Mwb november newsletter

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Operation Winter Rescue November 2014


OUR FIRST “MEET THE MISSION” EVENT Monday, Nov 10 from 7:00-8:30 pm Held at House of James Bookstore 2743 Emerson Street, Abbotsford

Meet our new National Director in person and hear exciting news about present work and future plans for Mission Without Borders Canada. We’d love to meet all sponsors & donors personally, and find out how we can improve your experience with the Mission. Everyone is welcome – bring your family & friends! Enter Our Draw to Win a Gift Certificate for House of James Coffee & Refreshments will be available

Winter is the most difficult season in Eastern Europe more so for this poor Moldovan family living in a small village just south of the capital Chisinau. Both parents experience moments of deep fear and emotional stress when their thoughts run towards the upcoming cold and harsh winter. The mother is 32 years old. When she was two years old, she lost her father and since then, poverty has followed her everywhere. Her husband is 43 years old. He also comes from a poor family. When he was younger he managed to find good work abroad for some years and as a result, in 2000 they were able to buy their own house. It was barely a house at the time, consisting only of walls and a roof but it was their own. Looking toward the future with optimistic eyes they started their family life. For the next 12 years, they worked hard to slowly renovate the house. But as more children were born, the cost of providing for them prevented their being able to upgrade the home. Thus their dream of bringing their house to at least an adequate level was put aside. The parents put caring for the children ahead of fixing up the house.

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Today, all seven members of the family share one room. Their bedroom is multifunctional, used as a living room, bathroom and kitchen. When the children go to bed they see ceiling timbers linked together with clay. When casting a glance at the floor, they see many worn blankets and old carpets. The mother explained all these coverings are because the floor is made of granite and stones and it is very cold for the children. Two of the five children are already in school. The 11 year old is in 4th grade and the 7 year old is in his 1st year of studies. The 5, 3, and 1 year olds stay at home with mother. The parents are at least happy that in these difficult times and considering their poor living conditions, most of their children are healthy. The 3 year old has stomach problems suffering from gastritis. The 7 year old, however, was born with a serious heart problem. He has only three chambers in his heart instead of the normal four. His parents worry, knowing how serious this life threatening condition could be.

“Pavel is a very energetic child. And, as all children are, he wants to run and play games. He is not allowed to get the flu because it will complicate his health problems. That it is why he needs always to be warmly dressed, especially in the cold season,” his mother says. The parents are jobless. It is difficult to imagine how this family survives on their miserable monthly income which consists of the child’s benefit $25 and the 7 year old’s invalidity pension which is about $50. In Moldova in order to survive, the minimum income for a family of seven just for food alone is $142. It is hard to imagine how this family covers all of their needs for seven members with an income of only $75 a month. They are a hard-working family. They raise goats, sheep and hens but all these are for the family’s consumption. They also have a piece of land close to their house where they grow vegetables and a few fruit trees. Because of the dry summer season, they sold eight of their goats, being afraid they won’t have what it needs to feed their livestock. “We feed them little by little as we are able to from our savings. The corn is very expensive on the market. Instead we bought some bran,

P.O. Box 2007, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3T8

“Our children wear the clothes and shoes passed down from one to another.

We sew them, fix them and wear them again. We do not have other possibilities,”

because it is cheaper, but it is not sufficient fodder for our few animals. The corn is better and the goats give more milk,” the father says. Last year they also had about 40 beehives. He was happy to sweeten the life of his family with the honey he produced from these beehives. “This summer we also had a huge loss among the bee families. Out of 40 beehives from last year, this summer we lost 20 of them because of the dry season and because I didn’t have enough money to buy special treatment to help them to survive,” he confessed, with deep sadness in his heart. During the cold and frosty days of last winter, Mission Without Borders came to offer a helpful hand to this family. Through Operation Winter Rescue (OWR), the family benefited from warm clothes and shoes. It was a harsh December day with lots of snow when we made our way to their house. The mother had just finished preparing a dinner of boiled buckwheat with salt. On the walls of the kitchen, one could see the mirror with a layer of ice formed due to the low temperatures. While the mother was preparing food, children’s faces could be seen from the outside at the window. Because of the lack of winter coats for the children, their mother did not allow them to go out and play. She was afraid of them catching colds. “We would like to tell our children that outside it is too cold and we are afraid for them to get the flu. Otherwise they should visit a doctor. They will go outside for sure, but only when the weather is milder. Then, with pity in my heart, I thought that my children will see only mud when the weather will be warmer. At least in such a way, we try to protect our children and keep them healthy, if we are not able to offer them the appropriate winter shoes and jackets,” the mother explained sorrowfully. Closely-knit and having grown up with respect towards God, the five children pray every evening. Sometimes they pray for the winter to become a little milder, for they would like to go outside to play. “As for new winter clothes … we did not have such a thought in our minds. We understand that outside, it is cold and they need warm clothes, but we are not able to buy new winter shoes and coats. Our children wear the clothes and shoes passed down from one to another. We sew them, fix them and wear them again. We do not have other possibilities,” the parents confessed. Noticing the Operation Winter Rescue boxes with all kinds of winter items which they have never had in their house, new and for each of them, the parents and children were thrilled. “It is

a great holiday for us to have new winter shoes and jackets for each of us! I didn’t expect or dream that there would be a day when I will offer to all my children such amazing and needy things for the winter! For the first time my children have NEW clothes and shoes. Today God reached out to us with His good hand. I know He loves us!” the mother enthused. She added, “Thank you very much. Now my family and I will have what to wear in winter. Oh, God, what a jacket! Only in my dreams I had such amazing things for me and my family. Thank you from the depth of our hearts for all these amazing things. Even their colors are so wonderful! I cannot find the words to express enough the joy I have in my soul now!” It is so wonderful to offer the most necessary and timely things to this deserving family. That day will stay for a long time in their hearts and minds, because they felt they were cared for and loved. It’s not too late to help Operation Winter Rescue. Any donation, no matter what amount, is gratefully accepted. A Very Special Christmas Gift to the Children MWB is committed to helping the needy in Eastern Europe for the long term, and we ask you to join us by considering a gift from your estate. Your will represents a final opportunity to express your gratitude to God and your love for Christ for the blessings He has bestowed on you throughout your life. By planning a gift through your will, you are ensuring that you will have an impact on the lives of people in need for the years to come. Please consider a gift for Mission Without Borders in your will. If you would like more information please call us at 604-855-9126 or toll free 1-800-4944454. Sponsor Tours Romania, Ukraine and Moldova Spring 2015 If there is sufficient interest, we will organize tours for late spring in Moldova, Ukraine and/or Romania. Sponsors pay their own airfare and living costs while in country. We arrange the itinerary and act as your tour guides. Call, email or write to let us know of your interest. It would be so special to meet your sponsored children and families, for them and you. Thank you for your continuing support. Blessings

David Inwood National Director

1-800-494-4454 |

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