The Glacier 8-31-12

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Ramirez-Justin replaces Weber on board Connor Reynolds Editor-in-Chief Former Trustee Mark Weber resigned from the Moraine Valley Board this past month, and the Board wasted no time swearing in his replacement, Andrea RamirezJustin at their August 22 meeting. “I am so humbled and honored to be part of this Board of Trustees,” Ramirez-Justin said during her swearing in. “Moraine Valley is such a wonderful value; such a gem in the Southwest suburbs. I just love it, I can’t say enough about it.” Ramirez-Justin earned a Bachelors Degree at Northern Illinois University, as well as a Masters Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is currently the UP of Old Plank Trail Community Bank in Orland Park.

“We are extremely pleased that Andrea has accepted our invitation to serve. She will bring enthusiasm and knowledge to the board. She has more than 25 years of experience in banking and has been actively involved in the community,” said Chairman Joseph Murphy. “She will make a great addition to the board, and we look forward to working with her in the coming months.” Whereas the swearing in at Ramirez-Justin was unscheduled and stole the night, the original main topic of the board meeting was meant to be one of the final votes on the Health and Wellness Center proposal prior to the campus construction beginning. Dominick Demonica showed the board the most updated plans and drawings of the planned Health BOARD | page 3

Andrea Ramirez-Justin was sworn in by Susan Wagner at the August 22 Moraine Valley board meeting. She was appointed to replace Mark Weber who recently resigned. [Thomas E. Adamo]

V.P of Academic Affairs: down to 3 By Phillip A. Bianco News Editor

Pamela Haney is the current Dean of Science, Business, and Computing Technology. She is one of three finalists competiting to become the next Vice Presdident of Academic Affairs. [Karolina Kawalko]

Moraine Valley held and information session for staff members to meet the candidates for Vice President of Academic Affairs on Monday, 27 August and on Wednesday, 29 August. On Monday, Dr. William Mullaney and Dr. Pamela Haney addressed the audience at 3:30 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. respectively. Dr. Jeffery Boyd spoke at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Dr. Mullaney from Maricopa Community College began by praising Moraine Valley’s “hospitality and graciousness.” He informed the audience that this was his first time stepping foot on Moraine’s campus. “The campus left me speechless,” said Dr. Mullaney. Dr. Mullaney hopes to build on the tradition of innovation and excellent teaching at Moraine Valley. The self-proclaimed “proponent of a liberals VICE PRESIDENT | page 6

Duncan chats on-

line about state of USA education By Phillip A. Bianco News Editor

Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education, touted the Obama administration’s commitment to community colleges in a live web chat on today.msnbc.msn. com on Friday, Aug. 24. When asked what the administration would do to strengthen America’s community colleges, Duncan said, “With the Department of Labor, we’ve already invested $2 billion in community colleges that are building public-private partnerships where programs are preparing students for high-wage, high-skill jobs in their communities. We’ve proposed an additional $8 billion investment to build upon this work and take it to scale.” Chat participant Dora Elias McAllister asked, “What is the administration going to do to increase college graduation rates?” DUNCAN | page 2

IN THIS ISSUE FEATURES SGA and ICC merged to form MVSA. Read about their first ever meeting as a new organization.

Social page 3

ENTERTAINMENT Learn all about your favorite art faculty members.

Social page 10

SPORTS Women’s volleyball team wins big at College of DuPage. Page 12


Phillip A. Bianco News Editor

THE GLACIER AUGUST 31, 2012 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 2 ABOUT THE GLACIER  The Glacier is published biweekly during the fall and spring semesters by the students of Moraine Valley Community College. SUBMISSION POLICY  All submissions should be typed and letters to the editor must include the author’s name, phone number and email address. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted.

9000 West College Parkway Palos Hills, IL 60465-0937 U Building Room U207 Phone: (708) 608-4177 Fax: (708) 974-0790 Twitter: @mvccglacier

By submitting content to The Glacier, the sender acknowledges that they represent and warrant all rights to the content. They agree to indemnify and hold harmless Moraine Valley Community College, The Glacier, hosts, affiliates, officers, readers or employees from any liability, damage or cost. The sender agrees to also hold this true for any claim or demand by a third party due to or arising out of the content they submit. The sender agrees to give The Glacier unlimited license in perpetuity to the content and the information therein. The Glacier reserves the right to edit content as deemed necessary. EDITORIAL POLICY  The opinions expressed in the Glacier do not reflect the views of the faculty, staff or administration of Moraine Valley Community College. Views expressed by non-staff do not reflect the views of The Glacier. All content decisions for The Glacier are under the authority of student editors. Material is not submitted to college administration for advance approval.

FALL STAFF Faculty Adviser Ted Powers Editor in Chief Connor Reynolds Graphics Editor Emalee Kay Photo Editor Thomas E. Adamo Online Editor Dawn Klingensmith News Editor Phillip A. Bianco Views Editor David Alexander

Sports Editor Sean McDermott Entertainment Editor Fallon Sweeney Features Editor Kevin M. Coyne Distribution Manager Robert P. Boyer Editorial Assistant Apply online now Graphics Assistant Robyn Ford Online Assistant Michael Hartman Contributing Staff

Chris Anderson William Barker Frank Gogola Karolina Kawalko Luke Langlois Jessica Pachoisiu Will Shaw Special Contributors Bill Droel - Campus Minister Taylor Geraghty - Student Trustee

Copyright © 2012 by The Glacier. All rights reserved.

DUNCAN | from front page

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan shares President Obama’s belief that “no one should go broke because they chose to go to college.” []

STUDENT TRUSTEE CORNER | TAYLOR GERAGHTY Greetings Moraine Valley students! Fall semester is in full effect and I hope these first few weeks have been successful and productive for all of you. Even if you are getting off to a rocky start, things are sure to run smoother as you become acclimated. The beginning of a new semester has always been a very significant time for me, from seeing new faces to meeting new professors. I still remember my first time ever stepping on this campus. It was for a Drawing 101 summer course. Not knowing what to expect, I brought an obnoxious amount of art supplies with me, all packed into a handy dandy plastic art case. Mind racing, I pushed my way

through the F Building’s revolving doors. The slightest sounds made such huge echoes. As I tiptoed up the stairs, I felt the handle of my supply case slip from my fingertips…CRASH! Every pencil, pen, eraser, and piece of charcoal dropped to my feet and rolled down the stairs along with my now empty supply case. Everyone stared as I scrambled to collect my things. I couldn’t dare to look anyone in the eye let alone accept their assistance in clean-

Secretary Duncan responded, “We’ve given every state clear targets for what their contribution needs to be to this national effort. Some states are on track, but many need to accelerate their work to increase completion.” Duncan continued, “To help in this effort, we’ve made historic investments in student aid and in community colleges . . . In some areas, we’re already seeing impressive progress.”Duncan also talked about the rising cost of college. “President Obama believes that no one should go broke because they chose to go to college,” said Duncan. A federal resource for student’s financial aid needs is “It’s the Department of Education’s comprehensive source for federal student aid. It should be the first stop for any student looking for federal aid to help them pay for college,” explained Duncan. Duncan called on schools all over the country to do their part to keep the cost of college down, “Universities need to keep the focus on student success. They can do this with creative ways to lower costs and strengthen academic outcomes.” Secretary Duncan also highlighted the Obama administrations “historic investment” in Pell Grants. “We raised the maximum award to $5,550 and proposed going to $5,635 next year . . . We’re also making it easier for millions of graduates to pay back their loans ing up the huge mess I’d made. Face red, I pulled all of my supplies together and made my way to the classroom (I probably abandoned a few pencils in my feeble attempts to get upstairs as quickly as possible). “Great way to start off the semester,” I thought to myself. I share this embarrassing story with you to show you that not all good endings originate from good beginnings. The class ended up being a blast, and I even met Emmanuel Santoyo, our previous Student Trustee, for the first time. He has now become a

through income-based repayment plans and loan forgiveness for public service,” said Duncan. Duncan also expressed his opinion that the federal government cannot lower the cost of education and relieve the burdens of student debt alone. “This is a shared responsibility. States need to continue to invest and universities need to do a better job of keeping down costs and building cultures that are not just about access, but are about completion too,” said Duncan. One chat contributor questioned the need for college. The question read, “If our country needs to increase its manufacturing base, shouldn’t we be focusing our efforts on trade schools?” To this Secretary Duncan said, “College isn’t only a four-year program. For people working in manufacturing, they’ll need at least some form of postsecondary education, whether that’s a certificate, a two-year degree, or more. And we know that’s what employers want.” Upon conclusion of the chat, Duncan said. to reinforce his message that the Obama administration cares about students and prioritizes higher education. “Making college affordable is one of the most important issues in education today,” said Secretary Duncan. Phillip A. Bianco can be contacted at news@ good friend of mine and is helping me to be the best Student Trustee I can be, so the end results surely outweigh those few moments of embarrassment. If things aren’t goings so well for you just yet, don’t give up hope, and don’t be afraid to reach out. Moraine Valley is your community college, so utilize it! This time I’d like to spice things up a bit…if you have any embarrassing or funny stories about the beginning of fall semester that you’d like to share, email me at, The best story wins a prize! Good luck everyone, and remember that my office is in room U204 and you can contact me at (708) 608-4165.


THE GLACIER AUGUST 31, 2012 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 2 BOARD | from front page

Dominick Demonica explains the floor plan of the Health and Wellness Center in detail. [Thomas E. Adamo]

and Wellness Center, which has quickly become reality following its conception in the 2011 Master Facilities Plan. Moraine Valley will be funding the projected $34,796,000 cost through a bond sale, which has raised $35,500,000. The board will continue to vote on a proposal for every step of the construction starting with bids to move the soccer field at the September meeting. Bids for site work will be voted on at the November meeting and bids for the foundation and concrete work will be voted on in December. Phi Theta Kappa was

honored at the meeting for being awarded five star chapter status on June 14 at the Illinois Regional Convention. The five star award recognizes the Alpha Iota Lambda chapter’s success in developing a strong chapter, improving student engagement on campus, and attainment of yearly goals set forth by the chapter for itself. The Moraine Valley Foundation reported on the results of its three-year gift giving campaign that is set to go public in January. The foundation, so far has raised 2.8 million dollars of its 3 million goal. The foundation also raised $892,000 from three anonymous donors for the purpose of underwriting the Health and Wellness Center. Their goal is $1.25 million by December. Connor Reynolds can be contacted at

Standard Bank gives to scholarship fund By Phillip A. Bianco News Editor Standard Bank & Trust Company recently donated $10,000 to the Moraine Valley Community College Foundation. The money will go to Standard Bank & Trust Company’s scholarship fund. This fund provides graduates of Brother Rice High School, Leo High School, Marist High School and Mount Caramel High School with four $2,500 scholarships annually. Winners can apply the funds to school related expenses they incur while studying at Moraine Valley. Sue Linn, Executive Director of the Moraine Valley Community College Foundation said, “We are so pleased to be able to offer the Standard Bank & Trust Company Scholarship to Moraine Valley students. The Moraine Valley Foundation has awarded more than $70,000 in student scholarships for the upcoming school year, and this gift will help even more students.” One Standard Bank & Trust scholarship has already been awarded to Palos Heights Resident Vince Cavallone, a Brother Rice Graduate currently studying criminal justice. Standard Bank is known for its generous donations to schools across the Chicagoland area. Just this past June, Standard Bank gave $15,000 to Marist High School to fund its Alumni Association, the ESCC Southside Conference Baseball Tournament, and other student necessities as well. Pat McNamara is the President of Marist High School. He said, “Standard Bank has been a longtime supporter of our community and we are very

pleased that the bank and its leaders have chosen to make such a substantial commitment to our school,” said McNamara. According to, “Standard Bank acknowledges the responsibility it has to the communities it serves. Officers represent the bank in the various service organizations in the area, and they are very involved in making these communities better places in which to live and work.” Mohammed Abunada, Assistant Vice President of Private Banking & Wealth Management at the Standard

