CA May 2015 nl

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GIFTS May 2015

far below zero overnight, and there are days when even at noon, the temperatures remain below freezing. With nowhere warm to go, these people spend their days walking the streets; that is why they need good shoes. Their very health and welfare can be at stake without proper footwear. One icy cold day, our StreetMercy ministry was on the street, serving hot soup and the gospel message to the homeless and the hungry. Apart from the group stood a man trembling from the cold. No one had seen him before. With hungry eyes, he was watching the others receive their meal and from his posture, they could tell he was so cold he could barely move. One of the homeless had compassion enough to give up their portion and offered it to the stranger, who devoured it hungrily. It’s time once again to give thanks for the gift of summer, and for all the blessings we have received since last summer. Your birthday, perhaps a new baby or grandchild, maybe success at school or work, perhaps your best Christmas ever. Even a friend or family member coming to the Lord … all these and many more gifts we have received, and we are truly grateful.

They found out his name was Georgi. He was wearing linen summer shoes that were wet and full of holes. He asked for a pair of shoes but unfortunately on that day, they had none to offer. The only thing they could give him was a pair of thick, warm socks which he accepted gratefully. Georgi’s situation upset the StreetMercy workers. They wanted to help him more, so the next day they brought new boots and socks, but could not find him..

Speaking of gifts, we have a special one for you this summer … PraiseFest 2015 on August 1st at the Stetson Bowl, Cloverdale Rodeo Grounds in Surrey. It will be a day of Christian praise and worship with some of the biggest names in Christian music, including Grammy award-winner TobyMac, as well as Dan Bremnes, Love & the Outcome, and many more artists still to be announced. There’ll be something for the whole family, with two music stages, plus carnival rides & games all day long. It’s being billed as the biggest Christian concert event in the Vancouver area for over 40 years. Go to for more details and to purchase your tickets!

Georgi is 67 and had been living on the streets for 10 years. He had become indebted to a rich man of his village in the northern part of Bulgaria, and had to sell his home in order to pay off the debt. With what little money remained, he was soon destitute and ended up on the streets. One misfortune followed another, and on the day after meeting our StreetMercy workers, found himself in hospital where they had to amputate all the toes on one foot and the big toe of his other foot as a result of frostbite.

We are so blessed here in North America, and how can we not pass the blessings on to those who really need a helping hand. Even giving a pair of boots makes a huge difference in the lives of many. Which brings us to this recent story from our workers in Bulgaria … Winter is the most difficult season for the homeless of Bulgaria, and the need for warm shoes is pressing. Winter temperatures fall

Mission Without Borders 1-800-494-4454 | email:

Once our workers found out what happened to Georgi, they went to the hospital with new boots and more warm socks. No one can bring back his lost toes, but we can continue to show interest in the life and health condition of this poor soul. Our StreetMercy ministry has distributed many more pairs of shoes this winter. Lyubka is another recipient of the gift of warm footwear. Lubka was wearing light rubber shoes in rain and snow. Her feet were always wet. After receiving the new shoes, tears appeared in her eyes and she told us: “You saved me. I couldn’t stand the cold any more in these light shoes. I thank God and you for this present – finally I have real warm winter shoes.”

P.O. Box 2007, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8

“You saved me. I couldn’t stand the cold any more in these light shoes. I thank God and you for this present – finally I have real warm winter shoes.” Petar has been a beneficiary since the start of StreetMercy project three years ago. The 50 year-old man has been on the streets since 1997. After his mother died and his marriage failed, he came to the city to work in construction, but business declined and he couldn’t find work. He began sleeping on park benches, or at the Centre for Homeless People. A friend offered a shed that has neither water nor electricity, but at least it offers some shelter from the elements. His feet were always wet as the shoes he had were worn and full of holes. His feet were constantly frozen and he walked with difficulty. After we gave him a pair of brand new shoes, he shared: “Thank you very much! The shoes are great and very suitable for the winter. I couldn’t stand the cold any more. I am very grateful to you for your care. You are wonderful people! I am still alive thanks to you. I don’t know how I would have survived if it had not been for you!” It is not necessary to do great things but to be where Christ would be – with the needy! The best help is the help on time. There are so many who need just the simple things, like a pair of boots or a bowl of soup.

ANOTHER WAY TO HELP With your initial purchase from the shopping center you will automatically receive a gift certificate worth $32 that can be used to pay the first month of your child sponsorship plan. There is no obligation on your part but should you decide to sponsor a child, it’s our way of saying thank you and making it even easier for you to do so. Visit


Congratulations to our bookkeeper Andrea and her husband Josh, on the recent birth of a baby girl, the fourth child for their family!

Welcome to newcomer Lorna, who will stand in as our bookkeeper during Andrea’s maternity leave.

HAVE YOU VISITED OUR SHOPPING CENTER ONLINE? Did you know you could buy a cow or a pig, or set up a poultry operation to help families become self-sufficient? There are lots of unique gift items available. Here’s a sampling: The Item

Alone and often emotionally traumatized children Child Sponsorship need to know someone cares about them. Provides hope through physical, emotional & spiritual support.

We invite you to go to our prayer guide. You can find it on our website at Look under the Prayer team entry, and thank you for your prayers, as they are truly appreciated!

The Cost $32 a month

School Supplies

Children in Eastern Europe are not permitted to go to school if they don’t have the basic equipment. So the real gift you are giving a child is an education and a future. Provides new notebooks, pens, rulers, math kits, etc.



Thousands of children in orphanages want to write to their Bible course leader, who cares for them, while learning about their heavenly Father, who won’t abandon them. Provides Christian books, Bibles, course materials.


Seeds of Hope

Many cannot afford fresh food so by learning to grow their own, they significantly improve the quality of their lives and move toward self-sufficiency. Provides starter seed packs & seedling plants.


Chicken Flock

Families can learn the skills needed to make a small income from the proceeds of eggs. Provides 10 chickens.


Farm Animal

Giving a pig means you’re giving families and orphanages the opportunity to develop skills in animal husbandry, gain an income by selling the piglets, and to have essential food. Provides 1 pig.


Mother Care

Everything a new mother needs for pre/post natal care. Provides bandages, cotton wool, syringes, medicine dropper, glucose, pre-natal vitamins and a clamp for the umbilical cord.


Correspondence Course

Bee Keeping Give a young person a future through a beekeeping course.


After a life-time growing up in an orphanage, many young people have little chance of employment and end up on the streets. Your gift will open up a whole new future for a young adult. Bed Linen


The Need

Make a difference for impoverished families or children in an orphanage by giving five new sets of bed linen. This is a basic gift that will radically improve health and wellbeing. Provides 5 sets of linens, all new.


Our 2014 Annual Report can now be found on-line at

1-800-494-4454 |

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