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Autumn 2014


Keep families warm Bees bring changes mwbuk.org


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Welcome… to our Autumn–Winter Newsletter. In this edition you’ll hear about our spectacular summer camps that your generous donations made happen, and learn about how Joe McGuinness is making a lasting impact in memory of someone very special. As winter starts to draw in, the UK team have been concentrating on keeping warm and healthy by training for a 10K run! You can find out how to get involved or support us on page 14. There’s a lot happening in the countries we work, especially in Ukraine. So please use our weekly prayer guide in the centre pages to pray for the huge number of vulnerable people MWB supports. We hope you’ll find our stories interesting. If you have any other ideas for what you would like to read in the Newsletter, please get in touch with any of us in the team here on: info@mwbuk.org or 020 7940 1370. Happy reading!


Mission Without Borders

Reaching people for Christ: Helping people out of poverty into a sustainable future. If you would like to find out more about our work please contact us on: t: 020 7940 1370 e: info@mwbuk.org View this newsletter online: mwbuk.org 2

You can hel keep warm Families like the Bardovskas in Ukraine face freezing as fuel prices rise rapidly and temperatures drop this winter. Your help is needed now before winter worsens. Enjoying an unseasonably warm December, Olena and Petro Bardovska were convinced that they would be able to keep their family warm for the remainder of the winter. Petro’s salary as a night guard isn’t much but he planned to buy just enough fuel to heat their home and keep their six children warm. Then January hit with a dramatic drop to -25°C. The constant frost frightened Olena and Petro. How on earth could they keep from freezing? You can help families in fear of freezing The Bardovskas home seemed to make the cold worse. They bought their old house thirteen years ago full of dreams for renovating it into a comfortable, safe place to raise their children. Then, the ramshackle house was decaying, with crumbling walls and worn, bare floor boards. It is the same today. Olena cooks on a gas oven, and usually Petro heats their three rooms by burning wood, coal or peat in a stove. The Bardovskas only have an outside toilet and use a well for their water. Last January, when the extreme weather set in, Petro had already spent his salary on some wood to burn and food. He did not have any left to buy more fuel to keep his family warm during such a big freeze. Give now to keep families warm this winter The difference between keeping warm and freezing for the Bardovskas was you. Your kindness and generosity meant that MWB could deliver essential fuel to families across Eastern

lp families this winter Europe that enabled them to keep their families healthy during the extreme winter conditions. We need your help again this year because the winters continue to be treacherous and there are so many families who will find themselves desperate to keep warm. Your donation will provide essential fuel, but more than that it will help to cover the costs of our specialist Co-ordinators to support the spiritual, emotional and educational needs of families too.

Sustainable winter fuel Having enough fuel to last all winter can mean the difference between life and death. Many people who MWB supports are unable to pay for gas or electricity. We find that providing enough fuel for the whole winter is more useful than paying their electricity bill. MWB purchases winter fuel from sustainable and commercial sources to support the local economy.

£75 will provide enough fuel to keep a family warm for the whole winter. Be a family’s ‘Winter Warmer’ and give today! Give at www.mwbuk.org/winterfuel Phone 020 7940 1370 3

More than bees MWB has recently been involved with a wonderful case of a family achieving self sufficiency. The Cosovscaias family has built their own beehive enterprise with a bit of help from MWB Moldova staff and a lot of hardwork. With one small change they were able to achieve a huge life change. The Cosovscaias family became involved in Mission Without Borders’ sponsorship scheme three years ago. They have three sons and, in order to survive, Mrs Cosovscaia had to travel abroad to work each summer. Educating their three sons was extremely important to them but they could not afford it on Mr Cosovscaias’ tailors salary alone. MWB Moldova was able to give some immediate support by providing the family with essential food packages and warm clothing. This helped them in the short term but it was also important to identify how a 4

long-term difference could be achieved for the Cosovscaias. Because of family sponsorship the Moldova team were able to offer them the opportunity to run a small ten beehive enterprise. The Cosovscais were supported in setting up the beehives and being trained in basic business skills in order to ensure their small business would be sustainable in the future. When they were visited by our Coordinator Ion eighteen months later, the family had grown the beehive business to more than thirty hives and are now producing more than 800kg of honey per year.