Bank reinforced the banks commitment to the community when he said, “Both Standard Bank and Moraine Valley have been in the community for a long time. Our visions are very similar regarding enriching lives. We know that assisting students to fulfill their educational goals makes a lasting, positive impact on the community.” The Moraine Valley Foundation “provides financial support for Moraine Valley Community College and its students so they can realize their future goals and vision. Gifts received by the Moraine Valley Foundation are

used to support numerous academic programs, programming at the Fine and Performing Arts Center, student scholarships, capital improvements to the campus, technology enhancements and other special initiatives,” according to the foundations website, For more information on the Standard Bank & Trust scholarships, stop by the Moraine Valley Foundation’s office in room M220 in the M building. Phillip A. Bianco can be contacted at

Moraine Valley President Sylvia M. Jenkins (second from right) and Sue Linn, executive director of the Moraine Valley Foundation accept a donation from Mohammed Abunada (left), assistant vice president, and Michael Helsdingen, senior vice president of Standard Bank and Trust. [Marketing]



Spring 2012 Part Time Achievement List Derman Taylor

To be recognized on the Part Time Student Scholastic Achievement List, students must meet the following criteria. 1) Earn at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average with at least 24 credit hours (excluding developmental courses). 2) Attempt less than 12 credit hours of college credit courses that count toward a degree or certificate during the semester that the distinction is received. 3) Attempt at least 3 credit hours for the semester that the distinction is received (excluding developmental courses). *Grades of “D,” “F,” or “I” will exclude a student from qualifying for the Scholastic Achievement List. Alsip Edwin Bekoe Elaine M Canchola Vinette I Chancey Timothy E Cichon Rita L Craig Laura L Dice Christina A Duran Jennifer Duran Jody Greenwood Fadi Hezayin Charles R Horman David J Ketza Don J King Jonathan Michalik Amit Patel Bhavin Patel Brian M Pater Brian W Petzel Danielle Sosnowski Arthur E Urban Jane M Ziebart Bedford Park Michael J Muhr Berwyn

Angela T Cesario Mike Erin Elliott Feliciano Krystyna Guzy Manal O Hamdan Nicholas Heiser Jadwiga Janik Nuha Khraiwish Anna K Konieczna Gregory J Kruk Monika J Ligas Ameer Mansur Eric D Martinez-Munoz Anna K McCafferty Karen I Medina Agnieszka J Mendrok Nicholas S Moran Abeer Najib Laura Ortega Anna Radecka Yasmin M Razick Paul J Roche Marek Sadelski Aneta Smalec Kimberly Snyder Danielle N Vasquez Izabela Wroblewska Calumet City

Erika Aguirre Nicole Gleason

James D Allen

Blue Island


Jessica A Campagna Joseph A Carrillo Francine M Castillo Carina Esparza Sarah Ferrin-Murphy Overtis Jackson Tikita P Kernan Alexis Kliros Diana L Labriola Hanna R O’Reilly Juana Rodriguez Dave D Sportiello Michael A Stepansky Amanda J Tanis Gabriela Torres Stephanie C Williams

John Aguilera Daniel Alvarado Eliseo Barboza Marquis Beauchamp David F Beltran Robert Brown Frenz Cabagnot Maurice Carter Rogelio H Casas Mario A Cepeda Jehan A Chapple Christina M Christiano Christina Colon Matthew A Dilorenzo Charles Dunlap Ted Dygus Katherine A Egan Patrick Fitzpatrick Stacey Fuchsgruber Marilea Giblin Daniel Gonzalez Rafael J Gonzalez Kevin Grand Marco A Gutierrez Beverly Hajek Carol Harrigan Felix Hernandez Genise Johnson Teqeira Johnson William M Johnson Theresa M Jones Jessica Jurak Christopher A Ladysz Kim Lefebure Elizabeth Lopez Timothy C Lukasik Roman Mabry Elizabeth Maxwell Keith McCarter Darlene C McCord Laura J McKenna Alvin F Meroz Brian C Milke Michael J Monahan Matthew J Moreno Irene Mulvey Mahogany J Murray Marie E Nechvatal Jaime Nunez William E O’Mary Marco A Pinto Eric Reierson Dave Rivera

Bridgeview Joanna Babiy Rachida Bahassoune Angela Bertucci Betty J Casper Elaine Conner Lorena A Contreras Ashton Crivellone Goofran Dalwan Beth M Gillis Yousef F Hassan Abeer Jaber Jennifer Janners Jolanta M Kalemba Stephen M Otten Jennifer S Peden Rebecca N Seyller Jonathan D Shue Broadview Lashunda Puryear Brookfield Bryan Valenta Burbank Kelly N Anderson Fadah A Askar Martin S Barnat Melissa Byrne Veronica Canseco Nellie Y Carrillo

George Anton Alejandro Escamilla John T Judkins Evergreen Park

Juan G Hernandez

Denise M Allen Joan M Barrera Terri L Biggs Katherine M Bruno Debra J Carrano Lauren M Carufel Dale T Du Bois Brianna N Finnerty Wanda Harrison Nicole M Haywood Horace Holifield Heather L Horn Mary E Lyons Kevin J Maciaszek Kim C McCarthy Irineo J Medina Bonzell Merritt Gregory P Miller Kathryn A Miller Magdalena M Mitchell Mary E Moran Janice E Neideen Denise L O’Connor Laura O’Connor Rocio A Rubalcava Andrea J Sekula Rebecca J Shalack Rene A Vanpuyenbroeck William T Vassios

Chicago Ridge

Fox River Grove

Halima Barbary Michelle M Blahusiak Jeremy Bohne Carol L Buckley Ericka R Camacho-Ortega Lanise L Glover Mona A Kandil Jerry Linas Anna R Lonigro Mary A Manibog Deborah D Mathisen Suha Mohammed Magdalena A Pyskaty Silvia Rodriguez Christopher J Salem Lisa A Sill Cody D Stang Katarzyna Surmacz Halina Z Szczech Julie A Thompson Claude L Weinert Tamam Zeidan Heather A Zygadlo

Michael Abrams

Michael J Ruiz Michael P Rummery Ivan Salva Dawn M Schilling Mary R Schillo Daniel Sherley Richard Smith Jonathan Taylor Evelyn Urbina Ruben Vargas Ricardo Vazquez Victor Vasquez Javier Villasenor Edward T Whalen Patrick M Williams Kevin M Wrobel Chicago Heights

Cicero Arthur Czykier Ivan Monroy Countryside Angela Pawlowicz Crestwood Desirea M Adams Krysten M Altenburg Richard Bielema Puah M Booth Nicole A Both Mark M Flynn Arnolfo R Gallano Mary A Generoso Sarah A Hochgraver Richard F Kolanda Nicole J Lennon Elaine Lesniak Kelly Markase Dax Marquez Rebecca R Nelson Samuel Orengo Ken Proctor Joseph Rudofski Kathleen E Webb Crete Kristin B Schwiesow Des Plaines Paul Liboy Elmwood Park

Justice Rebecca L Bradford Lidia K Czekaj Tony Johnson Rich W Knoll April A Koutsis Mark E McEvilly Elizabeth A McKittrick Alex C Ohlson Monika Perkowska Szczepan B Stanek La Grange Autustine Rodriguez La Grange Park Chanice A Shaw Lansing Joseph J Camalick Lemont Joan Deitemyer Lina Finwall Lori A McAdam Charles J Rath Lisle Ginny Posey

Frankfort Fatin Elayyan Anna L Gannon William J Greer Anthony J Kunz

Lockport James Brasch Katarzyna Majchrowicz-Wolny Alexis Prisby Lombard Charise M Aviles

Garden Homes

Merrionette Park

Erin Bays

Melissa A Castillo

Hazel Crest Rosilind Sculfield


Hickory Hills

Sara A Seeber Nicole M Thornton

Olesya S Altman Jeffery A Burk Rebecca E Carlstrom Krzysztof Ciezobka Lina Elzahdan Karolina S Grygiel Sherry L Kisielius Virginia Kopustas Jonathan J Kral Marcel Maola Yosry N Mezyed Melissa J Moran Rasa Ruzgys Catalina Sanchez Jody Scalf Pawel J Such Joseph A Vertucci Patrick J Wall Tony Wolfinger




Noel Dominguez

Noureddean Ballout

Hoffman Estates


Brent S O’Hearn

Eileen M Giuffre Charles R Glassford

Jennifer Bortscheller Daniel Gray Khoa D Huynh Linda M Michalak Monee Jennifer A Wagner Morton Grove Mile Dabizljevic Mount Prospect Grzegoez P Dziedzic Bradley J Wray

Lana J Lang Ondine M Rinaldi Jule Sandoval Oak Lawn

Adan S Alvarado Sarah R Anderson Ibtessam H Asfour Randa H Awwad Tameka D Bader Sara Bages Beata B Bednarz Julie D Beland Kelly A Binion Christine Boerner Tracy D Burns Kari Candos Piotr Cetera Pinghung Chan Maria Chillis Justyna K Ciechonska Anna Czerny Brian J Dennis Jeanne Dohm Edward T Egan Keir J Escamilla Violet Frias Nancy J Gill Steven M Grant Clifton Hempstead Kristen Insalata Victoria Janowski Jurate Kiudelyte Gertrude M Kooy Anna M Lach Colleen Larkin Kevin Larson Megan M Lehocky Sarah I Lynch Jeannie M Mandernach Lori J McAdrian Collin J McArdle Martin A Moran Marco W Moretti Nicholas R Musso Marta Obrochta Victor Ojeda Rosa I Ortiz Eileen M O’Sullivan Katlyn E Paolisso Monika Pawlikowski Michael E Pezan Michael Raglione Erica B Ramirez Christopher N Repa Sandra R Sandoval Anna Sil Rose A Smith Erik J Sorensen Steven S Szymczak Jessica B Thiel Charles E Thompson Michael D Trumbull Molly Vacha Amber L Vestal Tri K Vo James J Welsh Joshua Zale Tulia D Zapata Renata Zawada Barbara A Zielinski Sin P Fu Olympia Fields Nicole P Johnson

Homer Glen Andrew Affrunti Lynette Theis Janice Wenzel Hometown Judith A Chruszczyk Nicole Dresden Dominic Falco Kathleen Gutchewsky Michael C Hajek Max J Herringer Glenn M Hopkins Amy Johnson James J Mallek Patrick B Ryan

New Lenox Heather M Gericke Jennifer L Keogh Mayra Pluta Rebecca L Prendergast Norridge Aracelis Gotay Gregory Kulasa Lisa M Rogers Oak Forest Dorina Diac Mary A Kauffmann

