January 2014 owr appeal mask

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Death toll from cold weather hits record high in Ukraine.

Last winter 101 people died as a result of freezing weather in Ukraine. 64 of them were found dead on the streets, the emergencies ministry said. Hundreds of others were treated in hospital for frostbite, hypothermia, and cold-related conditions. This week temperatures plunged to below -35C in parts of Eastern Europe. Russia recorded 60 coldweather deaths so far in January, the Interfax News Agency reports. In Serbia, 11,000 villagers have been trapped by heavy snow and blizzards in mountainous areas, the Associated Press reports. In Ukraine, more freezing weather is forecast, with overnight temperatures set to fall to as low as -32C in the north and west. The authorities closed schools and colleges and set up nearly 3,000 heating and food shelters across the country. Health officials instructed hospitals not to discharge homeless patients, even after treatment, in order to save them from the cold. Andrei Zinov lives in the small town of Blaj, Romania (65 km North of metro Sibiu), where I first met him last year. He’s 72years old and the proud father of two grown daughters. Andrei’s wife (of 38-years) passed away last year after suffering from a long and crippling illness. After paying all the hospital bills, Andrei was forced to sell his home and move into an unheated garage behind a local business. He now trades a leaky roof for doing routine maintenance around the grounds. By the way, the high in Blaj was 30-degrees F today. Last night’s low was 20! Andrei has a wonderful ministry in the town of Blaj. He has a kind heart and relates well to the poor and homeless people in town. He coordinates the efforts of three Communities to provide a hot meal to poor families that come to an empty lot in town each day. Literally hundreds show up for the only meal in their day. Through gifts to Mission Without Borders, you provide dry soup for this greatly-needed soup kitchen.

Operation Winter Rescue… to the rescue! Mission Without Borders regularly mobilizes hundreds of solutions (like Andrei’s soup) to help meet the emergency Winter conditions of orphanages, seniors, and families in needy communities, through their winter relief program, Operation Winter Rescue. Many seniors, like Andrei, need a heating stove for their living area which will cost US $352.

Right now forty-eight families in three rural areas in Bulgaria need $7,872 for firewood! This year’s average cost for a family’s winter firewood need is $164. This provides enough heat to get a family through the harsh winter, and provides hot meals, too. MISSION WITHOUT BORDERS P.O. Box 6008, Camarillo, CA 93011 * Credit Card Gifts: (800) 245-9191 * www.mwb.org

Romania has 46 requests for:

Winter Clothing…..

Winter Footwear…

…. and Heating Stoves.

The Ukraine even has four special requests to equip members of rural families with cross-country ski’s so that they can escape a deadly winter snowfall ! Living in harsh winter climates isn’t impossible. Our friends in Minnesota can attest to that every winter. But you do need to be equipped for the cold, and when you’re poor in Eastern Europe, that is a serious problem. Would you prayerfully consider giving to Mission Without Border’s Operation Winter Rescue efforts to help poor children, families, and seniors get through the winter months by providing a one-time, over and above, gift? $352 can provide a cast-iron stove for a needy senior, or rural family. $164 can carry a family through the winter by purchasing firewood for the household. $44 can provide a long, thermal, coat for a child, grandmother, or working parent who must go out in the freezing cold each day to work. Water-tight, winter boots for children waiting at bus stops cost $24. Cold-weather items like these are desperately needed in Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine! Can you pray about helping a needy person facing desperate winter conditions? Any amount you give would go a long way this winter. Thanks for your generous participation in this Ministry and for your prayerful consideration of this opportunity now. Your involvement is vital to many people in the forgotten countries of Eastern Europe. You are appreciated. May His grace be yours,

Eric Floreen

Eric M. Floreen, National Director

Enclosed is my Gift to Provide Emergency Help for the Poor this Winter. Please return this bottom slip with your gift in the enclosed envelope

Name ________________________________________ Amount $ _____________ Address _____________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _______ ZIP ____________

Mission Without Borders – PO Box 6008 - Camarillo, CA 93011 – (800) 245-9191 All gifts are tax-deductible. Please call our 800 number to make credit card gifts. Please visit www.mwb.org to learn more.

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