1 minute read

Choices, Choices, Choices

Seniors share their decisions that they’ve made that got them to where they are now


by Jason Blevins

Nate Dworchakthe biggest DecisioN he maDe iN high school was takiNg harD classes throughout high school to get him further aheaD aND coNstaNtly work oN self-improvemeNt. as for regret, he has NoNe. he believes he maDe smart aND ethical DecisioNs. he states that if he haD to Do high school all over agaiN, he woulD make the same choices because he’s pleaseD with the effort he put iNto what he DiD.

muhammaD NooNmuhammaD’s biggest DecisioN he maDe iN high school was a DiffereNt aNswer theN most. his first aND smartest step was to “choose what path you waNt to pursue.” he believes the DecisioNs he maDe beNefiteD him iN the best way for his future, so he saiD he has No regrets. eveN with as much as he DiD, he saiD he still wishes he DiD more throughout high school.

reD sellNerher biggest DecisioN was applyiNg to the Novel program aND gettiNg accepteD sooN after. she states that she wishes she focuseD aND took her eDucatioN more seriously iN her early schooliNg. she shareD that she woulD strive to Do better aND succeeD more if she coulD reDo school all over agaiN.

Diego somozathe most importaNt DecisioN he maDe was eNlistiNg iN the military, aND this was the path he waNteD to carry oN with. he haD No regrets lookiNg back at his DecisioNs because he believes they got him to a gooD spot iN his life. he woulD make the same choices because he waNts to keep aND be prouD of the DecisioNs he maDe.

Natalie kiNgstoNher biggest DecisioN maDe was becomiNg a full ib stuDeNt. she has No regrets lookiNg back oN her time as a stuDeNt the DecisioNs she maDe got her iN a gooD place aND where she waNts to be. she woulD make the same choices aND she has No regrets oN the path she chose. wheN she looks back, she regrets NothiNg.

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