Magdalena M Mitchell Michael J Morgan Sarah E O’Rourke Zackary M Schleyer Rebecca J Shalack Asta Skripkauskaite Stacy E Sowa Ninette A Subat Jana M Terborg Nicholas Tosoni Flossmoor Tonya Adelman Forest Park Elvia Silvera Frankfort Matt Paez Glendale Heights Robert J McCaffrey Glenview Emil E Hageline Glenwood Victor B Stephney Hanover Park Donald Fillmore Anthony Parker Harwood Heights Farhan Khan Krzysztof Piech Hazel Crest Arlicia Johnson Hickory Hills Jeffery A Burk Agnieszka Byrdak Daniela M Chacon Krzysztof Ciezobka Lina Elzahdan William J Ganta Richard Garcia Nur A Hassan Niveen Hilal Raymond Jasinski Sherry L Kisielius Eunhae Lee Anna M Matejska Weronika B Molinski Katherine A Sagat Frank Sambucaro Aurora J Suges Rachel H Supple Highland Michael Colglazier Hoffman Estates Justin Jones Homer Glen Lara Eiler



McGrath Justin Hometown Angelia Aponte Judith A Chruszczyk Kathleen Gutchewky Michael C Hajek Brian J Hulben Itasca Pawel Kozimala Joliet Ryan McNulty Matthew J Murphy Justice David H Cormany Lidia K Czekaj Theresa Fic Virginia Gilman Iuliia Ignatenko Kelly A Kiaupa Katarzyna A Kot Lauren A Lewis Bernadeta I Malczewski Ivette Mota Melissa C O’Connor Delphia Sawyer Anna Zielinska Cheryl R Zilvitis La Grange Kathleen Hilt Lansing Veronica Morales Darneal Price Lemont Melissa A Leclaire Rose Szczurek Lisle Justin Hook Lockport Dave E Bricker Mary B Carlson Alexis Prisby Kristy A Shorette Mallory Studzinski Kevin M Suchocki Lyons Jesse Ortiz Kristopher K Schultz Matteson Christopher W Brown Maywood Antonio E Ferguson Melrose Park Antonio Jimenez Merrionette Park Merrie L Jones Midlothian Billy C Franks Erin J Schisley Monee Patricia A Brown- Conley Jeffrey B Griffin Roshawn D Matticx Scott Evans Mt. Prospect Leonard Zuckerman Mundelein Jose A Hurtado Naperville Eileen M Giuffre Jerold T Smith New Lenox Michael Martus Rebecca L

Prendergast Niles Gerard A Deleon Monica C Wiater Norridge Jason Milewczyk Northlake Johnny Rubio Anthony J Squeo Oak Forest Patrick A Cusack Dawn M Czeszewski Diane M Kazibut Nicole E Lamm William E Lowe Sheila A Madjecki Maria S Saldana Joseph Spain Kaitlin M Sternisha Michael Turrise Oak Lawn David Abernethy Mohannad Al Ali Darlene Aleo Susana AlzamoraRuiz Ibtessam H Asfour Juan C Bautista Beata B Bednarz Eric R Bock Michael Buckley Pinghung Chan Anna Czerny Deanna S Dahla Elizabeth C Delamora Niloofar Dellorto Tony C Dicharia Karin R Fox Violet Frias Theresa V Gergits Nancy J Gill Nehaya D Hasan Clifton Hempstead Rosalie E Hincks Rose A Hoelscher Magdi Ibrahim Kristen Insalata Kevin Kaminski Gertrude M Kooy Colleen Larkin Karli S Lizana Omar Macias Alexander G Maglaris John F Maleady Jeannie M Mandernach Maryellen Mann Allison R Misale Lisa Moriarty Richard K Mossman Sarah R Nickless Rosa I Ortiz Andrew R Peterson Michael E Pezan Iwona M Pipikios Lobna H Rabadi Yasmian Rahman Adel B Rahman Erica B Ramirez Maria E Ramirez Richard E Reynolds Grimaldo Romero Anthony D Sabbia Amira Sanchez Sandra R Sandoval Anna Sil

Rose A Smith Erik J Sorensen Amanda M Sutkus Randy L Suvada Nancy M Szkodzinski Charles E Thompson Lindsay M Tunkl Alicia Uribe Molly Vacha Brittani Vaughn Magdalena Walkosz- Strzelec James J Welsh Susan E Wilczynski Stephanie E Wodek Malgorzata Wojtowicz Badia Zahdan Jorge A Zaldivar Adrian Zolkos Oak Park Lashonda D Hurt Sheila R Shoemaker Tracey B Williams Olympia Fields Herman M Smith Orland Hills Nicholas L Adams James W Ballou William Conway Melissa L Justyn Georgene Panfil Stephanie Reszka Laima Sineokijiene Stephanie L Troost Stephanie Wrobel Orland Park Dima K Akroush Nisreen Amir Wasan A Amra Patricia Ator Anne M Ballard Ohood Baste Marianne C Beechy Nancy Bing Charles Blum James G Butcher Sean Casey Lashon L Crump Rebecca Deangelis Lorie F Degrado Dennis P Degregorio Sherry E Doyle Edward J Dubaka Joel Feinstein Gary J Gecan Efstathia Georgiou Celia J Gonzalez Matthew Gorss Daniel D Guerra Michael R Hansen Mary Hensley Dean Hinderman Diana L Howard Stephen J Kaffel Joy Kaftan-Benes Dennis Kapelinski Mary E King Egle Kucinskiene Rob A Kueltzo Christopher M Lavelle Michelle T Ligue Salvador Luna Kathleen Luzar Jason Marek

Joseph F Martino Donna Mateja Tierney A Miller Edward Modesto Marilyn D Moody Loreta Morochin Jaclyn M Nickerson Andrea M O’Reilly Hugh O’Donnell Leslee Olson Jalpa Pandya Gennaro Paolella Melissa Payton Lauren Peltier Michael F Pickham James G Rafferty Angeles F Reynoso Beata Roik Cynthia B Russell Amane N Salem Anthony M Sheppard Raquel Sierzega Adam M Stake Rosa A Tamez-Costello Artur Uchanski Vida Vaiciulyte Lynn M Vanoni Jonathan Vasil Alyssa Voogt Alec Werner Robert P Whooley Audrey J Zieman Palatine Loletia Carney Palos Heights Josephina Cahue Daniel P Hopkins Sharon A Mullen Thomas D Murphy Brendan Murphy John P Rochon Alexa R Sanocki Meghan Schuemann Laura A Sutton Kathleen M Swan Palos Hills Eugenia I Barnard Sylwia Bugaj Lai S Cheng Ciesea Creekmur Katherine G Einhorn Marci J Eldrenkamp Allison M Garza Maria M Ghenciu Ann M Hamberg Kathleen M Hanratty Kelsey N Hensel Jacqueline Ibrahim Rita Jasenauskas Karina Karwowska Tatiana Korolova Bartlomiej Kott Jamie W Kucharski Iwona Ligeska Timothy Maclaine Juliana Makis Ashlie M McDonald Todd M Meyer Katarzyna A Mrozek Erin Murphy Misato Norikiyo Tomas Paulauskas Michal Pawlowski Gina S Petcu Stephanie A Rojas

Lakhwinder Singh Judita Slusnys Pukkamard Sungka- mee Marija Vaitkevicius Viktorija Vasiliauskiene Nicholas Villarreal Joanna E Wojdyla Ryan Zanta Paulina Zukowska Palos Park Benjamin J Higgins Sarah C Kudia Vicky Miller Mary A O’Connor Mary E O’Connor Monet Pezdek Joshua Rupp James A Tysiak Park Forest Ronald Kolnicki Jennifer S Prince Park Ridge Ian A Florentino Anthony F Leleniewski Peotone Michael A Cantone Plainfield John A Coddington Tom Kolodziej Timothy J Shults Racine Chad W Murphey Richton Park Adriene L Hayes-Hoy Andre Rogers Riverdale Cleavon Coleman Cynthia Dawson Deral Robinson Robbins Jasmine A Simmons Joy A Trotter Romeoville Nigel B Coleman Jeanette Orlich Schaumburg Edward W Tillrock Skokie Jaime Aquino South Holland Felicia A Sparkman Stickney William J Leventhal Fernando Ruiz Summit Yetunde A Ayoade Jessica M ChavezHernandez Antonio Manjarrez Jason A McFarlane Tinley Park Thomas E Adamo Melinda A Allen Anthony Barkhoff Samantha L Begeske Catherine R Bobbitt Patricia A Bouchard- Case Kenneth E Braasch Susan A Buenger Scott Burnside Richard J Chapan Jessica A Cotter

Michael J Darcy Frank Desoto Bridget T Devivo Thomas R Eizenga Ashley R Furman Allison J Ghilardi Anita M Goeppner George R Grey Greg D Hermann Katie A Huffman Neal R Jankowski Rudayna Jebara Thomas Jones Elizabeth M Keyes Jessica M Komperda Matthew Koski Danielle Lemonnier Matthew Lennhardt Kelly A Likavec Megan M Lonergan Christine W Lopez Emma M Maggiolini Tom J Martelli Caitlyn M Maxwell Joan T Mazzuca Grace Mittler Adeline O’Brien Terry Parker Robert T Powers Douglas J Pujdak April L Pyter Michael A Reblin Jack C Redmore Anthony L Rocca Vincent F Ryan Patricia L Salefski Jackie Siska Leonard Smalec Mary F Tesher Barbara Theis Philip D Vana Jennifer Vogan James Weston Fabiola Zamora Valparaiso Rafael Chavez Westchester Gabriel Ruiz West Chicago Jorge Soto Western Springs Mary B Walsh Westmont Jonathan E Janulis Willow Springs Brittany Rowley Jarrett T Wollnik Woodridge Tracy A Panawa Diane M Winter Worth Theresa M Beaver Lixhene L Dembe- Loutete Laima Dudaviciute Barbara J Greco Roxanne E Heck Dana Jay Sherri McCollum Sebastian Rejniak Alyssa J Saterfield Kayla A Siwek Sylwia Zarzycki



Sculpting students to build sustainable bottle art By Maria Villafana Staff Writer 3-D Art Design students are creating a monolithic sculpture using 2000 plastic bottles. Professor of Sculpture and Art, Lynn Peters says it’s for a class project in which students are working with the community to improve sustainability. The idea of this fine art sculpture is art installation, which describes an artistic genre of 3-D works that are often site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space. Some examples include Stonehenge, Easter Island, and the Picasso sculpture in Chicago’s Daley Plaza. Peters wants her students to create the sculpture by adhering to the notion of non-permanent art. That is where the idea for the plastic bottle monolith started. “A lot of artists these days are designing sculptures out of non-conventional material (such as recycled material) which will be non-permanent. The sculpture we are scheming will not be hung on a wall like a portrait would,” commented Peters.

