MWB Bridge of Prayer July - August 2018

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Education, Vocation and Scholarships 1. Many young people across Eastern Europe have few prospects for work or earning an income. Pray that MWB can provide more opportunities for Vocational Training giving young people the ability to learn and support themselves. 2. Praise God for all those who have received educational and vocational scholarships through MWB. Pray God guides these young students to follow His path as they choose their future professions. 3. Scholarship Request: Liza is 17 and the eldest of 8 children. They live in Rivne, Ukraine. Her father died in 2016 and her mother struggles to take care of the family. Liza needs a scholarship for her first year of university studies. She is studying to become a Teacher of English. Please pray that the total scholarship cost ($1232) will be met by our supporters. 4. Scholarship Request: Inna is 20 years old and has been studying a Law degree for the past 3 years and will soon begin her 4th year. Inna comes from a family of 5 children who’s father abandoned them. Inna’s mother has no means of supporting her education. Inna requires a scholarship for this year’s studies. The total investment required is $1560. Please pray that the scholarship will be funded by our supporters. 5. Remember the children who live in isolated communities struggling with the transport costs to travel to school. Pray that vocational scholarship finances will reach these children and support them to continue their schooling. 6. Many children are unable to attend school because their families cannot afford the mandatory school supplies, transport or clothing. Education is free, but that doesn’t mean it is accessible to everyone. Please pray for more support to children in need so they can go to school and have hope for a better future. 7. Children living in Children’s Homes have limited access to quality education, teaching materials and supplies. Pray that the school supplies provided by MWB encourage children for the school year ahead.

8. We thank God for all the students supported by MWB through scholarships. Please pray for those students who will graduate shortly, that they may secure employment and achieve their dreams.

Summer Camp 9. As Summer Camp continues, pray that through the Gospel teachings and other activities children will grow in self-worth. 10. Thank God for the dedication of the camp staff and volunteers in our 6 field countries who provide love and commitment to the children at Summer Camp. 11. Please ask God for wisdom for all MWB staff, volunteers and partnering local churches as children attend Summer Camp 2018.

Seeds of Hope 12. Pray for the families who are beginning to harvest their first crops. Ask God to bless their harvest and first steps to self-sufficiency, and that the seeds they produce become a source of hope for the future. 13. Local knowledge is important in successful agricultural projects. Pray for continued wisdom amongst those distributing seeds; that they would ensure beneficiaries receive the best produce for their community. 14. Families who receive Seeds of Hope are engaged in a cooperative effort, learning together to improve their own livelihood. Ask God to bless the time families spend together planting and harvesting seeds.

Child Rescue International 15. Please pray for all the children in the Children’s Homes where we work, especially for those who currently reside in some Homes in Moldova and Ukraine, that the Government may close down. 16. “I like the verse that says, With God, everything is possible”, says Florin from Moldova. Please pray for children in Children’s Homes who are about to graduate and leave the Home. This is a very vulnerable time for these young adults who have

little or no support once they leave the Home. Pray God will give them guidance, wisdom and strength in making decisions regarding their future.

Family to Family 17. Please pray for the sponsored families who have no real Christian faith, that God will soften their hearts and enable them to reach out to Him. 18. Pray that God opens our beneficiaries’ eyes and hearts that, as they receive our help, they would see God’s provision, love and care for them and find salvation through Jesus.

Self-sufficiency Project 19. The Mitrica family of Romania are a Christian family with 8 children. The family regularly open their home to others and pray together each evening. They are hardworking but due to the father’s illness and the mother’s meagre wage as a housekeeper for a family in the town, they struggle to meet their basic needs. The father takes on small construction and maintenance work to earn a little extra money. His income is limited as he does not have the proper tools to do bigger jobs and provide work for his older children as well. Pray that this need for Construction Tools ($AUD 2334) will be met and the family will reach their goal to become self-sufficient.

Domestic Violence in Albania 20. It is with very sad hearts that we report devastating news for one of our Sponsored Families in Albania. Adriana S, 42 years old died on Friday 8th June 2018 from injuries suffered by domestic violence. This beautiful mother of six children was the only one who worked to provide income for her big family. Three of the children were attending Summer Camp when the incident occurred. Her husband is accused of murdering her. Please pray for this family, and their situation, that these beautiful children are covered in God’s love and protected from any more harm. Pray they will be looked after now that both their parents are gone.

21. On the same day, a young girl, just 19 years old was killed in Tirana by a 31-year old man. He was angered by her refusal to be in a relationship with him. Many men treat girls and women as their property, and the domestic violence remains a huge silent problem in Albania. Pray for the vulnerable women and for the men. 22. Valdet Qyrfyci, Communications Manager, MWB Albania, has personally reached out to us for prayer after these horrific incidents. “Domestic violence seems to be a vicious cycle. It’s difficult to break the silence and ask for help. Even when these women seek help from the authorities they are not safe. There are places of protection in some of the cities/ municipalities to support the victims but there’s so much more that needs to be done for them. The women who suffer violence have no shelter, no work, no money to raise their children - and they stay silent - sharing the same roof with their aggressive partners.” Please continue to pray for all the women in all the countries we serve, to receive God’s protection against such horrific situations.

