Mwb will brochure

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WHO IS MISSION WITHOUT BORDERS (MWB)? Mission Without Borders is a 50-year old Christian organization which provides Relief & Development services to 33,000+ children, 9,000+ rural households, and 150,000+ poor urban seniors in Europe’s six poorest, former Communist, countries. With the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, thousands of abandoned and orphaned children, seniors, and rural poor were left with no social net to establish self-sufficiency. As the world’s television cameras moved to other parts of the world, Mission Without Borders remained, building a local network of over 4,000 volunteers and hundreds of local Churches across Eastern Europe.

OUR PARTNERS IN SERVICE: We’re the USA Partner of an 11-country consortium (USA, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa) which serves: Albania, BosniaHerzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and the Ukraine.

OUR MOST POPULAR PROGRAMS ARE: 1. Child Sponsorship: $25 per month supports one needy child in a home or orphanage. This is an ideal commitment for an individual. 2. Family Sponsorship: $100 per month supports one entire family through our F2F Program. The goal is hope and economic selfsustainability. One USA family supports one family in Eastern Europe. 3. Community Centers: $14,460 per year ($1,205/month) supports a complete Churchrun Community Center in one desperatelypoor community. This program is perfect for USA Churches. Through a Community Center, your company or Church can support an entire mission field!


Mission Without Borders, Inc. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6008 Camarillo, CA 93011 Physical Address: 711 E. Daily Dr. Suite 120 Camarillo, CA 93010 Eric M. Floreen, National Director E-mail: Phone: 800 245-9191

Mission Without Borders, Inc. Serving Forgotten People in Forgotten Countries

An Opportunity for Christian Stewardship

An Opportunity for Christian Stewardship The Fruit of Your Labor ... Your Estate is the material representation of your life. It has been accumulated through hard work, careful management, and prudent investment. Your estate plan is the way in which you extend your influence for Christ into the future. Your Christian Will represents a final opportunity to express your gratitude to God and your love for Christ through stewardship of what He has entrusted to your care. A Bequest to Mission Without Borders is a dynamic way to extend your influence for Christ far into the future (and around the world.). We trust that as you make your Will, you will consider making a generous provision for the work of the Lord through Mission Without Borders.

What are the Benefits of Making a Bequest to Mission Without Borders? Tax Advantages: There are significant tax advantages associated with making a bequest to a charitable institution. Providing a gift to MWB in your Will lowers or eliminates Estate taxes that are normally paid to the government. In other words, you can actually choose to give to either the IRS…... or to MWB! Larger Gifts: Remembering Mission Without Borders, Inc. as a beneficiary in your will or trust offers the opportunity to make a more substantial gift than what might be possible during a person’s lifetime. It allows for the preservation of capital during your lifetime, and affords flexibility for future changes should you want to amend your bequests to charity. Lasting Legacy: A Bequest as a great way to leave a lasting legacy to further Kingdom work. A legacy gift to Mission Without Borders made through your Will can literally impact generations of poor in Eastern Europe with the eternal hope of the Gospel.

Four Ways to Remember MWB in your Will ….. Either in your will (or in a will “codicil”), you can chose four ways to give to Mission Without Borders, Inc, by using the sample text below: 1. Make a Specific Dollar Bequest:

“I give, devise, and bequeath $_______ to Mission Without Borders, Inc, PO Box 6008, Camarillo, CA 93011, for its corporate uses and purposes.” 2. Make a Specific Percent Bequest:

“I give, devise, and bequeath ____% of my estate to Mission Without Borders, Inc, PO Box 6008, Camarillo, CA 93011, for its corporate uses and purposes.” 3. Give Remainder of Estate:

“All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, wherever situated, I give, devise, and bequeath to Mission Without Borders, Inc, PO Box 6008, Camarillo, CA 93011, for its corporate uses and purposes.” 4. Make Mission Without Borders, Inc. the Contingent Beneficiary:

“In the event any of my above named beneficiaries have not survived me, I hereby direct their share to be distributed to Mission Without Borders, Inc, PO Box 6008, Camarillo, CA 93011, for its corporate uses and purposes.”

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