Boxes like the one shown above are located all around campus. 3-D Design students need 2,000 plastic bottles to finish their non-permanent sculpture. [Mike Frederiksen] Various examples of sculptures made from non-permanent material include designs from flip tops, and seatbelts. “It is not so much about student’s creativity as it is about their design skills, and how they are able to craft a sculpture with their ingenuity and originality” added Peters. Students from 3D design class have the challenge of creating the water bottle sculpture without any adhesive

means, which means they are not allowed to use glue, tape, or any other materials with the exception of stainless steel wire, needle nose pliers and Panduit strips to keep the bottles standing up and sticking together. They have to use their design objects as if they were a skeletal structure. Scholars will have to think of their own solution to finish the sculpture. The finished creation will

be strong, viable and stable. In addition, students will have approximately 3 weeks to construct the sculpture. Since the monolith sculpture will require 2000 plastic bottles, students are urged to contribute by disposing their empty plastic bottles in boxes throughout the Moraine Valley campus. They can be any size and color, and they don’t necessarily need to be clean or dry from its contents. As Peters stated, this will be a community effort. Not only will it help in recycling efforts thanks to public sustainability, but most importantly installation art will be created. The final water bottle design will be displayed starting on March first through early April. The exhibit will be located at the Student Art gallery in the U Building of Moraine Valley Community College. Mrs. Peter’s class hopes to occupy the entire gallery for their vast sculpture. Maria Villafana can be contacted at


working with various people at the col- work there and the sense of communiELECTION | from front page listed as they will appear on the ballot: lege for over 20 years,” said Wagner. ty. That is what I’m motivated by,” said Andrea Ramirez-Justin, Orland Hills; When asked about her achieve- Wagner when asked why she is seeking Joseph A. Skibinski, Oak Lawn; and ments during her tenure on the Board, yet another term on the Board. Tom Cunningham, Orland Park. Wagner responded, “There are several, The long time trustee has been reThe rest of this article will focus on the 3 current Board members running for reelection. The other candidates will be covered in future issues. Chairman Murphy is currently the Chief Financial Officer for the Crystal Lake school district. He has been a member of Moraine’s Board for 12-years. He spoke on his motivation to run for another term, “It’s a great board and the college is a great place. Moraine is one of the most well respected community colleges in the nation. As a trustee, it’s very gratifying.” As a long-time businessman and 24year veteran of elected office, Murphy understands the importance of teamwork, “my ideology is to trust my fel- Moraine Valley’s Board Room is located in D219 in the D Building. Come April, a new low members and to trust the adminmember could fill this eat. [Mike Frederiksen] istration.” “Moraine is very aggressive in seek- but two are foremost. Hiring of the tired from her career for 7-years. She ing out grant dollars. I’m proud to new president has been a great suc- worked as a fitness instructor, which work for a school that has secured cess. I’m very proud of that and being she now does on a volunteer basis. such grants,” said Murphy. part of the successful referendum efRamirez-Justin does not boast the Like Murphy, Wagner has been a fort.” tenure of Murphy or Wagner, but what Board member for 12-years. “I think “My mind is open to do whatever is she lacks in experience she makes up my experience is invaluable. I’ve been best. I love the college, the people who for in zeal, “If I have one piece of value

7 that can help an organization, I am eager to do that.” Ramirez-Justin has been a Board member since August 2012. She works as the Vice President of Old Plank Trail Community Bank. She is also the 2013 Mokena Chamber of Commerce President, and was the 2012 President of the Professional Women’s Network. Ramirez-Justin embraces working together with her fellow board members. “It’s okay to agree to disagree, and when you can have that foundation it helps you to make the correct decisions, “ said Ramirez- Justin. “I hold the best interest of the College and students at hand.” The newest Board member believes strongly in giving back, “I love to pay it forward and it is very important to me. I have been volunteering at Moraine Valley for several years and I will continue to do so because I want to make sure Moraine continues to be the gem of the southwest suburbs.” If you have not registered to vote, contact the Cook County Clerk’s office as soon as possible to assure that you will have a say in the future of Moraine Valley. Phil A. Bianco can be contacted at news@

8 IN BRIEF Correction There has been a correction made to last week’s News Brief article “Spring 2013 Library Accounts.” Students do not need to update their accounts in the library. Students only need their last name and colleague ID to log in to the library databases. Tuition deadline reminder Students who are on a payment plan must pay attention to tuition payment deadlines. The third payment is due March 6. The final tuition payment is due April 3. A $50 late fee will apply if the final tuition payment is not made by this date. For more information, contact the Cashier’s Office at (708) 974-5715. Moraine Valley pitching and hitting camp A pitching, catching, and hitting camp for youths ages 8 to 18 years old will be instructed by experienced Moraine Valley baseball coaches Cole Farmer and Alain Quijano, as well as Moraine Valley baseball players. The pitching and catching camp will be on Feb. 23 from 9 to 11 a.m. for 8 to 12 year olds and 1 to 3 p.m. for 13 to 18 year olds. The hitting camp will be on Feb. 24, 9 to 11 a.m. for 8 to 12 year olds


and 1 to 3 p.m. for 13 to 18 year olds. The camp is $50 per class or $75 for both. Cash or checks will be accepted. Make checks out to Moraine Valley Community College. All sessions will take place in the gymnasium, Building G, on campus. For more information and to sign up, contact Coach Quijano at (708) 9745773 or online at Financial aid workshop Moraine Valley Community College is having a free workshop to help participants fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online. The workshop will take place on Saturday, Feb. 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Moraine Business and Conference Center in rooms M203 and M205. Those who plan on attending the workshop should bring their, and if still a dependent their parents’, 2012 financial information, including 1040s, social security numbers, birthdates, and address information. Lunch will be served. For more information and to RSVP, contact the Admissions Office at (708) 974-5355 or online at American National Government course

There is a late-opening spring course available for students interested in enrolling. The course is PSC110-201, American National Government and is three credit hours and eight weeks long. The course is from 6:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning on March 19. It will end on May 13. The instructor is Tom Dascenzo (Mr. “D”). He is a Vietnam era veteran, ran for political office, and was a volunteer political operative in the past Presidential Campaign. For more information on the course, contact Tom Dascenzo at Employee Recognition Awards Moraine Valley employees are encouraged to nominate a peer who has done amazing work. Participants are asked to explain why they think the nominee should win. Employee Recognition Awards include the Nancy Blane Guerra Award, Robert E. Turner Award, Part-Time Employee Award, David Sarther Teamwork Award, Dr. Vernon O. Crawley Leadership Award, Embracing Diversity Award and Innovation of the Year Award. Please note that the Nancy Blane Guerra, Robert E. Turner and Part-Time Employee Awards use the same form. These forms can be found on the

portal’s Forms page under College Relations and online. Completed nomination forms are to be returned by email or to Jessica Crotty’s office, D106, by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6. Thodos Dance Chicago Set to Bruce Wolosoff’s “Songs Without Words,” Thodos Dance Chicago features 12 ensemble dancers who will perform through dance the story of the White City: Chicago’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. The performance will include period costumes and video projections provided by Chicago filmmaker Chris Olsen. Tony Award-winning Broadway choreographer Ann Reinking and Artistic Director Melissa Thodos, created the one-act piece. Characters include actual figures of the time including Mayor Carter Harrison Sr.; Harrison’s assassin, Patrick Pendergast; John Root, a main architect to the Chicago World’s Fair; and Dr. H.H. Holmes, the infamous serial killer. The performance will take place on Saturday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dorothy Menker Theater in the F building. Prices range from $20 to $25. For more information contact the Box Office at (708) 974-5500.



Billy Barker Views Editor


Is televising the SAG awards ego-driven? “ The atmosphere at

this award show is much more relaxed and entertaining than other shows.”

“Is it necessary to show a constant need to watch [actors] walk down the red carpet?”

