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Academic Stress

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Students’ mental health is often overlooked, and there needs to be ways to deal with stress when it comes to school work

by Preston Bates


Dealing with stress is one of the hardest things to manage while under pressure. Finding the best ways to deal with it, and attack it head on instead of letting it linger and ruin your mentality is recommended for everyone. Hobbies are a great way to relax and take a load off of a stressful week. Playing an instrument or being involved in a physical activity like sports or exercise is also proven to release stress. It makes you happy and makes you want to keep pushing, but it doesn’t get rid of the underlying issue that’s why it leads into beneficial habits.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s website, talking to people about how you feel is the best way to help yourself when it comes to a cluttered mind. That’s why therapy is a thing. It helps people in many ways. Getting things off your chest and just having someone to talk to is proven to help in many ways. You’re not the only person struggling, and hearing that someone else is going through the same thing as you can relieve a lot of that stress.

According to O’Connor Professional Group’s website, building habits to deal with school work and get it out of the way as soon as possible is another great way to deal with school stress. A lot of people get stressed because they like to procrastinate. Procrastination is a demon when it comes to managing work. You can say you will do it tomorrow and then before you know it the due date is creeping up on you, set a date and time to get the work in question done, get it out of the way and don’t cheat yourself. Stress is a terrible thing, and as the CDC states it can cause mood swings, loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping which are key factors in a happy and healthy life.

Joe Nunez , senior, says, “I like to set time limits before things are due” to handle academic stress. Bradley Smarr, senior, says, “ I don’t tend to. I find it hard to talk to people” regarding talking to people about stress.

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