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Seeds of Hope February 2014

Four years ago Mission Without Borders launched the Seeds of Hope program. Since then it has supplied thousands of families across Eastern Europe with boxes of seeds and gardening tools to plant their own vegetable patches. Once again Mission Without Borders stepped in last spring. All over Eastern Europe we delivered thousands of Seeds of Hope Parcels. In Bulgaria for example we supplied 120 Bulgarian families, that’s about 700 adults and children, with a Seeds of Hope parcel. These are families currently enrolled in MWB programs such as Family to Family or benefit from the Soup Kitchens we run. Some are also members of churches we partner with in the local areas. We know these folks and we know they need our support. The Eastern European countries we work in are the poorest in Europe. Bulgaria is among the poorest of the poor . The overall economic conditions there also influence the extent of household production of food. In Bulgaria, more than half of the people grow crops or keep livestock in order to meet basic needs. The situation in the lowest income group is even more acute, with 64% of people in Bulgaria (75% of people in Romania) relying on their own food production. Despite the fact that many citizens have developed their own strategies to cope with economic strain, some 61% of the citizens in Bulgaria have difficulties in making ends meet. Indeed many possess or have access to land but can’t afford to work that land lacking tools, seeds and often the knowledge needed to grow and harvest a crop. While others are able to cultivate their land and supplement their meagre family food supply those who can’t are forced to spend what little money they have on food that is very expensive to buy in Bulgaria. That means choices have to be made. School supplies for the children, medicine for the sick family member or food. Those are just some of the everyday decisions many families have to make. The Seeds of Hope program not only puts food on the table but it changes lives. It brings the dignity of work, the hope of a better future and the comfort in the knowledge that you can feed and care for your children. Radko and Gina live near Gotse Delchev in southwest Bulgaria. They enrolled in our Family to Family program last February. Family income is very limited, Gina works part time for $28 per month and there are months when Radko doesn’t earn even that much. Providing food for themselves and their children has been a challenge. One they often could not meet. Last March they got a Seeds of Hope box with vegetable seed packages to sow in the field. The whole family, including the families of the two grown-up and

Mission Without Borders 1-800-494-4454 | www.mwbca.org email: dinwood@mwbi.org

married sons of Radko and Gina, worked hard and when autumn came they reaped the reward of all that hard work. The family enjoyed a rich harvest of zucchini, cabbage, leeks, cucumbers, water-melons, peppers and tomatoes. These products provided security, enriched the family’s menu and allowed some funds to be set aside for other needs. “We are very thankful for those seeds,” Gina shares. “Due to them, in this time of hunger we had fresh and varied vegetables on our table. During the summer months we eat and cook mainly peppers and tomatoes. We spend money only to buy bread and cooking oil. Due to the harvest from the field, we survived during the summer and now we have enough to conserve for the winter as well.” Gina and Radko also support the families of their two married sons with vegetables. So, the small seeds of the project in fact provided food for three families. All that was made possible due to the Seeds of Hope parcels delivered by Mission Without Borders. “The crop from the field helped us save some money to buy the necessary school materials and clothes for our son who starts classes in mid-September, ” Gina says proudly. “Due to these seeds, for the first time in years, we had watermelon on our table. We haven’t tasted one for years as we couldn’t afford to buy it. God willing, we would like to sow more seeds next year. Thus, we will be able to produce some to sell at the market and save money for firewood for the winter. If the harvest is good and we sell lots of the harvest, we will be able to do some renovation work on the house as well. God really loves us. May He bless you all for your care and kindness.” Last spring MWB also distributed Seeds of Hope parcels in Moldova, Romania and to 437 families in Ukraine. In addition to the seeds, MWB provides tools and educates the families on food growing. The hope being of course that these families would be released from hunger and poverty into a more sustainable lifestyle. A simple box of seeds makes a big difference to a family living in poverty. It’s a wonderful thing to see families working and learning together to grow their own food, and how it transforms their lives. Each box only costs $20.00 but it makes such a massive difference. One Ukrainian recipient of the seeds said: “The seeds were an extra expense for us that we simply could not afford. I was forced to feed my baby on sugarwater. But now I have enough food for all my children – we are all becoming so much stronger and healthier. We are so grateful for this change!”