Orland Hills Nicholas L Adams Kenneth F Breiner William Conway Timothy P Hughes Natalie K Novotny Georgene Panfil Laima Sineokijiene Sue A Stonis Christina M Troost Sarah A Zemovich Orland Park Habibah Abdullah-Ayyash Abdulkareem J Abuzir Dima K Akroush Patricia Ator Daiva Avizienis Anne M Ballard

LIST | Page 5


THE GLACIER AUGUST 31, 2012 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 2 LIST | continued from page 4 Sharon L Ballard Marianne C Beechy Maxwell L Bennett Brandon M Birmingham Charles Blum David M Bowie Alexandria J Brigando Catherine R Brilando James G Butcher Elizabeth A Campbell Beatriz Castro Joanne Cavanaugh John H Churchill Lorie F Degrado Dina Emlund Joel Feinstein Dana M Giragosian Cheryl L Golden Celia J Gonzalez Matthew Gorss Mary Hensley Eileen F Hurley Manar B Ishwait Odai M Jaber Nilam Jagani Stephen J Kaffel Theresa Kochan Justin R Koebel Vilma Kozys Rob A Kueltzo Christopher M Lavelle Edward M Lu Kathleen Luzar Nichole Macisaac Edward Majerczyk John M Majewski Edward Modesto Sheila M Moran Ralph R Nielsen Mary E Norton-Williams Hugh O’Donnell Jalpa Pandya Melissa Payton Polly A Pellicer Lauren Peltier Helen Picman Roxanne M Piotrowski James G Rafferty Natalie Rende-Helberg Angeles F Reynoso Lisa Rybak

Mohammad M Said Lauren Sanders Kimberly A Semetis Eileen Shaffer James D Slager Michalina M Sokol Steven Soto Kathleen J Spencer Adam M Stake Alvija Staneikaite Tadas Stonkus Thomas J Tonra Artur Uchanski Vida Vaiciulyte Pete J Vanderkrabben Lynn M Vanoni Cynthia Walczak Brittany A Williams Nancy A Wiltgen Palos Heights

Kimberly J Fitzgerald-Amend Andrew S Hein Kelsey N Hensel Rita Jasenauskas Karina Karwowska Tatiana Korolova Timothy A Latka Nivien Masoud Timothy McGreal Katarzyna A Mrozek Leah M Nettle Keun Y Park Gina S Petcu Sarah Schabold Tomas Spakauskas Barbara H Stauffer Aleksandra M Szymanska Nicholas Villarreal Michelle Williams Iwona Wysocki Elena Zubaite

Rita Carlisle Jeffrey S Sims Robbins Everardo Angulo Krystal D Holmes Romeoville Anthony Buscemi Round Lake Jessica A Silva Stickney Lisa A Bargle William J Leventhal Stone Park James Ruiz

Brandon R Barlage Lynsey C Beckett Anna S Bis Michael Figiel James R Fitzgerald Steven Gray Laurene Kirby Amy Konjevich Douglas R McLaughlin Brian W Murphy Robert J Ostrowski Anne-Marie Peterson John P Rochon Lisa L Rochon Brandon Rodig Patricia E Smith Laura A Sutton Palos Hills Ghadeer Abdelrahman Rana M Ayyad Eugenia I Barnard Kenneth G Beckwith Annmarie Bilonic Klaudia M Bobak Kamil T Buczek Sylwia Bugaj Kristie L Burns Sam Cordero Katherine G Einhorn Marci J Eldrenkamp

Palos Park Elle Behrens Debra A Kazaitis Sarah C Kudia Mary E O’Connor Robert P Prokopec Divya Soni Michael J Thompson Sabrina L Velez Kate E Forster Ken J Kurowski Peotone Michael A Cantone Plainfield Arthur J Anthony Kevin M Hargis Richton Park Irene A Blakely Cheriee N Curington River Grove Steven Zaremba Riverdale


Maureen McDonnell Gary A McLaughlin Ashley Milani Donna M Mitsos Sandra L Moran Haytham Mostafa Michelle Mullen Iryna Z Nikolayeva Adeline O’Brien Cheryl Pabisinski Ryan J Ragland Chloe Reinbolt Daniel L Robison Vincent F Ryan Mary F Tesher Charles Thomas John C Thomson Bob Unde Lauren N Vaci Philip D Vana Jennifer Vogan Sarah J Waters James Weston Elizabeth M Wood Taghreed J Yousif

Sarah Ashraf Tinley Park

Westchester Chandra Perry

Taghrid Abdeljaber Thomas E Adamo Melinda A Allen Delilah D Anderson Anthony Barkhoff Susan A Buenger Scott Burnside Hillary Carroll Joseph P Daluga Denise A Dowling Mohammed Faran Anita M Goeppner George R Grey Jimeal Haddad Crystal A Harden Brandon C Harvey Neal R Jankowski Ghada Kettaneh Elizabeth M Keyes Ping-Wai Kuk Ted F Lekan Kelly A Likavec Laura Markaroviene Kelly L Martinkus Joan T Mazzuca Park

Willow Springs Paul J Malysz Cheryl C Venhuizen Woodridge Patrick Cunningham Worth Amena Ahmad Angela L Brann Teri L Costantino Arthur Czudak Amy R England Jennifer C Fox Barbara J Greco Dana Jay George J Skuby Russell Vitrano Donna Wenig

IN BRIEF One Book, One College Author coming to MVCC Tony Horwitz, author of “Confederates in the attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War,” will speak at Moraine Valley Community College on Tuesday, Sept. 11, at 11 a.m., in Moraine Rooms 1 and 2 in the Moraine Business and Conference Center (M building). The event is free and open to the public. Horwitz writes, “For many southerners I’d met, remembrance of the War had become a talisman against modernity, an emotional level for their reactionary politics.” “Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War” is Moraine Valley’s One Book, One College selection for the 201213 academic year. More information about Horwitz’s visit or other events the Library is hosting around this book, visit Moraine Valley offers Pharmacy Technician Training To meet the demand for certified pharmacy technicians, Moraine Valley Community College is offering a Pharmacy Technician Review Program with classes starting Sept 18. Moraine Valley’s review program comprises Pharmacy Technician Re-

view and Pharmacy Mathematics. This program provides a review of pharmacy principles and procedures to prepare entry level pharmacy technicians to take the PCTE – National Pharmacy Technicians Exam. Course content includes review of various disease states, basic physiology, pharmacy law, ethics, mathematics, and the fundamentals of technician training. The courses will introduce students to various settings in pharmacy practice, including the community, hospital, managed care, mail order, and long-term care. Information on qualifying for the pharmacy certification examination also will be provided. To register online, go to, click on Register and Pay for Noncredit Classes under the Academic Focus section, click on Prospective Students, Search, register and pay for noncredit classes, and use the keyword “pharmacy.” Date Change for Brain Aneurysm Exhibition The date of Moraine Valley Community Colleges Medical Education Series presentation on “Advances and Innovations in Brain Aneurysm Management” has been changed to Sept. 12. It will still take place from 7-8 p.m.

in the Dorothy Menker Theater in the Fine and Performing Arts Center on the Moraine Valley campus. The event is co-sponsored by Northwestern Memorial Hospital and is free and open to the public. Muslim Student Association hosting Run/Walk for Palestinian Children The Muslim Student Association will be hosting a 5k Run for Peace in conjunction with Team Palestine. Participants may walk if they prefer. The event will take place at Moraine Valley Community College on Sept. 16, 2012 beginning at 8:30 a.m. Check ins begin at 7 a.m. and close promptly at 8:00 a.m. The event is designed to help raise funds for the medical care necessary to improve the quality of life and the survival rate of Palestinian Children, and to increase public awareness of the medical and humanitarian crisis facing Palestinian children. Register in advance for $25 online at Registration will also be available in person on the day of for $30. Sustainability Summit Governors State University will host the 2012 Student Sustainability Summit. It wll take place on Friday, Sept.

28, 2012 from 12-5 p.m.The event is sponsored by the South Metropolitan Higher Education Consortium. Student are welcome to present at this summit, which is for and by students. Moraine Valley will provide transportation to and from the event. Contact Stephenie Presseller at for more information. Join Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa is the largest and most prestigious honor society serving two-year colleges. You can join Moraine Valley’s Chapter Alpha Iota Lambda if you are currently enrolled with at least 12 credit hours completed and have a 3.5 cumulative GPA. Find out more at the recruitment meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2 to 3 p.m. or 6 to 7 p.m. Moraine rooms 1 and 2 in building M. For more info, contact Demetrius Robinson at 5353. Graduation Petition The last day to petition to graduate for the fal semester is Saturday, Sept. 15. The fee is $15 for the degree and $7.50 for additional degrees/certificates. Forms are available in Admissions, S101, and must be submitted to the Cashier’s office, S105.



VICE PRESDIENT | from front page

arts education” is most proud of his career long commitment to diversity. Dr. Mullaney received his Ph.D. from the University of Tulane. Dr. Mullaney’s former positions include adjunct instructor and Dean of Arts and Sciences among others. Mullaney has served on many college committees such as student success. After Mullaney, came Doctor Pamela Haney. Dr. Haney has “had a wealth of knowledge on campus.” She is currently the Dean of Science, Business and Com-

puter Technology. In the past, Dr. Haney served as the Dean of Liberal Arts and an adjunct faculty member at Moraine Valley. Dr. Haney is focused on “keep[ing] communication channels open. When asked why she wanted to be the next Vice President of Academic Affairs she said, “I’m ready for the next level because I can see things we can improve on.” Dr. Haney believes the, “connection with students is important. It’s important to have student input.” Some of Dr. Haney’s professional highlights include

her vanguard effort on diversity initiatives as well as her work on student success. She is also proud of her involvement with the Moraine Valley Referendum. However, Dr. Haney’s most prized success is her ability to balance her professional and personal lives. On Wednesday, 29 August, it was Dr. Jeffery Boyd’s turn to show the staff of Moraine Valley why he should be the next Vice President of Academic Affairs. Dr. Boyd currently works at Elgin Community College. He believes, “People

Dr. William Mulleny is one of the final three candidates seeking to become the next Vice President of Academic Affairs at Moraine Valley. [Karolina Kawalko]

who believe in themselves can produce results.” Dr. Boyd is the type of leader who seeks to work with others to achieve success. Dr. Boyd loves is constantly thinking, “What can we do to benefit students?” Dr. Boyd believes in sustainability and doing what is best for students. All staff members were directed to submit their candidate approximations to President Sylvia M. Jenkins. Phillip A. Bianco can be contacted at

Dr. Jeffery Boyd addresses Moraine Valley staff members in the M building on August 29. [Thomas E. Adamo]



Enrollment at Moraine down from 2011 Luke Langlois Staff Writer The beginning of the school year comes around again and the campus is filled with a plethora of students hoping to better their future. Unfortunately there has been a significant decrease in enrollment at Moraine Valley. The decrease in tuition comes just one year after the school set a record for fall student headcount with 18,169 students. The current fall heacount of 17, 381 represents the lowest fall enrollment since 2007, and it is only the second time in the last six years that enrollment numbers dropped. On the first day of classes, enrollment was down 8.6 percent from last year, however as of August 28, 2012 the enrollment increased slightly. Also, the average class load ticked up from an average of 9.44 credit hours last year to 9.59 this year. Last year Moraine Valley had 16,509 students enrolled for credit classes. For the fall, enrollment is down 5.3 percent, giving Moraine 15,632 students. Total credit hours also took a small hit. Last year there were 155,860 total hours and this year there are 149,904 total hours.

