MWB Canada - March 2017 newsletter

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SELF-SUFFICIENCY THROUGH AGRICULTURE MARCH 2017 We work with individuals and families in Eastern Europe over an extended period of time, to address their immediate and long-term needs, understand their aspirations and provide them with a route to achieving self-sufficiency.

HOPE AND HEALING FOR $50 For just $50, we can put together a “starter packet” of seeds, so that we can empower more struggling individuals and families to break the cycle of poverty.

BEDRIE’S STORY When you meet Bedrie you can feel her world weariness after everything she has been through. She is so tough and enduring, but when she smiles gently, for a moment, you see the warm and loving person inside. Your donation can start a five-year journey with a family that begins with supporting their material needs, and ends through them becoming selfsufficient through either a mini-farm project, agriculture project or through education. Mission Without Borders’ local coordinators work in partnership with the church to reach men, women and their children in the community through the Family to Family program. Our support includes:  Monthly food and hygiene parcels.  Clothes, shoes and blankets to survive harsh Eastern European winters.  Empowerment to our coordinators and the local church to provide emotional and spiritual support.  Opportunities through education. Many of the families we work with have complex, multiple needs and there are often issues such as addiction and domestic violence that need to be addressed.

For years, Bedrie and her three children lived in the shadow of domestic violence and poverty in rural Albania. She has had a number of breakdowns, picked herself up from many falls, but today she sits in the sun outside her local church, secure in the knowledge that she is self-sufficient; she can

provide for her children, her eldest daughter is at university and both of her daughters have recently been baptized. IN BEDRIE’S OWN WORDS

Life has always been difficult here. My husband is an invalid after working in construction and he used to drink and gamble all the time. We had so little, materially, but that was nothing compared to what we went through emotionally. The threat of divorce was constantly with us, and I was so worried about how it affected my children. As they started to grow older, I knew I had to do something to provide for them. We had a small plot of land and I had some knowledge of agriculture, but I had no tools or confidence to do anything with it. One day I spoke to a volunteer at the local church who encouraged me to attend a meeting. When I arrived I felt so nervous and ashamed that I could barely talk to anyone about my problems. But when I saw other women standing up and sharing their stories, I was so touched as they were similar MISSION WITHOUT BORDERS CANADA MAILING: Box 2007, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8 OFFICE: #4-30465 Progressive Way, Abbotsford

to mine. People talked to me and put me at ease. I confessed to my husband that I was taking the children to church and he did not like it at all. I told him we were doing nothing wrong – it took time. After going for a while, we were enrolled in the [Family To Family] program and I received—as well as food supplies—seeds and a hand-held tractor to work our land. Now we grow leek, onion, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, fruit, grapes, apples, pickles and composts during winter. We also sell them locally and earn a bit of money that way. I did everything with my own hands. Life is easier now, but I just want the best for my children and I am happy that the Lord has blessed us. My husband has stopped drinking and gambling – I believe this was an answer to our prayers.

GIVE SOMEONE THE GIFT OF HOPE MWB provides assistance to individuals and families with complex social and emotional needs, in countries where there is little to no “social assistance”. But it’s only possible with the help of our wonderful supporters. Give what you can today, and know that you are helping us to change lives! Thank you so very much.

TOLL FREE 1-800-494-4454 Local (Abbotsford) 604-855-9126 EMAIL WEB

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