MWB Child Rescue International July 2018

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Fragile Potential July 2018

Anabela’s Story

The smell of wonderful fresh bread fills the air as you head down the muddy snow covered tracks of the valley and into the Roma village which Anabela calls home. “I want to become a doctor,” Anabela tells us; “I want to help people.” Anabela and her five siblings live together in one room in a Roma village in central Romania. Anabela and many other children here are now the shining lights in the midst of a very dark place. Poverty is everywhere, yet the children still find small reasons to smile. When you meet Anabela, you would not know that she lived in such a poor Roma family. She has such a joyful presence. Against many odds, she has made it to first grade at school, with MWB’s help. A milestone that so many children in Roma communities never reach. Children in this village are born into a cycle of poverty – their families marginalized from society for many decades. Often children have little support from their parents, as they themselves have never had an education and live in such poverty that they need their children to work rather than go to school. Anabela’s life changed when she became part of MWB’s Sponsorship Program. Anabela’s eyes light up when she talks about the birthday present she was given last year from her sponsor and attending Summer Camp. “I very much wanted a doll,” she says, her voice softly trembling, “but we cannot afford such things. I was so overjoyed when I received a beautiful doll from my Sponsor and was able to go to Summer Camp last year.” In this valley of need, Mission Without Borders’ local Romanian team is working with love and patience, step by step, with 60 children, just like Anabela, in the village. Through the local church, in partnership with MWB, the children are provided with a wonderful playground, and newly installed bread ovens which provide them with the only hot meal they have in the day. Freedom and potential “Anabela really stands out here,” Paula Boruga, (pictured left) MWB’s Coordinator in the region, said. “All the children are dear to me, but there is something special about her. She is always the first to raise her hand during lessons and she always helps others before herself.” Joy erupts from the children’s voices as they get the ok to go and use the playground after eating, singing and doing their homework. You feel their sense of escape from daily hardship, you feel the hope for the future, but it is a fragile and vulnerable hope which needs care, patience and the long term commitment that MWB has brought to the village.

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4.

“I want other children to know there is hope for them too.” Tatiana’s’story “I was used to seeing my mother with drunken eyes screaming at me, beating me and saying to me the ugliest words she knew.” Tatiana grew up in poverty in Moldova with an alcoholic, abusive mother – and her childhood memories are of fear and rejection. “The only good thing I had in my life is my grandma. I can’t imagine life on earth without her. She offered me shelter each time I was running to hide from my mother or her partners.” It was Tatiana’s grandmother who first heard about Mission Without Borders (MWB) from a teacher – and she was enrolled in the Child Rescue International Sponsorship program. Tatiana said, “I remember asking my grandmother to come with me to the local church where we were invited to come and receive food parcels. I was scared to go by myself. I was shocked by their kindness when they met me and other children like me. We were welcomed with smiles and words of encouragement. I was used to behaviour like my mother’s. But here, I could feel real love and warmth coming from these people.” The practical support – food, clothes, shoes and school supplies – was desperately needed by Tatiana’s grandmother, whose small pension was not enough to cover their basic living costs. Children enrolled in the Child Sponsorship program are also offered spiritual, emotional and educational support by MWB, in partnership with the local churches we work with. Approximately 75 per cent of children experience some form of physical and psychological violence. Poverty and poor living conditions, alcohol consumption, and the migration of parents where children are left behind, are increasing the risk of children being neglected, abused, or exploited. In Moldova, cases of violence are rarely reported to the authorities, services for victims are limited, and consequently, these boys and girls rarely receive the assistance they need. Sadly, few parents have the necessary knowledge and skills to bring up their children in a positive manner.

“I am a blessed mother of 281 children – four are biological and 277 are entrusted to me by God to love, teach, encourage, help with homework, cry with them many times, smile, sing and play.” Valentina, MWB volunteer who supports the children enrolled in the Child Sponsorship Program

Sponsoring a child opens up so many wonderful opportunities for them. MWB’s emotional support lessons, the Five Day Christian clubs, Dream Bus outings, Christmas and Easter performances and Summer Camps are all activities that have a deep impact on the children’s lives, helping them to feel accepted, loved and appreciated. “After a terrible week when my mother was very bad to me, I was delighted to hear that I would get to go to Summer Camp,” said Tatiana. “I will never forget the 5th of June, during the evening chapel, when I heard the words, ‘God loves everyone. You are all precious to him!’ I felt such a joy and peace in my heart after I prayed to God together with the leaders and other children. I can say that He changed my heart! Other people noticed changes in me too. Before, my heart was full of hate, sadness, and all kinds of bad feelings towards my mother. Now I pray for her every day, hoping and believing that she will also be transformed by God.” Tatiana found refuge, peace, joy and confidence in God who is all powerful and can do all things when we believe and let him work. She said, “I believe in a God who is all powerful. One day, after I came back from Summer Camp, Grandma was very sick, lying in her bed, and I thought I would lose her. I knelt next to her bed, holding her arm, and cried out loud to God, asking him not to take her. I asked him to heal her. The next day, Grandma was walking around the house, doing some work! This motivated me to trust and love God even more.” Tatiana, who is now 15, is involved in local church activities as a volunteer, and loves singing worship songs, “I like to come to this church because it is like my home and Valentina (pictured above) is like our mother and older sister. My heart is flying when I sing to God. Now I help other children in difficult situations as much as I can. I want them to know there is hope for them too. I believe that God can change situations but most importantly, he can change hearts. My life continues to be difficult, but it’s different now, knowing that God is with me. With him I feel joy, peace and love.” Valentina’s heart is filled with joy when she hears these words from Tatiana, “I love each of them very much. I cannot express in words the enormous joy that I experience when I see children’s lives being transformed. God is good.”

Change and Renewal - Child Sponsorship Transforms Children. Anabela and Tatiana are two real life stories of change and renewal. The prayers and donations of MWB’s supporters and sponsors have such an incredible impact on children’s lives. With your help, we can reach more children with the transforming power of the Gospel. Pray for those whose lives were changed to become even stronger in their faith, and for the children who are in desperate need to be touched by God’s perfect love.

For just $40 per month you can sponsor a child and help ease their existence in extreme poverty. If God has called you to become a sponsor, please contact us on 02 9647 2022.

MWB’s “Child Rescue International “ (CRI) program supports children in the community & was created in response to the needs of children living in deeply impoverished family homes. Represented here is the journey we take with a child in our efforts to support the whole family towards a better future ...

Referral from church/ school/Boarding School Admin or social services

Emotional support & counselling provided over time

Christian Input & Bible study is encouraged

Visit from Coordinator to assess the need

Support plan agreed upon with family/ Boarding School Admin

Family/Boarding School receives material assistance, like groceries, hygiene products, etc.

Opportunity to attend Summer Camp

Child starts attending After-School Clubs at local church Community Centre

Upon Graduation, some young people use a MWB Scholarship for continued study/ training

CHILDREN IN POVERTY, NEED YOUR HELP 1. Give a donation to bring immediate relief to a child in poverty.

2. Sponsor a child ($40/month) - We have children needing sponsors right now. 3. Pray for our ministry, for the families, children and Coordinators, that God will continue to bless them and the work they do. PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 | 49/8 Avenue of the Americas Newington 2127 NSW Phone 02 9647 2022 Email Website

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