By Erica Sinnott Staff Writer

By William Barker Views Editor

Out of all the award shows on television (and boy are there a lot) the most unique is the Screen Actors Guild awards. During the SAG awards, both movies and television shows are presented with honors along with their casts. There are also awards for drama and comedy show’s ensembles as well as motion picture casts. The Screen Actors Guild and The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) represent over 165,000 members of the talent industry including actors, broadcasters, voiceover artists, and other media professionals and is affiliated with the AFL-CIO through the Associated Actors Artists of America. Two randomly selected panels of 2,100 members each choose the SAG Award nominees across the country. All active members of the SAG-AFTRA in the United States, which has over 100,000 members, receive voting information to select the outstanding performances of the year. As a comparison, there are only 5,755 voting members of The Academy of motion Picture Arts and Sciences that choose the Oscar winners. The thirteen awards focus on both individual performances as well as on the work of the entire ensemble of a drama series and comedy series, and the cast of a motion picture. They also give out a Lifetime Achievement Award to an established performer for fostering the highest ideals of the acting profession. As any actor can tell you, it is not one sole actor or actress that makes a show; each and every person depends on the other cast members. The same goes for movies and television shows. The atmosphere at this award show is much more relaxed and entertaining than other shows. Not to mention, their peers have chosen the winners, which is the highest compliment one may pay to another performer. The SAG Awards is also the only national network television show that acknowledges the work of union members. The proceeds benefit the Screen Actors Guild Foundation, which provides opportunities for union members to contribute to the literacy of children through BookPALS (Performing Artists for Literacy in Schools), its online component, Storyline Online, and the We The Children family-heritage book-writing project among other endeavors. This show should always be televised to remind us that actors are capable of celebrating each other’s talents and put on entertaining shows at the same time. If celebrities are willing to recognize who is the best out of them, we should follow their lead and do the same to help our fellow man in any way that we can find. Actors are setting a good example.

Actors and actresses tend to develop a sense of hunger for the spotlight. The Screen Actors Guild Awards being televised further encourages this need to be the subject of conversation. Everyone likes to feel a sense of purpose. It’s one of the most basic human cravings to make something out of ourselves in order to find meaning existing on the third rock revolving around a mass of energy within an enormous universe. That said, encouraging the gap of separation between those who consider themselves more important than the common man doesn’t reap any benefit other than a feeling of ineptitude within the everyday human. The Screen Actors Guild, containing the performers that entertain the majority of the population with their portrayal of stories sculpted with the human mind, is essentially an assembly that holds no distinguishing qualities than that of a teacher’s union. So, why then do they feel compelled to televise themselves appreciating each other’s performance when the members of a similar group, such as the Teamsters Union, find no such recognition necessary although their service to humanity is equal? With awards shows such as the Academy Awards, the Emmys, the Golden Globes, the Tony’s, the People’s Choice awards, where is the necessity in finding yet another occasion in which to turn on a television and find Alec Baldwin giving another trophy to Dick Van Dyke. We know that he’s an entertaining man and so does he, another trophy for him to put in his stockpile is beating a dead horse. Entertainment is a difficult industry. By no means should people that look to put a smile on an onlookers face as their method of making a living be given a scolding for their service to society, but with the many occasions in which the members of SAG are assembled to receive recognition from the populace of man, is it necessary to show a constant obsession with watching them walk down the red carpet dressed up rather than allow them to live out their lives as everyday men and women comparable to ourselves. In the time that it would take to watch the viewing material, the members of society could be doing something useful like reading a book or learning a skill, instead of fretting about who all the actresses are wearing, as if that knowledge would do anyone any good. The SAG Awards are only encouraging further efforts of stars trying to get more screen time. This leads to shows like TMZ harassing people on their way to get coffee. Nobody needs the SAG awards, not even the actors.

Erica Sinnott can be contacted at

William Barker can be contacted at

“I think [actors] put themselves on a pedestal. It’s not necessary to show them on TV so much.” -Nicole Lamm

“They can have the awards presentation but, It’s unnecessary to televise them across the country.” -Tom Ritter

“It doesn’t do anything for my life to watch [actors] on TV. Why should we care?” -Chris Aschdnbach

“They already have a whole bunch of awards voted on by people, why have another?” -Kyle Marquardt



VIEW FROM THE HILL | BILL DROEL | MVCC CAMPUS MINISTER Over the recent holidays I, like many others, participated in a number of gift-giving parties. Reflecting on them and on many similar occasions in years past, I’ve developed some personal rules. #1.) I do not cooperate with the practice of a gift registry--something routinely used at weddings, showers and the like. I bestow what I want, obtained from wherever I choose. Nor would I ever call the recipient or a member of their family in advance to learn what they might like. #2.) I do not abide by the practice of specifying a dollar amount for gifts at a grab bag luncheon. At one office party last December the amount was $15. In that and comparable situations--presuming the exchange is anonymous--I find a gift quadruple in value to the suggested amount. If the requirement says the donor’s name is affixed to the gift, I bestow a can of peanuts—usually wrapped in a giant box. #3.) I consider it the recipient’s responsibility to make exchanges on a wrongsized gift or an undesirable gift. I have no objection to so-called re-gifting. All of these rules are derived from the principle: Do not exploit or cheapen the essence of a gift. Two older books with similar titles explain that this essence is the behavior, not the object. The books are The Gift: the Form and Reason for Exchange by Marcel Mauss (W.W. Norton, 1923) and The Gift: Creativity and the Artist by Lewis Hyde (Vintage Books, 1979). Hyde begins with an expression, “Indian giver,” that is sometimes used with children who take back what they offered to someone else. It implies stinginess and in some cases uncivilized. It comes from an incident in the early 1700s where Indians in Massachusetts gave a special pipe to some Puritans. The Puritans admired it so much they eventually sent it to a museum back in England. The Indians were horrified. The proper behavior in their culture was to give the gift to another tribe or family on a special occasion. To preserve its essence, Hyde writes, a “gift must

always move.” In this example, the Puritans did not understand things. It was the Puritans, not the Indians, who were uncivilized. The power is in the exchange. “The mere passage of the gift, the act of donation, contains the feeling,” Hyde concludes. “The passage alone is the investment.” True gifts--including objects, banquets and acts of honor or politeness--look voluntary, says Mauss. But “in reality they are given and reciprocated obligatorily.” He does not mean strict quid-pro-quo or crass strings attached exchanges. In fact, the beneficiary often repays the gift to a third person or to society in general. The circle of exchange is thus the container in which the essence of the gift moves. As more people are included, the third and fourth and fifth person not only gets the gift, but implicitly receives the spirit of the original giver. Over time a gift economy develops, one that creates not monetary wealth, but social capital. Then, the distinction between objects and persons becomes less absolute than in total market economies. “Souls are mixed with things; things with soul,” Mauss writes. “Everything passes to and fro as if there were a constant exchange of a spiritual matter.” Hyde uses the example of an artist—a musician, painter, writer and the like. There is satisfaction in learning a piece of music or even composing it. But an artist is compelled to present the music to an audience, no matter how small. The gift must then be received and both the musician and the audience experience a moment of grace. In a sense there is no art apart from this exchange. Today, alas, the object itself is what counts. The market rules alone. According to Pope Benedict XVI, a culture of authentic giving is about politics and economics with implications for wages, health insurance, management and more. Wall Street and major banks collapsed less than five years ago because people began to distrust the hedge funds and other instruments they were holding. “Who stands behind all this?” they wondered. The remedy is not merely a bailout of General Motors or a reform in investment procedures. It is the creation of social trust, of solidarity. That happens when people practice gratitude. Don’t be a Puritan giver. Don’t send the spirit of a gift to a museum; keep it moving. Bill Droel can be contacted at

Boy Scouts takes a step New law bans unlocking phones towards same-sex equality By Abbas Haleem Staff Writer

By Joshua Johnson Staff Writer The Boy’s Scouts of America currently have a policy that openly gay people cannot be scouts or leaders. This policy is now under review in response to a growing show of acceptance. As our country goes through periods of social change so do the people within that society. Over the years the BSA was unmoving in their policies. However, as people became more open, views began to change and the debate to remove the ban began. In June 2012 the BSA released the following statement: “While the BSA does not proactively inquire about the sexual orientation of employees, volunteers, or members, we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA. Scouting believes same-sex attraction should be introduced and discussed outside of its program with parents, caregivers, or spiritual advisers, at the appropriate time and in the right setting. The vast majority of parents we serve value this right and do not sign their children up for Scouting for it to introduce or discuss, in any way, these topics.” The BSA held deliberations in talk of removing the ban but has hit a major delay they say is caused by the vast complicity of this issue. Deliberations will be held again in May to discuss this pertinent issue. According to Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign: “Every day that the Boy Scouts of America delay action is another day that discrimination prevails,” many other Americans are feeling frustrated because they are being allowed to help their children, and the community, with what they believe is their right. Peter Brown, assistant director of Quinnipiac’s Polling Institute, believes: “Now that the armed forces ban on openly gay service members has been lifted, and polls show increasing acceptance of same-sex marriage, most American voters think it’s time to open up the Boy Scouts, too,”. If the military can open up, so too should the Boy Scouts.

As of Jan. 26, a new law applies to all cellphones purchased, stating that unlocking cellphones without carrier permission is illegal. This is an injustice, as it forces phones to be bought with a carrier. However, this law is only in the United States. Canada has a different set of laws for unlocking phones. The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commissions has an open online discussion asking the public for feedback on its “wireless code.” So far, some proposals include customers receiving a summary of terms and conditions in their contract, such as cancellation fees and tools to monitor usages of different services. Unlocking phones would be mandatory, though the phone would have to be bought on a contract. Customers would be able to restrict any features that could lead to extra charges and they would be able to specify a cap to their monthly bill. The way it’s set up in Canada makes it much cheaper for customers to get phones, not to mention that they are unlocked. In the Unites States, not all carriers completely restrict the ability to have an unlocked phone. Evidently, AT&T will unlock a cellphone when its contract expires and Verizon Wireless allows customers to buy an iPhone 5 already unlocked, as well as the Nexus 4. I feel that allowing the carrier to handpick the phones they allow to be unlocked will lead to complications. I personally agree with the Canadian methods because, as a customer, they protect my privilege to pick any provider for my cellphone. When a manufacturer works with a carrier to limit which consumers can purchase their phones, the manufacturer must be striking a deal with the carrier on phone plans. For example, in the past, only AT&T sold iPhones in the United States, which limited the revenue of Apple, as there are a handful of other carriers that could have sold the iPhone to their customers. It is better for both the consumer and the manufacturer to allow phones to be bought without a contract binding the consumer to a carrier. In this case, the method of law enforcement is still unclear and furthermore, so is the reasoning for passing this law. It would cost more to terminate a contract and switch providers than it would be to buy a new phone with a contract from the start. It’s hard to imagine that cellular phone companies are losing a significant amount of money because of unlocked phones.