Non-credit classes have taken the biggest hit. Only 1,739 students registered for non-credit classes this year. That is a 32.41 percent drop from last years 2,573. Last year, this same statistic increased 33% from 2010. On the plus side, hybrid learning, which is the combination of online and in-class learning, is up 200 percent over the past 5 years. Enrollment can be affected by the decrease in the high school graduation rate from the feeder districts, which is also down five percent. Nationwide enrollment of colleges in general is down. Moraine’s own decrease in enrollment does fall into the average throughout the rest of the nation. Luke Langlois can be contacted The number of students enrolled at Moraine Valley has decreased since 2011. The average class at langloisl@student.moraineload has increased from 9.44 credit hours to 9.59. [Emalee Kay]



David Alexander Views Editor


Is gun control the solution to gun violence? “The average person is no better off in defending themselves against someone with a gun by possessing a gun.”

“ Guns cannot kill people, people without self-control armed with guns kill other people.”

By Connor Reynolds Editor-in-Chief

By David Alexander Views Editor

Tragedies like the recent shooting in Aurora, Colorado often re-start the gun control debate. One solution to the gun violence problems in the United States is to require weapons training and education for any person who wants to own a firearm. The United States is one of the world leader in gun related violence and deaths among developed countries. Americans against gun control will often play victim when restrictions and regulations are enacted, claiming that such measures are an affront to their personal liberties. No person in the United States has any need that requires the ownership of assault or automatic weapons. An assault weapon does not make anyone safer, and they do not provide an advantage in any situation, aside from giving the owner the ability to administer death on a mass scale. Many gun control opponents argue on the basis of self-defense is defense of their home and loved ones. This is a completely valid reason for gun ownership, but the right to defend one’s self and their loved ones must be weighed against the dangers to public safety a lethal weapon poses. An average person is no better off in defending themselves against someone with a gun by possessing a gun. Owning a fishing rod does not make you a better fisher if you lack the know how to use it. Owning a gun does not automatically make the owner a capable marksman. Following the tragedy at Aurora, some people claim that, had someone in that theater been armed, more lives would have been saved. However, the average untrained person when confronted with a fully armed, mentally unstable man would have not been of any help to those in the theater. Chicago, as many other cities, tried to address gun control through a prohibition on handguns. This is the other extreme of the gun control debate where people believe that banning guns is the answer. Prohibiting handguns is a legitimate example of infringement of people’s personal liberties. There are plenty of people who deserve the ability to own weapons and to make a blanket policy for all is not fair. The most logical and safe way to regulate gun ownership is by requiring training, ownership documentation, and background checks. Any person willing to learn how to safely carry a gun and properly intervene when there is threat of violence has the right to own a gun. Arguments for gun control are too often skewed towards unregulated personal liberty or towards prohibition style policies. Everyone knows plenty of people that do not deserve the right of gun ownership, and everyone know just as many responsible members of society who can be trusted with the responsibility gun ownership demands.

40,000 Americans die each year in auto crashes according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, yet no one is demanding that cars be banned and we go back to riding horses and donkeys! Also, according to the book Our Daily Meds by Melody Petersen, 100,000 people die annually from using prescription drugs as directed by their doctors, yet there is no concerted effort to get prescription drugs banned, and we return to the truly green days of taking an herb a day to keep the doctor away. However when it comes to guns, the rules of engagement changes. According to the Nation Master Graph website that tracks global gun homicide rates, the US ranks 14th with an average of 9,000 annual gun homicides. Compare that to the 40,000 car deaths and the 100,000 prescription related deaths and the illogicality of the whole gun control argument becomes visible. Just as cars cannot kill people, out of control people DUI-ers, text drivers, and their ilk_ in cars kill other people; that is also true with guns. Guns cannot kill people, people without self-control armed with guns kill other people. Yet there are those who argue that further tightening the control on gun access will miraculously reduce violence. The truth however is gun flow is very tightly regulated in the US right now, contrary to popular misconception. As anyone who has legally purchased guns can testify, there are several hoops to jump through before the Firearms Owners Identification card (FOID) is issued. These hoops include a thorough background check, and even a mental stability check. The whole process can run from four to ten weeks or more before the FOID card is either issued or denied. The relentless and senseless slaughter in Chicago is not because of a lax guns control regime, but an abundance of gangs, drugs, idle youngsters with a grudge against society, pointless turf wars and total disregard for human life. England is facing the same diabolical mix, with a corresponding high crime rate, and since gun ownership is tightly regulated in England, knives fuel the violence there. With the abundance of violence on demand, via the media, people have been trained to resort to violence as the first recourse to settling a dispute, and guns are merely the means to this end. In addition, ripping the Second Amendment out of the US Constitution will only empower the men of the underworld who generally cannot and do not bother to acquire their weapons legally. Until people learn to assert self-control over themselves, the violence will continue. Blaming lax gun control laws for our high crime rate is akin to blaming out of control cars for the annual 40,000 car accident mortalities, or blaming the 100,000 yearly prescription deaths on the medications; I rest my case.

Connor Reynolds can be reached at

David Alexander can be reached at

“ The laws on gun control should be monitored more.” Katya Hervatin

“ I don’t believe a civilian would need anything more than a hunting rifle.” Dan Jarvis

“ There should be a concealed and carry law for handguns.” Francisco Jesus Pena

“If no one has a gun, no one needs to be protected by a gun.” Yuyeol Chun



VIEW FROM THE HILL | BILL DROEL | MVCC CAMPUS MINISTER In recent months Moraine Valley has increased its enrollment, added more buildings and equipment to our Palos campus, has opened two comprehensive extension sites and has hired several young, competent teachers. Yet all of this does little good if large numbers of students drop out of college. Therefore, Moraine Valley is keenly interested in retaining a student, once she or he initially enrolls. Our “Agree to Degree” program is one visible sign of Moraine Valley’s attention to this topic. To decrease the number of dropouts from Moraine Valley, it would be useful to know why indeed students leave our college. One possible source of information is a study by Raisman Associates titled, “Why Students Leave a College.” Moraine Valley’s Student Services Office recently circulated a summary of this study to our campus leaders. The vast majority of students tell a Raisman interviewer that they left a college because they did not receive the services they expected. In particular, the students did not appreciate that a class was cancelled shortly before the start of a semester. There is something to learn from this conclusion. As one example, a Moraine Valley student should get comprehensive attention from any teacher or staff person when that student presents a question or a problem. The student should not get bounced from telephone extension to extension or from office to office. Unfortunately, the three-page Raisman summary is flawed and mostly inapplicable to Moraine Valley. The memo is loaded with grammar errors, spelling errors and typing errors. Further, it is repetitive. It also displays a questionable premise. The study says that a college student usually tells a counselor that she or he is leaving school because of personal reasons. This, the Raisman memo says, is not true. The same student, when later interviewed by a Raisman staff person, says they left school because the service there was lousy. The Raisman memo claims the second reason is true. Why? On what basis is the first statement a rationalization and the second factual? Could it be the reverse? Or maybe both statements are accurate?

The study is not about students who leave college after only six months of attendance, contrary to some confusion about it. The Raisman report interviews students six months after they leave a college, but those students might have been at the college for one, two or three years. The study seems to indicate that most of its students are transfer students, not college dropouts. Nor is there any indication in the study that the students left a community college. The worst aspect of the Raisman study is its self-defeating language and philosophy. According to Raisman, a student who has a question or a problem has “a customer service issue with the school.” A college that wants to retain students must improve its “customer service.” The thousands of young adults who come to Moraine Valley’s campus are not “customers,”they are students. A college does not serve customers. It forms a timelimited intellectual community for the purpose of enhancing a student’s life and improving our world. As soon as college education is thought of in market terms, it is defeating its very purpose. College teachers and staff need to be competent and compassionate but they are not serving individual customers. Their vocation is to an intellectual tradition that is as old as recorded history and as new as tomorrow’s discovery. Their dedication is directed toward a particular community that in the case of Moraine Valley gathers on three campuses, in hundreds of classrooms and labs, in various offices and in several social settings. Their abiding interest is the whole person who enrolls at our school—not the individual customer who shops around for this and that. I am not quibbling over a word or two. My position on this is serious. A college that thinks of its students as customers and a campus where young adults think of themselves as customers or consumers is incapable of educating anyone. Frustration will follow. It would be particularly sad if Moraine Valley succumbed to an individualistic, market-driven approach to education. After all, the word “community” is in the very name of our college. We are a community, not a random gathering of shoppers.

The day of the do nothing politicians

The non paradise of Florida

By Phillip A Bianco News Editor

By William Shaw Staff Writer

Politicians in Washington and elsewhere continue to babble on about meaningless issues while people all over the US continue to suffer. Unemployment is currently at 8.3%, while according to, 53.6% of recent college graduates under the age of 25 were under or unemployed in 2011, that’s the most in 11 years. Three million people go without a home each year according to; and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently released numbers showing that there is approximately one trillion dollars in outstanding student loan debt in this country. As if all these dismal numbers weren’t enough, half of the counties in the US are now considered natural disaster areas by the Department of Agriculture, thanks to the recent drought, this according to At a time when our nation is in serious crisis, the nation’s leaders continue to fail. The politicians who claim to “feel the people’s pain” do nothing but point fingers at each other, argue over insignificant issues and trade the political version of “yo-momma” insults. The current presidential campaign is showing the American people that the political class is too far removed from the struggles of the average working person to be able to actually fix the problems in this country. But what can the average citizen do? In this two-party system, there are not many options. The Republicans seem to think that giving even more power to the corporate plutocrats will solve all of the nation’s problems while the Democrats hope that modest tax increases and “too-little-too-late” regulations will magically rein in Wall Street and fix the economy. Neither party seems to be willing to accept the consequences that come with real solutions to the country’s problems. It’s time for a change in leadership. Its time the people of America, young Americans included, to wake up to the fact that our system no longer functions of, for or by the people. The way to circumvent the mountain that now lies between the people and prosperity is a peaceful revolution. In the words of Che Guevara, the Cuban revolutionary; “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”

It is no secret that many people in the United States will give a leg and an armthrow kidney too –to actually live in a “paradise” like Florida, but the reality is that Florida isn’t exactly all that the holiday and retirement package deals make it out to be. Before anyone starts packing their bags to relocate to sunny Florida, here are a few things to mull over. Right off the bat, there is the heat to contend with in Florida. For the summer of 2011 in Illinois, the temperature averaged between 80-90 degrees every day, and it was one of the hottest Illinois has had in a while. Imagine living in such torrid, sweltering heat every day? Worse still, imagine living under even hotter conditions? Because that’s exactly how it’s going to be in lovely sunny Florida! A quick look at the weather forecast for Florida shows that it is always hotter than Illinois because of its humidity. Humidity is the moisture in the air, and in a nutshell humidity makes hot places even hotter as well as making the air heavier, and in some cases, even harder to breath. It also has the wonderful ability to make every day pests even worse. From bigger and nastier insects to poisonous snakes and more than enough mosquitoes to last a lifetime; there’s a reason why people say everything is “bigger down South.” Then of course there are the annual hurricanes like Hurricane Isaac. Tornados are annoying to deal with because they come out of nowhere, but they go as quickly as they come. Hurricanes on the other hand are the exact opposite of tornadoes. Everyone knows weeks in advance when a hurricane is on its way because hurricanes are slow to develop, however that also means it’s slow to dissipate when it hits, and hurricanes can last for a day or two under the worst conditions. Top it off with the fact that it’s not just wind and debris that those in Florida and the Hurricane Belt have to worry about, but also all of the water being dragged in from the ocean. To conclude, this may sound like a Florida bashing expedition but it is not. This piece is merely designed to alert the unwary that Florida is not the one hundred percent paradise that the media sells. While there are very beautiful parts of Florida, once the bad is mastered, frankly it seems the cold of Illinois is preferable to the tropical “paradise” that Florida is.

