71998 mwb cri brochure email version

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WHO ARE WE? We are a Christian organisation serving children, families and elderly people suffering poverty and oppression. Through practical and spiritual support we give hope by meeting urgent needs and building self-sufficient communities. Called to Mission We do this work because we believe we have been called by God to help the poor and needy. Our work is currently focused on six Eastern European countries: Albania, BosniaHerzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. We work with thousands of children and families across the region working through local churches, volunteers and our own specialist staff. We serve people without regard to their religious or ethnic background.

Belarus Poland Germany


Czech Republic Slovakia Austria


Slovenia Croatia



Bosnia Bulgaria

Serbia and Montenegro




OUR HISTORY Our ministry began in 1960 in response to the plea of the persecuted church in Russia, pleading for bibles and support. This focus changed after the fall of communism, to not only meet the spiritual needs of those we serve but to provide large-scale support to those suffering from poverty, persecution and wars. Our material support of food, clothing, and hygiene items goes hand in hand with emotional and educational support, which enables our beneficiaries to work toward the goal of self sufficiency.


WHAT IS CRI? REDEEM A CHILD∙ RESTORE A DREAM∙ REVIVE A FUTURE∙ Child Rescue International is Mission Without Borders Child Sponsorship program. It provides so much more than financial support for children living in Government run Children’s Homes or communities. Your support will help a child to develop and grow up better equipped for taking on life’s challenges. You’ll bring real change by: • • • •

Offering friendship and care. Giving encouragement that builds self esteem and a sense of belonging. Meeting practical needs, such as food and clothing, hygiene and health-care. Providing an education.


“He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing.� Deuteronomy 10:18


CRI in COMMUNITY Reaching children everywhere… Over recent years, the Romanian & Moldovan Governments have been gradually reducing the number of children in Children’s Homes and sending many back home to live permanently with their families or with foster families. This has resulted in many Children’s Homes closing down. Mission Without Borders now also provides support for these children who are now living within families in communities. These children are part of our CRI in Community sponsorship program which cares for the needs of so many children left abandoned by parents going abroad to work, or forced to live back with their families who are still unable to care for them. CRI in Community provides complete physical, emotional and spiritual care for each child in the program through the local Church Community Centre in partnership with MWB. CRI in Community children have the same support as children sponsored within the Children’s Homes.


“For I helped the poor in their need and the orphans who had no one to help them. I helped those who had lost hope, and they blessed me.� Job 29:12-13


Sponsor a Child

Develop a personal relationship

Our child sponsorship program connects one sponsor with one child. Whether you sponsor a child in a Children’s Home or in the community, you will have the opportunity to build a relationship with them! You can send letters and presents (some conditions apply) and support them in prayer. In return, you’ll receive a yearly update report and photo of the child so you can see how they are progressing. We aim to improve a child’s immediate quality of life and equip them for their future in the community. Your sponsorship contributes both to your sponsored child and the whole Children’s Home where they live. We also support vulnerable children in the community through partnering with local churches. Your support will meet a child’s basic needs, such as food, hygiene items, clothing and medicines. We also provide life-skills teaching, counselling and Christian Summer Camps, puppet shows and birthday parties. As children grow, we offer vocational training and scholarships to prepare them for an independent life.


All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13


CAN DREAMS Come True? Absolutely! Romina - a 12 year old girl and her two older brothers Nicolae and Adrian live and study at the Children’s Home in Moldova. Everything Romina and her brothers have is due to the Home’s Directors who care for them, and the help of Mission Without Borders. Romina is an intelligent girl and like every child, is full of life. Her dreams are touching and sometimes painful, but at only 12 years old, she has big dreams and wishes for her future. “I would like to become a good mother. I do not want my children to experience my childhood life. I will do all my best to offer them love and affection that I missed in my childhood.” Romina dreams of becoming a medical assistant and helping others in the future. Last year she attended a Summer Camp for the very first time. “I didn’t ever imagine that this summer, I could be so happy. The Summer Camp is the most beautiful experience that I have ever enjoyed!” With your support, hundreds of children like Romina can be given an opportunity of a life every child deserves. With the love of her sponsors Romina’s dreams did come true.


“I didn’t ever imagine that I could be this happy!” Romina


Please let them know they are not forgotten, or unloved, that somebody, somewhere cares enough to share their love in a meaningful way.



Love, Care and Outreach

Our staff and volunteers visit the Homes and also the children supported in community regularly to bring the children love, friends and the gospel message of their Father’s love. Each child receives a Children’s Bible, and when old enough are encouraged to participate in our Bible Correspondence Course. Children residing in Homes are not only starved of the love of a family, but have most certainly suffered grief and trauma. Our workers are committed to encouraging the children to deal with their grief as well as learn about healthy relationships, which will prepare them for their lives beyond the Children’s Home.