Joshua Johnson can be contacted at

Abbas Haleem can be contacted at



BASKETBALL | continued from page 12 dropped 19 points as Moraine Valley won 100-82. This was the eighth time this season Moraine Valley scored in triple digits at the end of regulation. In what would be the Cyclones most impressive victory to date, Moraine Valley took out Oakton Community College 89-74. The game was impressive due to the fact that six Cyclones scored in double digits. Ward once again dominated the paint, gathering 11 rebounds and scoring 19 points to mark yet another double double to his resume. Marquell Pierce scored nine points while dishing out 10 assists. The Cyclones currently has a 20-4 (7-1 conference) record, good enough to be ranked 13th in the NJCAA Division II National Poll. They can be viewed as a squad determined to go to Danville, Illinois, site of the NJCAA National Championship. Last year, the Cyclones made it to Danville with a 26-7 record. With the likes of All-Conference players Mike Jackson, Lane Barlow and All-American Forward Richaun Holmes (Bowling Green), head coach Dedrick Shannon had what many thought was his best shot to win the National Championship. Unfortunately the Cyclones lost their first game and fell out of the title picture. This year’s team has shown the potential to surpass the 2011-12

team. The Cyclones have an explosive offense that averages 96.1 points per game (third in the nation.) They have done this by shooting a 49.5 percent from the field and 36.2 percent on three point shots. “The team is very unselfish,” said assistant coach Jelani Boline. Thus far there is three Cyclones that average double digits in points. Karrington Ward averages 21 points while Gerald Dorsey and Johnte Shannon compliment him scoring 15.6 and 10.9 points per contest. They were supposed to square off against McHenry County College on Feb. 7, but due to a winter storm that included freezing rain and dumped one to five inches of snow in the McHenry County area the game was cancelled and could be made up Saturday, Feb.16 The Cyclones look to keep the streak alive against two less than superior opponents in College of Lake County 5-18 (2-6) and Elgin Community College 8-15 (1-7) and Waubonsee Community College 17-6 (71), who currently sit behind Moraine Valley in second place in the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference. Sean McDermott can be contacted at

The Cyclones defense swarms over a helpless McHenry player on Jan. 15. The Cyclones won this match up 136-82. [Mike Frederiksen]

ATHLETES OF THE ISSUE Bridget Niemiec Forward Women’s Basketball

By Sean McDermott Sports Editor Bridget Niemiec is a 5’11’’ forward for the women’s basketball team. The first year commodity out of Oak Lawn High School has been a useful tool for coach Delwyn Jones’ 2012-13 team. In a year that has been filled with extensive injuries to the team’s five major rotation players, Niemiec has stepped up her play to fill the Cyclones holes up. Niemiec averages 6.7 points per game along with 5.7 rebounds. Niemiec’s best game came on Jan. 26 against South Suburban College. Niemiec was aggressive on both ends of the floor earning her a double-double. Niemiec scored 14 points and gathered 12 rebounds in the 67-54 victory. With the recent injuries to the squad Niemiec will continue to be viewed as a key asset to the women’s basketball team for the rest of the 2012-13 season.

Gerald Dorsey Guard Men’s Basketball

Gerald Dorsey is a 5’9’’ guard on the men’s basketball team. The first year product out of Tinley Park High School has been the Nate Robinson of the 2012-13 Cyclones. Dorsey has played in 21 games and started in seven. Dorsey has been a key contributor to the Cyclones recent success. Averaging 15.3 points per game while shooting 57.8 percent from the field, Dorsey has proven to be a threat on the offensive side of the ball. Other impressive stats for the first year guard include 1.8 rebounds per game, 32 assists and 28 steals so far this season. Dorsey’s best game came on Jan. 15 against McHenry County College. Dorsey shot 10-17 from the field scoring 24 points en rout to the 136-82 victory. The Cyclones will look more to Dorsey as the playoffs near. Sean McDermott can be contacted at



Sean McDermott Sports Editor


Seven straight wins for Cyclones By Sean McDermott Sports Editor

With the majority of the regular season in the rearview mirror, the Cyclones seem to have found their groove. They are beginning to turn heads in the NJCAA by winning seven straight. The Cyclones carried a three game win streak headed into their match against a tough Waubonsee team on Jan. 24. After a tightly contested first half, the Cyclones smothering defense ran the Chiefs down and won 90-79. Karrington Ward notched another double double scoring 25 points and collecting 15 boards. A decent Pioneers squad out of Prairie State was the next victim on the Cyclones schedule, as Johnte Shannon BASKETBALL | page 11

Karrington Ward goes in for a lay up. Ward has had an stellar season averaging 20.5 points and 9.6 rebounds per game. [Mike Frederiksen]

Injury depleted Cyclones stand at 14-8 By Frank Gogola Staff Writer Despite losing player after player this season, the women’s basketball team improved their record to 14-8 (4-3 conference) after winning three of their last four. The Cyclones took down Waubonsee Community College 54-48 on Jan. 24, South Suburban College 67-54 on Jan. 26, and Oakton Community College 51-33 on Jan. 31. Their lone defeat in four games was a 63-31 loss to Prairie State College on Jan. 29, in which sophomore forwards Shaneka Boyd and Raynisha Dent both went down with shoulder injuries. Boyd and Dent joined freshman forwards Camille Byrd and Jamilla Jones, who have both been sidelined with injuries since early January. Coach Jones has Dent listed as day-to-day and expects Boyd to be back by the middle of February. Missing two of their starters, the Cyclones’ offensive struggles will continue, but the superb defensive play has been the team’s saving grace all season long. “It pretty much has been

Bridget Niemiec (white jersey) goes up for a floater against Waubonsee defenders. Niemiec had nine points and 12 rebounds in the 54-48 victory on Jan.24. [Mike Frederiksen] our defense that is keeping us in games. We are on a record setting pace; giving up only 53 points per game. We are holding other teams below their scoring average and it is because of our defense

that we have been able to win games,” said Coach Jones. The current Moraine Valley record for least points per game allowed in a season is 54 set by 1986-87 women’s team. Although the defense

has been great, the problems for the Cyclones come on the offensive end of the floor. “We are only scoring 56.7 points per game, which is really low. I would like to see our scoring average up at 65

points per game,” said Coach Jones. “We have only given up 65 points three times this season. And I think scoring 65 points a night would put us in a really good position to win simply because our defense plays so well.” Sophomore guard Kelly Foley has been leading the team scoring-wise in the last four games averaging 13 points per game. Also stepping it up on the offensive end has been freshman guard Maggie Yandel and sophomore guard Stephanie Karl. Yandel scored 12 points in the win over Oakton while Karl came close to a triple double posting 12 points, seven rebounds, and seven assists. As the offense still struggles to find its identity, reducing the turnover count from 22 per game to 16 could immensely benefit the team, according to Coach Jones. “We have such a great defense that if we do nothing else besides cut down on our turnovers, we could easily win more games going forward. Frank Gogola can be contacted at gogolaf@student.



Kevin Coyne Features Editor


Veterans seek GI Bill clarification By Jim Thompson Staff Writer

of several steps taken to reduce confusion regarding GI Bill benefits. Each student-veteran is required to In 2011, an estimated fifty-permeet with an academic advisor each cent of the 500 student-veterans at semester, said McArthur, to conMoraine Valley Community College tinue to remain on top of his or her were at risk of not being paid their academic requirements. full education benefits for the fall MVCC developed a full semester semester according to a Chicago Tricourse specifically for the first year bune article written in March of the student-veteran, titled, first year same year. experience course (HDV100), which This was due to student-veterans is designed to aid student-veterans enrolling in classes that were not transition from active military to certified by the Department of Vetstudent. erans Affairs. The confusion was a Another valuable resource on result of veterans lacking an undercampus is the veterans’ organizastanding of what their GI Bill bention, Combat to College, which is efits did or did not cover as far as available to all student-veterans. credit hours and classes. “The organization gives studentAccording to the regulations veterans an opportunity to share within both the Montgomery GI Bill successes and challenges associated and the Post 9/11 GI Bill, a veteran Combat to College, Public Relations Officer, Marine Cpl. Michael Neal in Fallujah, Iraq. Cpl. Neal is with attending school or using their can only be enrolled in classes that an excellent resource for student-veterans. [Cpl. Michael Neal] benefits and it also provides a place are going towards a specific degree. for relationships to be built and nurRandomly selecting courses from a to their course selection, student re- cilitated by the veterans coordinator and tured among fellow student vetercourse catalog does not ensure that those sources, and the details surrounding faculty members from the advising and ans,” said General McArthur. classes will be covered by GI Bill benefits. their GI Bill benefits. counseling departments. In this orienThe Job Resource Center is also listed Veterans needed a firm understanding “MVCC has implemented a mandatory tation, student veterans are given infor- as a beneficial resource for the studentof what classes went towards the degree veterans’ orientation for all first time stu- mation regarding the use of the benefits, veteran on campus. In attempt to help that they were working to receive. dents using veteran benefits,” said Gen- resources available at MVCC, and VA and student-veterans narrow their class opIt is now 2013, and MVCC has taken eral McArthur III, Student Success and institutional requirements for the con- tions, each student veteran-veteran is many necessary steps to ensure student- Veterans’ Coordinator at Moraine Valley tinued use of their benefits.” encouraged to visit the Job Resource veterans are better informed in regards Community College. “The program is faThe mandatory orientation is just one VETS | page 3

