MWB Australia: Summer Camp 2016

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May 2016

SUMMER CAMP 2016 Changing hearts through God’s Eternal Love This month, we introduce two very special children whose lives are set to be changed eternally by Summer Camp 2016. For many children in the Western world summer is a time of joy, holidays, sun, fun and family. In Eastern Europe this is not the reality for thousands of children, for whom summer is a time of isolation and vulnerability. Economic and social crises have the biggest impact on children. Parents lose their jobs and some turn to alcohol, resulting in domestic abuse and broken homes. Many children end up relying on one parent, or are abandoned altogether and sent to a Children’s Home or worse. The impact of abandonment can result in huge psychological and physical issues, which potentially stay with them for the rest of their lives. With this in mind, summer can be a particularly vulnerable time, as orphans and abandoned children have nowhere to go when the Homes close for the summer months. 30% of those who attend Summer Camps are orphans, the rest are from poor and vulnerable families where hopelessness and poverty runs high and opportunities and joy are low. With nothing to do and no one to care for them, they spend their time on the streets and are often forced to resort to lives of crime. Mission Without Borders, working in partnership with local churches, identifies and enrols thousands of vulnerable children each year to the Family to Family and Child Rescue International programs, in six of Europe’s poorest countries. Summer Camps are a key time of year for these children to experience attention, fun and Christian love, when all they may have ever known is rejection and abandonment. Nastya never met her father and last year her step father died from tuberculosis. His relatives threw Nastya and her mother out of their home. As a result she now lives in a Children’s Home in Ukraine that Mission Without Borders supports while her mother stays with relatives. As you look at Nastya, she appears wary, introverted and struggles to talk or answer any questions. ”When she first came to the Home we found out that she could not read or write,” head teacher Tetyana said. “She would not speak to anyone. Progress with her is slow, she is our wildflower, but we think going on Summer Camp will help.” Children like Nastya, who come from devastating backgrounds, have often never been on holiday before, so Summer Camp also provides a new experience for them where they can enjoy peaceful surroundings away from their daily struggles. Andriy Brazhnyk, Mission Without Borders Coordinator, said: “Sadly, Nastya is very afraid of stepping out of her comfort zone and is scared of anything that is new. We hope however that she will come to Summer Camp, where we will pay special attention to her needs and try to help her build her confidence and have a life-changing experience.”

Roman’s parents were alcoholics. Where they lived, there were no windows, no heating and no food. Neighbours alerted social services to the situation, and Roman and his three siblings were taken to a Children’s Home in Ukraine. Tragically, since leaving their family home, both of the parents have died. Roman’s father died from an overdose and his mother drowned. To fill this overwhelming void in Roman’s life and to try and help him find some hope, Mission Without Borders is taking him to Summer Camp. Here, for ten days, Roman will be able to find some peace and joy away from his daily struggles and sadness. In a tranquil rural setting he will meet other children, have fun, be mentored by passionate Christian volunteers, have warm and tasty food and hear about Jesus and the Good News. ‘’Despite his tragic childhood, Roman is a very quiet and nice boy. He is good at school, is a very creative person - he acts and sings very well,” says his teacher. Thousands of orphans like Roman have nowhere to go for the summer holidays and often they have to stay in the Children’s Home all summer. Summer Camp is therefore a wonderful opportunity to show them God’s love in action, and to help them to connect with the Good News for the first time. MWB’s Summer Camp Team is going to do their best to show Christ to these children and to give them an experience like no other.

Would you partner with us to work together and make more smiles become a reality through supporting our Summer Camps?

Summer Camp = The Experience of a Lifetime! $20 will send a child to camp for 1 day $100 will send a child to camp for 5 days $200 will send a child to camp for 10 days $1000 will send 5 children to camp for 10 days

Your support will give eternal benefits!

In the case of this project being fully funded, any additional donations will go to where most needed.


Summer Camp 2016 is set to be amazing! Each year between May and August, Summer Camps are organised and held throughout the 6 countries we serve. The camps are primarily for children living in Children’s Homes or from poor families (like Nastya and Roman’s in the story above). Thousands of children are blessed with an experience they will never forget. They receive a welldeserved break from their lives of poverty, eat nutritious fresh food and most of all they learn about God’s eternal love for them. The camps run for 5 or 10 days. Each day includes, praise, worship and prayer, an abundance of food, activities, Bible lessons and an evening church service. There is order and routine around each day, which is a welcome change for many of the children whose lives are in complete disarray. Many don’t even go to school because the family can’t afford their essential needs. Attending Summer Camp even for a few days, gives these children structure and teaches them respect for their leaders and elders. Most of all, they will all have the time of their lives! Summer Camp is a wonderful opportunity for ministry to the children. Each leader plays an important role and forms a wonderful bond with their group of children. They nurture them, pray with them and take care of them. Each child leaves the camp feeling loved and important. The children are given an abundance of food! Six meals a day, and there’s always extra available for those who want more. Many children say they had never eaten such tasty food or had so much variety. Each day the children attend scripture lessons and a bible story performance. Each day’s topic is taken from a Biblical story and all the activities throughout the day relate to that story. This teaches the children Biblical truth and how they can apply it to their everyday life. When the morning scripture lessons are completed, the children choose group activities they would like to participate in. There is so much choice! Sporting teams, reading, music, swimming and crafts. There’s even a flying fox and trampoline at some of the camps! No one ever misses out and there’s always plenty of opportunity to rotate activities.



2016 Deuteronomy 11:18-19 “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.” MISSIONWITHOUTBORDERSAUSTRALIA Phone 02 9647 2022 Email

PO Box 7533 Silverwater NSW 1811 | 10 Stubbs Street Auburn NSW 2144 Website

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