63654 mwb a speccial appeal final version

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Matthew 25:35-45

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35 For I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ 37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’ 40 And the King will tell them, ‘I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Greetings friends

Church Helping Hands and Fraser Valley Gleaners are just a few of the organizations who have stepped up to provide food, clothing and a long list of other basic necessities. We offer them all and other supporting organizations our deepest gratitude and most heartfelt thanks. We urgently need to get all of these contributions over to the orphans and families, the elderly, the homeless and the sick in that desperate part of the world. But we face a cruel problem. All this food, clothing and other generously donated supplies aren’t going anywhere until we find a way to pay for the shipping. It costs about $8,000 to send one container carrying a million meals, clothing and other badly needed supplies to Eastern Europe.

We are truly fortunate here in Canada to have so many generous people and community minded organizations committed to helping people in need, wherever that need may be. We thank you all, we pray in gratitude for you wherever you may be, whoever you may support.

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For over 50 years Mission Without Borders Canada have been reaching out to the poorest of the poor in Eastern Europe in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria, Throughout that region of the world poverty, homelessness and hunger is grinding and unrelenting. But the Mission and our supporters bring hope, opportunity and the love of Christ to sustain the thousands suffering both physical and spiritual hunger. Think of the terrible pictures of the little ones from Africa and Asia we see on TV all the time. The hopelessness and suffering for the little ones caught in the poverty trap in Eastern Europe is just as bad, made worse by harsh brutal winters where hundreds of people have frozen to death. North Okanagan Valley Gleaners, Okanagan Valley Gleaners, Prairie Chapel Helping Hands, The Least of These, Seven Oaks Alliance

Volunteers at Fraser Valley Gleaners preparing a million meals for the hungry of Eastern Europe

We don’t use sponsor money for this. All sponsor money goes to aid the family or child being sponsored. We need to find the money some other way to send these badly needed supplies. And so we have launched a special appeal to our supporters, the business community and community service organizations. We need to raise $50,000 this year so we can ship all the food, clothing and other supplies we will have available. It’s important we get started now since, despite the lovely spring weather we are having it is only a few short months before the cold of winter descends again on Eastern Europe. It will take those few short months to raise the money we need to ship everything to Europe in time.

Face (f The volunteers from Prairie Chapel Helping Hands hard at work

Mission Without Borders 1-800-494-4454 | www.mwbca.org

North Okanagan Valley Gleaners volunteers hard at work making meals for the hungry

There are thousands of families and children in Eastern Europe, struggling every day, for food to survive, for clothing to ward off the cold, for the opportunity to help themselves, for some semblance of hope to bless their lives and give them a reason to carry on.

email: dinwood@mwbi.org


P.O. Box 2007, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8 Untitled-1 63654 MWB1 June NL.indd 1

11-01-04 AM 14-06-12 10:13 8:23 AM

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“I know it is so difficult for them, especially when they go to school and see all the other children, well-dressed and clean. I wish I could buy them beautiful and warm clothes, but I can’t afford them.”

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There is a family (last name not given to protect their privacy) in Romania whose living conditions are almost beyond our imagination.

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There is no road going to their place, but only a forest path as their home is actually situated in a forest. During the night time, the small children often get afraid when they hear the noises from the woods. Their place is a kind of slum situated at the edge of Sibiu, a little too far from the city’s activities and it’s not even their own property, but the state’s. When our counselor opened the door he saw seven little faces together with their mother, shouting with one voice: “Welcome!” In spite of the poor conditions, their warm smiles made him feel loved. The family lives in a house with one room which is used as a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom at the same time. It is also poorly furnished with only some beds, a closet and a stove. The toilet is outdoors and they don’t have running water inside.

Delivering badly needed supplies and hopes

Rodica comes from a poor family who used to make handmade wreaths for funerals. Her father died when she was small and she grew up in different orphanages. She remembers herself being small and dreaming about having lots of toys, but she never had the possibility to really buy some to have as her own. When she got bigger, she dreamed to be a mother and have children. She believes her dream came true, but she never thought that it would be so difficult. Poverty took away all her happiness and when she is thinking about her children, her heart breaks: “I know it is so difficult for them, especially when they go to school and see all the other children, well-dressed and clean. I wish I could buy them beautiful and warm clothes, but I can’t afford them.” “If I have to go anywhere, I have to wait for my 14 year old daughter to come home from school because we have almost the same shoe size and I can wear her shoes. But then I have to give them back so she can go to school the next day. It is so hard!” Please join with us, help us send millions of meals, tons of clothes and supplies all so urgently needed, now! Better still ask your family, friends and coworkers to pitch in and help us get these things over to Eastern Europe. Let’s get Rodica her own pair of shoes. Bless you.


On the family bed delighted in showing off their new blankets

Rodica is a single mother. She is raising her seven children alone: Her husband abandoned the family and is now in jail for drug offenses. She is not working even though she wants to, but she has to take care of her children and it’s impossible to have a job. Their only income is from the children’s allowances ($85 monthly), which is very small for a family with eight members. Her dream is to see her children graduate from school. She is encouraging them every day to go and to continue their studies as much as they can because she knows that this will be their only chance to a better life. She was only able to graduate from the fifth grade and now, she regrets that she didn’t continue.

IT IS FOR RODICA AND HER CHILDREN AND THE MANY THOUSANDS IN THEIR SITUATION THAT WE JUST HAVE TO GET OUR DONATED FOOD, CLOTHNG AND SUPPLIES TO EASTERN EUROPE AS SOON AS WE CAN PS We would welcome any amount you might be able to spare or perhaps you might like to add $10 to your monthly sponsorship. If you do please be sure to note that it is intended to help get the food and clothing over to Europe as soon as possible. Just $100 a year from our supporters would get all these donations over to where they are most needed.

1-800-494-4454 | www.mwbca.org Untitled-1 63654 MWB1 June NL.indd 2

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