Funny business proves ‘Laughing Matters’ By Erica Sinnott Staff Writer People say laughter is the best medicine. Those at Second City’s “Laughing Matters” saw these effects first hand and can agree. Second City, a leader in imrov based sketch comedy, has been around for over 50 years. While some scenes are scripted, many are done on the fly or improvised. Many people who have started with Second City have gone onto acting or improv shows such as “Saturday Night Live.” “Laughing Matters” is only one of the shows Second City performs. Touring in many cities, “Laughing Matters” pokes fun at life in a way that we can all relate. Having been to Moraine before, Second City always turns out a huge crowd. This is a show that continually sells out whenever these performers grace the stage in the Dorothy Menker Theater. For this specific show Second City’s Blue Company visited Moraine Valley. These talented actors are John Hartman, Nicole Hastings, Adam Peacock, Pat Reidy, and Emily Walker. John Hartman, in addition to performing with Second City, works at

the iO Theater and is half of the duo Witaske and Hartman. Writing and acting in two solo shows, Hartman has received Time Out Chicago Critic’s Picks for both of these. Nicole Hastings, who has done im-

male group, Eleanor. Adam Peacock was most recently a cast member for Second City’s “NCL Spirit” and “NCL Pearl.” In addition to performing with Second City, he can be seen performing with Ghostman

Second City’s cast mixes improv and scripted comedy to create a unique show that touches the funny bone of audience members young and old. [Michael Frederiksen] prov in Chicago for a few years, trained at the Second City Conservatory and Music Improvisation program and iO. She also is in the ensemble of an all fe-

and others. Pat Reidy, an improv teacher at the Annoyance Theater, has been in many original productions with sketch

groups. In addition to that, he has an original show, “Pat Reidy Fails: LIVE!!!” Emily Walker, having studied improv, sketch comedy, and musical improv, has performed in many shows across the Midwest. With Chelsea Devantez, they are the musical comedy duo “Ding!” An audience favorite was the “Where Can 3 Strangers Meet?” improv. In it, Reidy, Peacock, and Walker were the three strangers who met in Hawaii. The audience threw out many twists including Walker was really a man and they had to act as though they were in a horror movie. Another audience favorite was “What You Really Want To Tell Someone Who You Hate but Can’t.” In this, she sang about a certain person she didn’t like and how all she wanted to do was hit him in the face with a chair, run him over with a bus, and many other things that are considered socially inacceptable to say to your boyfriend. Overall, the audience had a great time at this event. The laughter rarely ceased throughout the hour and a half show. Erica Sinnott can be contacted at



Former features editor takes job at NIU By Anne Parker Editorial Assistant Rebecca Rahe, a former features editor for The Glacier, can honestly say that being a part of the staff was a crucial part of becoming who she is today. She was a student at Moraine Valley until 2006 where she received an Associate of Science Degree. Afterwards, she attended Northern Illinois University and earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Journalism and a minor in Communication Studies. She currently works at NIU in the Registration and Records Office, entering student record data and assisting students with the production of transcript requests. Working with the students at NIU reminds her of the time she spent working with the students on The Glacier staff. “At my current job we have periods where the work load is quite heavy and it brings me back to my time at The Glacier,” said Rahe. “It’s weird but I find those times to be enjoyable. Since leaving MVCC I miss the rush of having a stack of things to get done in a small amount of time. I love that I still get to work with students, through either phone calls or helping out at our front desk area. Coming from areas where I worked primarily with students, that was one aspect I knew I always wanted to remain involved with.” Coming to Moraine Valley ended up being a great benefit to Rahe, who before attending, had negative feelings about going to college. “The thought of more school made me sick as I was never really a good student. The only thing I did well in was Art,” said

Rahe. “I chose MVCC because I could stay at home. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. I like to think that MVCC is where I grew up; I knew a lot of people on campus and that made it so much fun. I worked hard and I played hard, I did well in many classes and sometimes I wonder how I got it all done.” Meeting new people and making friends also helped Rahe become more comfortable when she stared working at The Glacier, after spending time as a Student Aide in the Student Life Center. “The Glacier was tucked away in the back in what seemed to be it’s own little world,” said Rahe. “I would see people, usually the same ones, going in and out all day. At times I would have to ask them to turn the music down, or ask them to quiet down…so I knew they must be having fun.” When Rahe met friend and former features editor for the The Glacier, Tom Tighe, was when her career with The Glacier began. “I would start hanging out for a little bit and I just slowly started doing things around the office,” said Rahe. She first started copy editing, and gradually started taking photos, and later features editor. However, there was one job that really stood out for Rahe, where she was able to use her experience in art. “The coolest title that wasn’t really a title, instead it was ad paste-up person. In my time the ads had to be placed on the hard copy of the paper to be sent to the printer and this was done with rubber cement,” said Rahe. “With my art background I knew my way around an X-Acto blade and some rubber cement. When I

Best & worst SB ads By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor Based on plenty of reviews and polling websites, some of the funniest commercials were not necessarily the most popular Super Bowl advertisements. Bottom three advertisements 1-Calvin Klein: “I’m sexy and I know it” advertisement, which featured a half-naked man taking a run in his CK boxer briefs. 2-Go Daddy: “Sexy meets smart” advertisement, which featured ex supermodel Bar Refaeli and a nerd named Walter. 3-Beck’s: “Sapphire” advertisement, which featured the new drink in a seemingly pointless $4 million commercial. Top three advertisements 1-Taco Bell: “Old people party late” advertisement, which featured a group of elderly people going out and having a wild almost “Hangover” type of night. This ad may not rank high on most lists, but it certainly is an attention grabber.

2-Volkswagon: “Jamaica-be happy” advertisement, which featured a white guy speaking with an upbeat and golucky Jamaican accent. This commercial took a bunch of heat out of the gate for being “racist,” however the Jamaican government thought the commercial illustrated the happy-go-lucky nature of the country. 3-Budweiser: “Landslide Horse” advertisement, which featured a heartwarming story about a horse becoming the lead Clydesdale horse in the running back to his owner as the notable Fleetwood Mac song “Landslide” played in the background. This uplifting commercial put a smile on the viewer’s face and really appealed to individuals who enjoyed the background music and a horse lover. Let The Glacier know what you think about your top and bottom Super Bowl advertisements by contacting the features editor at Kevin M. Coyne can be contacted at

convinced Ted to let me do one, I just never stopped. It became my thing. I found it to be a unique challenge of sometimes having a tight space to have to fit this ad into while keeping the ad at its specific size, and it was fun for me.” Since studying at NIU, Rahe began writing for their student newspaper, the Northern Star. However, the format there was far different than the comfortable setting she received from The Glacier staff. While both newspapers have their own guidelines, the creative experience is not the same. “Sometimes others try to force you into this cookie cutter form,” explained Rahe. “This is true about your life as well as writing. At MVCC I had the freedom to write in my own style. I never felt like I had to write a story exactly like the person next to me. When I tried to work for another paper, I felt like they wanted each person’s story to be written exactly like the next regardless of what the story was about.” For Rahe, having the idea that she could write for The Glacier how she wanted, helped to teach her a very important lesson: “The Glacier taught me that it was ok to just be me,” said Rahe. “I didn’t have to be like everyone else in the office, but yet

MVCC alumnus, Rebecca Rahe is now working at NIU. Rahe served as the features editor of The Glacier. [Provided] we could all come together and have some pretty amazing times.” Anne Parker can be contacted at parkera3@



Speech team outlasts competition, again By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor

Moraine’s speech team brought home the gold on Feb. 2 at the 2013 Prairie State Community College Showdown in the Heights Speech Tournament. As the Ravens and the 49ers prepared for the Super Bowl, the same was true for the MVCC speech team as they geared up

for their own Super Bowl. Coaches John Nash and Amanda Pettigrew lead the 13-student team to the first place hardware. From 2011, the MVCC speech team has earned the top of the podium over four times. After immense preparation the speech team has come out strong in the 2013 season. Earning the silver medal was Kishwaukee College and as a sec-

ond bridesmaid was College of DuPage. On Feb. 26 the MVCC speech team will showcase their talent in the Moraine Rooms. In addition, the team will compete on Feb. 12 at 4:30p.m., Feb. 28 at 5:00 p.m., March 20 at 5:00 p.m., and April 11 at 6:00p.m. at Moraine. Top finishers for the MVCC speech team include: in communication analysis, Lauren Smith, Alsip, Ill. placed The speech team took first at the 2013 Showdown in the Heights. [Provided]

first. In prose interpretation Onute Jureviciute, Palos Heights, Ill. placed second. In program of oral interpretation, Samm Hilger placed second. In persuasive speaking, Liz Salim placed third. In speech to entertain, Samm Hilger placed first. In informative speaking, Luke Langlois, Alsip, Ill. placed second. In impromptu speaking, Tom Murphy placed fifth. In dramatic interpretation, Brett Krivich, placed fifth, and in duo interpretation, Ryan Hajyousif, Orland Park, Ill. and Luke Langlois both placed seventh. For more information regarding the speech team’s performance dates and times, visit Moraine’s website. Kevin M. Coyne can be contacted at VETS | from front page Center and active seek advice from their academic advisor. “I would urge student-veterans to determine their ultimate educational goals as soon as possible. This will enable them to create a plan of the most efficient use of their benefits,” said McArthur. “Equally as important, I would suggest that they meet with academic advisors often to ensure a smooth transition into the four year college with regards to transferable courses and credits.” Since the implementation of these programs and services, Mr. McArthur says he has received positive feedback from student-veterans at Moraine Valley Community College. “The veterans are appreciative of Moraine Valley for assisting them in working through the complexities of tuition benefits provided by the G.I. Bill and other military educational programs,” said McArthur. “This deeper understanding is what drives MVCC to continue to provide optimal support to our student veterans by improving on existing programs and seeking to find new, innovative ways to continue to service our student veterans.” For student-veterans who have questions, General McArthur can be contacted at 708-608-4144 or by email at