Christian Outreach 23. Pray that as a result of MWB Christian projects, God will meet with people in Eastern Europe and give them his peace and joy. 24. Remember those who run Bible Correspondence Courses who often work alone or in very small teams. Pray for 20 more volunteers to assist them. 25. Thank God that many people are finding hope and salvation through the Bible Project. Pray that free copies of God’s Word may continue to be distributed throughout the countries we serve, particularly in prisons and to the homeless.

Street Mercy 26. We are thankful to God for the volunteers who give their time every day to help the homeless. Pray that people would be encouraged to come and receive a daily meal and interact with our volunteers.


Community Centres


29. Thank our Lord for the many volunteers from the local churches in our six Field countries ministering to the elderly and families through our Community Centres. Pray for their health, and God’s provision in their lives. 30. Please remember the widening poverty gap which continues to affect vulnerable people, particularly in rural areas. Pray for an increasing number of churches to benefit from partnerships with MWB so that our Mission can grow and we can reach more people for Christ. 31. “People think we are useless – but you bring hope,” says Julia an invalid in Sofia. Pray for people with disabilities, suffering from social exclusion. Ask God to guide them to our help so they can recognise their own value.

Eastern European Prayer Points

Remember those suffering with anxiety and depression caused by unemployment. Ask God to provide for them as they struggle to meet their daily needs. Let us pray for a more stable political situation in Albania, as the negotiations for Albania’s EU membership start. Please pray that young people despondent at the lack of progress, will remain in Albania to become part of its recovery. Pray that God will open up new opportunities for economic and spiritual growth in Albania, so more people will come to know God’s love and lean on Him during their times of need.

Dalibor Kojic, MWB Country Manager asks: Please pray for our MWB Bosnia - Herzegovina team to stay physically healthy as they work at full capacity. Their bodies are exhausted, but their spirit is constantly willing to continue. For workers/Coordinators: Pray for help to cope with overwhelming but important administration work. With such assistance, they will be able to spend more time with people in need. Pray for our distant employees (120 to 250 km away) who are sometimes isolated from their colleagues (in 3 cities).

Pray for the refugees from the war in Ukraine. Pray for those near our base in the west that many will soften their hearts and come to church when invited to hear the Gospel and gain eternal hope for their lives.

Romania •

Alexandra B. in Alba County (12) has a kidney tumour and is in pain quite often. She is under specialist care. Please pray for God to intervene and heal her body. MWB is helping her family.

Following major anti-corruption measures, please pray for stability and peace in our country. Also, pray for new leaders to rise up, who have good integrity and are not part of the old political order.

Bridge of Prayer July-August 2018

Moldova •

Albania •

A new law has been proposed that would severely cut funding for foreign religious activities in Bulgaria. Please pray that it does not proceed and that nothing will stop the proclamation of the Gospel in this country. Renovations are happening in Krupnik community – their newly bought building will be turned into a Community Centre. May God bless all those who take part in activities in this building once it is finished.


27. Remember the spiritual work of Street Mercy, particularly the homeless beneficiaries who began attending church in Craiova, Romania. Pray that this project will encourage them in their faith in God. 28. Pray that through Street Mercy, God will open up new opportunities for those living on the streets. Ask for strength, confidence, and courage for these people so they can begin to take steps in improving their own situations.

Dear Mission Without Borders Prayer Partner,

Many poor families struggle with the consequences of alcohol abuse that put children and other members of the family at risk. Pray for their parents to find hope and comfort in God and overcome alcohol dependence. Tudor: Please pray for the politicians of Moldova – their never-ending fights and schemes tear apart our society and deepen the disappointment and depression among ordinary people. Please pray that God will raise up people that will seek justice and unity for the whole nation.

Ukraine •

During the recent outbreak of measles in the country, children from several of our sponsored families became ill. Please pray for them and their recovery. Please, pray for our country as the situation on the war front is critical. Also, pray for the local population in Eastern Ukraine who suffer from hostilities and those who have to live in the occupied territories.

MISSION WITHOUT BORDERS PO BOX 7 53 3 S ILV ERWATER NSW 1 8 1 1 PHONE : 02 96 47 2 022 E- M AIL : au s trali a@ mwb i .org WEB: w w w. au

Your prayer support for the poor people we serve in Eastern Europe is very much appreciated. While the children continue to attend Summer Camp, we also begin our focus on preparing them for the new school year ahead. Our prayers are for their futures and educational needs. We ask for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to answer these daily prayers with a season of rich blessings, especially for the children. Thank you, Mission Without Borders, Australia “For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. Proverbs 2:10-11

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