A TICKET TO SELF-SUFFICIENCY Have you ever wondered how you could make a lasting difference in the life of an orphan, a child from a poor family, or even the parents of a poor family? Without a doubt, the best way for people to provide for themselves is through employment or their own business. One of the best ways to secure this employment opportunity is to ensure you have the skills necessary for the occupation. What then does your future hold in Easern Europe if you are unskilled? Thousands of children reside in large Children’s Homes across Eastern Europe and face this crisis. Terrified of graduation, more than half will fall prey to homelessness, crime, prostitution or human trafficking – unless they can leave with skills that will assist them in securing employment or provide the foundation for further studies. In addition, countless families are left languishing without hope or opportunites for their children. What is Mission Without Borders doing to meet these needs, this crisis head on? The staff at Mission Without Borders, in partnership with the staff of the Children’s Homes and local churches, are highly dedicated and passionate about Vocational Training. United with the same goal, they want to send children into adulthood with independence and self-sufficiency. Showing great initative, they are providing numerous opportunites for education and training.



ticket to self-sufficiency


With Your Help we can Provide them a Future! The Directors of the Children’s Homes know they cannot adequately feed, clothe and care for the children without our help, but they are just as worried about the future of these children once they graduate. Many vocational opportunies are up and running and many more can be established with your support. Vocational Training Projects throughout our field countries are places where gifts and abilities are discovered and fostered. You have the opportunity to commit to changing the lives of children who only need a helping hand. Someone who believes they are worthy of the investment. Courses currently being offered include: Carpenty, Agriculture, Beekeeping, Sewing, Cooking, Hairdressing, Computers, English Classes, Electronics and Car Mechanics.


How Does Sponsorship Work? There are three easy ways to begin a Child Sponsorship through Mission Without Borders. You can complete the attached form, visit our website www.mwb.org.au or contact us on 02 9647 2022. As a new child sponsor, we will send you a sponsor pack with a photo of a child as well as information about them and the town and country they live in. Sponsors receive a yearly update on their progress. You may write up to four times per year to your child. This is a wonderful encouragement! We will take care of the postage and translation. While we encourage surprising your sponsored child with a gift once in a while, the cost of postage of your gift to Eastern Europe needs to be met by you. The cost of airmail postage is exorbitant, so as an alternative we will provide opportunites, such as at Christmas, for you to purchase a gift that will be bought and packed in our field countries and delivered to your child in time for Christmas. As a Vocational Education pledge partner we will send you a pack outlining the program, currect vocational projects up and running and your choices of support, such as course costs, and individual or collective scholarship support.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4


GIVE THEM FAITH - BECOME A SPONSOR For $40/month you will be linked with a child residing in a Children’s Home in Ukraine, or with a Child residing with their family or relatives in Romania or Moldova who do not have enough money to support them (CRI in Community children). Your support will provide food, clothing, hygiene items, school supplies, Summer Camps, trips and parties, emotional and spiritual support, including our popular Bible Correspondence Course, for both your sponsored child as well as assisting children in their Home if they reside in one. Surprising your child with a personal letter, photo, card or gift are wonderful ways to show you care. Any gifts will become treasured possesions to children who often own nothing of their own.

SPONSOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION As a Vocational Education pledge partner you commit to donating a sum every month of your choice, for example $20, $40, $50 or $100. These funds are used by our field countries to finance their current vocational projects, with resources and materials as well as allow the projects to further diversify and expand. Your support of the Vocational Education Sponsorship Program will help give so many children and opportunity to a future of prosperity and hope. It can literally change their life!

P O B OX 7 5 33 S I LV E R WAT E R N S W 1811 10 S T U B B S S T R E E T AU B U R N N S W 2144 P H O N E : 02 9647 2022 E - M A I L : a ust ra lia @ mwb i.o rg W E B : w w w.mwb.o rg.a u


tear here

tear here

☐ I would like to sponsor a Child ($40 per month/$480 per year). Please see over for my details. ☐ I enclose my first sponsorship pledge of $________ by the following method. Payment Options: ☐ Cheque/Money Order (payable to Mission Without Borders) ☐ Credit Card ☐ Amex ☐ Visa ☐ Mastercard Credit Card Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ /_ _ Name on Card: ______________________ Signature: _________________________ ☐ I wish to make regular automatic direct debits from my credit card/bank account. Please send me an Authorisation Form to complete and return. (Form can be downloaded from www.mwb.org.au\giving\regular-giving\) ☐ Direct Deposit to our bank account: Mission Without Borders Bank:Westpac BSB: 032061 Account: 350625 (Ref—Donor Number or email us at australia@mwbi.org to inform us you have made a deposit)




☐ I would like to give a monthly donation of $______ to Education & Scholarships Please see over for my details. ☐ I enclose my first payment of $_______as nominated above. Payment Options: ☐ Cheque/Money Order (payable to Mission Without Borders) ☐ Credit Card ☐ Amex ☐ Visa ☐ Mastercard Credit Card Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ /_ _ Name on Card: ______________________ Signature: _______________________ ☐ I wish to make regular automatic direct debits from my credit card/bank account. Please send me an Authorisation Form to complete and return. (Form can be downloaded from www.mwb.org.au\giving\regular-giving\) ☐ Direct Deposit to our bank account: Mission Without Borders Bank:Westpac BSB: 032061 Account: 350625 (Ref—Donor Number or email us at australia@mwbi.org to inform us you have made a deposit)


tear here

tear here

I would like to be a part of God’s work through Mission Without Borders! ☐I would like to sponsor a child through your Child Rescue International program ($40 per month/$480 per year). ☐ Moldova ☐ Ukraine ☐ Romania ☐ Boy ☐ Girl Name Address Suburb



Postcode Phone


Donor #

☐ I would like to receive your newsletters and Bridge of Prayer. Send completed form to: Mission Without Borders PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 For more information please phone: 02 9647 2022



I would like to be a part of God’s work through Mission Without Borders! ☐ I would like to give a monthly donation to Education & Scholarships. Name Address Suburb Email Mobile


Postcode Phone Donor #

☐ I would like to receive your newsletters and Bridge of Prayer. Send completed form to: Mission Without Borders PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 For more information or to make a donation please phone: 02 9647 2022

Donate online at our website www.mwb.org.au

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