Jim Thompson can be contacted at



CRCP recognizes 38 Moraine students By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor Recently, 38 Moraine students were honored for their academic achievement while participating in the Chicagoland Regional College Program at the CRCP 2012 Academic Merit Awards Ceremony. Seven of the 38 students obtained a 4.0 GPA and won a $500 Merit Award Scholarship from CRCP. One of the two speakers chosen is a Moraine student. Jean Kane, Palos Hills, Ill. addressed a crowed of over 75 award recipients and guests. Kane is working towards her Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. “The College is extremely proud of our Moraine Valley students who participate in the CRCP program,” said Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Executive Assistant to the President, Dr. Margaret Lehner. “They work either the graveyard or sunrise shift at UPS loading trailers. After a hard night’s work, they come to Moraine to work on their Associate degrees and certificates, all the while maintaining stellar academic standing, which qualifies them for special monetary awards in the CRCP program.” Moraine students, Steve Cokaric, Richard Espinoza, David Hardin, Bonnie Jones, Casey Ricardo, Rebecca Seyller, and Stepahnie Widel, were the seven students who held a 4.0 GPA while working part-time at UPS. To lend the students support, Dr. Sylvia Jenkins, Dr. Margaret Lehner, and Dr. Normah Salleh-Barone attended the awards ceremony. Each award winner from Moraine participates in CRCP and maintains above a 3.5 GPA while working the late shift at UPS. CRCP provides students with an entrylevel position, earning minimum wage and working four hours a night MondayFriday. In total, 200 students are enrolled

Moraine Valley student, Jean Kane was one of the two student speakers at the 2012 CRCP Academic Merit Awards Ceremony. [Provided] in the program. About 45-50 percent of students in the program are from Moraine Valley. “The purpose of CRCP is to make college affordable. CRCP is a way to build up the workforce. UPS and CRCP believe in philanthropy and education is very important,” said CRCP Associate Executive Director, Servelure McMath Bostick. CRCP offers students many benefits. Students who enroll in the program will earn a weekly paycheck, after 90-days, the student will be given a raise. In addition, UPS provides each student with a Pace bus pass and an additional $300 at the end of each month. For the past 9-years CRCP has provided students with tuition assistance. This year CRCP received a $2 million grant from the State of Illinois. With the funds allotted to CRCP students may receive up to $8,000 for the upcoming spring semester. “One of the greatest benefits is that

Moraine Valley Board members supported the 38 Moraine students who were awarded the 2012 CRCP Academic Merit Award. In addition to the Moraine board members, Tanya Norflect from Prarie State attended the ceremony. [Provided]

students don’t have to take out loans or write personal checks,” said Bostick. Students who enter this program commit to a yearlong program; however, there are no strings attached. Students who decided to drop out of the program are free to do so without being penalized. CRCP received the state funding late;

therefore, students may begin working in the fall semester and will be offered tuition assistance for the spring semester. Although students who are taking a full course-load are eligible for the program, CRCP recommends that students take classes part-time and work part-time. “Taking classes part-time and working part-time equals a full-time load,” said Bostick. Throughout the duration of the program many students have continued to work at UPS after graduating from their respective college. This program, however, is meant to provide students with the assistance needed to successfully complete college without incurring immense debt and work in whatever career they may choose to pursue. CRCP makes it a point to help students reach their career goals. CRCP offers open houses and distributes informational packets at each of the colleges that have partnered up with CRCP. To get more information regarding CRCP, please visit or call (708) 387-2600. Kevin M. Coyne can be contacted at social@



MVCC Foundation ups 2013 goal By Ruba Ibrahim Staff Writer Currently, the Moraine Valley Foundation has raised over $2.8 million of the original $3 million goal. After the Foundation reached the $2.8 million mark, the $3 million goal was increased to $3.5 million, which leaves a $700 thousand void. In total, the Foundation has over 700 donors, which includes employees at the College. As part of the Foundation’s mission to help students afford college, the Foundation offers 60 student scholarships and hopes to offer over 100 scholarships next year. “The Moraine Foundation is a separate corporation from Moraine Valley Community College,” said MVCC Foundation Executive Director Sue Linn. “Our goal is to raise funds for specific programs and capital projects.” Recently, the Foundation was able to reach out to the Chicago Blackhawks to procure a $250 thousand investment for the new Health Education and Wellness Center. This unlikely partnership will provide the Hawks with naming rights to the new HEWC. In addition to the new HEWC, the Foundation helped fund the writing center, which was a restricted gift used solely to help students mentor other students. Each donor is able to decide where the funds will be donated and

choose to be recognized for their donation. “Our primary goal is to increase each program at the college and help students pay for college,” said Linn. “Everything we do, we do for the students.” According to the Foundation’s mission statement, the goal of the Foundation is to provide funds for specific proj- The Moraine Valley Foundation is dedication to improvects, programs, and col- ing the College’s programs and helping students afford college. [MVCC Foundation] lege improvement projects. The Foundation is a non-profit organization, which pro- alumnus hall of fame,” said Linn. motes and financially supports college Students who wish to apply for any programs, provides scholarships, and of the scholarships provided by the exercise prudent management and in- MVCC Foundation must apply online vestment of donor funds. at Moraine’s website. Most scholar“The Foundation is open to taking ships have a March 1 deadline and gifts and allow donors to be recognized some are year-around scholarships. for tax purposes,” said Linn. “All of our For more information regarding the donors are listed on the website and giving process contact Executive Direcoutside of our office.” tor, Sue Linn at 708-974-5335 or by Entering 2013, the MVCC Foun- email at dation is eager to involve Moraine’s For students who have questions alumni and reconnect each alumnus about available scholarships, contact with the College. In an effort to engage Moraine Valley’s Financial Aid Office alumni of the College, the Foundation at 708-974-5726 or visit the office in will help build the alumni network the Student Services Center in the S and help recent graduates in their job Building. search. “One of our initiatives is to bring Ruba Ibrahim can be contacted at ibraalumni back to Moraine by starting the

STUDENT CLUBS 24 Karat Dance Team Contact Adrienne Stewart at 974-5478. Action, Social & Political Empowerment Contact Anette D’Silva at 974-4023. Alliance of African American Students Contact Alex Elvira at 974-5487. Alliance of Latin American Students Contact Alex Elvira at 974-5487. Anime Club Call 974-5717. Arab Student Union Contact Nina Shoman-Dajani at 608-4349. Art Club Contact Tyler Hewitt at 974-5219. Artistic Metal-Working Contact James Greer at 974-5423. Asian Diversity Contact Wenney Tse at 974-5797. Bass Fishing Contact Rhett Wheeler at 974-4262. College Bowl Contact Ted Powers at 608-4177. Combat to College Contact Jeremy Kingery at 608-4068. Criminal Justice Club Contact Michelle Furlow at 974-5723. Culinary Arts & Hospitality Club Contact Michael O’Shea at 974-5597. Cyber Security Club Contact Kathleen Hanratty in T520. Cyclone Spinners Contact Maura Vizza at 974-5742. Drama Club Contact Craig Rosen at 974-5432. Down To Dance Contact Cheryl Powers-Rojak in G200. Filmmaker’s Club Contact Dan Pal at (630) 942-2800. Forensics Contact Mike Shannon at 608-4047. Freethought Society Contact Tyler Hewitt at 974-5219. Gay, Lesbian Or Whatever Contact Martha Mazeika, at 608-4320. Glacier Contact Ted Powers 608-4177. Green Club Contact Stephanie Presseller at 974-5412. International Women’s Club Contact Anette D’Silva at 974-4023. International Conversation Partners   Contact Elizabeth Boucek at 974-5427. K-Fu Club Contact Courtney Reese at 974-4067. Mastadon   Contact Ted Powers at 608-4177. Meeting, Planning, and Travel Club Contact Mary Beth Walsh at 974-5569. Music Club Contact Tammi Carlson at 974-5636. Muslim Student Association Contact Demetrius Robinson at 974-5353. Operation Snowball- Blizzard Edition Contact Mary Vicich at 974-5418. Peers Educating Peers   Contact Klaudia Mallett at 974-5722. Phi Theta Kappa/ Honors Organization Contact Demetrius Robinson at 974-5353. Psychology Club Contact Mitch Baker at (708) 608-4058. Recreation Interdisciplinary Strategy Club Contact Teresa Hannon at 608-4193. Recreation Management/ Recreation Therapy Contact Donna McCauley at 974-5227. Rock Solid Ministry Contact Michael Shannon at (708) 608-4047. Science Club Contact Keith Nabb at 974-5592. Student of Honors (S.H.A.R.P) Contact Ryan Nagle at 974-5679. Ski Club Contact Michael Wade at 974-5594. Student Ambassador Program Contact Alicea Toso at 974-5356. Ultimate Frisbee Contact Jessica Crotty at 974-5281. Women Empowerment Contact Dawn Fry at 974-5717. Xclusive Contact Demetrius Robinson at (708) 974-5353.