Phillip A. Bianco can be contacted at

William Shaw can be contacted at

Bill Droel can be contacted at



Women kick off season with an 8-0 shutout

Cyclones offensive outburst a sign of good things to come in the 2012 campaign By Chris Anderson Staff Writer The Cyclones came out firing on all cylinders to open up the 2012 season with an 8-0 shut out victory against Triton College. The Cyclones are hungry and more motivated then ever heading into this season. After a disappointing ending to last season, when the lady Cyclones lost in the Region IV semi-finals to Waubonsee Community College, the Lady Cyclones want to win this year. Returnees on the 2012 squad include captains Michaela Sheeran, who lead the team in goals scored in 2011, and Monserrat Espinosa, who was considered the best defender from the 2011 team. Fortunately for the Cyclones, goalkeeper Ashley Solus also is returning in goal after posting eight shutouts last season. Last year, Solus’ season ended prematurely with a hand injury. Angelina Brcic, Karla Lopez and Gosha Skora will also return to the 2012 squad. Triton College experienced the deadly Cyclones offensive attack first hand. The women wasted no time, scor-

A Cyclone handles the soccer ball before kicking it downfield. The Cyclones will look to continue their offensive onslaught for the rest of the 2012 season. [Thomas E. Adamo] ing within the first two minutes of the game to take a 1-0 lead. Thanks to freshman goalkeeper Roxanne Milan (Beecher), that was all they needed. She played well while last year’s

goalkeeper; Ashley Solus played in the field and scored a goal. The Cyclones showed no signs of slowing down, as they took a commanding 3-0 lead in the first half.

They kept the momentum going into the second half with Karla Lopez (Hubbard) leading the way with four goals in the second half surprising everyone, as she did not score a goal last season. Among the games scoring frenzy were Michaela Sheeran, Angelina Brcic, Ana Valdez, and Alyssa Braun who were great catalysts for scoring as they set up their teammates with four assists total. Based on this game, it seems that the team chemistry between new and returning players is great. That can only mean more good things to come the rest of the season. Their next game is on Saturday, September 1, against South Suburban College, who they swept last year with 8-0 and 3-0 victories. With a 12-5-1 record last year, the addition of some great freshman making an immediate impact will continue to be a vital factor as Cyclones are poised to improve on last season’s results and make some real noise in the playoffs. Chris Anderson can be contacted at



Golf tees off 2012 season with disappointment By Sean McDermott Sports Editor

Jack Misheck takes a swing off the tee at Waters Edge Golf Course in Worth. The Cyclones look to imrove their game within the next couple of weeks after a dismal showing in their first two tournaments of the season. [Thomas E. Adamo]

The Moraine Valley golf team teesoff this years campaign in a rebuilding year, as evident from their over-par beginning to the 2012 season. The Cyclones began the season at the Highland Community College “36” in Freeport on August 24. Jeremy Fraser led the team with rounds of 72 and 82 as the Cyclones finished ninth out of 14 teams. St. Laurence alum Dan Dermody shot an 85 in both rounds and Pat Neylon shot 88 and 85. The Cyclones struggled once again at their second meet of the year, finishing fourth out of six teams. Fraser shot an 82, while his teammate Jack Misheck shot an 80. Last season the golf team was a force on the links. Led by top golfers Ricky Palonis, Brendan Ryan and All-American Ryan Frederick, the 2011 team won the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference (their third championship in four years) and finished 12th in the NJCAA National Tournament This season coach Freudenthal, who enters his 23rd season as head coach of the Moraine Valley men’s golf team, has one lone returnee. “Fraser has plenty of length off the tee and an excellent short game,” said Freudenthal. “Put both of his strengths together and it’s a deadly combination.” With six newcomers the

2012 squad will lack experience of play at the collegiate level. “We have six first year collegiate golfers this year,” said Freudenthal. The newcomers include Jack Misheck (Lincoln Way North) who had a successful high school career and will be a marquee addition to the team. Dermody, Neylon (Shepard), Jake Heinrich (Shepard), Joe LaPorte (Stagg), and Nathan LaPorte will look to make it four championships in five years. “We have a lot of potential on this team,” said Freudenthal. “I believe with hard work and an collective effort from the team we can have a great deal of success.” It will be hard for the 2012 team to duplicate the 2011 squad’s success. With that being said, this year’s squad can compete with the top programs and will be an interesting team on the links. Coach Freudenthal has a knack for producing strong competitive golf teams year in and year out. In the last decade the golf team has been the most successful athletic program at Moraine Valley. Even though the start of the 2012 season hasn’t been up to par, the season is still young. Look for the 2012 squad to compete for the Skyway Conference championship as well as the Region IV championship. Sean McDermott can be contacted at


Michaela Sheeran Forward Womens Soccer

By Sean McDermott Sports Editor Michaela Sheeran is entering her second year as a member of Moraine Valley’s womens soccer team. The Oak Lawn alum returns as one of the captains on the team. Last year, Sheeran lead the Cyclones in goals scored. In the first match of the season, Sheeran scored a goal en route to an 8-0 shutout victory of Triton College. Sheeran and her teammates will look to continue their winning ways on September 1 against South Suburban College.

Pawel Rychtarczyk Forward Mens Soccer

Pawel Rychtarczyk is entering his second year as a member of the mens soccer team. The Reavis alum was the soccer teams leading scorer last year. His excellent 2011 campaign earnerd him to the All-Region second team and AllConference first team. Rychtarczyk started the 2012 campaign right were he ended the 2011 season. In the first game of the season Rychtarczyk scored two goals in the Cyclones 4-3 loss to the Morton College Panthers. Sean McDermott can be contacted at




Volleyball sweep DuPage tournament By Sean McDermott Sports Editor The 2012 volleyball team, led by lone returnee Colleen Gardner, started out the year on the right foot as the Cyclones swept the competition and were crowned champions at the annual College of DuPage tournament. Last season, the Cyclones were undersized, which led to their roller coaster season, as the team finished with a 2019 record and lost in the Region IV championship. “We were definitely a shorter team than a majority of our opponents, but we competed in every match and battled all the way to the championship match. We had a successful season in 2011,” said coach Gloria Coughlin, who will be entering her 23rd year as head coach of Moraine Valley’s volleyball team. This year height isn’t an issue for the Cyclones, as their only weakness is depth. “We are strong in each position although not very deep, we need to stay healthy,” said Coughlin. If the women can stay healthy throughout the

season the Cyclones look like a strong contender in the region. Gardner will return to her natural position as the libero and will be the experienced leader of this young and athletic team. “Gardner will lead our team in multiple areas such as serving, passing, digging and overall team consistency,” stated Coughlin. Joining Gardner will be several top players, who look to wreck havoc on the court. Kara Kenter (Sandburg) has been an immediate impact player as the right side hitter in the front row and as a setter in the backcourt. Oak Forest alums Gina Ryan and Autumn Seiler will contribute to the team as left side hitters. “Both girls will be dynamic attackers and defenders while sharing the setting role with Kentner,” said Coughlin. Stephanie Dagenais (Oak Forest) and sophomore Katlyn Beckow (Lake Forest College) will be positioned in the middle as blockers and attackers. Coughlin’s 2012 squad looks like a top contender in the region. As evidenced from the tournament, this Cyclone

Moraine Valley volleyball team gathers for a quick strategy talk from assistant coach Donna Zidek. The Cyclones defeated Highland College in the championship game in three sets. [Thomas E. Adamo] team has all the makings of another run at the Region IV championship. “We may be young, but we are definitely talented and athletic,” said Coughlin. “We will show our opponents and fans something new every match.” The last time the Cyclones swept the COD tournament was back in 2010 when coach Coughlin led a stacked roster

to a 34-8 (11-0 conference) record, won the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference and Region IV championship and made an appearance in the NJCAA National Tournament. Could this 2012 squad be the reincarnation of the talented 2010 squad or something stronger? After all, the Cyclones won each set by an

average of 25-17.5 during the tournament. Only time will tell, but as of right now the Cyclones are a dangerous team looking to continue their dominance on the court. Next up they are taking their undefeated record to Toldeo, Ohio. Sean McDermott can be contacted at

Mens soccer opens season with 3-4 loss New defensive system and incoming freshmen looking to make a run at the region championship

By Frank Gogola Staff Writer After an emotional loss in the semifinals last season, the 2012 Moraine Valley men’s soccer team looks to start this season with a new defensive system. The defensive system the Cyclones plan to implement this season will place a strong emphasis on building up individual and team defensive capabilities that will benefit to the players on the roster. This season’s roster will feature four returning players and a slew of new players who will aid the team as they transition into their new defensive. Highlighting the group of returning players are forward Pawel Rychtarczyk and midfielder Eddie Vallejo. “Rychtarczyk is a fantastic player in every shape and form,” said head coach Chuck Bales. “Vallejo is also a great

player, but the key is to keep him healthy.” Last season, Rychtarczyk was the Cyclones’ leading goal scorer and made the all-region and all-conference team. Vallejo was a great asset to the team in 2011, but got injured towards the end of the season. Vallejo is back at full health to begin the season and will be an integral piece in the team’s success. Asides from the leadership, Bales expects to have tough and intelligent incoming freshmen. “The incoming players are very strong players,” said Bales. “They will help us make an impact as we transition to our new defensive system throughout the season.” The Cyclones had an early chance to put their new, but not yet complete, defense on display against Morton College when they opened their season on August 28. In their season opener the

Cyclones fell 4-3 to the Panthers of Morton College, but the team ended the day with more positives than negatives. “We definitely have things we need to work on, but scoring goals will not be one of them,” said Bales. “Our overall defending was okay-to-good, but we will need to tighten up some problems defending in our midfield.” The season opener allowed the Cyclones to test out their new style of defensive play, and the team and coaching staff now know what areas they will need to improve in. It will be a tough transition in perfecting every aspect of the defensive system, but the team has a long time between now and the end of the season to work out the kinks in their new system. Frank Gogola can be contacted at

Joe Mastej (3) practices drills with an teammate. Mastej will serve as the Defensive midfielder this season. [Thomas E. Adamo]




Art faculty show off their skills By David Alexander Views Editor For a whole month (Aug. 13–Sept. 12) the Art Faculty of Moraine Valley will show the world that not only can they talk art but they can also create art. The forum for the art faculty’s showcasing of their talent is the Moraine Valley Community College’s annual Arts Faculty only Exhibition, which is aptly titled “MVCC Art Faculty Exhibition – New Work.” The Exhibition had its formal reception on Thursday, August 23. It was an afternoon of fun, food and fine art at the Robert F. DeCaprio Arts Gallery in the Fine and Performing Arts Center (F Building) as the various faculty members who had their art work A grungy piece called “Birth of The ‘65 Hemi Belvedere” by Tom McDonald, an adjunct professor and studio arts instructor at Moraine Valley on display explained to Community College as well as Morton College. [Thomas E. Adamo] the audience what their concepts were. structor who had some rather inter- of visual arts, displays focused pri- and utilizing the processes of CyanoSome of the artwork on display at esting risqué drawings that had as its marily on photographs taken through type and Van Dyke Print to give the the Robert F. DeCaprio Arts Gallery subject the unclothed upper portion shop windows, using a restored pictures a blurry look as one moves includes work by Erik La Gattuta, the of the female body. 1950’s Kodak Brownie Hawkeye cam- away from the middle of the pictures. Visual Arts Coordinator and an InTyler Hewitt’s, associate professor era with the lens reversed backwards, GALLERY | page 7