P.O. Box 2007, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8

“...choices have to be made. School supplies for the children, medicine for the sick family member or food ” Mission Without Borders is sowing Seeds of Hope that bring food to eat and changed lives. Such results, such benefits occur simply as we give people seeds to plant their own vegetables. Another Romanian family is one of thousands who have benefitted from learning to plant Seeds of Hope for themselves. In the process, they have learnt to work together to experience the fruit of their own labor. In Sonila’s own words, “The seeds are changing our relationships, our behavior and our lives.” This is God’s transforming power that brings together both sowing and reaping in one family’s life. Will you plant such seeds of hope? If so, the seeds you plant will give a family enough food on the table to eat and flourish – not simply survive. You’ll plant seeds that encourage a family to come together and work together. You’ll be planting seeds that transform lives. In Romania Seeds of Hope has helped hundreds of families. One such family headed by Silvia and Nicolae was enrolled in our Family to Family (F2F) program exactly five years ago. They have three boys and three girls, of which only Samuel (22 years old), Marta (18) and Simona (37) still live at home. Simona has two children 8 year old Sara and 5 year old Sofia. Simona is the only one who is employed. Silvia and Nicolae are pensioners, but Nicolae tries to make an extra income by delivering flyers to homes. Silvia loves to garden which she has done since her childhood. They have a small garden where they plant all kinds of vegetables (carrots, onion, parsley, tomatoes, peppers, celery, radish, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, etc.). Silvia is very proud of her production of vegetables and she said: “Of course, we plant the seeds and we pray, but God is the one who makes it rain and makes the seeds grow.” “We are so happy for these seeds,” added Silvia and the rest of the family confirmed – “and they came in the right moment, (last spring) when they have to be planted. They are a real blessing for our family! If God makes them grow, they will turn into a great harvest, enough to feed my family. When they are ripe, we will invite you to come over end enjoy our feast. Thank you and the good-hearted sponsors for this nice gesture! God bless you and reward you!” When last autumn arrived Silvia happily reported, “This year we were abundantly blessed by God. We are so thankful! Since summertime we ate only the vegetables from our garden. We had onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, carrots, garlic… The radishes were not so many this time but the others have grown very well. We had onions all summer until now and some of it I used for the preserved vegetables and pickles I have made for the winter time. The tomatoes were also very good. I made tomato juice and we still have tomatoes in the garden.

The salad was quite enough, so I have even shared some of it with some sisters from the church. If God blessed us with plenty of it, I think it was fair to be shared with others too,” Silvia ended, with a smile on her face. Nicolae believes that God was the One who blessed them with such a rich harvest. “The harvest is big even though the garden is not. But we know that it was big because our God is big! All the vegetables were so tasty and good that we don’t have words to thank God and Mission Without Borders for the blessed involvement in our life. If we didn’t have all this, it would have been hard for us. Thank you so much for everything! God bless Mission Without Borders!” Their own hands worked with diligence their own land and now, they pick their own harvest which represents the provisions of food. God blessed their hard work with rich crops. We left the family with hope in their eyes as they look forward to the winter time without fear. God showed them His faithfulness once again. The difference was made by the little bags of seeds which brought a good harvest, hope and joy. It is a miracle how such a little seed can become so big but we know that with God, all things are possible. Just $20.00 will buy a Seeds of Hope parcel. We would be so grateful if you could spare a little extra this month to help us provide thousands of people in Eastern Europe with the most basic necessity there is, food. May the harvest be great for all those who “planted a seed” for His glory! Blessings

David Inwood National Director PS…. Have you considered leaving a gift for MWB in your will? Please call us; we would be pleased to discuss this in confidence with you.

1-800-494-4454 | www.mwbca.org

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