Seasoned reporter discusses CTA woes By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor Without taking a single journalism class during her undergrad, RedEye reporter, Tracy Swartz serves as the only CTA exclusive reporter. Swartz visited Moraine to speak with a communications class about the wild world of journalism. Prior to covering the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Chicago homicides, and general assignments for the RedEye, Swartz took eight internships in various locations and covering a verity of topics. As a seasoned reporter she’s felt the sting of the Chicago Tribune’s strict ethics policy, which prevents a RedEye reporter from receiving any gifts, free meals or attending events on a source’s dime. Although Swartz is prohibited from allowing a source to provide her with gifts, she has an innate ability to have fun as a journalist. From 2009-2012, Swartz took it upon herself to ride every CTA bus, from start to finish, which took about three-hours per bus route and included more than 141 buses. In 2012, she completed the “L” challenge, which includes visiting every

CTA station by train, which took about nine hours, Swartz said jokingly “if you have nine hours to kill, I highly recommend it.” Riding the CTA may be an inconvenience to some Chicagoans, but for Swartz it is part of her commute to the Chicago Tribune Building where she’s stationed, and a wealth of entertainment and knowledge. “In my six-years working at the RedEye I feel I’ve really seen the everchanging state of the economy,” said Swartz. “It’s interesting to see the diversity of Chicago based on different areas of the city.” Some of the greatest reporters find unique or hidden stories, which are special to a particular newspaper or news outlet. Swartz did just that by canonizing homicides in Chicago. In fact, Swartz debated with the spokesperson from the Chicago Police Dept. when she reported that the total number of homicides in 2012 was the highest since 2008. Swartz tweeted that 513 homicides occurred and the CPD reported only 506 homicides. It turns out that the CPD “classified the deaths not as homicides even though the Medical Examiner’s Office

called them homicides,” said Swartz. “I decided to create a weekly column to cover the homicides,” said Swartz. “In four-years I have only had one week where there wasn’t a homicide to write about.” While working at the RedEye, Swartz has created an extensive database of all homicides reaching back six-years to 2007. Targeting ages 18 to 34-years-old, the RedEye and Swartz feel it’s important to cover homicides since most of the individuals involved are in that target age range. Swartz mentioned that students looking to intern in Chicago should apply to the various news outlets in Chicago. She said that Chicago is a great city and there are plenty of opportunities to find internships. Her final statement encapsulated the field of journalism. “Sometimes your work as a journalist really does inspire change,” said Swartz. “Sometimes it’s like you’re shouting from the roof tops.” It was a pleasure to speak with a knowledgeable, witty, and affable journalist. Swartz’s work can be found at the R

RedEye reporter, Tracy Swartz spoke to MVCC class about her life as a journalist. [Erica Sinnott] dEye’s website and in print. Her work has appeared in other publications such as New York Daily News, Chicago Sun-Times, Baltimore Sun, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Roll Call, and her data was used by New York Times. Kevin M. Coyne can be contacted at



Fallon Sweeney Entertainment Editor


Thodos Dancers revisit Chicago history By Fallon Sweeney Entertainment Editor The Columbian Exposition of 1893 was an inspiring yet horrifying time in American and Chicago history that has recently been made into a ballet by Thodos Dance Chicago. Thodos Dance Chicago company visited Moraine Valley’s library lounge to discuss their upcoming performance of “The White City: Chicago’s Columbian Exposition of 1893” at our Dorothy Menker Theater. They discussed the experience of turning “The Devil in the White City,” by Erik Larson, into a dance production. Melissa Thodos, founder, artistic director & co-choreographer of “The White City: Chicago’s Columbian Exposition of 1893,” spoke to audience members about the story behind the production, as well as the history that helped inspire such a story and characters (many which came from real life). As Thodos put it, “The reason my collaborator Ann Reinking and I chose this story is it’s a really special time in history for the city of Chicago and in

Carrie Patterson (plays Sophia Hayden) demonstrates the choreography featured in the acrchitecture scene of the approaching performance. In this scene, Sophia fights to be heard amongst a group of male architects. [Michael Frederiksen] American history. The mission of Thodos Dance Chicago is to celebrate and present the work of American choreographers.” After a short discussion, Melissa Thodos showed the documentary “Beneath the White City Lights: The Making of an American Story Ballet.” The Emmy

nominated documentary provided an emotionally touching look into making a story ballet. In the short documentary, Melissa Thodos, Tony Award winner Ann Reinking, and numerous cast members were interviewed about the process. This included dancer Carrie Patterson (Sophia

Hayden in the play) who came with Melissa Thodos to discuss the production. There are many things that make this play unique apart from it being nonfiction turned ballet. Thanks to the Chicago History Museum, Thodos Dance Chicago had the opportunity to use much of the museum’s World’s Fair of 1893 photo collection, which is projected onto a back screen throughout the play. After showing the documentary short, Carrie Patterson showed a dance piece of her character Sophia Hayden, lone female architect for the World’s Fair of 1893, approaching the table of men with her own ideas. Afterward, the floor was opened to questions. The showing of Thodos Dance Chicago’s production of “The White City: Chicago’s Columbian Exposition of 1893” will take place at the Menker Theater on Feb. 9. There is a free master class taught by one of the dancers available for intermediate to advanced level dancers that will be on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Fallon Sweeney can be contacted at



Theatre IV tells Harriet Tubman’s story

Jazelle Foster plays Harriet Tubman who is commonly referred to as a conductor of the Underground Railroad. Foster’s performance encapsulated the role that Tubman played in freeing slaves and promoting equal freedom. [Tiffany Coleman] By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor A five-person acting crew shocked and awed a group of middle schoolers during their encapsulation of Harriet Tubman’s life. Two middle schools from the Chicagoland area attended the performance and filled the theater with laughter,

general curiosity, and a wealth of knowledge. Theatre IV, from the Virginia Repertory Theatre, located in Richmond, Va. presented: “Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad,” at the Fine and Performing Arts Center (FPAC) on Wednesday, Feb 6. Known as “The Black Moses,” Harriet Tubman was played by a personable,

Aftermath: part two By Bryan McCauley Staff Writer

bright rock and roll melodies. They’ve even thrown a bit of the dance-club into the mix on the track Coheed & Cambria’s seventh and “Number City”, which features elecmost recent studio offering, “The After- tronic drums and driving bass groove. math: Descension,” is the band’s second The sound quality on “Descension” release in under six months, and easily is top-quality, and the album should their most ambitious album to date. be listened to through a decent pair While their enof headphones or tire discography speakers in order is made up of soto appreciate how called “concept alwell the mixing and bums” due to the mastering were underlying sci-fi done. storyline interwoThere are so ven throughout, many auxiliary “Descension,” as instruments and well as its sister sound effects layalbum The Afterered throughout math: Ascension” that a good portion (released last Octoof the experience ber as the first half is bound to be lost of a double-length) through a dinky manages to up the Coheed & Cambria’s second half of their system. ante by providing a Aftermath album set is called “DescenGiven the large richer diversity of sion.” [Hundred Handed/Everything Evil] amount of new themes. material that’s just Musically, Coheed & Cambria are been released, Coheed & Cambria seem a difficult group to pigeonhole, as so to be gearing up for quite the tour. If many of their songs incorporate ele- they can replicate the epic feel of “Dements of metal, pop-punk and classic scension” in front of a live audience, rock. then a pair of $80 tickets might be jus“Descension” continues in that tra- tifiable. dition, this time playing up the pop sensibilities with ample string, horn Bryan McCauley can be contacted at mcand choral arrangements, as well as big, cauleyb8@student.morainevalley@edu.

strong-willed and tenacious actress, Jazelle Foster. Tubman’s life was told in a historical sense with intermittent song, dance and laughter. Except for Foster, each performer played multiple characters. At the start of the play a reporter, Gina Laguzza, interviewed Tubman and pitched the story to her editor, Dan Limo. As the play progressed, the audience was introduced to Tubman’s hardworking sister, Ahjah Prom, and Tubman’s brother, Earley Dean. Throughout the performance, each member of the five-person ensemble changed the scene, setting and scenery with flawless execution. Each character provided an indepth monologue depicting Tubman as a “conductor on the Underground Railroad.” According to the ensemble, Tubman never had a “train go off the track,” and “never lost a passenger.” Tubman was an innovator. By learning to read and write using only the Bible, she was able to create songs with special meanings to alert slaves. What is commonly known as the Underground Railroad transcended Tubman and her work as a leader or “conduc-

tor” of the railroad. From 1850 until the end of the Civil War (1865), Tubman successfully liberated over 750 slaves, thus giving her the title, “Black Moses,” which was due to her leading blacks to the “Promised Land.” At the end of the performance, each member of the ensemble spoke about Tubman’s life after the Civil War and her unwavering dedication to helping others. “Anything you give to her (Tubman), she gives it to someone else, someone who needs it more,” proclaimed the reporter. It was believed that Harriet Tubman lived to be almost 100-years-old and died from pneumonia in Auburn, NY. Tubman was a native of Bucktown, MD lived a life of charity and fought for justice, as did any of the great civil rights leaders. In the final scene, each member of the ensemble helped to close the phenomenal musical score by stating that, “What happens next is up to you.” Kevin M. Coyne can be contacted at



Viral, cult classic goes from book to film By Fallon Sweeney Entertainment Editor “John Dies at the End” is a product of blending liberal amounts of bizarre humor, gore bordering on goofy, and science fiction brand absurdity that creates an instant comic-cult classic. This unique horror, comedy, Sci-Fi story focuses on two friends who become involved in something much larger than them, much larger than the normal imagination can quite grasp. The film focuses on David Wong (Chase Williamson), John’s (Rob Mayes) best friend and wingman. David finds himself knee deep in a situation that he doesn’t understand after responding to a late night call from John. In the process of rescuing John from his empty apartment, David learns of something his friend calls “soy sauce” and is swept up in a fight for humanity (in one dimension of reality, anyway). So how does a story that travels from one edge of reality to the other hold to a path of narration? David meets with Arnie Blondestone (Paul Giamatti) in an oriental restaurant to tell the story of his extraordinary experience. Soy sauce is a drug with otherworldly, gruesome side effects. Commonly called “sauce” on the streets, soy sauce gives users inhuman perception, allowing them to be omniscient.