Welcome Days kicks off the new semester By Connor Reynolds Editor-in-Chief The annual Welcome Days extravaganza took place as new and returning students were provided with games, food and opportunities to get involved. Student Life hosted the Welcome Days event as they do every year in an attempt to help get students more comfortable with the end of their summer and the beginning of their semester of studies. Welcome Day ran two days on Aug. 21-22 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the quad outside buildings U and building S. An important function at this event is to give students with easy access to the numerous clubs and organizations they can become involved. Clubs lined the sidewalls with tables ready to welcome any prospective members to their organization. WELCOME | page 7

Students take time out for a candy break as they relax and enjoy “Welcome Back Days” at the Quad. Students stopped by the celebration all day for free games, and fun. [Thomas E. Adamo]


Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor



Bookstore Innovates to stay profitable By Phillip A. Bianco News Editor The college book market is a competitive one at the moment. Moraine Valley’s very own bookstore is “trying to stay afloat” according to Kashif Shah. Shah is the Director of Auxiliary Services at Moraine Valley. He oversees college food services, the mail center and the bookstore. Shah and his associates at the bookstore are trying to “stay with the trends of the industry” in order to win out against the competition coming from online businesses and off-campus stores. One of those competitors is a price comparison site called Jeff Sherwood, a programmer and designer who is currently the CEO, founded the site in 2001. uses its “secret sauce” technology (Multi–Item Price Optimization™) to “find the cheapest copy of the right textbook, the first time, every time.” Sherwood said of his company, “[It puts the] the power of information on the students side. Students often have to sift through marketing and ads to find the best book price. Bigwords sifts through all the conflicting claims and confusing information. It’s a tool for students to get the info they need and track it.” Sherwood recently conducted some research and concluded, “Buying and selling textbooks is almost always cheaper than renting them; despite the industry trend towards rental.”

Shah commented that this study from legitimate websites. We try to ly, the publisher is the driving force.” was done by a private organization. work with students individually,” said Shah spoke of a possible long-term He believes that because of this fact, Shah. solution to the rising cost of books. the study should be taken with a grain Shah also pointed out the book- “The industry thinks electronic media of salt. store’s poor condition section where will invade the bookstore within ten As a result of their research, Big- students can get highly worn books at years. We might rent out tablets in the launched a new feature a fraction of the cost. future,” he said. He is optimistic that called “Consider Buyback Value.” It When asked what he thought the this relatively new technology can let’s students calculate the likely cost ultimate solution to the rising cost help solve the increasing problem of of their textbooks once the buyback of textbooks would be, Shah stated, rising textbook prices. value is included according to the “What we’re doing now is part of the press release from an- solution . . . No one knew how fast the Phillip A. Bianco can be contacted at nouncing the new option. “Students cost of textbooks was rising. Ultimate- can finally see the real cost of their books,” said Sherwood. Bigwords is just one of the sites from which the bookstore faces competition. However, Shah emphasized his belief that the Moraine Valley bookstore does more to help students than any of their competitors. “Students have options,” said Shah. However, he added, “[They]don’t need to go outside the bookstore.” “We give a lot more money to students than other colleges. We buy back approximately a quarter of a million dollars in books from students each semester. We Students take time out for a candy break as they relax and enjoy “Welcome Back Days” at the Quad. also do price matching [Thomas E. Adamo]

Chief O’Connor honored by crime commission

Moraine Valley Chief of Police Patrick O’Connor was honored by the Illinois State Crime Commission for his excellence in law enforcement. [Moraine] By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor Moraine Valley Chief of Police Patrick O’Connor received the Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement. On

June 20, O’Connor was honored at the 16th annual awards dinner held for those who represent the best individual leaders from government and industry. O’Connor was nominated by his peers for his longstanding career in law enforcement, which reaches back to the early 70’s when he began as a Moraine Valley campus safety officer. “It was a really nice honor to be recognized by my peers,” said O’Connor. O’Connor worked as a police officer for 38 years and held the title of chief for 15 years. O’Connor held the top job in the Village of Worth and Village of La Grange. As chief of police, O’Connor must create policies to protect the Moraine community and the surrounding communities. During his five years as police chief at Moraine, O’Connor proposed legislation to the House and Senate in Springfield, Ill. and on Capitol Hill. In order to keep Moraine safe for

students, staff, faculty, and visitors, O’Connor developed new training criteria for a crisis intervention team to handle anything from a natural disaster to a violent attack. “With 19,000 students and 1,300 faculty and staff, Moraine is like a small city,” said O’Connor. “What happens in the community could happen here.” For the past twelve years, O’Connor has taught a Homeland Security course at Moraine. As a criminal justice instructor he provides real-world insight to his students as well as career advice. “I’ve always been open to speaking with students, past or present, to help provide them with career advice or intercede on their behalf in any way possible,” said O’Connor. O’Connor’s initiatives include making Moraine a safe haven for newborns whose mothers are unable to care for them and forcing prospective Moraine

students who were charged with a sexual offense to register with their local police dept. and with the Moraine Valley police dept. to avoid a miscommunication that may prevent the campus police from keeping a watchful eye on potentially violent sex offenders. O’Connor is a staple in the law enforcement community. He will continue to initiate policies while teaching in the criminal justice department and advocating for students. We salute O’Connor for his dedication to Moraine and the surrounding community. “My goal is to bring focus on preparedness, planning and policies to protect students and staff,” said O’Connor. “We have to get out ahead of this thing.” O’Connor is keeping Moraine safe today and enticing change for a better tomorrow. Kevin Coyne can be contacted at social@



MVSA consolidates SGA and ICC; has first meeting

(From left to right) Phillip A. Bianco, Emmanuel Santoyo, Taylor Geraghty, Demetrious Robinson and Jessica Crotty all participate in the first MVSA meeting. [Thomas E. Adamo] By Phillip A. Bianco News Editor The inaugural Moraine Valley Student Association (MVSA), meeting took place in the U building on Tuesday, Aug. 28 at 3 p.m. In recent years, the Inter Club Council was the place for student leaders to gather important college and club information and bring it back to their respective clubs. MVSA will continue serve that function under a new name. MVSA is the resulted from a merger between the Student Government Association (SGA) and the ICC. MVSA’s merging was spearheaded by Student Life Manager Demetrius Robinson, Student Trustee Taylor Geraghty and three CoPresidents of MVSA: Nikhit Busi, Emmanuel Santoyo, and Phillip A. Bianco. “We want to help give the students more of a voice on campus. We think the MVSA is a great tool to do it,” said Geraghty. MVSA’s first meeting moved along smoothly. Robinson ran the first half of the meeting solo, as he used to do in past years, he now has more support from other leaders in the MVSA. During the first meeting a new officer team was announced. MVSA’s officer team is still looking to fill the other executive positions and asked for volunteers at the first meeting. Candidates for each position are: Vice President; Kayla Smyt (Psychology club): Treasurer; Josh Johnson (GLOW): Secretary; Helen Chen (Asian Diversity): Public Relations Secretary; Mr. Knight (Career Development) and Justina Pauplyte (24 Karat).

According to the club’s officers, each candidate will give a short speech and the representatives of MVSA will then conduct a vote to select the best candidates for each executive position. Later in the meeting, the officers asked the assembly about the theme for the upcoming Fall Fest celebration. Some suggestions were space, the ice age, and networking. Ultimately, “Born to Be Wild”/jungle theme prevailed by popular vote. Robinson reminded everyone of the College’s “quality over quantity” initiative. He explained that there has to be an educational purpose for every event that any club or organization sponsors or holds. Demetrius Robinson also went through his advisor items for the week. He talked about MOX, a mobile application service that allows users to access their college information via a smart phone app. Students can view their classes, see upcoming events and find important contact information. This is the first year that Moraine Valley has offered this service. Robinson also reminded all club representatives that they needed to submit their club charter as well as the dates, times and places they will meet for the fall semester. The next MVSA meeting will take place on Sep. 11 in room U111. Contact Demetrius Robinson at robinsond63@ for more information. Phillip A. Bianco can be contacted at



Lucas reaches out to speech teachers By Fallon Sweeney Entertainment Editor There are few things college students dread more than making a speech, much less taking a public speaking course. Luckily for them, there are teachers in the world like Stephen Lucas. Stephen Lucas is the author of Moraine Valley’s current speech textbook “The Art of Public Speaking” as well as

a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His public speaking course is one of the highest rated courses at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Lucas acquired his PhD at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1973. He has also taught workshops in China. Lucas and McGraw-Hill representatives presented a seminar to staff and speech teachers focusing on the newest edition of the textbook. The semi-

Stephen Lucas, author of “The Art of Public Speaking” spoke to a group of Moraine Valley teachers in the M Building. [Jessica Pacholski]

nar started off with an introduction by Moraine’s speech team (coach?) and speech teacher, John Nash. He thanked the staff, mostly speech teachers, for attending. Staff members present included full time faculty members Krista Appelquist, John Nash, Delwyn Jones, and Mike Shannon. When asked what inspired him to write this text, Lucas responded, “I wrote the book because I had been teaching the public speaking course for a number of years and had come to the realization that I had some contributions to make to students and teachers alike with regard to the content and pedagogy of the course. Above all, I wrote the book for students. My aim was to communicate the principles of public speaking clearly and in such a way that students would become more interested in the subject-even excited about it--and do their best to improve their speaking skills.” Lucas took time in the evening to talk to teachers about using the “Connect Plus” disc available. Lucas pointed out different benefits of the software, including room for teacher customization for their students. He explained

that technology was a major part of the changes to students. The rest of the evening involved dinner and workshops with McGraw-Hill representatives about the new program. Teachers had a chance to learn about the technology while being able to ask different questions of Lucas. When asked if he had any advice for first time public speaking students, Lucas explained, ”Above all, work hard. Follow the principles in the book and the advice of your teacher. Everyone is nervous the first day of class, but you may be surprised how much you enjoy the class--and how much you learn from it--by the end of the semester. Also, keep in mind that different people learn at different rates. Even if you do not get the highest possible grade in the course, try to continue to develop your speaking skills thereafter. Public speaking is a lifetime activity, and some people who have difficulty with the course in college become very successful speakers in the long run. Fallon Sweeney can be contacted at



Televise the Paralympic Games By Kevin M. Coyne Features Editor During the closing ceremonies of the London 2012 Olympic Games IOC president, Jacques Rogge, informed the world that the London 2012 Paralympic Games will be held in two weeks at the same locations as the Olympic Games. Unfortunately, Americans will not be able to watch the Paralympic Games. Undoubtedly, the hero of the London Games was the double-amputee runner from South Africa, Oscar Pistorius. After immense controversy, Pistorius shocked the world. Running in the 400m and 4x400m, Pistorius championed the abilities of the London 2012 Paralympic Games. One American, Damon Herota, started a petition drive in hopes of encouraging a major US network to televise the Games for American viewers. A photojournalist and consultant in Florida, Herota’s petition has reached over 975 signatures and continues to grow by the day. Using social media and contacting personal friends, Herota is leading the charge in hopes of witnessing the magic of the Paralympic Games. Starting Aug. 29, Pistorius and many other Paralympians will showcase their athletic abilities. Not only will these athletes compete in adaptive sports, they’ll show the truest form of courage, tenacity and ingenuity. By televising the London 2012 Paralympic Games the American public will be able to watch the servicemen and servicewomen who fought for America’s freedom.