Mr Cosovscaia said, “I cannot believe how different our life is now

compared to eighteen months ago. We were constantly worried and anxious about what the future held for our children. We were desperate to ensure they could have the opportunities we didn’t but it was so difficult. Most days we didn’t even know how we were going to feed our family. But now, we have a stable income that means we can plan a future for our children.” As well as increasing their beehive enterprise, the family has planted a productive kitchen garden with fruit and vegetables. Now they are providing for themselves, Mr and Mrs Cosovscaia hope to renovate their home and support their sons through school and on to higher education. There’s no doubting that it took a lot of perseverance to make the enterprise a success, but Mr Cosovscaia said “It was hard work but so worth it. Our faith in God and MWB’s faith in our ability to make it happen meant we would not give up – it has been worth every single bee sting on the way!” The achievements of the Cosovascaia family cannot be understated, but they would not have been able to succeed without your love, prayers and support through MWB’s sponsor a family scheme. In Moldova 82% of poor people live in rural areas, struggling with unequal access to safe drinking water, sanitation, education and health services. We’re working to reduce the poverty gap and support rural households to have the same opportunities as those living in cities.

Find out more To find out more about how you can help us achieve this and be part of such a life changing project, email us info@mwbuk.org with the subject Bees Change Lives.


Thank you!

You enabled thousands of children to build friendships, learn about God and flourish with new experiences. Here’s what some of the children had to say about why Summer Camps made a difference.

“We were given a little book and I have started to read it. It says that God planned for us to be born in this world: In Romania! And it is says how important we are. It’s good to hear that because sometimes I don’t feel very important.”

“I often feel lonely at home and am usually on my own. At Summer Camp, my new friends helped me be less frightened about talking to other children my age..”

“This is my first Camp ever. I had the chance the make new friends and do things like jump on a trampoline and use a zip line, which I’ve never experienced before. I enjoyed it so much I don’t want to go back home!”

“At Summer Camp I learnt about God’s love and why it is good to pray. Sometimes I am nervous about talking in front of other people but praying together helped me feel better about that too. When I go back to school I hope I’ll be able to speak in front of the class. That makes me happy.”

“I think the puppet show is the best. I never knew you can laugh so much and still learn about God.” 6

Autumn–Winter 2014–15

Prayer Guide

We value your prayers! Daily prayer guide available: mwbuk.org info@mwbuk.org 020 7940 1370

“Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.” (1 Cor. 12:14)

General prayers for each week Sunday Albania Please pray for vulnerable people, particularly younger generations, affected by the country’s poverty-related crime and corruption. Pray that the barriers to formal employment will be removed, enabling young people to have a better life.




Bosnia-Herzegovina Summer flooding left 90,000 people displaced from their homes. In addition, 40,000 people found extended refuge in shelters. Pray for continuing aid to support re-building and bring food, health supplies and other essential items.

Bulgaria� Pray for Bulgaria’s struggle in its financial crisis. Ask that political leaders and banks work together to overcome barriers to economic improvement. Pray to include the poorest and most vulnerable people in economic improvement.

Moldova� Eighty four per cent of Moldovans live in rural areas. Pray their access to education and health services improve so that people in rural areas may have good opportunities to improve their circumstances.




Romania Women are a vulnerable social group: Romanian laws still hinder women from finding employment or starting their own business. Pray for more equality for women to have greater access to education and economic opportunities.

Ukraine The Ukraine crisis continues to impact the poorest. Please pray for a peaceful solution to be agreed between all parties. Ask that the international community’s generosity continues to support those most in need.

UK The MWB UK team is preparing for the autumn-winter season. Please pray that we rise to new challenges and begin to increase our connections across the UK.