What users fail to realize is that the sauce is using them; either they help it’s cause or perish trying to resist. The drug has a mind all of it’s own, making it an active substance with plans for our pathetic planet. Armed with weaponry straight from the brightest crevices of a dark mind, the two embark upon a journey so twisted and amusing it’s nearly impossible to look away. Up against evil that comes from the netherworld, unlikely heroes David and John wield a spiked baseball bat (covered in pages of the Old Testament) and a paintball gun (equipped with a propane tank). What they are saving the world from isn’t entirely

clear; the horrors which they face range from cliché’ to nonsensical. Along the way, they join forces with adorable amputee, girl-next-door, Amy (Fabianne Therese) and Bark Lee (a dog). Amy’s character is apparently a hybrid of two characters from the original series. The word apparently is used because her character comes off as flat and shallow. Bark Lee is based off the canine character Molly from the original story. “John Dies at the End” originally spawned as a web-comic serial written by David Wong (who is really Justin Pargin) that sparked an unlikely viral following. From there, it was edited into a manuscript and eventually into a paper-

David Wong (Chase Williamson) and John (Rob Mayes) embark on an adventure that is far from this world. Put up against warped reality and creatures straight from the depths of the underworld the two must fight to save the world. [Magnet Releasing]

back and, finally, a hardcover. Film director Don Coscarelli (Phantasm and Bubba Ho Tep) stumbled upon this odd tale through pure chance when it was suggested to him by the website Amazon. The film take on “John Dies At The End” is undeniably bizarre and may be difficult to follow for more serious audiences. If clear premise and continuous, concise plot is what you seek, this may not be your best choice. Disappointing battle scenes and visuals that early film students could recreate make for the almost frail structure of this film. Yet, I still found it difficult to dislike this film. Those who find themselves undaunted have two choices of seeking out this film. Not only is the movie available for viewing in select theaters, but is also available for instant rental. For less than the cost of two tickets to the theater, customers can rent the film for 48 hours. From sites such as Amazon Instant Video, customers can instantly stream their rental onto any compatible device in their home. At the end, some may be left wondering what’s really real. Or what the deal really is with red meat. Just remember not to spoil the ending. Fallon Sweeney can be contacted at



Sorting through religious ‘Hodgepodge’ By Fallon Sweeney Entertainment Editor Few men of god will ask you to challenge your beliefs in the religion that they preach. Even fewer will call out their church on its most blatant instabilities. Dr. Sago challenges his readers to take a closer look at their religion by taking a step back and thinking logically. “Holy Hodgepodge” is a non-fiction work written by Dr. Paul E. Sago, a man who has dedicated over fifty years of his life to organized religion. Dr. Sago was a pastor for four churches and acted as vice president or president for five universities, four of which were religion or church based. From early beginnings in religion, Dr. Sago had many questions for the faith many around him took on blindly. His first experience with religion was in a small, conservative community in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. He questioned much of what he was taught, seeing the beliefs that others took on so easily as borrowed and impersonal. Dr. Paul E. Sago will be the first to say that religion is not only personal, but in its own ways relative in the respect that

some aspects do not work for every believer. As Dr. Sago puts it, “ . . . I feel that what may be sin for one person, may not necessarily be sin for another.” The ways in which people perceive religious text such as the Bible, as well as the teachings within them, have a tendency to be convenience based. Religious texts have a way of becoming tools, but only when it is convenient or fitting for their own beliefs. As Dr. Sago puts it, “Of all the books ever written, the Bible is probably the most misinterpreted and misused.” Throughout his book, Dr. Sago brings issues to light that will make the most dedicated of believers take a moment to think deeply about what they accept as their beliefs. He considers ideas like original sin (a concept commonly accepted by Christians), creationism, life after death, heaven, and hell. Dr. Paul E. Sago is open about recognizing the Bible as a type of mythology. He explains to readers, “Technically the Bible is not the word of God.” He continues, “God does not write books . . . those who claim to hear God’s voice . . . usually hear him talk about matters that are

‘Freedom’ to impress By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor

semi-love-song that describing a young man wheeling a Southern bell and getting the “green light” to have “One of Recently, Tim McGraw released an al- Those Nights.” McGraw is featured in the bum designed to get country fans fired music video on the set and intermittent up, slow dancing and rocking down “Two photos of a Southern town, most likely Lanes of Freedom.” Delhi, Louisiana, Tim McGraw and the country singMcGraw Music, LLC, er’s hometown, released “Two Lanes loop through the of Freedom” on Feb. background. 5 at all stores and on This album is iTunes. McGraw’s different from new album consists McGraw’s past alof 15 songs and feabums under Curb tures country superRecords. Recently stars, Taylor Swift McGraw started and Keith Urban. his own company Over the years, and took on a little McGraw sold over different approach 40 million records to creating counand had 32 number Country Star Tim McGraw embraces new try music. one hits. Prior to and old styles of country in his new album If you enjoy artthe album’s release, “Two Lanes of Freedom.” [McGraw Music] ists such as Toby a few tracks snuck Keith, Blake Shelonto YouTube. At this point, “One of ton, Eric Church or Jason Aldean, than Those Nights” and “Truck Yeah” are fea- McGraw’s new album “Two Lanes of tured on Tim McGraw’s YouTube chan- Freedom” is your kind of album. With nel. a mixture of new-age country, classic In the music video for “Truck Yeah,” country love songs and a little someMcGraw is shown with his band playing thing in the interim, any country fan can in the middle of a four-truck encircle- appreciate the new album. ment of country boys wheeling around the superstar and his band. Kevin M. Coyne can be contacted at social@ “One of Those Nights” is an upbeat

their own pet peeves.” Yet, he assures readers, “It does not diminish the power of the Bible for us to understand that it was written about God by men.” Dr. Sago brings to light facts that may surprise some and possibly upset others. Few are aware that church property is considered tax-exempt. He asks readers to consider just how much money goes into organized religion, taxes included. Dr. Sago goes on to say that there is an overbearing influence of the church in today’s political matters. He specifically mentions the presence of churches in the battle over Proposition 8 (giving same-sex couples the constitutional right to marry). As a country, we agreed to the separation of church and state in order to promote religious and spiritual freedom. In many ways, this is not being upheld. Dr. Paul E. Sago takes a respectful stance on the many aspects of religion while presenting readers with questions that they cannot possibly ignore. This self-questioning promotes a firmer grasp on a person’s beliefs about their chosen religion, helping to stop blind acceptance of somewhat ancient religious concepts.

Paul E. Sago has been involved in organized religion most of his life. In his book he closely examines what many accept about their religion as fact. [iUniverse] Without being offensive, Dr. Sago is able to encourage awareness and cognizance (in an encouraging way) about faith, regardless of religion. Fallon Sweeney can be contacted at


Career Corner


JRC is prepped for Mock Interview Day By Anne Parker Editorial Assistant The Job Resource Center is gearing up for their annual Mock Interview Day to help students prepare for future interviews when going out into the business world. While JRC has had workshops regarding successful interviews in the past, Mock Interview Day will be a refreshing experience, because students will have the chance to talk one on one with an employer who knows how the process is done. “I’m looking forward to students leaving and feeling empowered and encouraged with better interviewing skills,” said Job Resource Specialist, Tamima Farooqui. Employers include some new and former attendees who have interviewed students before. Their occupations range in various industries including healthcare, business, banking and human resources. In the past, the number of students who attend Mock Interview Day has gradually increased. This year, JRC staff estimate that 60 students of Moraine Valley will attend.

The first Mock Interview Day in 2008 started the tradition. The event was implemented by Tamima Farooqui and devised by JRC Director Pamela Payne. The event was originally designated in the foyer of the T Building. Now it has expanded into the Moraine Valley Business and Conference Center, where the upcoming 11th Mock Interview Day will take place. Students who attend Mock Interview Day will meet in the foyer of the M building and are required to check in. Students who attend must also bring two resumes; one is the student’s registration and the other resume goes to the employer that they will be speaking with. “We try our best to match the student’s interest with the employer’s background,” explained Farooqui. The student is then escorted to one of the many privately separated tables for their 30 minutes interview with one of the employers. “The interviewee gets 20 minutes of questions and 10 minutes of great feedback. In the real world, it’s very rare that during and after a real interview you would get such feedback about how well you did or what you need to

improve on. So this is a rare and precious opportunity,” said Farooqui. While the employers are provided a list of questions to ask students, they are also encouraged to ask their own. Since the Mock Interview Day has continued to be a success, changes and improvements have not been needed to the overall scheduling and process. “The format is so successful, we don’t anticipate on making changes,” said Farooqui. “We want to make sure that students who wants to go more than once may be able to do another interview depending on availability.” It is imperative that students who participate in Mock Interview Day treat their interviews with the employers present just like any interview that they would attend; therefore, appropriate dress is a must, along with proper etiquette and a willingness to learn how to improve on their skills when being interviewed. “It is required that students and interviewees dress professionally,” said Farooqui. “You always want to present yourself in the best light possible. The event is meant to give a real feel of what it will be like to be interviewed and provide a professional atmo-

sphere. A nice pair of trousers, button down shirt, suit and tie, business skirts and sweaters are all acceptable for this event, but we do not allow things like t-shirts, jeans, lounge wear and sneakers.” Mock Interview Day is open to the public along with students and faculty, so that all may have the opportunity to learn how to prepare for an interview or brush up after past experiences. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to prepare and connect with quality employers, so tell your friends and family,” said Farooqui. Mock Interview Day is from 2-5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 20 in the M building. Students are also encouraged to save the date for the Job and Internship Fair on March 28, also from 2-5 in the same building. This event is also open to the public. Resumes and professional attire are required for the event as well. Preregistration is not required for the Job and Internship Fair. To preregister for a 30 minute mock interview call (708) 974-5737. Anne Parker can be contacted at

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Mike Frederiksen, Photo Editor


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