Team USA will send 16 veterans and 2 active service members to the 2012 Paralympic Games. Two Paralympians made a huge a huge splash in the American media. Team USA Paralympic swimmer, Navy Lt. Brad Snyder, and Paralympic sitting volleyball player, retired Army Sgt. Kari Miller were put in the spotlight after telling their story about serving in the armed forces. Navy Lt. Snyder crushed the competition in the completely blind 2012 Paralympic time-trials. While serving in Afghanistan a year ago, an unexpected explosive device took Lt. Snyder’s eyesight. Although he suffered a life-altering injury, Lt. Snyder overcame his blindness and is expected to medal at the 2012 Paralympic Games.

A commercial featured on NBC showed retired Army Sgt. Kari Miller saying she is able to represent her country in a different uniform. “It says adaptive, not easier,” said Miller. It is a huge honor to represent one of the greatest counties in the world, Miller added, when we walk into a room everyone looks at us and wants to see what the United States is doing. Now it’s our turn to show our support for Team USA Paralympics and show the world the immense athleticism of athletes such as Pistorius, retired Army Sgt. Miller, and Navy Lt. Snyder. Kevin Coyne can be contacted at social@

STUDENT CLUBS Compiled by Nicole Bracken

24 Karat Dance Team Contact Adrienne Stewart at 974-5478. Action, Social & Political Empowerment Contact Anette D’Silva at 974-4023. Alliance of African American Students Contact Alex Elvira at 974-5487. Alliance of Latin American Students Contact Alex Elvira at 974-5487. Anime Club Call 974-5717. Arab Student Union Contact Nina Shoman-Dajani at 608-4349. Art Club Contact Tyler Hewitt at 974-5219. Artistic Metal-Working Contact James Greer at 974-5423. Asian Diversity Contact Wenney Tse at 974-5797. Bass Fishing Contact Rhett Wheeler at 974-4262. College Bowl Contact Ted Powers at 608-4177. Combat to College Contact Jeremy Kingery at 608-4068. Criminal Justice Club Contact Michelle Furlow at 974-5723. Culinary Arts & Hospitality Club Contact Michael O’Shea at 974-5597. Cyber Security Club Contact Kathleen Hanratty in T520. Cyclone Spinners Contact Maura Vizza at 974-5742. Drama Club Contact Craig Rosen at 974-5432. Down To Dance Contact Cheryl Powers-Rojak in G200. Filmmaker’s Club Contact Dan Pal at (630) 942-2800. Forensics Contact Mike Shannon at 608-4047. Freethought Society Contact Tyler Hewitt at 974-5219. Gay, Lesbian Or Whatever Contact Martha Mazeika, at 608-4320. Glacier Contact Ted Powers 608-4177. Green Club Contact Stephanie Presseller at 974-5412.

From left to right (top row), Dugie Denton, Jerry Shields, Matt Stutzar, (bottom row) Russell Wolfe, Eric Bennett, Jeff Fabry and Lee Ford-Faherty. [Source: USA Archery]

International Women’s Club Contact Anette D’Silva at 974-4023. International Conversation Partners   Contact Elizabeth Boucek at 974-5427.

WELCOME | from page 1

The other main goal of welcome Days is simply to show students a good time. Several carnival-style games were set up as well as classic outdoor games; all free of charge of course. The Jacob’s ladder physical challenge sent plenty of ambitious students face-first into its inflatable body and plenty of students showed off their strength, or lack thereof, on the Hi-Striker game. In addition, bean bags, volleyball, inflatable basketball hoops, and footballs were available to play on as with 101.9 the Mix was on hand to provide a wide variety of crowed favorites to line up the amplifier and let everyone on campus know where the party was. A student speaks with the Combat to College representative during Welcome Days on August Taylor Geraghty, Student 21. Numerous clubs and organizations recruited at the event. [Thomas E. Adamo] Trustee, said of the event, “It was just really exciting.” She added, “A stu- called, “It is a very exciting thing to see Fest taking place Sept. 19. dent walked up to me and asked, ‘Does so many students excited to come back Moraine do thing like this all the time?’” to school.” Connor Reynolds can be contacted at First-year president Sylvia Lenlchs reStudent Life’s next event will be Fall

K-Fu Club Contact Courtney Reese at 974-4067. Mastadon   Contact Ted Powers at 608-4177. Meeting, Planning, and Travel Club Contact Mary Beth Walsh at 974-5569. Music Club Contact Tammi Carlson at 974-5636. Muslim Student Association Contact Demetrius Robinson at 974-5353. Operation Snowball- Blizzard Edition Contact Mary Vicich at 974-5418. Peers Educating Peers   Contact Klaudia Mallett at 974-5722. Phi Theta Kappa/ Honors Organization Contact Demetrius Robinson at 974-5353. Psychology Club Contact Mitch Baker at (708) 608-4058. Recreation Interdisciplinary Strategy Club Contact Teresa Hannon at 608-4193. Recreation Management/ Recreation Therapy Contact Donna McCauley at 974-5227. Rock Solid Ministry Contact Michael Shannon at (708) 608-4047. Science Club Contact Keith Nabb at 974-5592. Student of Honors (S.H.A.R.P) Contact Ryan Nagle at 974-5679. Ski Club Contact Michael Wade at 974-5594. Student Ambassador Program Contact Alicea Toso at 974-5356. Ultimate Frisbee Contact Jessica Crotty at 974-5281. Women Empowerment Contact Dawn Fry at 974-5717. Xclusive Contact Demetrius Robinson at (708) 974-5353.



Glacier alumnus’ humble beginnings By Jena Rogers Staff Writer Glacier alumnus, Emily Luty, described her college career in the most auspicious of fashions. Luty started her career in journalism at Moraine Valley and continued working for other college publications. Luty describes her path from The Glacier to her current job at an advertising firm. “I highly recommend that students take part in clubs and organizations when they are in school, it is a tremendous learning experience and the relationships you form can really change your future career and personal life,” said Luty. After attending serving as the editorin-chief of The Glacier, Luty transferred to Benedictine University, where she worked for the university press, doing layout. Luty then continued to the University of Illinois, where she worked at Illini Media as the senior graphics designer. Luty also interned in the College of Media. Upon graduating from University of Illinois, Luty took her skills—furnished by her time at Moraine, Benedictine and University of Illinois—she was hired by

Dex One Media. Although Luty spent many hours in college newsrooms, she says that her writing skills and knack for journalism began at The Glacier. “The many hours I spent at Moraine, and with The Glacier specifically, are unforgettable,” said Luty. Luty’s experience at MVCC was rewarding but challenging. She learned the meaning of project management and multi-tasking as well as working with a team to accomplish a common goal. Luty claims that each skill ascertained at Moraine are invaluable and helped her procure her position at Dex One. Luty’s story is encouraging. She learned what she needed to succeed, regardless of which college she was attending, and worked her way into the Dex One newsroom. Luty’s story is compelling and encouraging. She worked at multiple college publications, furnishing her writing skills until she became marketable enough to earn a spot in a Dex One newsroom. Jena Rogers can be contacted at

Emily Luty smiles after her graduation from University of Illinois. Luty worked at Illini Media and as an intern in the College of Media. [Provide by Emily Luty]



Pam Bagdzinski uses animals and theatrical elements to create unique pieces. [Thomas E. Adamo] GALLERY | continued from page 1

Pam Bagdzinski’s work in the exhibition which, according to her, is influenced by her love for and participation in the theatre, was directly influenced by her acting in the Midsummer Night show at Moraine Valley Community College over the summer. Otis the owl also had his day of glory in the Art’s Faculty’s Exhibition through

the haunting close up pictures by Jamie Callahan. According to Callahan who is an adjunct professor in the Arts Department, Otis is a nine-inch tall owl who was rescued by the Willowbrook Wild Life Rehab Center when Otis was found hopping around with an injured wing. Kathleen Schonauer’s “Tablet of Destiny” comes wrapped in an aura of mystery. Kathleen Schonauer who is an ad-

Fallon J. Sweeney EntertainmentEditor


Lynn Peters’ “La Vie est 1 Illusion (Life is an Illusion)” is a mixed media sculpture. [Thomas E. Adamo] junct professor in Liberal Arts and also teaches Art History, Art Appreciation, Mythology and Jewelry. She says her Exhibition work is influenced by a Mesopotamian creation myth. “The Tablet of Destiny” supposedly represents the fate of humanity. According to Schonauer, her “Tablet of Destiny” is made of gold, which symbolically represents the masculine sun,

silver that represents the feminine moon and the jade stands for the cosmos, while the jasper represents the earth. The exhibition is a stop-and-see must for the connoisseur of art, but even has something for those casually interested in arts. David Alexander can be contacted at views@



Horwitz brings readers to the deep south By Fallon Sweeney Entertainment Editor

For a war that happened over a hundred and fifty years ago, the Civil War still triggers a myriad of emotions for many people. Troy Swanson is the Library Department Chair and is a vital part of the “One Book One College” program. It was Swanson who chose “Confederates in The Attic” as the selected book for this semester. “Confederates in The Attic” is one part travel book and one part history book, providing the reader with a healthy dose of history while giving a fair description to the places that author Tony Horwitz travels through. Tony Horwitz took a boyhood passion for the Civil War and used it as an inspiration for a journey through the South, investigating just what it is about the war that burns so bright in the hearts of so many Americans. Horwitz’s book takes him through Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia and Alabama. Along the way he comes into contact

with all sorts of people: those who fly the “rebel flag” with pride and those who are haunted by the mere implications of it. Horwitz encounters the world of hardcore civil war re-enactors, groups of men (and women) who come together on historical war sites to re-enact the famous battles of the time. Those who do not dive entirely into the role with correct clothing, food, smoke, and weaponry choices are dubbed “farbs.” When Horwitz travels to Guthrie, Kentucky, he comes across a community caught up in a whirlwind of controversy. Young husband and father Michael Westerman is shot and killed for displaying a large Confederate flag from the back of his pickup truck. He and his wife are chased down by a group of African American men and Westerman is killed, sparking a wildfire with two obvious sides. It becomes evident that the Confederate flag can spark hatred even between former classmates. The incident reminds us of the symbolism that the “rebel flag” still holds. Tony Horwitz also had a chance to meet with history buff Shelby Foote. Foote played narrator to Ken Burn’s famous documentary, “The Civil War.”

Upcoming Events September 5

Open book discussion will take place in the library lounge at noon. Students are invited to bring their lunches.

September 11

Tony Horwitz will be discussing his book in the M building at 11 AM. Discussion is open to the public.

September 22

Disney - Pixar’s “Brave” will be shown outside at the Gateway (Between F & M) beginning at 7 PM. Audience encouraged to bring blankets & chairs. Snacks will also be sold.