Autumn 2014

“So in Christ we, though many, form one body, an

28 September–4 October Micro-enterprise Ivo from Bosnia-Herzegovina received goats through MWB’s micro-enterprise programme: ‘I now have a whole herd. We have meat and milk and we have made some profit.’ Pray for wisdom for MWB’s field workers in supporting poor families in taking steps to self-sufficiency.


5–11 October

19–25 October

Christian training and seminars MWB Ukraine provided Christian training and seminars to 398 staff and volunteers last year. Give thanks for everyone participating. Pray they are enabled to reach people for Christ more effectively as they put their faith into action.

Gifts in Kind We provide clothes, hygiene items, toys and mattresses to vulnerable communities in Eastern Europe. Thank God for the companies donating such essential gifts and give thanks for those who donate money to transport them.

12–18 October

26 Oct–1 Nov

Families in Crisis For families who regularly face insecurity, we provide essential food and clothing. Pray that through this initial help, families will want to continue working with MWB to receive longterm support to move towards self-sufficiency.

Family Sponsorship Supporting families to stay together is crucial for helping them tackle poverty and social exclusion. Pray that through family sponsorship, MWB is helps remove daily pressures driving families apart.

nd each member belongs to all the others.” (Rom 12:5) 2–8 November

23–29 November

7–13 December

Evangelistic campaigns MWB brings God’s message of reconciliation and love to support individuals’ spiritual development. Pray we continue to reach people’s hearts and bring communities together in peaceful cooperation.

Christian media In Western Ukraine, millions of people listen to our radio programmes. Pray for those involved in Christian radio, teaching and literature distribution – ask that they are inspired to communicate the good news engaging young and old alike.

Christian puppet theatre This festive time of year brings many opportunities to retell bible stories. Pray for those sharing the Nativity through theatre that they are inspired by both the incarnation and children watching.

9–15 November

30 Nov– 6 Dec

14–20 December

Mother Care Albania’s health services are hindered by lack of resources. Pray for expectant mothers and ask that they are provided with assistance and supplies necessary for safe deliveries and care for their new babies.

Community Centres Illeana, Romania: “I am 84 with no family. I felt so good when the people from the centre came to visit me. They offered me support and brought me food.” Pray that vulnerable people like Illeana continue to benefit from MWB’s community centre support.

Our supporters Give thanks for MWB’s many supporters world-wide; that we are all part of the family of God – as well as the MWB family. Praise Him, for we are one body!

16–22 November Operation Christmas Love Marc, Romania: “The last years had been a horrible time of pain…Thanks to you, I opened my heart to Jesus and He filled it with joy, hope and love.” Give thanks for OCL! Pray for MWB’s staff preparing to deliver 30,000 parcels to people like Marc this Christmas.

21 – 27 December Celebrate the birth of our Saviour “The grace of God has appeared, offering salvation to all” (Titus 2:11). As we celebrate God’s love for us give thanks for this transforming message which changed the world forever. 9

Autumn 2014

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Rom 12:12)

28 Dec–3 January 2015

1–7 February

Clubs for people with disabilities MWB staff and local church volunteers offer fellowship and support to people with disabilities. Pray that all beneficiaries gain new skills to give them confidence in actively relating with others.

Vocational training Olena, Ukraine: “I’ve nine siblings, so I am grateful to MWB because I can now study.” Give thanks for our Vocational Education Centre in Sarny providing accredited courses for those with no means of studying.

4–10 January Operation Winter Rescue Severe weather isolates some communities and limits access to electricity and water. Pray for communities who are affected by sub-zero temperatures – particularly those deprived of public attention and care.

8–14 February

11–17 January

25–31 January

Street Mercy Mihai, Bulgaria: “I can’t thank you enough for everything you did. Your support means a lot to me: You are my only home”, Pray that people like Mihai will continue to benefit from hot meals, warmth, clothing and hygiene items through Street Mercy.

Bible Correspondence Course The BCC plays a vital role in supporting the emotional and literacy development of children, particularly those starting school late or are slow learners. Pray that our courses continue to reach children who are isolated.

