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December 2013

“Today God reached out to us with His good hand – I know He loves us!” It was a cold snowy day when the Mission’s Family Coordinator and a staff member team crunched their way through the snow to the doorway of the Cuznetov’s family house in Tintareni village, Moldova. Mum, Viorica and Dad, Vasile, are unemployed. They have 5 children aged 11 to just one. They welcomed us into their one-roomed house – a bedroom, living room, bathroom and kitchen all in one. Many worn blankets and old carpets were laid to cover the cold granite floor, rough adobe holding ceiling timbers in place. continued on page 2

A Moldovan family helped with Winter Rescue clothing.



The Cuznetov family now ready for winter temperatures far below zero.

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Two of the five children attend school, but son Pavell, 7, was born with heart problems. Even though they are poor and only have a welfare benefit of 900 Lei ($85) a month, they are a close knit, hard-working family. They raise a few goats, sheep and hens and grow vegetables to help meet their needs. Vasile has also kept some beehives in the past but doesn’t have extra money needed to look after them now.

When the team brought in the boxes and they were opened, out came all the coats, a new one for each of them. Viorica and Vasile were speechless and the children’s eyes grew wide with amazement.

“Only in my dreams have I owned such amazing things for me and my family.”

As the weather was below freezing outside, the children were never allowed to go out because they just did not have the winter coats and boots needed to keep warm. Viorica’s greatest worry was that the children would catch a bad cold or flu and then would have to see the doctor which they just cannot afford.

“Our children wear the clothes and shoes passed down from one another, we sew, fix them and wear them again. We don’t have any other choice.”



“It is wonderful for each of us to have new winter shoes and jackets! I never dreamed that there would be a day when I could give to all my children such amazing and needed winter gear, It is for the first time they have ever had NEW clothes and shoes,” Viorica told us.

“Today God reached out to us with His good hand – I know He loves us! Thank you very much. Oh dear God what a jacket. Only in my dreams I have had such amazing things for me and my family. Thank you from the depth of our hearts for all these amazing things. Even their colours are so wonderful! I cannot find the words to express the joy I have in my soul right now!” ♦

Supporters’ Visit to Romania, Moldova and Albania A group of nine New Zealanders, four Australians and one American travelled together in October, visiting sponsored families and children, and other projects of Mission Without Borders in those countries. All were profoundly touched by what they saw and experienced. Families with very little offered sweets and cakes and drinks; children in orphanages put on Harvest concerts of dancing and singing; families showed off home improvements made possible by generous sponsor help; churches welcomed us; gypsy children begged for money, toys, or fruit, as we parked outside humble homes; group members helped serve open-air meals to homeless people. Most often it was the local Mission staff, Pastors and volunteers, all frontline people, who left a lasting impression of commitment to their people – in soup kitchens, children’s programmes, street work and practical and moral support to families. More will be shared in upcoming publications and on our web site. Photos (Top): The group visits the Eni family in Moldova; (Top right): Children at Chisinau State Home, Moldova, treated their special visitors to a cultural performance.

Next supporter tour The next tour is planned for September 2015 (no NZ tour in 2014). We will visit MWB’s work in two countries over about a 2 week period. The number of places will be limited, with preference given to sponsors wishing to visit their sponsored children or families.

From all of us in the NZ Office to you We wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year for 2014. Thank you for all your interest and support of our work. We are thrilled to be connected with you. Our field offices have asked us to pass on their thanks and best wishes to all of our supporters – but of course they still struggle to comprehend how we in New Zealand can have Christmas in the sun while they are about to endure the coldest months of the year!



Update: Operation Cover Up Both Operation Cover Up shipments have arrived in Holland for delivery by truck to our field countries. Two 40 foot containers – another magnificent effort by all involved! Thank you very much to all knitters and others who have supported Operation Cover Up in 2013. When our supporter tour visited the MWB Romania warehouse in October, the knitters in the group spotted two Canterbury bales from 2012 being held for the start of this winter. Curious, they opened one bale to see what was inside, and found warm jerseys. The five knitters in the tour group were pleased to see that 2012’s knitting had arrived and that everything else had been distributed by the winter of February 2013. These warm and colourful things are a much appreciated addition to the items distributed to families, orphanages and through community centres during the coldest time (December-February). Pictured: Thames Coordinator Bev Cullingford in MWB Romania’s warehouse and a warm jersey from Canterbury.

Direct Credit Payments: Our bank account is 06-0185-0122206-12 If you would like us to issue a receipt for tax rebate purposes, please include or email us your name, supporter number (if you have one) and what it is for. For Bibles, please use account 06-0185-0122206-25 but please note that gifts for Bibles do not qualify for tax rebates.

MISSIONWITHOUTBORDERS (NZ) PO Box 56264, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446


Phone 09 309 6969

Email nzadmin@mwbi.org

Website www.mwb.org.nz

Reg. Charity No. CC37218

Helping to Change Lives in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

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