October 3

Panel Discussion, featuring history faculty, of the 2012 elections at noon. This will be a book and civil war related discussion, as well.

October 11

Historians will be speaking about the Civil War as well as “Confederates in The Attic” beginning at eleven AM in the library lounge

November 1

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder panel discussion amongst psychology and counseling department. This will take place from 11 AM to 12:15 PM in the library lounge.

November 26

“What does it mean to be an ‘American’? Indentity, history, and self” Wednesday, 11-11:50 in the library lounge.

Foote has some interesting things to say about the civil war and the Ku Klux Klan. Horwitz visits The Citadel (military college of South Carolina) and finds out a few surprising details about the true beginning of the war. Horwitz’s finds do not stop there. Faculty member Josh Fullton planned the upcoming events taking place in correlation for the “One Book One College Program.” The first event to take place will be a book discussion on Wednesday, Sept. 5 from noon to one in the library lounge. Students are welcome to bring their own lunches. Students are also invited to join Horwitz and in the M building on Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 11 a.m. Fallon Sweeney can be contacted at entertainment@

Tony Horwitz brings readers on a wild journey through the south in his book “Confederates in the



Decaprio Art Gallery: art faculty closeup By Fallon Sweeney Entertainment Editor Moraine Valley students are fortunate enough to have an expansive campus and top cut technology; little do many students realize we are surrounded by artists. The Robert F. Decaprio Art Gallery and surrounding Atrium are currently featuring an exhibit called “New Work” until SepT. 12. This exhibit features Moraine Valley art teachers’ artwork. The Atrium outside of the gallery exhibits work from adjunct faculty member Lloyd Wassenaar. Wasenaar has been an adjunct faculty member at Moraine Valley since 1999 and is a photographer as well as an adjunct faculty member at Joliet Junior College since 2000. Nikki Renee Anderson is an adjunct professor at Columbia College (Chicago) as well as a teacher at Moraine Valley. Jesse Avina is a teacher at Moraine Valley; he received his Masters of Fine Arts at the Art Institute of Chicago in 2008. Amy Babinec is an adjunct faculty member at Moraine Valley as well as at Harper College in Palatine. She is also a tour guide at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Pam Bagdzinkski was

(Left to right) Lloyd Wassenaar, Pam Bagdzinski, Jamie Callahan, Tyler Hewitt and Erik LaGattuta all participated in the faculty exhibition [Thomas E. Adamo] born, and grew up, in New Jersey. She teaches at Moraine Valley as well as Northeastern Illinois University. Jamie Callahan has taught photography, as well as other classes, at Moraine Valley since 2006 as an adjunct professor. Jamie is also a painter and decorator for Ritetone Decorating Service. Kevin Daly has been an adjunct professor at Moraine Valley since 2009; he

also teaches online art classes at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Joel Degrand has been a photographer and teacher for over thirty years of his life; he also runs a commercial studio. Trudy Kooy is a photographer who grew up in Western Canada and now teaches Art Appreciation and Art History. Jeff Krantz is an adjunct professor in drawing and painting at Northeastern Illinois University as well as at Moraine Valley. Erik La Gattuta was an instructor at

The School of The Art Institute of Chicago from 1999 to 2001 before coming to teach at Moraine Valley. Irene McAuley has been one of Moraine’s professors of art since 1997; she is also the coordinator of the Digital Art/Design Internship program and a liberal arts representative. Chris Matusek is also an instructor at the Beverly Arts Center. Tom McDonald has been a studio arts instructor at Morton College as well as Moraine since 1996; he is also an instructor at the Riverside Arts Center in Riverside. Susannah Papish also teaches art and design drawing at St. Xavier University. Lynn Peters is a sculpture artist who has been teaching at Moraine since 1997; she used to own Lynn Peters Design Studio in New Jersey. Kathleen Schonauer has been teaching at Moraine Valley as an adjunct professor since 1985. Marjorie Woodruff is an adjunct faculty member at Harold Washington College as well as at Moraine. Regina Ziemann taught at St Xavier until 2002 and has been teaching at Moraine since 1999. Moraine Valley art students are never without readily reached inspiration on campus. Fallon Sweeney can be contacted at

Return of Owl City

Midsummer Station brings Owl City to By Luke Langlois Staff Writer Owl City might sound more like a tourist attraction than a chart-topping band. Nevertheless, he has released his new album “The Midsummer Station.” Owl City is not exactly a new band. He has released a number of albums before “The Midsummer Station,” which were nowhere near as popular. His most notable song, which was released in 2010, was “Fireflies,” which also reached the top of the charts at the time. Owl City also recorded a song for the 2010 movie “The Legend of the Guardian’s: The Owls of Ga’Hoole.” Adam Young, the face and lead singer

of Owl City, got his big break in 2009 when the record company Universal Republic Records decided to give him a chance. Other notable performers who have also signed with URR are 3 Doors Down, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and even Taylor Swift. Recently with the release of their new album Owl City has performed nationwide. Shows such as “America’s Got Talent,” “The Today Show” and “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” have all hosted Owl City. The lyrics in each of the songs on the album are very easy to learn and listeners may find themselves singing along to the music even before they are done listening to the song for the first time. Possibly their most popular song on their album is “Good Time” featuring Carly Rae Jepson, which has made iTunes top 5 within weeks of its release. This foot-tapping mix of pop, rock and electronica makes this one of those albums you pop into the car radio, turn the volume up too high, and listen to on a car ride while you sing along. Overall Owl City has created an album that could provide the big break needed to become a “big name” in the music industry. Luke Langlois can be contacted at



“Hit and Run” a run-away-hit or total miss? By William Barker Staff writer “Hit and Run” is a road trip worth taking. As the fall semester fades into the norm, time also transitions out of the summer movie season. The blockbusters that used to fill the billboards are coated with advertisements for weekend getaways, vacation or consumer purchases, and the films that used to get everyone talking turn into the bland movies that just star a few characters that citizens come to know and love. A perfect case and point for this is “Hit and Run.” “Hit and Run” follows Charlie (Dax Shepard) who is under the witness protection program, and Annie (Kirsten Bell) the love of his life. The scene is set in a rural town where Annie teaches at a community college. Annie is finally recognized as incredibly overqualified and is given the opportunity to teach her self-established major of non-violent conflict resolution at a university in Los Angeles, the city where Charlie

stood on trial. While they acknowledge the danger of returning to the city where he can be found, Charlie decides that he would rather take the risk of being found than experience Annie’s resentment towards him for being the only reason she didn’t take the opportunity of a lifetime. Annie’s obsessive ex-boyfriend Gil (Michael Rosenbaum) manages to follow them and contact those that Charlie is hiding from Alex Dimitri (Bradley Cooper), Charlie’s former friend who upon hearing about his return, begins to hunt Charlie in search of vengeance for being put in jail. The movie bounces back and forth between fast paced action, gross out comedy, and romantic hoopla in a fashion all its own. While it does not always deliver the goods needed to impress, it does manage to remain an experience worth watching. “Hit and Run” isn’t the first time Shepard has directed. This time around though, he also chose to star. Perhaps if he had been observing from

Makin’ violent waves

Anthony Green does it again with new album. [DropMusicBox] By William Barker Staff Writer The long awaited full length album from Circa Survive has had a lot of people wondering in anticipation what direction they would be taking their sound this time around. It’s safe to say that the listener will not be disappointed with the newest edition to their discography. Violent Waves is a landscape of guitar harmonies and hypnotizing drums that pushes the limits in all the right directions. Anthony Green produces vocals that are haunting and unique throughout, never settling for a bland approach and maintaining a passion that can’t be bought or faked. His lyrics create a sense of understanding in a subject that seems to have only turmoil and confusion, life itself. With his voice guiding the band

and the warrior-like support from the guitars on either side, where most bands fizzle into mediocrity with the same 4 chords that can be heard across the board, Circa Survive chooses to speak freely and tell a story the way that they want it to be told. The album begins with a tone that sets the stage for the entrance into the ambient and atmospheric sounds echoing from the stereo. From the front of the stage to the beat of the drum, the entire band gives everything they have in an effort to please themselves as well as the listener. Everyone works as a team and waits their turn to deliver with a selflessness that most rock stars grow out of after their first or second appearance. With this being their fourth fulllength release, it must have people wondering what kind of musicians can still be this focused on the greater good of the music over their own agendas to impress. The only real answer that can be drawn from this amount of work put into all eleven songs is a genuine love for music that surpasses egos, as well as an honesty towards themselves and each other. The band works for the greater good of the only thing that matters when writing an album like “Violent Waves,” a sound that doesn’t bow down to anyone, but resonates with everyone as a masterpiece. William Barker can be contacted at

the director’s chair rather than hanging turns with American muscle, he wouldn’t have blown past the details and could have paved out a good chase movie. The details here and there are sloppy and it ends up doling out a few scenes of engines revving in a fashion both familiar and satisfying, but not much else. All in all, the movie was abundantly cheesy, but some moviegoers should

enjoy all the little parts of this movie that make it unique. Those that are expecting the movie to be a shining example of the film industry should look elsewhere. For a few laughs and offkey jokes that are borderline offensive as well as a lesson or two in teamwork, “Hit and Run” is a fine choice. William Barker can be contacted at

Alex (Bradley Cooper, center) plays the main antagonist in “Hit and Run” trying to get revenge on his friend who ratted him out. [The Movie Banter]

11 Career Corner JRC provides the tools for students’ job search THE GLACIER AUGUST 31, 2012 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 2

By Connor Reynolds Editor-in-Chief Located in the S building, the Job Resource Center (JRC) is the top resource for Moraine Valley students looking to improve the necessary skills for their inevitable job search. Over the course of the fall semester the JRC will host 19 workshops for students that will help teach them skills ranging from phone skills to resume building to in person interviewing. The two most important JRC events of the semester are the Mock Interview Day on September 12 from 2-5 p.m. and the Job and Internship Fair on September 27 from 2-5 p.m. Both events allow students, alumni and community members to talk face to face with real employers. Business formal dress is required for both events, as well as a resume. For more information on other events and workshops the JRC offers students can go to their website at Connor Reynolds can be contacted at

Successful Interviewing Strategies Non-Traditional Careers Successful Job Search Techniques How to Pursue an Internship Best Use of a Job Fair How to Pursue an Internship Best Use of a Job Fair Successful Resumes and Cover Letters Phone Interviewing Etiquette Resumes and Career Portfolios Non-Traditional Careers: Technology Networking and Social Media How To Pursue an Internship Job Search Techniques Successful Resumes and Cover Letters How to Pursue an Internship Successful Interviewing Strategies Non-Traditional Careers Successful Resumes and Cover Letters

Sept. 4 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 17 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Oct. 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 25 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 10 Dec. 4 Dec. 6

4-5 p.m. Noon-1 p.m. 4-5 p.m. 6-7 p.m. 4-5 p.m. 6:30-7:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-Noon 11 a.m.-Noon Noon-1 p.m. 9-10 a.m. 4-5 p.m. 4-5 p.m. Noon-1 p.m. 4-5 p.m. Noon-1 p.m. 4-5 p.m. Noon-1 p.m. Noon-1 p.m. Noon-1 p.m.

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Thomas E. Adamo, Photo Editor



August 21-22, 2012

Welcome Days at Moraine Valley Community College Photos by Thomas E. Adamo

Students enjoyed fun, games and relaxation at the Quad... preparation for the Fall 2012 semester.

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