18–24 January Prison Care Many female inmates in Albania are abandoned by their families. Pray that our Prison Care programme gives solace and hope by offering hygiene parcels, Christian teaching and emotional support.


UK Supporters Praise God for our faithful, generous donors who enable our work to continue. Pray that MWB UK can continue to foster strong relationships with supporters across the country.

A lasting gift At a time of great sadness, one MWB supporter is choosing to celebrate the life of his beloved by leaving a gift in her memory. Joe McGuinness’ childhood sweetheart and wife of 42 years sadly passed away from a rare form of cancer last November. Joe wanted to do something special to honour the memory of his wife, Margaret. She had been a teacher who played an important role in mentoring and inspiring newly qualified teachers, and supported many pupils from difficult backgrounds to succeed in their studies. She knew first-hand the difference that an education can make to the economic and social circumstances of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Having supported MWB for a number of years Joe was aware of the importance of its education programmes and felt that providing a scholarship for a vulnerable student in Eastern Europe was a fitting way to remember his wife. Joe said,

“Margaret helped so many young people and new teachers to fulfil their potential. Her dedication and commitment to others is unforgettable and that’s why I wanted to donate a scholarship – to celebrate her life and give Margaret a lasting legacy.” MWB supports young people from the poorest countries in Eastern Europe to break the cycle of deprivation by providing educational scholarships. The scholarships achieve long term change for students and give young people opportunities they would not have otherwise had.

You can learn more about MWB’s education programmes by visiting our website www.mwbuk.org 11

What does Christmas

Celebration? Family? Festive food? Presents? Christ incarnate?

It’s simple: By taking part in our Operation Christmas Love appeal, you will spread the love of Christmas in your own fellowship. And the good news is that you will also be sharing the true meaning of Christmas and welcoming vulnerable people into your family through one small act of kindness.

When thinking about Christmas, is it just a time of sparkles and wrapping paper, or is it a time of giving and sharing with our loved ones and communities?

This year Operation Christmas Love is going digital. In addition to our usual activities, we’ll be taking to Twitter, Facebook and our website to inspire the true meaning of Christmas in people and help raise awareness about our important work in the poorest countries of Eastern Europe.

This year we want to offer you and your church family an opportunity to include other families in your celebrations – to share the sort of Christmas that most of us are familiar with. 12

In the run up to Christmas and just after, we’ll be sharing stories about what Christmas means to

mean to you? different people. We’ll be talking about the huge difference our 30,000 boxes of love make and we’ll be giving you plenty of ideas about how you can get involved either by donating a box, sharing your story or getting your church, local school, or community group to participate in an activity that supports our campaign.

Operation Christmas Love happens every year because we need your help to meet essential needs for families at Christmas. The boxes may contain the basics but they offer the exceptional – the feeling of being loved and included.

Christmas is around the corner. So start planning now to make sure that you share your Christmas with vulnerable families. With an Operation Christmas Love box you’ll provide a family with a festive meal, food for the rest of the winter – and hope for a better future. So, keep your eye on our website and look out for our mailings to share God’s love this Christmas. Visit www.mwbuk.org/what-Christmas-means for:  • Worship suggestions for churches • Ideas for schools • Online Advent calendar. facebook.com/MissionWithoutBorders @mwb_uk

Get ready to share what Christmas means to you! 13

Welcome to Carly Jones We are delighted to introduce Carly as MWB UK’s new National Manager. Carly comes with a wealth of experience in the charity sector, telling us… “I am from Birmingham where I live with my husband, Patrick and pet dog, Chalky. I have a BA in International Relations and Peace Studies and have been working for charities for almost ten years. Before joining MWB, I worked for Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust as the Head of Fundraising, where I was responsible for generating income for three hospitals in the West Midlands. Prior to that I was Head of Fundraising and Communications for a social welfare charity called Birmingham Settlement, supporting people

Sponsor Team MWB UK!

