Infocus jun2015small

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Front – Vera and Claudia, at back – Darius, Ana, her friend and Stefan

Never Too Late To Learn LEFT: Ivo as we found him; RIGHT: A completely different Ivo returns to visit us.

Reaching Parents through reaching Children

The parents of children (particularly mothers) who are involved with the Mission’s summer camp follow-up activities often ask us “What can I do so that my children don’t end up like me?” Many mothers come from institutions or dysfunctional families with no decent parenting role-models at all. Claudia and Vera, from Romania are two of those mums. They both grew up in institutions never knowing their parents, labelled as slow learners or mentally-retarded, abused and mocked, forced to sleep on the streets and in night shelters. Both married abusive men, and had children but the fathers left when the children were young. Claudia has two children, Stefan and Ana, and Vera has a son Darius. Stefan has a learning disability and Claudia finds this has greatly increased her feelings of being unable to cope. They both work hard at menial jobs to support the family. Both families go to church and the children are involved with the Mission’s youth activities. Both have had the benefit of emotional support and home visits. The children’s greatest wish is to go to camp again. continued on continued on page 2



”It’s never too late to do the right thing” Claudia shares, “When I was a child, people from the Mission came to our home and told us lovely Bible stories and we sang together. They never mocked me but instead they prayed for me. I felt loved and this is why I went back to church. I would like to meet them one day and thank them for coming to see us.” Both Claudia and Vera know they need help to be better parents now that their children are almost teenagers. They have been attending the Mission’s Parenting Programme (group work, books and videos) which gives them the tools they need – such as spending time together, respecting each other and learning to say sorry. The ladies have also learnt how to budget and use their money wisely. Vera has given up smoking and from the extra money saved she has been able to buy a brand new bunk bed. “I have always wanted to buy something with my own money. Everything we had was second hand. I’m proud of myself.” Also, they have learned how to buy healthy food and how to cook for their families. “I was very excited about the first meal I made. It felt as if I was on a cooking show! Every time I make potato stew, Darius and I remember my first attempt and we laugh...” she shares. “It is never too late to do the right thing,” Claudia says.

Photos from left: Darius and his mum with MWB Emotional Support Coordinator, Daciana Bilan// Stefan and Stelian, his favourite group leader at summer camp // Claudia with Stefan and Ana

Our field staff are deeply appreciative of the many Kiwis who have already helped send disadvantaged children to camp this year. Our life changing FARthe LEFT: Nina helping serve 6 meals summer camps start 28 May in Ukraine and last one finishes August TOP: Queuing to survive the cold, Sofia in Romania. If you would like to help send a child to camp, but haven’t as BOTTOM LEFT: Yana the StreetMercy yet, it’s not too late! Camps cost about $20 per day and go for 10 days. You Coordinator can phone us toll free 0800 469 269 or use our web site or bank account details on the back page. Thank you for caring.


in FOCUS | JUNE 2015

Summer Camp - not the end After having such a wonderful time in camp, with its loving and caring environment, it is crucial to keep in contact with the children as they settle back into the dull routines of life in State institutions and impoverished communities. Some of the ways we keep in touch are through our follow-up activities, such as: Outings for the youth • Puppet shows • Dreambus outings (Moldova) • Bible Correspondence courses • Afterschool care • Special classes (computers and English) • Children’s ministry teams •Christian radio broadcasts • Counselling • Emotional Support

in FOCUS | JUNE 2015


EASTER EVENTS from UKRAINE In April, the Children’s Ministry team carried out two big Easter events for sponsored parents and children in the Rivne and Sarny regions. The programme included singing, testimonies, and sharing the Gospel for the parents; while a puppet show was put on for the benefit of their children (above). At the end gift boxes with food and sweets for the families were given out. About 1000 children and 600 parents attended these Easter events.

SUPPORTERS’ TOUR 2015 At the time of writing, we have a group of 8 people travelling with NZ Director Andrew Wilks to Ukraine and Moldova in September to visit sponsored children and families and see firsthand the work that we are doing there. Andrew and Liz Wilks will visit their sponsored family and two others in Ploieşti, Romania, in June. They will put photos on Facebook and details in the next edition of Family to Family (for our family sponsors).


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Annual Ma gazine of Mission Wit hout Bor der

We are also excited to have three people from Ranui Baptist Church in west Auckland who are going to help at a summer camp in Romania and spend time with youth that their church helps from a Roma village near our base in Sibiu. Their trip takes place in July and promises to be a very positive experience for them, their own church and the local people. Pictured (from left): Ryan, Ronnie and Jiri.


In April, we hosted our International Director, Liz Waldy from the UK. Liz looks after our 10 support offices around the world. Pictured is Liz (centre) with (from left) Michelle (Sponsorships), Betti (volunteer), Liz (Supporter Relations) and Andrew Wilks (Director). (Peter, Accounts, was away). Actually we need your current email address (if you have one we can use)! Please help us to save money on postage by emailing us at if you haven’t already done so. Thank you for your help with this.


Our annual magazine was mailed out in April. If you would like to receive one or would like extra copies, please contact us on 0800 469 269.

NZ Helpers go to Camp

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MISSIONWITHOUTBORDERS (NZ) PO Box 56264, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446 Phone 09 309 6969 0800 469 269 Email Website Reg. Charity No. CC37218 Direct Credit Payments: Our bank account is 06-0185-0122206-12 If you would like us to issue a receipt for tax rebate purposes, please include or email us your name, supporter number (if you have one) and a reference code: SC: Summer Camp WMN: Where most needed


Helping to Change Lives in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

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