experiencing social and economic exclusion across the city. Working at MWB presents a wonderful opportunity to contribute to an area I am passionate about: I’m particularly interested in the role of faithbased organisations and the impact they have on development across the world. There is a huge amount already being achieved by the Mission, so I am very excited to be part of the MWB family. As UK Manager, I’d like to contribute to the continued success of the organisation. I hope I can bring new ideas that support the development of fundraising for the Mission. In my free time, I enjoy keeping fit. I have recently completed an 8.5 mile run and am looking to do a half-marathon at some point in 2015. I also like reading particularly contemporary fiction and have an interest in social justice and human rights. Carly takes over from David Hardisty, who has now assumed full-time responsibility of all MWB’s IT across all the countries where we work. Ever thought of doing a 10km run but it’s just not your thing? Then let us do the running for you! With Team MWB UK running the Regents Park 10k on Sunday 2 November, here’s your chance to join us – in spirit if not in trainers! You can show your support by sponsoring us online at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/giving/ MissionWithoutBorders or if you live nearby, join the cheer squad and pop down to Regents Park to cheer us on. Alternatively if you are inspired by our challenge, why not get involved to do a run yourself or nominate a family member?! You can do anything from a 5km to a full marathon almost anywhere in the country. Email us at info@mwbuk.org with the subject Run for MWB and we can help you find the perfect the thing!


Give as you live Did you know... You can now help Mission Without Borders - simply by shopping online. Thousands of stores will donate to us a percentage of every pound you spend online when you shop with Give as you Live. Give as you Live works with 3,666 leading stores that have signed up to donate a commission on every online purchase to the charity of your choice. This commission is already included in the price of what you’re buying, so you can support your favourite cause, at no extra cost to you. Get started: www.giveasyoulive.com/join missionwithoutborders

MWB hits UK news MWB’s vital support to those affected by conflict in Ukraine features in UK press. Did you read Church Times, The Catholic MWB manager Mykola Bohdanets (right) visiting a Times or listen to damaged home in Slovyansk with local pastors UCB or Premier Christian Radio last month? You may have noticed articles and interviews about Mission Without Borders! If you missed them, here’s a quick summary: MWB Ukraine teamed up with other local charities to support residents affected by eastern Ukraine’s recent conflict. MWB visited the town of Slovyansk to start the gruelling task of rebuilding and bringing some hope back to its devastated community. MWB helped deliver a 15-ton truck with emergency essentials for Slovyansk residents, including basic essentials of clothing, shoes, nappies, bedding and water. The truck also brought roofing materials and supported partner churches with the delivery of more than 65 tonnes of food to distressed residents who had been unable to leave the town. Mykola Bohdanets, MWB’s manager in Ukraine, accompanied the humanitarian cargo to Slovyansk. He met with local officials and priests, visiting damaged homes and praying with the residents.

Stamps! For sending your donation to us by post, please use the Business Reply Envelope which we enclose with our letters to you. However, do NOT affix a postage stamp to the Freepost envelope. Unfortunately, Royal Mail no longer permit us to reclaim the cost of your stamp. We still need your used stamps! Please do send any you have to the usual address.

Follow us @mwb_uk

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To support Mission Without Borders, I enclose a gift of: £30 £60 £120 Other

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Please tick to increase your donation to MWB by: Gift Aid You can add 25p to every £1 that you donate at no cost to you. If you pay UK income or capital gains tax, MWB reclaims the basic rate tax from the Inland Revenue. Higher rate taxpayers can claim a rebate based on the difference between the higher and basic rate, nominating MWB to receive any rebate due. Tax reclaimed will be used to help all of MWB’s work. I confirm I pay UK income or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax to be reclaimed (25p for every £1) by all the charities or CASCs that I donate to. MWB can reclaim tax I have paid on this gift and any future gifts I may make.

Mission Without Borders 175 Tower Bridge Road London SE1 2AG t: 020 7940 1370 f: 020 7403 7348 e: info@mwbuk.org facebook.com/MissionWithoutBorders

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